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Order of Truth

Page 29

by Lisa Caviness

  “Could the plane be registered to anyone else?” Angie pulled a clear tumbler from her backpack. She sipped a bright orange-colored concoction.

  “I don’t know. Check Pia and Ivan Sinclair, even Carson, under her birth name Sloane. Ivan is dead but might as well throw him in the mix. Just to cover all bases.” Cody stared at the computer screen. There had to be something more he could do.

  “Hold on. Here’s a light jet registered to a Hilary Foster. The only reason I bring this up is the address matches the PO Box listed for Stonegate.”

  Cody scratched his head. “Hilary was at the meeting with Lila and Robert Gumfrey earlier today.”

  Almost in an instant, Angie flipped her monitor to face Cody. “She look familiar?”

  Cody stared at a photo taken at the Veridian charity ball. A woman dressed in red sat at one of the VIP tables. Hilary grinned as she leaned close to Veridian executives and another HTP attorney, Steve Dorman. “Steve Dorman. That’s the guy Lila introduced me to. He was found dead at HTP a few days ago.”

  “What does Hilary Foster have to do with Stonegate?” Reid popped the tab on a can of Coke. “I’ll call Adam. He’ll search the FBI databases.”

  “I found the plane.” Angie pointed to a small depiction of a plane sitting on an amoeba shaped island. “The jet flew to Miami. It was on the ground approximately an hour before heading southeast and landing on an island in Columbia.”

  Using the plane’s coordinates, Cody searched for the location. “I see an island, but I can’t find any other information.” He sat back in his chair. “I’m going in through Veridian. Might as well use all their resources for something good.”

  “Mask yourself online,” Angie warned as she turned back to her own computer.

  “Will do.” Minutes later, Cody pumped his fist. “That’s it. Palmarius Island. Owned by Stonegate. Palmarius Island is about twelve nautical miles off the coast of Columbia. From satellite images, the island looks to contain at least three structures. One belongs to the mining operation and the other two appeared to be private residences.”

  “I’ve got a live feed. This Hilary woman made a fatal mistake. She turned on her phone. I hacked into her device.” Angie pointed to her screen. “We’re seeing through her phone’s camera. She’s leaving the airport.”

  Reid leaned over her shoulder. “There’s a street sign. The Stonegate Mine is five kilometers away from Hilary’s location.”

  Cody who stood next to Reid, watched as the screen went black. “She turned off her phone, but we got what we needed.”

  Angie tapped at her keyboard. “Here’s the mine.” Images of men carrying raw, uncut emeralds occupied her computer screen.”

  “Great work. Get as much information as possible,” Adam said.

  Returning to his laptop Cody switched to another screen. “Wait! I found another plane. This one is registered to Skies International and is out West.” As he stared at the tiny blip on the screen, he turned when another beep pulled away his attention. Cody stared at data suddenly coming in from Lila’s tracking device, which matched the plane’s location. His heart pounded. “Lila is at Blue Vista in Colorado.”

  Chapter 39

  The Colorado mountains were always a source of inspiration. As Lance stood at the window of what once was his father’s office, he recalled the moments before Ivan’s death. Lance smiled as his mind replayed the shocked expression on Ivan’s face, seconds before he plummeted from the airplane. His father had underestimated him. Now, Lance stood on the summit with ultimate power coursing through his veins.

  Lance crossed the room. Sitting behind Ivan’s desk hadn’t evoked a single emotion, other than victory. His father had been weak—too weak to lead The Order. Sure, he’d been a decent businessman, but commanding The Order to new heights of wealth and power would take more than slightly above-average business skills. The new era of The Order had to be led by a man willing to make tough decisions. Willing to kill those standing in the way. Even if it meant those who shared his DNA.

  Lance hadn’t been back to Blue Vista, his father’s Colorado estate and the location where he conducted US operations, in many years. He thought the location appropriate to bring Lila. After all, he’d killed her mother here. Seemed fitting he’d kill her here, as well.

  The desk phone chirped. He’d given instructions not to be disturbed so this had better be important. Lance pressed a button.

  “Sir, Mr. Shaw is on the line for you. He says it’s important.” one of his personal guards said.

