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Rogue's Retribution: Twisted Iron MC

Page 13

by Liberty Parker

  “Dad,” Harmony calls out my name, bringing me out of my internal thoughts. “I think she’s waking up. Her eyelashes just fluttered.”

  Pulling myself further up my seat, my ass on the edge, I lean over and grab her hand with mine. “Bella?” I call out her name, hoping and praying that I receive a response from her.

  Rory walks up on her other side and takes her other hand in his own. “Mom? Mom, can you wake up for us now?”

  “Auntie?” Harmony says through heavy, emotionally laced words, “we miss you, please open your eyes.”

  Chapter Eighteen


  Boisterous voices bring me out of the endless darkness. I’ve been trying for what feels like days to get my eyes to cooperate and open, but something is heavy on my lids, keeping them firmly shut.

  “Come on, baby, that’s it, open those beautiful eyes of yours,” I hear Rogue plead.

  Once again, I attempt to get my eyes to comply with my mind's demands. I accomplish getting them to open to a squint, but as soon as the bright sunlight hits my sensitive irises, I quickly close them. “Too bright,” I manage to croak out.

  “Shut those blinds,” I hear him order then my ears pick up the shuffling of feet.

  “Got it, Daddy.” I recognize Harmony’s voice as the light dims. My eyelids no longer see the brightness so I begin to open them again.

  It takes a few tries, but eventually, they comply and open up all the way. “Thirsty,” I rasp out as my dry throat begins to annoy me. My tongue is sticking to the roof of my mouth and feels like I’ve ingested the sand of the Sahara Desert.

  “Hand me that pitcher,” Rogue asks someone, I turn my head and see my son… our son, doing his father’s bidding.

  “Rory,” I hesitantly say, worried that even in my condition my son will once again reject me. I don’t think I can emotionally handle that right now. I’m already a broken mess, not just my body, but my mental well-being is brittle.

  “Mom,” he says my name with compassion, as he assists me in lifting my head as Rogue places the cup gently at my lips. “Slow sips, Mom. I’m gonna have sis go and grab a nurse here shortly so a doctor can come and check on you.” When he says the word ‘sis’ my eyebrows draw up into my hairline. I must be in an alternate universe, or maybe, I’ve died and am in my version of heaven. I quickly look in Rogue’s direction and he has a satisfied cat that ate the canary smile on his face. His dimples are emphasized, which sends a thrill shooting its way through my system. I push the cup away and watch every move of Rogue’s muscles in his arm as he sets it on my tray.

  “Am I dreaming?” I ask the man who owns my heart and soul.

  “No, baby, this isn’t a dream,” he chuckles out as he lifts his finger and swoops a fallen lock of hair out of my face. “But if it is, I’m happy to be joining you.”

  “What’s gotten into you?” I inquire, wondering what all has taken place to get this side of Rogue and Rory.

  “Did I die?” I break down and ask. It’s the only conclusion I can come to that has everyone hovering around me. I was public enemy number one the last my memory can recall. Something drastic had to have taken place to cause everyone to come together and look at me with compassion filling their eyes.

  “No, you didn’t die,” Rogue says with a hitch in his throat. “Let’s just say that I never want to hold you in my arms while you're bleeding again.”

  “That bad, huh?” I ask, my memory not as clear as theirs appears to be. All I can remember is feeling a sharp pain in my side and then blackness consuming me.

  “It wasn’t sunshine and rainbows, Mom,” Rory says with a frown marring his face. “It was my wakeup call. I’m so sorry for taking you for granted and pushing you away.”

  “You had every right to be angry with me, son,” I sob out, not wanting him to believe he was the only one in the wrong. “I made some poor choices which affected you more than what I believed they would. I’ll never be able to apologize enough to you, to either of you.” I swivel my head from one to another, wanting them to see the sincereness of my spoken words.

  “We all make mistakes, Auntie, of course this one was pretty big, but all the same, I’ve done some pretty shitastic stuff that everyone has had to forgive me for,” Harmony announces with a twinkle in her eye as they seek out her father.

  “Shitastic?” Rory rumbles out a roar of laughter, “is that even a word?”

  “If I say it is then it is, little brother,” Harmony states as she reaches over and ruffles the top of Rory’s scalp. His hair is standing on end by the time she’s through. “That’s a nice look for you,” she snickers causing him to narrow his eyes in her direction.

  “It’s gonna be like that, is it?” Rory inquires.

  “I’ve got years to make up for,” she tells him.

  “Just remember, big sister, I too have years of shenanigans that a little brother is entitled to.” The gleam in his look has me turning toward Rogue to see how he’s taking in all of this.

