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Hopeless Sacrifice

Page 12

by A. K. Koonce

  My throat tightens and I force myself to step past him.

  I push the thoughts from my mind as my gaze searches the shore for a man with too much power and not enough face.

  I hope it scars him. I hope he’s charred from my magic for the rest of his short life.

  Heat rains down from the heavens. I look up as a roaring sound of anger fills the air.

  A prideful feeling consumes me as Darrio and Daxdyn lead Nefarious over the shore.

  The dominant sound of the dragon horse's war cry echoes across the waters, making the animal fiercer and more demanding to look at. Most of the nix shrink back from it, scurrying away from the battle on the land to slip back into the safety of the water.

  The dragon horse’s wide wings sweep over the sea, beating down on it as it breathes flames over the limbs of the nix trying to crawl out of the waters.

  Our soldiers stand waiting for the nix to flee the wrath of the longma. As I train my flames on the nix before me, other soldiers slice and rip apart the creatures climbing up the shore.

  We’re winning.

  I think.

  Is this what winning feels like?

  Razor sharp talons sink into my calf. Wild flames are burning across the nix’s arm and still the thing tries to attack me.

  I kick my boot into its arm, detaching the creature from my leg. The shores are ablaze, flames move with every nix that tries to escape the sea only to be demolished by the fae waiting.

  I’m pleased with our work. We’re doing well.

  Perhaps I was worried for nothing.

  And that feeling of achievement washes away as his fingers grip my throat.

  Just as I had hoped, black ash is scraping over one side of his sneering face. The flesh isn’t fully there. Black char and slick burns make up half his features now.

  My fingers dig into his arm but he only tightens his hold on me.

  “I wanted you to suffer. That was before I realized how annoyingly resilient you are. Now I want you dead.”

  You think a burned face is bad? There are far worse things.

  I gasp for a breath. His smile falters for an instant as I grip his dick hard enough to make him wince.

  Fire burns through my veins. I release it with shaking power.

  My flames are barely ignited when a high pitched cry leaves him and he stumbles back from me, clutching his tiny dick like there was even much there to roast.

  I stalk closer to him. His jaw tightens as he straightens.

  His palm rises and once again, I feel that combusting power of his shake through my chest. The energy burns brightly in his hands. Cautiously, I step back from him, wary of the quick magic I know he’s bound to use on me.

  I reach within myself for the power Loki taught me. I can’t help but realize the god did in fact give me a gift.

  My fingers arch painfully and I try with force to bring his hand down.

  But he’s stronger.

  The magic in his hand burns bright and unwavering.

  Fire flashes from my palms but Tristan sidesteps it. He shudders away just in time only to flicker back right in front of me. The hard angle of his head slams against mine. The force of it washes spots of bright white all through my vision. His fingers grip my wrist tightly, averting my flames to the damp ground as he holds his powerful magic in the other hand.

  He’s poised, prepared to end me once and for all.

  Nefarious’ rumbling roar signals his arrival and my stomach sinks from the sound of it.

  “No.” My voice is a shrieking sound filled with fear and heartache and a knowing sense of what’s to come.

  Darrio stands between the wings of the dragon horse. He’s tall with determination etched upon his handsome face. He’s ready to leap, ready to save me from my stupid, stupid decisions.

  It all happens so quickly.

  Nefarious is just above Tristan and he turns at the sound of the longma’s roar. The magic in Tristan’s hand is released the moment he sees Darrio crouching for an attack.

  May you have the strength to understand what you can and cannot change.

  The Traveler’s voice echoes through my mind but I know this is something I cannot change. I’m not fast enough. Tristan is too quick. His magic is too powerful.

  And there’s only one way this will end.

  At the last moment, Daxdyn shoves his brother, pushing him from Nefarious and letting him hit the ground without caution. The magic in Tristan’s hand releases. It burns so brightly I can’t help but memorize the crimson colors that wash over Daxdyn’s beautiful and innocent face.

  Just before it hits him firmly in the chest.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The Sacrifice

  The crimson magic bursts through Daxdyn with so much force he falls from the dragon horse. His eyes hold mine as he lands along the shore, the water lapping against his dirty boots. Terror pushes through me as I watch the magic burst through him. The magic begins to consume him slowly.

  A heavy, sobbing breath shakes though my lungs and I turn my gaze to the dangerous man in front of me. Tristan’s gaze settles on me with a pleased look on his disgusting little face.

  Power radiates all through me. It’s a foreign feeling and I latch on to it. It’s strong. Too strong. It’s consuming and raw and deadly. It doesn’t belong to me, but I hold onto it. I keep the feeling of it within me, memorizing the toxic energy until it’s mine to keep.

  Even if it is the power of the Eminence and I am just an ordinary fae with an unordinary gift of mimicking magic.

  My hands shake as the power caresses my body, threatening to devour me from the inside out. I take a stalking step closer to Tristan and his eyes narrow suspiciously on me.

  He has the nerve to reach out and grip my jaw in his thin hands. He tilts my head back and forth in his palm.

  “I never want to forget the woman who brought me all my glory.” The burnt edge of his lips tips up in a smile.