  “Put him through.” Lance folded his hands on the desk.

  “Lance, I have news. We performed a thorough sweep of the Dickerson house. We found a document indicating Edgar, that’s the old woman’s husband, was to deliver a package to Lila. The paper appears to be a copy. The person who initiated that exchange is someone at HTP.”

  “Anything on the sweeps of the Jennings and Beak homes?” Lance stood and ambled to the bookshelves to the right of the desk.

  “We found the same document in the Jennings’ house but Beak’s house was clear.”

  “Do you have a name of the person at HTP?”

  “Not yet. We’re still tracking down the information,” Shaw said.

  “Get me those documents.” Energy surged within Lance. He was close. “What do we know about the death of Steve Dorman?”

  “My sources indicate he died of multiple stab wounds. Someone at HTP has a secret. If we’re dealing with a defector, we need to plug the hole ASAP before something more critical is unleashed,” Shaw said.

  “I’ll handle this one. How are our newest visitors?”

  “We scooped them all up at the house before we torched it. As you saw on the video feed, they are under heavy guard. We caught an older man watching the house. We gave chase and one of our guys caught up to him. Turns out the old man was stronger than he looked. He got away, but our sources indicate he may be a private investigator by the name, Jeb Barker. He’s a friend of Cody Green’s.”

  “Find Barker and kill him. I want no loose ends.” Lance slammed down the phone. He longed to end all this and kill Lila and her family, but he needed his cousin to find the location of the island mine. After he had the information, he no longer had use for her. In fact, he’d already instructed Shaw to place hits on every member of their so-called Alliance. The Grand Commander of The Order would not be defeated.

  Lance drew out his personal cell and jammed his forefinger on one of the buttons to connect with the head of his personal detail. “Have my jet ready within the hour. I’m going to Dallas.” He would take care of the HTP issue himself.

  Chapter 40

  Cody drove one of the two SUV’s. One the way to the executive airport, his cell buzzed. After reading the screen, Cody punched the phone to connect. “Jeb.”

  “I have some news. Can I meet you?” Jeb said, his voice hurried.

  Cody pinched his eyebrows together. “Meet me at the executive airport.”

  Ten minutes later inside an airport hangar, Reid ran through last minute checks of a private jet while the others checked their gear.

  Justin and Marissa rushed into the hangar and Carson gave them a brief update.

  Adam shoved his phone into his pocket and turned to the group. “Dan Caldwell’s restaurant is a complete loss. The good news is no fatalities. Same as the Caldwell house. Still no sighting of any members of Lila’s family. Also, Willa Dickerson’s daughter contacted the Dallas PD. Her mother is missing.”

  “Lance.” Carson whispered and clutched Adam’s hand.

  “All I need is five minutes alone with him.” Cody stalked the length of the hangar. He stopped as a car he recognized as Jeb’s, pulled up to the open bay. “He’s okay,” Cody said holding out his hand as several members pulled their weapons. When Jeb limped closer, Cody stepped back as he took a second look at his friend. “What the hell happened?” Dried blood dotted Jeb’s face, his left eye had swollen, and Cody spotted several bruises on his arms.

  “I ran into your friends. I’m okay.” He waved a hand through the air. “I have some information you’ll find interesting.” Jeb sank onto a bench near the wall.

  “Some of you may remember Jeb Barker. He’s close friend and private investigator. We can trust him.” Cody nodded.

  “I got roughed up some, but it looks worse than it is.” He shifted in his seat. “After Lila went missing, Cody asked me to check on her family. As I pulled up to the house, I saw a truck in the drive. At first, I didn’t think anything of it, but when four men with guns got out, I knew it was trouble. A few minutes later, I saw flames inside the house and the family being herded into the van. Before I could do anything, a mountain of a guy dragged me out of the car. I got in a couple of punches,” Jeb pointed to his face, “and so did he. Thanks to the neighborhood security guard, the fight didn’t last long. I’m still kicking myself that I couldn’t grab my gun.” Jeb wiped the sweat from his face with a small handkerchief he fished from his pocket. “Unfortunately, the van with the Caldwells took off. I managed to get a partial plate.”

