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Hopeless Sacrifice

Page 7

by A. K. Koonce

The rain soaks into me, chilling me as I stand clinging to Ryder, his lips hovering near mine as we just breathe each other in. I hate that we’re avoiding something so big. I hate that he’s keeping it from me.

  Why would he keep it from me?

  Deep down I know why.

  “You two going to just cuddle all day or are we going to save the world and shit?” The gruff tone pulls my attention away from my dark thoughts.

  I turn and I know who it is before my eyes even lock with his.

  Fucking Streven.

  “Being the second in command, I assumed you wouldn’t need so much hand holding.” My lips purse as I begin hiking through the mud to my aunt’s house.

  The weather darkens the empty street. Deep puddles line the lane of small, deteriorating houses. Shacks with minimal shelter surround Saint’s Inn. Sleet beats against them, tapping hard to get inside the small homes.

  But Saint’s Inn stands shining and proud among the storm. Impenetrable from the chaos outside.

  Until the nix come.

  That thought has me moving faster.

  “I thought the pretty little angel might need my assistance,” Streven says, keeping pace with me as I jog across the muddy road. I don’t have time for his banter right now.

  Two more fae shudder in at my side.

  “I need you to spread out, get the people out of their homes. Tell them to pack only what they can carry and to seek safety as far away from the coast as they can get.” The porch steps meet my boots quickly as I storm up the stairs.

  The four of them disperse. They head in all directions and a meager amount of calmness pushes into me just knowing we’ll get this place cleared out soon.

  Pain shakes through my knuckles as I bang hard against the door. The small numbers 6969 above the door rattle against my force.

  The door cracks open, not allowing the rain to come inside. A woman a little younger than myself peers out at me. Her amber eyes look up at me in confusion. My lips part, unsure how I should say this.

  Finally, Lady Ivory steps into the hall behind the woman. Long blonde locks curl lightly around her pretty features.

  “Kara, sweetheart!” My aunt’s voice makes me weak. It makes the terror in me grow into an unmanageable thing.

  What if something happens to these people?

  They’re so fragile.

  “We have to go. I need you to get everyone together.” I pause on the lacy bra the woman in front of me is wearing. “Get them dressed. In weather appropriate clothing. Something that’ll cover more than her boobs would probably be best.”

  I push open the door and step inside. The two of them look at my drenched clothes and tangled, wet hair as if I’m a wild woman.

  Maybe I am now.

  “What is going on, Kara?” Lady Ivory pulls the beige cardigan covering her small frame around herself, hiding the tight black corset beneath.

  Her emerald eyes, identical to my own, grow wide with worry.

  My gaze shifts to the woman at her side, not wanting to panic everyone all at once, but also knowing it’s inevitable.

  “Jaylee, gather everyone downstairs. If the upstairs guests are busy and unwilling to stop … ” A pause lingers on Lady Ivory’s tongue. “Bang on the door and tell them you think there’s been a minor outbreak of syphidia.”

  I arch a brow.

  “Yeah, that might get their attention.” My mumbled words go unnoticed.

  Once Jaylee’s footsteps fade away, I turn my attention back to my aunt.

  “There’s a war coming.” Is that the best way I should be starting this conversation? Her lips part as her brows pull together. “Creatures, violent creatures, will be coming in from the coast of Juvar.” The image of their claws shredding through my leather boots and flesh rips through my thoughts.


  I feel helpless. Power broods within me and still I feel like I’m fumbling to save the ones I love.

  “I don’t know.” It’s a worthless answer. Not even an answer at all. “Soon, as soon as they can cross the sea. Within a day at most. I’ve brought help from the Hopeless realm but it isn’t safe here. Get a bag packed and take these people as far west as you can go.”

  Her small palm runs down my arm, lingering against the inky Hopeless mark on the inside of my wrist.

  She’s never seen me as a fae. And yet, she doesn’t question it.

  Maybe she’s always known.

