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Billionaire Dragon

Page 7

by Jada Cox

  Violet pushed the door open behind her and tugged at my shirt to follow her in as she stepped backward, her lips still working against mine. I obeyed her, letting my hands touch her waist as I closed the door behind me with my foot.

  As soon as the door was closed, I pulled her against me, wrapping my arms around her, letting my fingers run up and into her curls, breathing her in. I had waited so long for this moment, and now that it was here, I wanted to devour her.

  She was pulling at my shirt, untucking it from my pants, and I clumsily worked to kick off my boots as my fingers pulled her hair free from its tie, letting it bounce into freedom. My palms slid down and over her curves, roaming over her ass.

  Violet jumped, wrapping her legs around me, and I caught her, feeling the weight of her press against my growing desire for her, her skirt sliding all the way up so that it was only her panties against my own clothing. I carried her into her living room, which was just to the side of the entrance, and propped her on the back of her sofa. My tongue slid into her mouth as I worked feverishly to undo the buttons of her blouse. My mouth traveled down her neck, tasting her sweet skin, feeling her twitch at my very touch.

  My fingers reached the last button, and her shirt pulled apart, revealing her white bra, filled with her bust. I took a moment to lean back and enjoy the view, the ample bosom in front of me, before I allowed my hands to slide up, pressing her breasts together and planting a kiss at the top of them, watching her flesh gather into goose bumps.

  I loved seeing her reaction to my mouth.

  I slid my hand up her thigh, under her skirt as her fingers ran around the back of my head, holding my face to her chest as her breathing shallowed and her legs parted. I let my fingers wander along her panty line, pulling at it, testing her reaction. She took a breath in and pushed her chest out, which I took to be the go-ahead.

  I pulled them down, using both of my hands to draw them down slowly over her knees, letting them drape along her shins, kissing her knee as I did so. I could smell her essence, and it only made me hungrier, wanting to taste what treats she had under her skirt.

  She ran her fingers through my hair and spread her legs as I pushed the cloth upward and over her thighs, revealing her tidily trimmed area, pink with want. I kissed her fur, enjoying the slight prickle of the shorn hairs, then kissed either lip before kissing her opening. Her voice caught in her throat as her pelvis moved forward slightly. I introduced the tip of my tongue to her temple, tasting her, humming my delight before I pushed it into her.

  “Malcolm,” she said as I slid into her, my hand wandering up to her breast. She gripped it tightly, pressing my palm into her flesh. “Oh, oh …”

  I slid my tongue in and out of her, testing her sensitivity before I replaced it with my finger, sliding ever so gently into her, feeling the plush contours of her inner space, feeling the angle of her body as I let my mouth wander further north to her protruding clitoris. I drew it gently into my mouth as my finger slid slowly in and out of her, flicking the little bud with my tongue.

  Violate was moaning consistently now as she brought my finger to her mouth, wrapping her red-painted lips around the tips, sucking it gently with the softness of her tongue. I wanted other parts of me in her mouth, but not more than I wanted to hear the building climax in her voice as she pushed closer and closer to her orgasm.

  I licked her clit, pushing my finger deep into her, curving it around her pelvis until I found the sweet spot. She pulled my finger deep into her mouth as her vaginal walls squeezed against my other finger, her body drawing me into her.

  As my hand was flooded with her wetness, she called out my name, and my Dragon pushed me forward, pushed against the constraints of my clothing. I began pulling myself out. I needed out, needed to be in the shared space.

  I continued to work my tongue along the insides of her labia, feeling the texture of her tissues, the rippling details of her flower as she continued to moan. My Dragon, sensing her moisture, begged for her, wanted her deeply. I used my hand that had been inside her to lubricate him, moaning at the feel of her wetness on my rigid rod. I wasn’t going to be able to handle a lot more.

  She was building to another orgasm, her body writhing against my face as I worked blindly to find my wallet to get the condom in it, pull it out, and sheathe myself. I pushed my thumb into her to lubricate it before replacing my tongue that had so diligently been working on her little bud, as I kneeled before her on the couch.

  Violate came, pulling me toward her, sliding her hips forward, forcing my ready cock into her.

  It was ecstatic almost instantly. I was so turned on that I wanted to explode upon entry, and her pulsing pussy was only encouraging me. But as I drew deeper into her, she grew louder. Bracing herself against the wall behind the couch, she began moving her hips up and down my cock as another wave of her own climax began.

  I reached behind her, unclasping her bra, letting those amazing breasts fly out in the open. I lifted one into my mouth as she fucked me, and I resisted cumming. Not yet. I wasn’t ready yet. I wanted her to know what I was capable of.

  I pulled her off the back of the couch, standing up as I held her, lifting her up and down my cock, bouncing her weight to push myself into her as deeply as I could. Violet dug her nails into me, her chest bouncing against mine, her curls mimicking the motion.

  “Fuck me,” she whispered. “Fuck me, fuck me!”

  I pulled myself out and moved her down onto the couch with her head on the armrest. I kissed her slowly and deeply as I brought her leg up and angled myself in, just as slowly, letting her know where every part of me was touching her inside of that temple of hers.

  I pulled out of her, keeping her leg pressed up against her shoulder, and kneeled on the floor next to her, putting a foot on the couch to brace myself as I drove into her sideways.

  “Oh god!” Violet cried out. “Oh god, right there, right there!”

  She was tight around my cock, and I didn’t know that I was going to be able to fuck her like this, not as hard as I wanted, without doing us some damage. I began slowly, inching my way in and out, until I felt the oh so tantalizing stirring of inner pulsing. She was getting close. I pushed in harder and faster, angling myself above her. She took hold of her own leg as I put my thumb into her mouth, her moaning sending tendrils of excitement through me.

