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Order of Truth

Page 15

by Lisa Caviness

  Paul chuckled. “This is classic.”

  Cody stared at the group. Moby averted his eyes as the remainder of the group had wide grins plastered across their faces. Were they a bunch of teenagers playing pranks? This was a Fortune Five Hundred company, and they were paying them big bucks to screw around with people.

  After observing the man dance around, open windows, and turn on fans, Rick told Sher to back off. They witnessed the temperature gauge fall and the air conditioner kick on. The man huffed out a sigh.

  “Okay, good work everyone. The next case study has been emailed to you. We have a huge test coming up.”

  Cody watched Rick saunter back into his office. Seconds later, he rose and stalked down the hall, stopping in front of Rick’s closed office door. He inhaled and knocked on the door.

  “Yep?” Rick opened the door.

  Cody didn’t wait for a further invitation. “Thank you for the opportunity, but I need to move on.”

  Rick closed the door and motioned for Cody to take a seat. “So, you got spooked by our little test.”

  He characterized Cody’s decision to quit as if he were a weak-minded. Rick’s attitude fueled Cody’s anger, but he pushed the emotion away, not wanting to give Rick an ounce of ammunition. “I’ve been thinking of moving on for some time. I’m not sure Dallas is the place for me.”

  Rick sighed. “I’m sorry to hear that our city doesn’t live up to your satisfaction.”

  “In light of the confidential nature of this unit, I will leave immediately.” Cody scooted out of his chair. If they knew anything about him, they would expect him to bristle at the nature of this job. He couldn’t risk not playing along.

  “Ah, just a minute.” Rick picked up his cell phone and appeared to text someone. Seconds later, the door opened and in walked Tally. Sighing, she took the chair next to him.

  “There’s always one who feels like they have a superior moral code.” She smirked.

  “You have a problem, Cody. I can’t let you quit.” With a set jaw, Rick busied himself cuffing the sleeves of his blue dress shirt with precision folds.

  “What do you mean, you can’t let me quit? This isn’t North Korea. I have the free will to determine if I want to continue to work for this company and live in this city.” Cody gambled on the fact that they’d believe he could expose their dirty deeds.

  “And this isn’t communist China either, but when you were drafted into our team, we had high expectations of you. Meaning, we decided your skills are advantageous to the goals of this unit.” Rick glanced at Tally as if for support.

  Cody sat straighter in his chair. The longer he stayed the more uncomfortable he became.

  Tally stood and circled Rick’s desk. She leaned over his computer and tapped on the keyboard. “I think I may have something that will change your mind.” She perched on the desk and flipped the monitor around.

  Cody’s mouth went dry as the screen came to life. Footage of Lila and another woman sitting at a café displayed before him. He leaned forward. “Where did you get this?”

  Tally shrugged. “This was recorded yesterday. Seems your friend, Lila Caldwell, enjoys Cobb salad for lunch.”

  “As you’ve seen, Veridian has the power to inject control in a subject’s life. Lila is an up-and-coming attorney with a bright future. She even serves as outside counsel for Veridian, and we have strict rules about who works for us.”

  Cody continued to stare at Lila on the screen.

  “I wonder what she’d think if the state of Texas suddenly revoked her law license?” Rick crossed his arms. “Or maybe a tragic accident? She works late. Perhaps she meets a shady character in her parking garage. I’m seeing a very violent man. Poor Lila won’t have a chance.”

  “In a matter of minutes, I can dive into the dark web and come away with an assassin willing to take a quick job for a few bucks.” Tally met his gaze, then found the state of her nails required her full attention. “The bottom line is there are any number of scenarios in our arsenal. Of course, it’s all up to you. All you have to do is remain in your job, continue to draw that handsome salary, and kept your damn mouth shut.”

  Cody jumped out of his chair. He balled his fists, the urge to pound Rick’s face rising to a boiling point.

  Rick leaned back in his chair. “The ball is in your court, Cody. See this is a free country and you have the option to walk away. The only problem is your friend, Lila may not fare as well.”

