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Order of Truth

Page 33

by Lisa Caviness

  “I’m officially impressed.” She pulled her hood tighter. “How much farther?”

  “It’s due south. But I think we should stop. The rain and fog make it too dangerous to continue. We can’t risk another near fall.” He circled the area and then pointed. “This is a good spot to set up camp for the night.”

  “Here?” Lila glanced up at the darkening sky, made darker with the clouds and trees.

  “Yeah.” He set his backpack down and pulled out supplies.

  After they assembled the tent, Cody turned on the radio. “We need to stop for the night. The weather conditions are too risky.”

  “You guys gonna be okay for the night?” The concern in Adam’s voice came through the radio.

  “We’ll be fine.” Lila wasn’t sure she agreed, but she didn’t want her friends to worry even more. “What’s the status of Operation Chaos?”

  “I spoke to the reporters we’d targeted and sent them the data, plus informed whoever would listen that your family is missing. The articles are set to run tomorrow,” Carson said.

  Cody’s eye lit up. “Once we have the will and Lance’s dirty deeds are exposed to the world tomorrow, we might have the upper hand. If anything happens to the Caldwells, Lance will have to be investigated, no matter who he has working for him.”

  Lila’s heart knocked inside her chest. She wouldn’t allow herself to think this tactic could fail.

  “Stay safe,” Reid said.

  Lance glanced at the surroundings. For the first time she considered just how dark the rainforest was. There would be no light.

  “I wish I could make a fire. Through our limited surveillance there doesn’t appear to be patrols through the rainforest, but we can’t risk detection.” Cody pulled out a lantern and in the dim light, motioned for her to sit next to him.

  Her gaze swept across the dark trees which took on the appearance of black-clothed faceless men with branches for arms wielding long swords. She scooted onto the blankets. Cody’s familiar scent, a mixture of light sweat and his spicy deodorant, caught her attention and worked to calm her anxiety. She shifted closer as a cacophony of forest sounds exploded around them.

  “We’ll be fine. I’m sure the animals will stay away.” Cody grinned as he opened a thermos of hot noodles. He handed her a thermos, then opened another.

  Lila reached for a fork and stirred the noodles, the savory aroma waking her empty stomach. “How did you know I was concerned about animals?”

  “You’re snuggling. You don’t snuggle.” He shoved a forkful into his mouth.

  “I can snuggle.” She held her fork in midair. “I’ll admit it crossed my mind. What about snakes?” Her voice rose as chirping and buzzing echoed in the background.

  “We’re good.” Cody continued to eat.

  His nonchalance annoyed her. “We are in the wilderness. I did some research. There are probably jaguars, poison frogs, caimans—those crocodile-like animals—and all kinds of venomous snakes and spiders.” She lowered her voice. “Maybe even anacondas.” Despite the humidity of the rain-drenched forest, Lila shivered. “Whatever is out there probably doesn’t like visitors and may be very hungry.”

  “Just keep your distance and don’t provoke them and you’ll be fine.”

  “Not helpful.” Lila poked her fork into the noodles. Surprised they were actually good, she speared more on her fork.

  “I did some research, too. I studied the topography, the trail to the cabin, and the animals likely to live here. I won’t let anything happen to you.” He placed his thermos on the blanket and turned. Cupping her face, he stroked her cheeks. “We’re going to survive this, then go back to Dallas. I promise.” He leaned in and kissed her then dug into his backpack and presented her with a canister of pepper spray.

  She smiled. “Thanks.”

  After they finished their meal and they hadn’t been attacked by rabid animals with a taste for humans, Lila relaxed more.

  Cody gave her a smile. “For the record, I think you’re handling this like a champ. I know you’re out of your mind with worry about your family. Lance is going to be rocked by our move.”

  “I keep telling myself that this will be over soon, and we’ll have my family all back safely but then I remember what Lance did to Willa and…”

  He covered her hand. “I’m sorry about Willa.”

  Lila hadn’t expected to talk about the woman. “Willa was…she was special. She didn’t deserve to die. She brought my memories to life. So much of my childhood was lost in my mind. I guess I chose not to remember.”

