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A Slice of Summer

Page 3

by Melissa McClone

  Flirty kisses to heated ones aside, Garrett believed he and Taryn were on the same page about what they were and weren’t in December.

  His throat went from Death Valley dry to Sahara Desert parched.

  He bypassed the wine for his glass of ice water and drank.

  It didn’t help.

  Garrett needed to take action. Taryn had sidelined him by refusing to listen. All he wanted to do was make her feel better. She would the second he explained why he’d never contacted her.

  He sipped more water.

  Should he let it go as Taryn wanted?

  His mother held her fork in mid-air. “The meal is delicious, Margot. Thanks for having us over.”

  “It is.” Callie leaned over the table. “I’m so happy you’re in charge of the rehearsal dinner.”

  Brandt nodded. “One less thing to worry about.”

  “It’s my pleasure.” Margot raised her glass at the couple before focusing on Brandt. “Your parents were relieved not having to coordinate something from Oregon.”

  The conversation continued, but the words flew right over Garrett. Maybe he should rethink drinking more wine.

  Margot eyed his plate. “You haven’t eaten much, Garrett.”

  He forced a bite of the roast beef, not wanting to draw attention to his lack of appetite.

  “Lawson’s Bakery makes the best bread,” his dad said, reaching for another slice.

  “Everything they make is wonderful.” Callie’s face glowed—the definition of a radiant bride. “Taryn is baking our wedding cake. It’s going to be amazing. I had no idea how to pick flavors during our tasting. They were all delicious.”

  Brandt laughed. “Which is why we’re having more cakes than bridesmaids or groomsmen.”

  Callie made a face. “It’s called a groom’s cake.”

  “One might be,” he teased. “But three?”

  “Anything goes at weddings,” Margot chimed in.

  “I agree.” His mom raised a glass of red wine. “Callie gets whatever she wants. That’s how weddings work.”

  Margot nodded. “Hear, hear.”

  “That’s why Rex will be the ring bearer.” Brandt announced with an I’m-so-in-love gleam in his eyes. “A dog in the wedding party is the perfect addition.”

  His mother’s face paled. Her mouth slanted. “I—”

  “Rex will be a great ring bearer,” his dad interrupted.

  Way to go, Dad. But Garrett didn’t feel like laughing with Taryn still on his mind.

  “Thanks, Dad.” Callie shimmied her shoulders. “You should see Rex’s bow tie. He’ll look adorable. Almost as good as Brandt.”

  “I’m sure he’ll be more handsome.” Brandt kissed her cheek before looking at everyone else with an amused gaze. “I’ve accepted Rex is her true love, but I don’t mind being second. He was in her life long before I was.”

  “I love you both. My first true love with four feet is Rex, and the honor of being my first true love with two feet belongs to you.” As she stared at Brandt, love radiated from her to him. “Just think, if I’d become a veterinarian instead of buying Wags and Tails, we might never have met.”

  Their mother lowered her wineglass. “True, but you would have made a wonderful vet.”

  Callie’s lips pressed together in a thin line, but she didn’t lower her gaze or cringe as she had in the past. This time, she sat tall with her chin lifted. “We’ll never know.”

  “And that’s okay,” their mom added. “You’re where you should be.”

  His sister’s grin returned, brighter than ever. “I am.”

  Garrett released the breath he’d been holding. His parents finally understood how their expectations had hurt Callie. He and his brothers—all type A personalities—hadn’t helped matters. A good thing she’d spoken up in December, or who knows how this wedding would have gone?

  As Brandt shifted in his chair, his gaze never strayed from Callie for long. “This dinner was what I needed after a day full of meetings and phone calls with investors. Though I overate.”

  His future brother-in-law had founded one company, consulted for several years, and started a new venture to develop apps earlier this year. The guy was intelligent and driven, but Brandt’s devotion to Callie impressed Garrett the most.

  “Then, my plan for a walk and dessert will work out perfectly.” Margot rubbed her hands together. “The bakery’s patio is finally open. I thought we’d eat there.”