  Energy pools through me in drowning waves.

  His lips part and just before he can say another fucking thing, I shove my palm against his chest so hard he stumbles back from me.

  The crimson color ignites within his core. A mimicking form of his own magic eats him alive. He stares down at it in astonishment. It highlights the sharp angles of his features. I step closer and closer to him, my eyes locked on that magic that’s burning up inside him.

  He crumbles to the ground, his knees hitting with a solid thud.

  Finally, he looks up at me. The blood red color creeps up his face.

  I lower myself until I can look him dead in the eye.

  “Never forget the woman who brought you all your glory,” I whisper.

  The magic eats through him at a quicker pace than it did my aunt. It’s as if his energy was already dark and the magic absorbed right into that darkness at an alarming rate.

  When his body hits the ground, it’s nothing more than a charred corpse.

  But I don’t wait to see his death.

  I rush to Daxdyn.

  Ryder holds my blade in his hand. It’s pointed to the ground. The war is all but forgotten. His lips are parted and he does nothing but stare in astonishment at his friend lying lifelessly on the ground.

  My body lowers over Daxdyn’s, and I find that oddly, he isn’t decaying. My hand skims over the smooth leather covering his chest. He’s fine. He’s still as perfect as ever.

  Except he’s not.

  He’s not alive. Not even dragon’s leather could protect him from the power of the Eminence.

  Every simple act of love he’s ever shown me swarms through my mind and heart. Tears of anger and tears of pain slip down my cheeks as I stare silently at his peaceful face. The smooth curve of his lips isn’t tilted into a smile for once.

  I couldn’t save him. The least aggressive man I’ve ever met, and the sweetest man I’ve ever loved, has left me.

  Feelings flood my chest, tightening my throat until I can’t manage a simple breath.

sp; There’s still warmth in his palm and I cling to it like it’s the last thing I’ll ever have to keep of him. My thumbs worry back and forth against his knuckles as if I can comfort him even after he’s already gone.

  Some people believe there’s a comfort in death. A comfort in knowing there’s no more suffering.

  Only beauty.

  For some selfish reason I can’t find comfort in knowing this beautiful man is no longer mine to hold.

  A sob shakes through my chest and Darrio’s big hand slowly brushes up and down my spine.

  My fingertips tremble as I push over Daxdyn’s chest, feeling the silence of his heart against my palm. My wet tears kiss his cheek as I lean closer. The first real memory I have of Daxdyn threatens to break the last little ounce of strength I have left.

  He gave me life when I thought mine was already gone. When I thought I was dying, he held me. He pressed his gentle lips to my forehead and he held me like he’d never let me go.

  An unsteady breath fills my lungs and I lean into him. My lips brush against his temple slowly. My eyes clench tightly closed, and for an instant, I pretend he’s still mine to keep. I pretend his playful laughter still fills my aching heart. I pretend his strong arms still surround me. I pretend he’ll grow old with me. With Darrio and Ryder. And with all the beautiful children he’ll never get to see.

  For just a moment, I pretend his heart still beats for me.

  Fury like I’ve never felt burns through my veins at the injustice of it all. Anger starts to overtake the sorrow flooding my chest.

  This was my sacrifice?

  It isn’t fair. There’s too much terribleness in the world for me to live without his calming energy filling my chest.

  The gods blessed me more than any other.

  But I don’t want it.

  I want him.

  Reckless power shakes my hands and my fingers fist his shirt. The smooth dragons leather wrinkles beneath my touch, until I can’t control the magic any more.

  Bright, white light slams through my palms, forcing its way out from the depths of my pain. It trembles from me and into him. It makes the earth beneath us quiver, altering it just slightly. The blinding color surrounds him and me, haloing us until the rest of the world dissolves away. The nix disappear from our lands. The fires disperse. The dark skies fade away into warming colors of gold and white and bright blue skies.

  I don’t know what the magic is, but it feels right. It’s pure and calming.

  Just like Daxdyn Riles.

  So, I usher it out in waves, helping it along until I’m weak and using his body to support my own. My wings expand of their own accord as if the magic demands them to release themselves. I feel it start to tear away at me. First at my beautiful feathers; pulling at them. Ebony colors swirl around us, inking through the white magic as my feathers twirl in the breeze. A weight falls from my body. The moment my wings fall away, I feel it. Not just in my shoulders but deep within me.

  The magic strips me until I’m nothing more than a broken woman clinging to a broken man.

  Nearly every ounce of the powerful energy pours from me until I’m lying over him like a worthless shield. I give him everything I have.

  Peaceful sounds of the ocean return, lapping in and attempting to coax my exhausted emotions into a dull and empty feeling.

  Warm fingertips skim up my side, threatening the numbness.

  “Kara, you’re crushing me.”

  Dax’s voice comes out in a rasping whisper. The small sound of it thunders right through my heart, I swear it.

  My arms cling to him tighter as my eyes fling open and the most beautiful starry-gray gaze meets mine. Humor and life and love shines within them.

  A trembling breath shakes through me just before I slam my lips against his.

  His strong arms hold me to his hard body, but my fingertips refuse to pull away from the steady pounding of his heart.