  “I’m glad you were able to get some of your questions answered.”

  “Those memories are difficult, but I feel better having a full account of what happened.” She folded her hands in her lap. “Everything boils down to power and money. If we don’t stop Lance, we know the cycle will continue, possibly with his son.” She glanced at Cody. “I feel sorry for that baby and Lance’s wife.”

  “We’ll stop him. But we need to be careful doing it.”

  Lila stared at the lantern’s bluish glow. “How many more people have to die?”

  Cody pulled her close and kissed the top of her head. “For now, look up.”

  She shifted her head and through a clearing, she saw an explosion of stars fanned out before them. “Wow. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that many stars.”

  Cody stretched out on the blanket and pulled her down next to him. “See that one. It’s the Southern Cross, or the Crux Constellation.”

  With her head on his shoulder, she snuggled closer. “Tell me more.”

  “The Southern Cross can only be seen in the Southern Hemisphere and because the long bar of the cross point to the south pole, the constellation is used as a navigation tool.” He pointed. “The four stars of the cross are Acrux, Becrux, Gacrux, and Delta Crucix. There is actually a fifth star but it’s hard to see.”

  “Beautiful. So serene.” She shifted her gaze to him. “Cody, I care so much about you.”

  He angled toward her and took her face in his hands. Shifting a strand of hair from her face, he kissed her.

  Lila responded to his kiss with enthusiasm. Memories of kissing Cody had never left her, but this kiss held new meaning.

  Cody pulled back. He took their bowls and utensils, rinsed them with water, and put them inside a drawstring bag. He strung the bag up on a nearby tree away from their tent and grabbed the lantern. He returned to her and took her hand and pulled her inside the tent. He flipped open a flap in the tent’s ceiling, revealing a mass of bright stars twinkling down on them. “Now, we won’t be in the dark.” He unrolled their sleeping bags.

  Lila smiled, and tears trickled down her face. Cody was always thinking of her.

  Cody kissed her, and they lowered on top of the blanket.

  “You are so beautiful. I’d die trying to part the seas for you. Don’t ever forget that.”

  Lila’s heart soared. Under the twinkling stars, she found a new home in Cody’s arms.

  Chapter 48

  The next morning, Cody woke with a smile and Lila in his arms. The earthy aroma of the forest mixed with her familiar vanilla scent spiked his libido. He tamped down his passion and tapped her arm. “Hey, sleepyhead.” She stirred. Cody had never seen anything as beautiful as Lila at this moment. He pulled her naked body into a spooning position and cupped her breasts in his hands.

  “Wow, I like this alarm clock.” Lila tossed a sexy smile over her shoulder.

  He kissed her neck and groaned. “I don’t want to move.”

  “Me either but we’ve got to get to the house and get off this island.” She sighed and flipped over on her back. “Why is there always a have-to?”

  “One day, I’m going to take you on a trip. We’ll go anywhere you want.” He shifted and leaned over her.

  She placed a finger at her chin. “Hmm. I always wanted to go to Singapore.”

  “Singapore? Why?”

  “All the pictures. The city seems to be a mysteri
ous and energetic place with lots of beauty and history.”

  “Done. We’re going.”

  “Okay, Mr. Moneybags. That’s an expensive vacation.” She toyed with his pectoral muscles and for a second, he forgot the topic of conversation.

  “I minored in finance. Remember when I put money in Bitcoin?”

  She nodded, her eyes lighting up. “It paid off?”

  “Yep. Big. So, we can afford a trip to Singapore.” He ran his thumb along her jawline. “I’ll do anything to keep that beautiful smile on your face.”

  “Thank you. But more than anything I just want you and everyone to be safe.” She stared at his chest. “You said we can afford Singapore. Are we a we?”

  “I hope so, especially after last night.”

  “I like that.” She planted a quick kiss on his lips then jumped up.

  After breaking down camp, they both turned on their communication devices.

  “We’re leaving camp and heading toward the cabin. Anything we need to know?” Cody said.