  Garrett’s stomach dropped. If he didn’t know better, he would think it hit the floor with a thundering splat. “Do we need dessert after such a delicious meal? I’m full.”

  Brandt nodded. “Same, but I can squeeze in a brownie. And anything to stick it to my former best friend and business partner, who’s involved in a competing bakery in Summit Ridge.”

  Nope. It was not happening on Garrett’s watch. He would suggest an alternative plan. That was one of his strengths. He’d kept him and Taryn secret so it wouldn’t take away from Callie and Brandt’s engagement. He wasn’t about to announce they’d gone out now, which he would have to do, if he admitted Taryn didn’t want to see him again. No, this was best for her and his sister.

  “I say we open another bottle of wine and enjoy the company and the air-conditioning here.” He raised his nearly empty wineglass. “That way, we don’t have to fight the crowds.”

  “And not have dessert?” Eyebrows furrowed, Callie leaned toward him. “Who are you, and what have you done with my brother?”

  Garrett’s shoulders bunched. “What do you mean?”

  “Well, dear.” His mother patted his hand. “You have a sweet tooth. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have gone to the bakery every day in December.”

  He enjoyed sweets, but that wasn’t why he’d been there. Though, Taryn’s kisses were warm and sugary like the desserts she baked. Not that his family knew that.

  Garrett gulped. “It was Christmastime.”

  “No matter what season, it’s always time for dessert.” Callie licked her lips. “And you love chocolate almost as much as I do.”

  True, but… “I enjoy chocolate. You can’t love things.”

  “Except your job,” his dad joked. “Right, son?”

  Garrett forced a laugh. His dad was a partner at one of the biggest law firms in Southern California and a workaholic like the rest of them, including Garrett’s mom, a doctor. The only exception was Callie, which proved she was the smartest of the bunch. “Right.”

  Callie jumped to her feet. “So let’s go.”

  Garrett remained seated, even though he was the only one left at the table. He fought the urge to hold on to the chair so no one could drag him away. “I have work to catch up on.”

  “You’re on vacation. I’m not taking no for an answer.” Callie grabbed his arm before pulling him to his feet. “Come with us, or I’ll turn into a bridezilla.”

  Brandt cringed. “No one wants that to happen. Please, Garrett, our fate until the wedding lies in your hands.”

  Not really.

  He wanted to do the right thing for Taryn and himself.

  Still, his family’s expectant gazes weakened his resolve, but he didn’t want to take away the spotlight on Callie and Brandt. “There might have been a misunderstanding with Taryn earlier.”

  “When you picked up the bread?” Margot’s eyebrows drew together. “I paid ahead of time.”

  “It was no big deal,” he backtracked, not wanting to take the focus off Callie.

  His sister placed her hands on her hips. “So there’s no reason for you not to go.”

  If Taryn were working, maybe she wouldn’t go out on the patio and even realize he was there. “Fine, I’ll go, but that means no bridezilla tantrums from you.”

  “Yay. And you know I’m not the tantrum-throwing type.” Callie bounced on her toes the way she’d done since she was little, even though she was all grown-up and getting married.

  His chest tightened, squeezing his heart tightly. Brandt had better
treat Callie right, or he’d be dealing with Garrett, Flynn, and Keaton. No one would hurt their baby sister.

  Ugh. The truth smacked into Garrett like a judge’s gavel.

  No wonder Jayden acted protective earlier. Taryn didn’t have any brothers, but she had her staff.

  Garrett respected that, but he wasn’t trying to hurt Taryn. That was why he wanted to keep his distance. As long as she didn’t see him, everything would be okay. “Okay, let’s go.”


  It was another busy night at the bakery. Taryn placed an éclair on a plate. She didn’t have to force a cheery mood. Not when tables on the patio and inside were packed on a Monday night.

  This will work.

  Taryn wiggled her toes before handing the dessert to a smiling customer. “Enjoy your éclair.”

  For the first time that evening, no one stepped up to the counter. The lull let her take a break and a sip of water.