  “Let me guess, it was stolen,” Adam said.

  Jeb nodded. “I had a buddy at DPD confirm that the van had been reported stolen two days ago. The van’s owner also reported that his security cameras recorded the heist. According to him at least one of the culprits had a jacket patch that said Skies International.”

  Cody blew out a breath. “It’s definitely Lance. Any ideas where he took them?”

  Justin wrapped a protective arm around Marissa. “Maybe we’ll get lucky and Lila and her family are together in Colorado.”

  “Maybe.” Adam said.

  “Thanks, Jeb. I appreciate what you’ve done.” Cody said.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” Justin said. “If you feel weird in any way, let me know.”

  “Will do.” He stood. “Let me know if there is anything else I can do to help find Lila and her family.”

  Adam approached Jeb. “Cody has told us a lot about you. Thanks for your help. We could use some extra muscle.”

  Jeb straightened, his eyes bright. “Wherever you need me.”

  Seconds later, another small jet taxied into the hangar. Four men exited. An older man with a white Navy ball cap Cody recognized as Oscar, Reid’s former flight instructor. Oscar had been their pilot when they were on another life-and-death jaunt thanks to The Order. A large muscular man everyone called Bobsled, who’d also accompanied them on other Order missions, exited the plane, as well. Following Bobsled was a man with a noticeable limp whom Cody recognized as Gabe. Like Bobsled, Gabe had a military background. He’d lost a leg in combat, but his prosthesis didn’t slow him down. The last man to deplane shocked Cody.

  “Is that who I think it is?” Carson squinted. “Evan?”

  Reid stared in the direction of the men. “I recruited more help.”

  “Carson, it’s good to see you again. I’m here to help.” Evan removed his white baseball cap emblazoned with the Red Sox logo.

  Cody had met Evan a few times while he lived in Boston. He had a crush on Carson but had tamped down his feelings when she and Adam got serious. Evan worked for an IT company in Boston and had a knack for tracking people.

  Carson nodded. “We need all the help we can get. Thanks for coming, Evan.”

  Cody turned to Oscar, Gabe, and Bobsled. “Good to see you all.”

  Reid stood in the middle of the group. “We’ve been preparing for this for some time. Our plans are in place and we all know what to do. Don’t take any chances. I don’t have to tell any of you how dangerous Lance and his people are. Stay safe.” He turned to Jed. “Marissa, Holly, and Gabe will brief you on the flight. Bobsled is coming with us.”

  Reid and Justin hugged and kissed their wives.

  “Let’s meet on a secured call tonight,” Reid said.

  Gabe nodded and clapped Reid’s back. “I’ll keep them safe.” He turned and lumbered toward the plane.

  Cody hugged Marissa and Holly before the women trailed Oscar and Gabe to the other plane. Swallowing a lump in his throat, he climbed the stairs to Reid’s plane. He prayed they weren’t too late.

  Chapter 41

  Lila had no idea how long she lay in the corner of the cell. Her body, numb and still, curled into itself. Fog clouded her mind as if her thoughts waded through swampy waters. She lifted a heavy arm to wipe her face, suddenly realizing she’d been crying. The moisture on her hand was the only sign she still functioned.

  Willa’s words played in her mind. Be dauntless.

  How could she? Willa’s fate had rested in her hands and she’d died. Would her family’s fate take a similar path? If she’d had the information Lance wanted, would Willa still be alive? Her mind scanned several scenarios as if she were a computer program and each sketch ended in Willa’s death. Could she trust her conclusions? She shifted so that Willa’s body moved out her field of vision. A second later, she forced herself to turn back. It was her fault the woman lay in a lifeless heap the least she could do was face her. “I’m sorry.” Sobs shook her body and her vision blinded with tears. Her soul, speared with grief, had to endure. At least for Willa’s sake.

  Be dauntless.

  How? How was she supposed to get herself out of this cell? How was she supposed to save her family? If Lance came for her family, he’d certainly come for the others. But Cody wouldn’t stop until he found her. The thought of him lifeless like Willa or her father, Patty, or her siblings cut through the muck. She had to fight.