  “All is quiet in your sector,” Reid said. “The ferry will be coming into dock soon with the morning shift, but we don’t have any threats coming your way.”

  “Any news on my family?” Lila asked.

  “We tracked a Skies International plane from Oklahoma to an area in southern Florida. We’ll know more later today,” Reid said.

  “Please let me know something as soon as you can.”

  Cody glanced over his shoulder, making a mental picture of what had become their special spot.

  Lila also glanced back. “I wish I could take a photo, but I know we can’t risk turning on our phones right now.”

  “It’s nice to know we’re both sentimental saps.” He nudged her elbow then took her hand.

  She smiled as they started their trek toward the cabin.

  Thirty minutes later, they entered a clearing, arriving at another waterfall. Cody peered over the rocky edge, catching a rainbow above the two-hundred-foot drop. Trees and vegetation bordered the plummeting water.

  As they searched for the best route over the water, they came upon a different clearing. Cody paused. “Did you hear something?” His intuition prodded him.

  “No, why?” Lila asked. Her eyes were wide.

  “I don’t know. Maybe it’s nothing.” He shifted his gaze upward. A bird with a severely pointed beak that he recognized as a kingfisher, lifted off a branch, its blued-hued wings fanning outward. He remained quiet, listening for something else. Then the unmistakable sound of helicopter rotors flapped in the distance. “Someone is coming.”

  He pulled Lila back and attempted to push them toward the tree line but before he could something splintered into a tree.


  Cody pulled her to the ground as bullets peppered down. A yellow helicopter hovered above them with a gun-toting man firing from aircraft’s skids. Cody covered her as best he could. If they didn’t get to the forest, they’d both be killed.

  “Stay down!” Cody pulled his gun from his holster as bullets slammed into the ground inches from them. He lifted and fired. “We are under attack!” he said into the radio.

  The helicopter pulled up and shifted, dodging his bullets then returned.

  No way he could hold off the barrage of bullets.

  “We’re trying to get to you, but our boat is forty minutes out,” Reid said.

  Lila wiggled. “My gun!”

  Before Lila reached for her weapon, she screamed as a round of bullets rained down in front of them.

  A second helicopter arrived spraying more bullets.

  They ran in the only clear direction, which moved them back toward the waterfall.

  “They’re trapping us!” Lila screamed.

  Cody swept the scene. He spotted another way out. “Lila. Move with me. A land bridge is up ahead. We missed it earlier because of the heavy vegetation. If we get across and into the woods on the other side, we might have a chance.”

  She nodded.

  The second the men stopped shooting from the helicopter, they ran for a large tree which was yards from the land bridge. Just as they reached the tree, they dodged for cover as more bullets rained down.

  Panting, Cody pulled her tight against him. “I’ll try to cover you. When I say go, run as fast as you can. Keep running. I’ll catch up.”

  Stunned eyes stared back at him. “We should stay together.”

  “We’ll never make it. If I occupy them, you can get across. I’ll be fine.” Although true they were dealing with one less shooter on their side, Cody’s hopes for escaping unscathed were fading.

  She hesitated, then nodded. “I’ll get to the other side and start firing.”

  “No, keep running. Don’t worry.” He glanced up. Based on his estimation, the shooter would have to change magazines soon. “I’ll be right behind you.” He returned her gaze. “I love you. Go!”

  As Lila raced away from the trees, Cody aimed at the helicopter and fired. The shooter reengaged. Bullets slammed into trees and bushes all around him. He chanced a look and spotted Lila reaching the land bridge. He prayed the earth would hold her. Turning his attention back to the helicopter, he continued to fire. Then fear froze in his gut as the shooter began firing at Lila, now halfway to the other side. Making a quick decision, he stepped out from behind the tree and aimed at the shooter, drawing his attention away from her.

  Bullets nudged him closer to the edge of the cliff. He shot a brief glance at the fifty-foot drop. “Run, Lila!” He yelled, urging her away from danger. His chest tightened as he implored her to move faster. He couldn’t lose her. “Stay away from her!” He fired off more shots. Then a bullet pierced his arm and he stumbled. His gaze locked onto Lila’s for a second before he tumbled over the edge.