  “They keep coming tonight,” Jayden whispered. “Not complaining, but we might need to add a person to this shift.”

  Excellent customer service made a difference, according to Grandpa. But Taryn wouldn’t hire someone until she saw the numbers.

  “If business keeps up next week, I’ll see who wants extra hours temporarily. If we sustain this level, we can make it permanent through summer.” Taryn removed her gloves. “You’ve worked long enough today. Go home to your lovely wife.”

  “She’s on duty, and you need the help.”

  Taryn recognized Callie coming from the back entrance and waved. “As soon as I can afford it, you’re getting a raise.”

  “Good, because I deserve one.” With a wink, he headed into the kitchen.

  Taryn smiled. “Welcome to Lawson’s Bakery.”

  Callie’s complexion glowed. “The patio is amazing.”

  “Thank you.” Taryn acknowledged Brandt and Margot, but she didn’t recognize the couple with them. The man, however, looked vaguely familiar. “I’m so happy with how it turned out.”

  “The customers like it too,” Margot said.

  As Taryn’s chest swelled with pride, she nodded. Now, all she needed was for her parents to acknowledge it. “That’s the best part.”

  “Your brownies are the best.” Brandt stepped forward, putting his arm around Callie. “But the patio is a close second.”

  “I don’t think you’ve met my parents, Tina and John Andrews.” Callie glanced at the man and woman. “Mom and Dad, this is Taryn Lawson, who makes the tastiest baked goods in the Pacific Northwest, if not the West Coast.”

  “We ate a few of your desserts over Christmas, but tonight was our first time tasting your bread. Delicious.”

  A thrill shot through Taryn. She stood taller. “Thanks. What can I get you?”

  As they studied the evening specials on the board behind her, she readied her hand on the cash register. One by one, they ordered.

  “Is that everything?” Taryn asked before she hit total.

  “We should get Garrett something.” Margot’s voice softened. “He’s a sweetheart for sitting outside with the dogs.”

  Wait. Was Garrett there? Taryn’s muscles bunched. She hadn’t expected him to return. Not when she’d told him she never wanted to see him again. Rude, yes, but given how he made her feel about herself… Still, the nerve of him coming tonight sent her blood boiling.

  “Garrett loves molasses cookies,” Callie chimed in. “Isn’t that right, Taryn?”

  Her hands balled. “Your brother had a cookie earlier. He doesn’t get a second one.”

  Callie startled.

  Margot’s jaw dropped.

  Brandt blew out a breath.

  Mr. and Mrs. Andrews shared a look.

  Taryn’s hands shook, but she didn’t care. Muscle memory allowed her to fill the order, and what common sense remained kept her from holding any baked good too hard. She didn’t glance up.

  Instead, she moved like a robot, each motion programmed in and no extra steps. Plates sat on a tray. So did the drinks. She rang up the sale and even remembered to give two dog biscuits shaped like bones to Margot. “For Angus and Sadie.”

  “Thanks, dear.” Concern filled Margot’s eyes.

  Please don’t ask. Taryn pushed the tray forward on the counter. That was when she noticed Callie was missing. Probably off to warn her brother about the crazy baker who wouldn’t give him a cookie.

  She plastered on a smile that was probably more deranged clown than cheerful. “Have a nice evening.”

  Thankfully, no one else stepped up to order. Taryn hurried into the kitchen.

  “Brecken,” she called to the rising high school senior. “Please take the front.”

  He left the loaves of bread he was wrapping. “Sure thing, Boss.”

  She headed to her office, plopped into her chair, and buried her face in her hands. “What is wrong with you?”

  “I was about to ask you the same question.” Jayden touched her shoulder. “You, okay?”

  Yes. No. She had no idea. “I made a fool of myself in front of Callie, Brandt, and their families.”

  “Fool isn’t in your vocabulary.”

  “It was tonight. And my picture is now being sent to dictionaries everywhere—online or print.”

  “It can’t be that bad.”

  Heat pooled in Taryn’s cheeks. “I told Callie her brother couldn’t have a cookie.”