  She added Willa’s death to her long, sad list of memories to fuel her rage. Death and the fear of death of those she cared most for had to provide the ammunition to defeat Lance and The Order.

  First, she needed to get out of this cell. She focused on the black orb watching over her. “Hey!” She waved her arms and waited for them to come.

  Reid angled out of the clouds and moments later, he skated the aircraft on to the runway of the small airport twenty miles outside of Denver.

  Before the plane came to a stop, Cody jumped up, ready to burst out the door.

  Adam placed a hand on his arm. “Calm down. We don’t want to make mistakes by being too antsy.” His expression softened. “I’ve been where you are. She’s in your skin and you want rip to shreds anyone who touches her.”

  Cody inhaled and placed his hands on his hips. “I hurt her once, but we’re finding our way back. I can’t lose her again.”

  Carson stood. “We’re getting her back alive. I won’t accept any other conclusion.”

  Reid exited the cockpit. “Oscar just radioed. They will be on the ground in Los Angeles in about an hour.” He met Justin’s gaze. “I have full faith Gabe and Jeb will keep them safe.”

  Bobsled nodded as he stood. “Neither Gabe nor I take too kindly to people messing with one of ours.”

  Reid turned to Evan and Angie. “Bobsled and Gabe have been along on this ride since the beginning.”

  “The Order killed our friend and fellow soldier, Cas, so they have as much skin in the game as any of us. We don’t leave anyone behind.” Justin picked up his phone.

  “I’ve already texted Marissa and Holly reminders not take any chances,” Reid said as Justin nodded but sent off a quick text anyway. “We’ll review everything on our way.”

  The group split up into two vans as they sped toward Blue Vista. Adam drove one of the vans with Reid, Cody, Carson and Bobsled inside. Justin operated the other van with Evan and Angie, their eyes glued to their laptops while they worked.

  Climbing higher along the mountain roads, Cody stared at the gray sky merging with the white-tipped peaks. Blue Vista, Ivan’s Colorado estate, sat below them. Ivan had a fear of heights, which Cody found ironic given the man died when his son tossed him out of an airborne plane, so he constructed his estate in the gap between two mountains. Cody stared at the twisting mountain road as they climbed higher to enter the back of the estate. Images of the scene inside the Babylon Hall tunnels slammed into his thoughts. He s
tiffened as he recalled in the midst of bullets flying, Lila had been thrown in a van and spirited away.

  “…are you listening, man?” Adam asked.

  In the back seat, Cody swallowed. “What were you saying?”

  Reid shot him a worried glace from the front passenger seat. “Are you sure you’re up for this?”

  “Absolutely. I have to get her out of there.” Cody checked his weapon. Over the years, they’d stockpiled supplies for an operation like this, but Cody hoped the situation would never arise.

  Minutes from Blue Vista, Adam and Justin parked the vans on the side of the road as everyone checked their two-way radios.

  Evan pointed to his screen. “I’ll have the way clear as soon as you get there but wait for me to give the go-ahead.”

  “Have the packages been received?” Cody asked Angie.

  With her laptop on the seat, she turned and studied the screen. Smiling, she said, “Hope this mansion has good plumbing. The target will be shitting bricks any moment now.”

  “Fantastic.” Cody wanted Lance’s world disrupted with as much disorder as possible.

  As evening settled in, Cody could make out a few clouds dotting the dark sky. He hoped the darkness would provide adequate cover. The chill in the late-summer Colorado air, energized him. He zipped his jacket, ready to attack. Flexing and unflexing his fists, Cody paced back and forth. Lila had been missing for over twenty-four hours. He stared at the expansive house. Hold on, Lila. We’re coming.

  “We’re fifteen minutes out.” Reid strapped on his backpack and turned to Cody. “We are not going in guns blazing. We all understand what you’re feeling but put it on ice. We have to play this smart.”

  Cody nodded. “I’m cool.”

  Carson squeezed his arm as she moved next to Adam.

  They left Justin to guard Evan and Angie in the other van still parked on the side of the mountain road. Adam wanted Carson to stay behind, but she insisted on coming with them. She’d lived in the house and knew the layout inside and out so the decision for her to accompany them made sense.


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