  Chapter 49

  Reaching the other side of the falls, Lila turned. She aimed her weapon, but just as she fired, she screamed when a bullet smashed into Cody. He stumbled back. Her world stilled as Cody plummeted off the edge.


  She emptied her gun as the helicopter rose higher and fluttered out of sight. Her weapon thudded to the ground, and her vision narrowed. Lila raced to the cliff’s edge and peered down. Mist from the nearby falls mixed with tears, impeding her vision.

  “Cody! Cody!”

  Her screams were met only with the roar of the falls. She had no idea how deep the water was, but she had to get down to bottom of the fall’s rocky edge. Could he have survived? She sunk to the ground as sobs wracked her body.

  What seemed like faraway voices shouted at her. “Lila! Run!”

  She couldn’t pull her focus from the falls as her heart plummeted over and over just like the water rushing over the cliff.

  The chop chop of helicopter blades jolted her away from the edge followed by more screams in her earpiece.

  “Lila are you there?” Reid’s voice, full of concern, streamed into her ear.

  “I’m here.” She wiped her face as the shock of her situation settled. “Cody went over.” She refused to think anything worse than that.

  Then she spotted a couple of men rappelling from the hovering aircraft.

  Keep running.

  Cody’s words echoed in her mind. The mantra of her life burrowed into her body like a field tick embedding in her skin.

  “We spotted the helicopters. Get out of there! Now!”

  If there was an iota of a chance Cody had survived, she had to try.

  With one last glance at the gushing water, she rose, scooped up her gun, and raced away from the scene. She passed trees and bushes which bore the results of the gun battle moments earlier. One man had rappelled from the helicopter on the other side of the falls and there could be more.

  Her heart hadn’t stopped beating in staccato rhythm.

  “I have to find Cody.” Lila spoke more to herself than to the Alliance members monitoring the situation from a boat off the island’s coast.

  “No, Lila. Keep moving away. We’re tracking yo
u,” Carson’s voice echoed in her earpiece. “We’re working on a way to get to you without starting a shootout. Hold on.”

  Please be all right. Cody’s face before he plummeted off the cliff dominated her thoughts. Please be all right. The phrase played on a loop in her head as she raced through the forest. She slowed and leaned against a tree as her breath erupted in raspy gasps. Seconds elapsed then she straightened and angled back toward the falls.

  “What are you doing, Lila?” This time the voice belonged to Holly.

  “If he’s hurt, I can’t leave him.”

  “Okay, honey. The shooters are…” A crackle in her earpiece cut off Holly’s voice. Lila prayed interference caused the outage and not an attack. When she reached an area with a manageable slope, she skidded down the incline, falling on her butt most of the way. At the bottom, she popped up, yet her shoes slid on the rocky moss-covered bank. She scanned the water, which appeared deeper than she’d imagined.

  She listened for signs of him, her breath held. She ran several yards down the bank, mud caking her on shoes. Part of her breathed relief that she didn’t come across his body, while the other part panicked that she hadn’t found him.

  Maybe he survived and was looking for her. She opened her backpack and stared at the phone. If she turned on the phone her location could be compromised. Cody had warned her to use the phone only in an emergency. Her finger hovered over the ON button. What if I inadvertently expose Cody as they are tracking my signal? As Lila paced mud squished beneath her feet, but she didn’t care. All she wanted was Cody. He said he loved her. Despite all the hurt in their past, she knew in her soul she’d never stopped loving him. Everything else now paled in comparison.

  She dropped the phone into her backpack, climbed back up the embankment and sank to the ground. Cody had told her to continue on if they got separated, but how? How was she supposed to leave? Tears flowed again and she didn’t bother to try to control them. Lila had never felt more alone in her life. A green iguana sat on the branch of a nearby tree. As Lila wiped her face, she noted the iguana didn’t appear frightened of her. Perhaps he, too, was numb to the world. She forced herself to get up. Spinning around, she searched for the man who’d exited the helicopter.


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