  “This is our home. Your father built me this house.” She swallows hard as she looks back at the few women sitting in the dimly lit living room. They speak in quiet, murmuring tones but their eyes shift to me every few moments.

  The warmth of the house starts to sink into me but it isn’t enough. A shiver chills my skin.

  “It’s just a house, Ivory.” I never knew my father built her this house. The memories she has of him as her brother must outnumber the few memories I have of him as my father. Does she cling to those memories the way I do mine?

  “I’ll get them ready, but I’m not leaving.” Her long hair sways as she tips her head up with refusal.

  “Ivory … Celeste … ” I breathe out her real name. One I’ve never actually used. It’s what my father used to call her. Before she was an escort. “You can’t stay here. He wouldn’t want you to stay here.”

  Her gaze levels me. The look reminds me that she’s the only person I care about in this realm. She’s the only person I want to save and she’s the only person who’s going to be a pain in my ass about it.

  “He wouldn’t want me to leave you either.” And she never has. She’s always been here for me.

  A mother when I didn’t have one. A parent when there wasn’t one. A friend when I needed one.

  She’s not going to leave me no matter how hard I try.

  “If they come,” when. When they come is the proper word, “I need you to stay in the cellar. Don’t open it for anyone. Will you promise to do that?”

  A smile almost pulls at the corner of her thin lips.

  “Of course.” She swallows before a real smile forms against her beautiful features. “If you promise never to use that name for me ever again.” I breathe out a smirk and she turns from me before I can even reply.

  In low, hushed tones she instructs the three women who are sitting with perfect posture on the swooping settee against the living room wall. The small couch makes them look more delicate. Breakable.

  I exhale a heavy breath and turn back to run out into the rain. My chest hits hard against Streven’s and he looks down at me with a piercing gaze.

  Something about him gets under my skin. A petty part of my mind wonders if it’s because he’s so close to Darrio. Or maybe it’s just because he called me out when I wanted him to accept me. Darrio trusts him entirely.

  I should too.

  “Sorry,” I say stiffly, stepping back from him with tension filling my spine.

  “The village is packing up as we speak.”

  My eyes narrow on him despite how impressed I am.

  There’s a hundred people in this village at least. It took me five minutes to get one house moving.

  “We don’t dally when it comes to war, love.” He pushes past me, into my aunt’s home and I immediately want to push him back out.

  To shove him and his coarse attitude away from my sweet, innocent aunt.

  Her attention settles on his long, wild hair and wide shoulders, then trails down to his lean hips. Her heated gaze lingers on his hips for several long, uncomfortable seconds.

  Okay, perhaps she’s not so sweet and innocent. But she doesn’t deserve his terrible attitude either.

  With a wave of her hand, she ushers the women upstairs, hopefully to start packing.

  I hope they pack more food than sexy underwear, but it may be a warning best left unsaid.

  Streven strides through her home with overbearing confidence. His boots press heavily against the aged floorboards. Lady Ivory watches his every move.

  “Streven.” The ap
praising look in her eyes has me cocking a brow at her. My arms fold tightly across my chest.

  How does she know him?

  Okay I know exactly how she knows him, but really, how?

  I told her five minutes ago that deadly creatures are threatening our lives. And now she’s mentally measuring Streven’s dick.


  “It annoys you how much alike you two are, doesn’t it?” Ryder’s voice whispers across my neck, sending a shiver down my spine.

  My brows crease as I turn to him, and his warm palms settle against my hips, pulling me flush against his hard body. A coldness clings to our wet clothes but our bodies fight against it, warming each other in all the right places.

  “We are not alike,” I say in a harsh whisper.

  A smirk pulls at his lips as he looks up at the hungry look that’s filling my aunt’s gaze.

  His fingers skim beneath my shirt, tingling against my skin. His tongue rolls across his lower lip.

  “You’re sure about that?”

  Discreetly, I shift my hips against his, making his gaze lower to my mouth as he leans in close. Until I deliberately pull back, putting cold air between him and I.