  He employed the last drops of willpower to remain still. “I’ll play it your way.”

  Smiling, Rick nodded. “Excellent move.” He jumped up and slapped him on the back as if they were old friends.

  Rick and Tally can believe they have me by the balls, but they just made a new enemy. Cody wouldn’t stand by and let Lila be threatened and neither would the Alliance. These kinds of strong-arm tactics would appeal to Lance. Now that he’d entered this deadly game of chicken, whoever backed down, lost, and losing could mean the difference between life and death.

  Chapter 20

  Infant wails cut through the quiet of Lance’s private quarters. Slamming down the latest security report, Lance rose and wandered down the hall. The cries grew louder as he approached the three-room suite for mother and baby. Bypassing Delphine’s room, Lance entered through the nursery door. The bright room featured soft blue walls along with wispy clouds painted on the ceiling by a professional artist Lance had commissioned. Antique white furniture trimmed in gold surrounded a circular crib in the center of the room. When Lance employed a decorator for the nursery, his only demand had been to decorate the room as if the baby were a prince. Lance, Junior represented the future. His son was the prince of The Order.

  “Delphine, are you asleep? I can hear the baby down the hall.” Lance smirked as his wife unfolded herself from the sofa and shuffled toward the crib. “Where is the baby’s nurse?”

  “I gave her the morning off. I should be able to take care of my baby without a nurse hovering. Other women do it,” she said in her thick French accent. She glared at him as she collected the fussy infant from the crib.

  With his heart swelling, Lance gazed at his son, currently balling his fists as he wailed. The baby’s face reddened, and his forehead scrunched in consternation about a need which had gone unmet for far too long. A perfect nose, intense brown eyes, and a full head of dark hair, strong Sinclair features, ballooned Lance’s pride.

  “I employed a nurse as a convenience. Forgive me. I thought you’d want rest. Have you forgotten the baby counts on your body for his sustenance?” Lance stalked to the window and stared out at the rear grounds of his southern California estate. The sun sparkled off the blue waters of his enormous pool. The yard, shaded by dense vegetation on the outer perimeter, also served to hide the iron fence around the property. He turned as a new set of cries wailed in tandem with the baby. “What is the matter?”

  Delphine sniffed as she sank into a beige leather rocking chair. Loosening her robe, she guided one of her breasts toward the open-mouthed baby. “I feel so icky. My hair is limp, and my skin has such a haunted appearance.”

  Lance stared at her, then smiled. “You are the best-looking new mother I’ve ever seen.” He sat on a chair opposite her and marveled at the sight of his son feasting on Delphine’s magnificent breast. He figured he might as well receive some pleasure since he’d be forced to keep her around for several more months. “You’re beautiful,” he said in a whispered voice.

  She beamed, then settled back in the chair. A French lullaby floated from her mouth and filled the room. After fifteen minutes, the baby was satiated and had fallen asleep.

  Ignoring her earlier whines, Lance pulled her up and the robe fell open. He wrapped his arms around her and the baby she held. She really didn’t look too bad. Her sexy curves had gone from model thin to Marilyn Monroe bombshell. “Let’s go back to your room.”

  Delphine smiled up at him, her eyes pooling with adoration. “We can’t. Remember the doctor said we ne
eded to wait.”

  He snuggled her neck as the baby continued to sleep. “Smart boy. Even our son approves. You’ve done your duty to him, now do your duty to me.”

  “Lance, darling, you’ve changed my dull mood. Just to see you still desire me makes me feel like my old self.”

  He lifted the baby from her arms and placed him back in the crib. “Then let’s go. We won’t tell the doctor.” He took her hand and led her toward her room.

  She resisted. “My body is still healing. The doctor said six weeks. We’re already down to five. It won’t be long.” She sidled up to him. “There are other things we can do. I’d love to fall asleep in your arms.”

  He pulled off her robe, fondled her breasts then pulled hard on her nipple.

  Delphine shrieked as milk trickled down her chest.