  “Don’t stress, Bella, we can’t always be there to referee them. I say we get them a set of boxing gloves each and let them loose,” he teases.

  “Good idea, Daddy, I’ll show my brother how the big boys roll,” Harmony jests, causing my eyes to widen into saucers.

  “Big sister has jokes,” Rory jabs. “But count me in. Although we’ll have to wait for that baby to be out of your belly.”

  “Okay, why don’t you two go let the peanut gallery know that our queen is awake and give me and your mom some alone time,” Rogue proclaims as he shoos them away with his hands.

  “Still want me to get that nurse?” Harmony questions her father.

  “Too late,” Rory supplies as a nurse comes sashaying in. “We’ll go let the others know what’s going on,” he finishes, placing a hand on his sister's back, ushering her out with him.

  I watch as the nurse puts a set of gloves on before walking up to me. “Awake are we? How ya feeling?” she questions, looking at the machine reading my vitals.

  She must be joking. Certainly, those questions are rhetorical? “Well, it appears I was shot and have been out cold for some time now. I think it’s safe to say that I feel like shit. How do you think I feel?” Agitation consumes me, these questions that are required to be asked are ridiculous and asinine.

  Rogue squeezes my hand. “She’s just doing her job, sweetheart.”

  “Well, you can’t honestly admit that I’m wrong can you?” I shift my gaze at him.

  “No, you’re not, but the faster you answer the questions without being combative, the quicker she can leave us,” he replies, now stroking the top of my hand with his thumb.

  He’s right, I just think this entire process of questioning is ludicrous. “I stand by my first answer,” I let her know.

  “So, on a scale of one to ten, how’s your pain level?” she further inquires.

  “Seven, but don’t even think about giving me anything that will knock me back out,” I inform her. “I know how hospital stays work, and I’ll use my call button when I need you or any meds, please and thank you.” My words come off short and quick, but I really need a moment with Rogue and this woman is prolonging that.

  “Alrighty then. You just let me know what you need. I do have to inform your doctor that you’re awake now, though,” she finishes.

  “That’s fine,” I offer, hoping this will be all for now. She smiles at Rogue before exiting the room. I swear if I had the strength, she’d no longer have any teeth to smile at anyone with.


  Nearly losing Bella brought things into perspective for me. Although I know that more understanding and forgiveness will come over time, personally, I couldn’t imagine living the rest of this life without her being a part of it.

  I feel Bella squeeze my hand. “I know my sins aren’t just going to get swept under the table, and I am okay with that,” she begins, but I don’t want her to think or worry about any of this right now.

  “Stop, please,” I is
sue, “you’re right, but at least I, we, still have you in our lives to muddle our way through this with. Bella, I need you to understand that while I may not ever completely be able to wrap my mind around why you felt the need to hide my son from me, I do believe it when you tell me it wasn’t done with malice. As difficult as it is for me to say, in your mind, you did what you felt was necessary for all involved. Doesn’t make it right or wrong. It does, however, make it a part of the past that we cannot change at this point. I’ve come to the conclusion as I’ve watched you lay here fighting, that there’s not a damn thing I can do now to change it. I can be bitter and angry all I want; those feelings won’t redo the past. Or I can choose to begin now, making all the memories with you and him that I can. And I am consciously making the decision to move forward. Now, I’m not saying or promising that I might not have a bad day or ten in the future, I’m simply asking for you to be understanding of me if and when this happens.”

  Her eyes become glossy as tears well up in them. “That’s all I want, all that I ask. Of course, there’s still the matter of the paternity test. And I think we can both agree that it’s your right to know for certain,” she explains through a now quivering chin.

  With my free hand, I lean down beside, retrieving the manilla file and placing it across her lap. “The proof is right there in black and white.” She opens the folder and I watch her eyes light up at her findings. “If you’re curious as to why there are two I can tell you that when our son showed up in California, Gunner took him under his wing and performed an extensive background check. His suspicions were confirmed when he was able to obtain a DNA sample from me during our last visit there. While that, combined with what my heart already felt to be true when I looked at him; I still needed to go through the process myself. So, as I said, I used my own connections here at the hospital while you were out. Yes, he is my son, my flesh and blood, Bella.”

  The End



  Six Months Later

  Bella is sitting in front of me, naked except for her new cut declaring her officially as my old lady. Her thighs are spread as wide as she can get them as I feast on her pussy. I have her spread out like a buffet on the kitchen table, I’m intensely enjoying this all you can eat menu. “Rogue,” she hisses out as she tosses her head back into the unforgiving block. Even the crack of her head hitting the slab of wood doesn't deter me from enjoying the sweetness of her nectar.