  A quietness fills my veins where a hum of energy once burned.

  Quiet magic tingles within me. My all-powerful magic is gone.

  But he’s still here; right where he should be.

  Daxdyn wasn’t the sacrifice the gods anticipated.

  I was.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Several Quiet Months Later

  My whole life has been about survival.

  Just making it through the day, finding meaning in the loneliness.

  It’s so different now that my chest physically aches to think about it.

  I survived. I survived not only the war, but my life.

  I survived myself.

  I’ll never admit it, but they saved me. These three arrogant fae saved me when I didn’t even realize I needed them to.

  Let’s not give them all the glory, though. I did all the grunt work, after all.

  Nefarious’ hot breath sweeps over my palm as he steals another burnt crisp of meat from my hand. I stand on the porch while he leans into it to be closer to me and his crispy treats. I trail my fingers over the dark scales of his snout. A humming sound of approval shakes through him.

  He turned out to be a good little house pet. Even if the men won’t actually let me move him into the house. My favorite dragon horse has to sleep outside. Poor little guy.

  The sunset casts an orange but beautiful color across the dusty streets. The small white flowers I planted at the base of the porch sway in the cool breeze.

  It’s a perfect day. Clear blue skies and fluffy white clouds look down on our little lives.

  A warm palm pushes slowly over the curve of my growing belly. I know who it is as his body settles against mine, wrapping me safely in his arms.

  “You know, my sisters swear there are twins in here.” Daxdyn’s lips press to the curve of my neck.

  A smile pushes across my lips as I lean into his strong body.

  “Hmmm, I think your sisters are full of shit. I’ll be lucky if I survive one arrogant fae baby, don’t even mention two.”

  The boards creek as someone strides out to us. Darrio saunters over, his palms pushing low down my stomach.

  “It could be three. There could be three little arrogant fae babies in there.” His small smile makes my heart melt.

  Their happiness almost makes me unafraid of what it’ll be like soon.

  I know the baby will be taken care of because of these three men.

  Just like me.

  When things quieted in the world, people realized Ryder was their king. He was King Ryder. For all of one royal day. Before he corrected them. I love that he doesn’t want that title. I love that he’d rather the humans have a leader who’s lived and understands the mortal realm more than he does.

  Or maybe he wants a quiet life just like I do.

  A palace is not where our future lies. Our past, our present, and future are right here.

  At Saints Inn: former most prestigious whore house in all the land.

  Soon little pitter patter feet will fill this house the way moans and cheap sex used to. Lady Ivory would be shocked.

  Actually, I know she’d be amazed by it. She’d love that the house that my father built her was filled with love and life.

  It’s everything she always wanted for me.

  It’s all I ever wanted for myself.

  It still feels too quiet without her. I miss her. I miss her advice and I miss the comfort that her simple presence provided.

  She’s gone but I still feel her all around me. Her memory is everywhere in this house.

  Her memory is within me. And it always will be.

  Ryder pulls at my arm until I face the three of them. Nefarious huffs a jealous sigh before lowering himself down to lie on the ground. Ryder leans his temple against mine as his big palm rests against my navel.

  “Fuck, let’s just hope they’re not anything like their mother, or none of us will make it.”

  Gentle magic swarms me and I use it to my advantage. I touch my finger to the tip of his nose and it sparks on contact. It isn’t much. It isn�
�t raw and powerful like it once was. And I don’t want it to be. I like my quiet Hopeless fae magic. I like that I can still use it to piss them off whenever I want.

  Ryder curses from the stinging feel of my magic and their rumbling laughter skims through me.

  I’m surrounded.

  I’m completely surrounded by asshole fae men.

  And I’d never want it any other way.



  Two Years Later

  The small boy who lies in my lap shares a smile so similar to his mother’s. But damn if those stormy eyes aren’t all mine.

  He’s going to break hearts. We can only hope he has better people skills than Daxdyn.

  Or me I suppose.

  Kara looks at me from beneath long lashes as I read The Tale of Walton Whitetail for the hundred and eighth time tonight. Kara always insists that I read. She says the kids like my voice.

  I think Kara likes my voice. But I’d read this fucking book a million times if it made her happy.

  A prideful look is in her gaze as she watches our baby boy fall asleep in my arms.

  A deep, warm feeling of love blankets over me as I hold Tomas a little closer. His dark lashes flutter as he starts to doze.


  Finally, the little demon is asleep.

  He’s an angel of course. But he’s also a little shit just like his mother sometimes.

  I lower my tone, preparing to read the last page for the last time tonight.

  Kara catches my attention as I babble on about foxholes and rabbit holes and … her fingers unsnap her jeans as she holds my gaze.

  And the fucking end. Good night, Walton Whitetail. Until we meet again. Tomorrow. And the next night and the next.

  As deathly quiet as I possibly can, I slip from the tiny bed. It groans in protest but thank the gods, he stays asleep.

  My heart flutters as small snores follow me even after I close the child’s door.

  Kara’s arms wrap around me the moment I’m close enough and I sink into her small frame. My lips press against hers slowly, tasting every part of this beautiful woman.

  She has this amazing ability to push away everything else until it’s just us.


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