  Jayden’s jaw jutted forward. “He’s back?”

  “That was my reaction.”

  “That egotistical lawyer is the only fool.”

  Taryn’s pulse rate returned to normal. “Thanks. I’ve never gotten so angry like that.”

  “The guy triggered you. It happens.”

  “I can’t believe this happened in front of customers, especially Callie and Margot.”

  “They’ll understand.”

  “But they have no idea what’s been going on.”

  “That’s okay. This isn’t like you, but his appearance set you reeling, and Callie caught you off-guard.” Jayden sat on the edge of her desk. “So this thing with Garrett really affected you?”

  “I wasn’t in love with him.” The words poured from her lips faster than runny ganache.

  Jayden raised an eyebrow. His look suggested he didn’t believe her. “I didn’t say you were, but love at first sight is real. That’s how it was with Rachelle and me.”

  “It wasn’t like that with us. Garrett and I had fun. We were getting closer, so I’d hoped it might turn into more eventually, but neither of us wanted a long-distance relationship. But when he ghosted me, it magnified how I was already feeling. Today and tonight brought up the emotions again.”

  “About what?” Jayden asked.

  “That I’m not enough. My parents keep implying I’m not smart enough to keep the bakery going, even though I’ve been doing it for years. Then, I wasn’t enough for Garrett to call me after he left, when he said he would. Now, given the downturn in business, I wonder if my mom and dad are right. And I don’t need Garrett Andrews reaffirming it for me.”

  Jayden rubbed his neck. “That’s a lot to unpack.”

  “It’s me, not Garrett. I’m taking out my emotions and insecurity on him.” She clasped her hands to keep from fidgeting. “Does that break it down for you better?”

  “Yes, but love at first sight exists. That would explain why you took being ghosted so hard.”

  “It would in a romantic, tragic movie of the week way, but a broken heart isn’t why I overreacted.” A heartbreak might be easier to deal with, too. “I… I hate being disregarded.”

  Especially when her parents did the same thing to her.

  “Fine. You’re not in love with him.” Jayden sounded relieved. “But Garrett’s in town, he’s your friend’s brother, and there aren’t many places to hide in Silver Falls. What are you going to do?”

  Taryn wished she knew. Taking a vacation or locking herself in her house for two weeks weren’t options. She had a booth to build, desserts to bake, and
a hundred other things on her to-do list. “Get over it.”

  And pray she didn’t see Garrett Andrews anytime soon.

  Chapter Four

  Holding on to the two dog leashes, Garrett sat at a table in the patio area with Angus and Sadie. He’d offered to stay outside with the dogs while the others headed inside to order in case Taryn was working tonight. The place was packed, but if things went his way, he wouldn’t see her.

  It was almost eight, and the sun was still out. Customers spoke over contemporary music playing from hidden speakers. People smiled and laughed. The mood was light, but a weight pressed against his shoulders.


  He wanted to return to Margot’s house and pretend he hadn’t upset Taryn. But Callie and his parents would have questions if he took off. Too bad the dogs were behaving themselves, or he would use them as an excuse to get out of there.

  “Bark or something,” he whispered.

  Sadie and Angus stared at him with hopeful gazes and wagging tails. They didn’t make a peep nor pull against their leashes. Of course, now the little one behaves.

  “Sorry, dogs.” He held out his free hand. “I’ve got nothing. I don’t carry treats in my pocket.”

  Sadie tilted her head as if she understood him. As Angus panted, his tail sped up.

  Girl versus boy.

  Garrett didn’t feel like laughing, though. It was him, not the bakery. The patio’s vibe was comfortable and welcoming. Strands of globe lights and flower baskets hanging from the pergola set the mood. Trellises with vines and fairy lights added a theme park feel.

  Tasteful, not kitschy.

  The little touches, especially the wooden signs painted with desserts and their names, had Taryn written all over them. Her creativity extended beyond baked goods. It showed in the bakery’s design, the new patio, and her one-story home.

  Only a small table for two was empty. The new addition appeared to be a success. Good for her and the bakery.


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