  “I’m positive.”

  That sexy smile of his almost consumes me, almost has me pushing him against the wall and ignoring the outside world for just a few hours.

  Instead, I walk away from him entirely.

  Just. To. Prove. A. Point.

  A hum that sounds slightly like a groan leaves him and I mentally fist pump my inner independent woman.

  My prince isn’t nearly as good at playing games as I am.

  “How do you know Streven?” I ask my aunt in a low voice as Streven leans against the stair railing like he’s been here a time or two. Or more. His gaze rakes across her curves, pausing on her lips before meeting her curious eyes.

  “We’re old friends.” Her gaze holds too much warmth.

  “Not that old.” His tone rumbles with sensuality that makes me want to gag.

  I step into my aunt’s line of vision, cutting off the disturbing eye fucking that’s happening right in front of me. “You have more important things to worry about than getting laid. We all do,” I say the last part a little louder for the room to acknowledge.

  Ryder rolls his eyes as he takes a seat on the petite couch. His legs spread wide, making him look too large for the small furniture.

  “A lady never worries about such things.” Lady Ivory’s lips pull together, seemingly fighting off a smile. “A lady just knows when such things are bound to happen.” Her attention drifts to Streven and he gives her a cocky smile that makes me want to chuck a knife at his face all over again.

  His bulky arms fold across his wide chest as he settles in against the glossy banister.

  “It’s true. You can’t prevent destiny, Angel,” Streven says.

  Fury burns through me at the simple, taunting nickname.

  Ryder pulls at my hand until I fall into his lap. The warmth of his palm pushes up and down my spine.

  “Stop stressing. I swear your emotions have been crazy since you became a fae.” I meld into him, resting my head against his shoulder. I’m exhausted and the war hasn’t even begun yet. “When Darrio and Dax get here we need to be ready.” He says it as if he’s talking to no one in particular.

  But I am. I’m happy and irritable and exhausted, but I’m completely ready for what’s about to come.

  Chapter Twelve

  Short-Lived Happiness

  It’s late when the soldiers arrive. Darrio and Daxdyn step close to me, standing tall and proud before me. My fingers push absently back and forth across Nefarious’ rough scales. It calms the creature as well as myself. He’s sweeter than he seems. Friendly even.

  The village is empty aside from a dozen mortals, armed with swords and sitting on their porches with nothing but mortal weapons and determination. Their gazes trail over the enormous crowd of fae warriors.

  A tired silence clings to us. The rain has finally stopped, leaving behind a humid breeze that makes it hard to breathe.

  “I sent a few dozen soldiers to the coast. Tristan will have a hard time managing the nix while they’re feeding. It’ll be at least a day before they make it across the sea.” Darrio’s eyes shift and I just know his mind is assessing every single detail of our situation. “I’m going to have Streven go down to the shore as well so he can shudder in and warn us if anything happens before tomorrow morning.”

  Tomorrow morning.

  Our lives will be different then.

  I step back from the dragon horse to address the waiting soldiers.

  “In the morning we need to line the coast, barricade it with our magic to prevent them from entering at all.” I don’t want one single nix crawling over this land. These remaining mortals think they’re brave. They have no idea what’s coming.

  My gaze shifts to the few mortals standing outside their homes. They stare up at me and the two fae men before me. There’s awe within their eyes but also a hint of fear.

  I can’t do anything for that fear. They should be afraid. It is a very real terror that’s about to hit this land.

  “Take the night.” I turn to our soldiers, my voice carrying over the crowd. The mass of them line the small, muddy streets, taking up every visible inch of this village. “Prepare your weapons; do not depend solely on your magic in the days to come.” I pause, my gaze meeting theirs one by one. “The nix are not a match for us. We won’t allow them to be. Their magic isn’t blessed like ours is. We have nothing to fear.” And we do not. It’s all these mortals who are in real danger at the moment. Tristan’s power is another story.