  “Mmmm,” I mumble into her clit as she shifts beneath me. I lift up my arms from their resting place and tackle her hips down, holding them hostage. “You keep squirming and I’ll stop devouring this sumptuous pretty pink cunt of yours.” Lifting up my hand I smack her inner thigh. She moans satisfactorily as I give her an edge of pain with her pleasure.

  “I’ll be good, I swear,” she offers as a way to placate me. I dig back in, bringing her to the edge of her climax before I lift myself up from the chair and begin disrobing my clothing. “Rogue,” she whimpers out my name as I slowly slide my jeans down my hips.

  “Want something, Bella?” I ask her, drawing out the game we love to play in the bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, or whatever room we happen to be inhabiting. No space has been forgotten as we’ve made our way through the house. Our sexcapades know no bounds. I’ll take her wherever and whenever I please. Since we made up, there hasn’t been a day that has passed by that I haven’t been buried inside of her body.

  “I want to taste you,” she admits all while licking her bottom lip. My dick jumps in response from her words and I make my way around to where her head is resting. Taking my finger, I turn her face to where it sits close to my mid-section and lines up with my cock.

  “Open,” I command as I close in on her. As soon as there’s enough room I glide my dick inside of her heated cavern. She draws me into the back of her throat and a moan flows freely from me. Her tongue circles the head then she pulls me back in. With her legs still spread, I reach my hand down and begin playing with her clit. When her hips lift from the table in response, I glide my hand down her slit and insert a finger. Wanting to find that magic explosion inside of her, I add a second finger and find her G-spot. Meticulously, I press on the padding and watch while she skyrockets as she finds her orgasm. She lays limpless on the table, so I reach down and grab the nape of her neck and guide my dick relentlessly in and out of her mouth. When my balls begin to draw up, I remove myself from her and walk back to the part of her that promises sheer utter bliss. Guiding her off the table, I flip her over and plant her frontside on the table. Using my feet, I spread her legs wide and lean my body over hers. “You gonna be my good girl for me and let me do what I wish to your body?”

  “Yes,” she states in a blissful purr. “Take me, Rogue, make me yours.” As I line myself up with her opening, I glance down and a pride of ownership encompasses me as I see her ‘property of’ rocker staring back at me. Like a wild bucking bronco who’s been caged for too long, I enter her in one flush movement. My head hangs as I watch where we are intimately connected, enjoying seeing our combined fluids coating my shaft. The lubrication makes it easier for me to slide in and out of her.

  “I’m not going to just take you, Bella, I’m gonna own every square inch of you,” I advise, adding a swivel of my hips to emphasize my words. I plant myself as deep as I can get before pulling out only to repeat the motion. Periodically, I add the circular motion with my hips. She reacts by sneaking her hand down and pinching her clit occasionally reaching over and playing with my balls. “Get yourself there, Bella. Now!” I holler out as my spine begins to feel the familiar shiver as I get closer to reaching my own climax. Her walls clamp down on me as her breathing begins to escalate while she comes and I feel her juices with my final few thrusts. Her chest heaves as she pushes her hips back into me, meeting me as my release explodes inside of her.


  He picks me up and carries me to the bed, gently laying me down before he joins me. Sated, I lay there as our recent encounter plays on a loop through my mind and I feel a grin tug at the corner of my lips.

  Still breathless, I tell him, “One would think that each time couldn’t possibly be better than the last, yet somehow it always is.” I roll onto my side, wrapping one of my legs in between his.

  “We’re not like everyone else, Bella and I would expect nothing less,” he lets me know, planting a kiss on the side of my temple.

  Looking up at him under the length of my lashes, I express the one thing I’ve been holding in out of fear, “I love you, Rogue. I always have.”

  I watch the hard-shelled man’s expression become soft. “And I love you, Bella. I always will.”

  Watch for our next release to come out 12/20/20. It’s a Christmas Novella featuring Bane and Harlow. It will conclude the original members of Twisted Iron men and women.

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>   Kayce Kyle Follow Links:




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  Liberty Parker Books:

  Rage Ryders MC

  1. Taken By Lies

  2. Taken By Rage

  2.5. Taken By Vegas

  3. Taken By Sadistic

  4. Taken By Chaos

  5. Taken By Temptation

  Rage Ryders Templeton

  Faithfully Devoted

  Forever Yours

  Diva's Ink

  1. Blank Canvas


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