  His blood churned with anger and desire. How dare she tease me. “I’ve got no time for your games.” Leaning in close, he said, “Don’t ever think you have the upper hand.” He picked up the robe and tossed it at her as he exited the room.

  Two hours later, Lance wiped his brow then replaced his sunglasses as he descended the stairs of his private plane. The arid Nevada heat pressed down on him like a heavy woolen blanket. Right now, though, he preferred the uncomfortable weather to Delphine toying with him.

  Casper approached, the sun creating a halo effect around his white-blond hair. He escorted Lance to the waiting SUV.

  “Is everyone here?” Lance slid into the back seat.

  “Yes, sir.” Casper rode shotgun while another guard drove. Twenty minutes later, Lance followed Casper through a back door of a square three-story building north of the Las Vegas Strip. The building contained no markings and anyone passing by might believe it was abandoned. A perfect spot for the day’s activities.

  Lance entered an observation room with a two-way mirror, masking his presence from those on the other side. Rather than sit, he stood gazing at the man strapped to a chair in the middle of a large warehouse-type room.

  Peter Shaw stood back from the man with his arms folded.

  Lance hit a button to connect with Shaw’s earpiece. “You may begin.”

  Shaw nodded and sauntered up to the man. “Barry. Nice to see you again. Now, where was it we saw each other last?” Shaw stared up at the ceiling as if to ponder his question.

  With dull brown eyes, the man glared at Shaw. “Peter, you know damn well you served under me in the Chicago office,” Barry said as his loose jowls jiggled. He didn’t struggle against the binds. Perhaps he understood he’d be quickly overpowered, and his fifty-seven-year-old bones wouldn’t last.

  “That’s right. And you walked around like you lived on a cloud. Now here you are and I’m asking the questions.” Shaw circled like a vulture preparing for the kill. “You aren’t the pristine agent you portrayed yourself to be. I decided to follow in your footsteps and go work for people who pay handsomely for my talents. Who did you work for?”

  Barry focused on some unseen point ahead of him.

  “I’m usually a patient man, but today, not so much.” He nodded to a guard standing in the corner.

  The large man stalked forward and in one quick swoop, punched Barry so hard he fell over in the chair. The guard yanked him up as if picking up pillow.

  Blood streamed from a cut on the side of Barry’s face. “I have grandchildren,” he screamed.

  “If you want to continue to play family patriarch, I suggest you start talking, or I can unleash Zeus here and see if he can convince you.”

  Lance didn’t know the name of the large man, but his impressive muscles might require a promotion to his personal security team. He made a mental note to speak with Shaw about the man, because no one got close to him without a thorough vetting.

  Barry nodded and lowered his head. “I worked for Ivan Sinclair.”

  Shaw walked to the other side of the room, his designer shoes tapping across the concrete floor. He placed a chair off to the side of Barry and sat, crossing his legs. “In what capacity did you work for Ivan?”

  “I was his eyes and ears at the FBI. I alerted Ivan to possible inquiries into him, his close associates or his businesses while diverting attention away from some of Mr. Sinclair’s pursuits that the FBI, or any legal entity, would find questionable.” Barry’s monotone voice filled the room.

  Shaw remained quiet for a few seconds. “Your allegiance was to Ivan Sinclair and not the United States Government. Do I have that clear?”

  “Same as you.”

  Lance observed a slight tensing in Shaw’s body before he relaxed again. “How close were you to Mr. Sinclair?”

  Lance crossed his arms.

  “I met with him at least every few weeks, sometimes more. He consulted me on various legal and professional issues.”

  “What about financial?”

  “Of course.”

  “Are you a member of The Order?”

  Barry squirmed in the chair and shot a worried glance at Zeus. “In order to have that kind of access to Ivan…” He blew out a breath. “Yes, I’m a member of The Order.”

  “Ordo Ortus, Brother.” Shaw held his gaze and allowed his words to linger before he spoke again. “You are aware that the current Grand Commander is Lance Sinclair?”


  “Are you also aware that Mr. Sinclair is the CEO and Board president of Skies International and all its umbrella companies?”

  “Yes, that’s common knowledge.”