  Nods of agreement follow my words. Darrio steps closer to me, a smile almost touching his serious features.

  The small look warms me. It tingles right through me.

  The deep voice of their commander booms through the streets.

  “Until then, find a bed and make it your own. Try to get some rest.” Darrio holds a careless stance.

  Fearless. Never in my life have I found a word that completely describes someone. Until I met him.

  Darrio turns to me, his stormy eyes searching my face.

  He’s entirely fearless.


  The moon shines white through the windows, reminding me of the few hours of peace that we have here.

  Streven is disgustingly sweet to my aunt. It almost makes me wish I liked him.


  He whispers words in her ear that makes her blush, something I’m sure she hasn’t done in over a decade.

  Will they be this sickeningly cute after the war? Will the world change so much that he’d be willing to come here more often just to make my aunt smile like that?

  I think hard and wonder if I’ve ever seen her this genuinely happy.

  Her smile pulls to a frown as his body starts to fade away. When he’s shuddered completely away her smile is gone entirely.

  She drifts quietly through the room, her thoughts seeming far off in a forgotten time.

  She slouches down on the couch next to me. Ryder sits with his thigh brushing mine on my other side.

  “I was right.” Her statement pulls at my attention and I cock a brow at her.

  “You were right?”

  A knowing little smirk tips her lips.

  “Yes, I knew you four could be grinding harmony together.”

  Dax’s lips part as he exchanges a sly glance with Ryder. Darrio rolls his eyes at the two of them before settling lazily in the arm chair across from me.

  “You were absolutely right, Lady Ivory.” Ryder gives her a charming smile until I shove hard at his arm. His shoulder bumps mine and I try not to smirk at him.

  “What will you all do after the war?” Her gaze skims around the room at the four of us.

  After the war.

  That thought hasn’t crossed my mind at all.

  Survival is all I’ve thought about really. I haven’t ventured more than
two days into the future of my messy thoughts.

  “What do you mean?” Dax asks as he leans against the arm of the couch near Lady Ivory.

  The crackling of the warm fire is the only sound for a few moments.

  “Will the three of you still take care of my niece when the real world settles in? When society’s judgmental gaze catches sight of your group relationship, will you still love her? Or is this just something to take your minds off of the reality that surrounds us?”

  My stomach sinks at the honesty of her question.

  Gods above, I hate how realistic her thoughts are right now.

  Why haven’t I asked myself these questions?

  Have I been in denial with even myself?

  If I am in denial, it’s been a blissful little lie I’ve been living. Peaceful. Perfect even.

  My life is perfect? I suppose it is perfect. It’s the world that is imperfect.

  Isn’t it always?

  “I’ve never really cared for society’s thoughts.” Darrio’s deep voice startles me. “I think I speak for us all when I say I want to keep Kara any way she’ll have me. Today and tomorrow. For as long as she’ll put up with me.” Darrio’s gaze is fixated on the warm white color at the center of the fire. It reflects a look of intensity in his eyes that makes my breath catch.

  He wants to keep me?

  For a moment, silence passes the time as I keep my gaze locked on the sincere look in his eyes. Only the heavy pounding of my heart fills my thoughts.

  “I’d hoped you’d say that.” Lady Ivory’s attention shifts to me with a small smile shining in her eyes. “I once had someone who cared for me every day of the week.” Her hands clasp together in her lap and she focuses her attention there. “It’s hard when realms rip you apart. In another life we could have been happy together. Never take happiness for granted. You don’t know how quickly time changes. How quickly it passes.” The quietness in her voice strikes against my heart and I slip my hand over hers.

  Sometimes I forget how much older than me she is. She doesn’t look it, but she’s lived years of loneliness. She’s surrounded by a façade of love, but drowning in a reality of loneliness.

  “I have some wine your father brought me for my birthday years ago.” Her statement is so different it confuses me. “We should drink it. I’ve been saving it for a special occasion.”


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