  “Then you’ll agree that as CEO, Mr. Sinclair should be aware of important details about the business.”


  “I’m sure you’ll agree that as Grand Commander, Mr. Sinclair should be privy to any and all confidential information related to The Order.”

  Barry swallowed hard. “Yes.”

  Shaw rose and circled Barry. “It’s come to our attention that Russell Sinclair was in possession of a piece of land containing a valuable natural resource. Mr. Sinclair’s grandfather would want Lance to take control of this property. We believe Ivan knew the location. As his right -hand man who, by your own words, had a close relationship with him, we believe you know the location of this valuable land.”

  Barry shook his head. “I don’t know.”

  Shaw leaned in close to Barry. “Yes, you do.”

  “Peter, I would tell you, but I just don’t know.” Barry’s eyes were huge orbs, made even larger when Zeus took a step toward him.

  Shaw removed his suit jacket and with gentle care draped it over the back of his chair. He shook his head as his rolled up the cuffs of his shirt.

  Barry squirmed as he shifted his gaze from Shaw to Zeus.

  Ambling up to Barry, Shaw stared down at the man. Then in one motion he pulled Barry up by his collar. “My patience is on its last leg, Barry. You don’t want to know what I’m capable of when I lose my calm.” He slammed the man back into the chair. “Now, let’s start over. Where is the property, which belongs to Lance Sinclair as the rightful heir?”

  “I - I don’t know.” Perspiration coursed the length of the captive’s face.

  Shaw stalked to a workbench in the corner. He picked up a knife and sauntered toward Barry. “For a man in the intelligence business, you don’t know much.” Shaw stepped aside as the huge man deposited a wooden crate in front of Barry.

  In a quick move, Zeus grabbed Barry’s hands and bound them with duct tape to the crate.

  Barry’s eyes were huge, and his breathing came in short gasps.

  Shaw narrowed his eyes, then swooped in and chopped off the index finger of Barry’s left hand.

  The man screams reverberated off the concrete walls.

  “As an Order member you know how penance works. Now that I have your attention, where is the location?” Shaw bent over him.

  Barry’s head hung to the side as blood spurted from what was left of his finger. “I don’t know.”

  In one exaggerated action, Shaw dropped the knife and slid a gun from his hols
ter. He trained it on Barry. “Are you ready to answer my question? Where is the property that rightfully belongs to Lance?” He pushed the butt of the gun against Barry’s temple.

  Lance didn’t think Barry’s eyes could get any wider. Without taking his gaze off the scene in front of him, Lance signaled Casper for a bottle of his approved water. Seconds later, Casper handed him the bottle wrapped in a thin gold cloth. Lance took a sip and waited.

  “I’m not going to ask again.” Shaw’s voice was barely a whisper.

  Barry hesitated.

  The sound of the gunshot boomed throughout the room. Even the mirror rattled.

  Barry screamed as blood poured from the gunshot wound in his leg. “All right! No more!” He panted and grimaced. “I don’t know the location. That’s a fact.” He inhaled. “But all I know is there is an emerald mine, worth billions. I briefly saw a note, written by Ivan or someone close to Ivan. I’m not sure which. The note said the girl is the key.”

  Shaw paced. “What girl and why is she the key?”

  “The girl has some kind of document or item that will lead to the location.”

  “Again, I ask, what girl?” Shaw’s voice was loud and demanding.

  Barry lowered his head and closed his eyes. “The young girl with the tattoo.”

  Lance set the water on the ledge and inhaled. So, Lila was once again at the center of the puzzle. Thinking back to the scene at the Colorado mine several years ago, Lance recalled Lila’s shock as he’d killed her mother. And moments later, Ivan’s smug expression when he’d assumed his brief role as Grand Commander and had gained accessed to the millions of dollars in treasures unlocked in that mine. If what Barry said was true, this emerald mine would dwarf the payout from Russell’s last hidden treasure.

  Lila is the key.

  Lance crossed his arms. Now, he had yet another reason to deal with her. He would not allow this little bitch to destroy his world.


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