  My Dragon was moving forward, rearing his head in eagerness. I withdrew my thumb and glided it along her clit as I pumped in and out of her, harder and faster, feeling my own pressure building within. My Dragon was going to breathe fire at this rate.

  “Fuck, Malcolm,” she breathed. “Oh god, fuck, Malcolm!”

  I couldn’t resist any longer. As her pussy pulled me in, squeezing my cock tightly inside of her, I released everything in me, all my want for her, everything, inside of her. “Fuck, Violet,” I breathed as I keeled forward, all of my energy going into my orgasm. My hips pumped gently against her a few more times until, after what felt like minutes, my head began to clear, the ecstasy began to fade, and reality began to settle in again.

  “Holy fucking shit,” I breathed, pushing myself up. I gingerly pulled myself out of her and removed the condom, tying it in a knot and returning it to its package for disposal. “Oh my god, Violet. That was amazing.”

  Violet giggled, bringing down her leg and letting me climb behind her on the couch, cuddling her from behind. I could have fallen asleep right there if it weren’t for the fact that I didn’t want to miss any moments with her. I wanted to hold on to this afterglow for as long as I could, to smell her hair, to just hold her, until it was time to move on. I wasn’t going to waste any of that by sleeping. No, I wanted to savor this.

  “You know,” I said, my arm curled under her, my thumb rubbing against the skin of her shoulder, “I thought that riding my bike was the ultimate freedom. There’s nothing but me and the bike, the elements, and the open road. I didn’t need anything else. It was freedom. And I thought that was what euphoria was. But I
was wrong.” I pushed myself up so I could kiss her shoulder, kiss her collarbone, her neck, all the way to her warm cheek. “That was euphoria.”

  Violet didn’t move or respond. In fact, in my arms, she almost felt rigid.

  “Are you alright?” I asked.

  Violet nodded as she moved her shoulders, wriggling out of my embrace and sitting up. She left the living room momentarily and returned with a Japanese-style black satin robe.


  “I’m fine,” she said, not looking at me as she tied the robe around her middle. “I think that you should probably go, though.”

  “What?” I asked, sitting up. “Why? Did I do something wrong?”

  She shook her head. “No,” she lied. She was a bad liar. “Thank you for tonight, but I don’t think that you should stay.”

  “Thank you for tonight?”

  I had heard a lot of things after hooking up with a girl, but “thank you for tonight” was not one of them.

  Slowly, I reached for my britches and pants. I couldn’t understand where this was coming from. I had thought we’d had a good time. And she certainly seemed to enjoy herself just moments ago. “Are you sure you’re alright?”

  “Mm-hm,” she hummed, nodding. She left the room while I finished getting dressed. I found her in the kitchen with a glass of water in her hand. She looked deep in thought and somewhat concerned, too.

  “I don’t really understand what’s going on here,” I said. “I thought we were having a good time.”

  “Malcolm,” she said, almost using my name to plead. “Please, don’t make this a thing. It doesn’t need to be. But this can’t be something where you stay the night.”

  “Why not?” I asked. “I know that you like me, and I certainly like you. Why can’t this be something more?”

  “Look, we just need to keep things professional, alright?” Violet said. She drank her water and put the glass in the sink. “I’ve worked really hard to get this case, to be seen as a valuable member of the agency who is capable of handling the harder stuff. It’s not going to look good if I start sleeping with the guys I work with, and I’m not about to jeopardize my career because—because—”

  “Because you care about me?”

  She crossed an arm over her abdomen, resting her other elbow on the arm, and shielded her face with her hand. “Just, please go, Malcolm.”

  “Alright,” I said quietly. “I don’t understand, but I’ll go.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Do you want me to take you to work tomorrow?” I offered.

  “No, I can walk and get my car. It’s not a big deal.”

  I nodded. “Alright then.”

  I thought I had gotten somewhere with her. I thought that we had moved to another level. To me, this night, every single part of it, had been a big deal.

  Chapter 10 - Violet

  I was mortified the following morning, knowing that I had done what I said I wasn’t going to do and, even more so, that I had to see him at work in a few hours. I couldn’t believe the situation I had put myself in.

  I’d been embarrassed by my drunkenness the night before plenty of times. We all had. This wasn’t that. I hadn’t been drunk enough to make bad decisions. I couldn’t blame it on the wine. Sure, I was a lightweight, but I wasn’t that much of a lightweight.

  Yet somehow, after a nice meal and a glass of wine, I had made this bad decision.

  He’s just that good-looking, I reminded myself. I wasn’t drunk on the wine; I was drunk on him. That was the problem. He was fun and comfortable to be around, and I couldn’t get over his smile. And god, that body—no wonder I melted like butter when he got close.

  Alright, so I had one slip-up. It was a big one, but I didn’t need to beat myself up about it. I could be an adult and learn from my mistakes. No more drinking around him, and no more restaurant meals after dark. Simple as that. Those were rules I could get behind and follow, right? We’d eaten plenty of meals in the car during stake-outs. That was just part of the job. I could keep those casual enough. There was nothing sexy or romantic about Chinese food scattered along a dashboard while we waited for a criminal to reveal himself.

  Speaking of Skeet Rowe, he was beginning to be a pain in my behind. My cop senses told me there was something that I was missing. He was definitely laundering money, he was certainly up to something, he was just extremely good at covering his tracks. We just needed to keep following him, keep on trucking on with the case until we found something. There had to be something. I could almost feel that we were on the verge of finding out what it was.

  I had almost considered bugging his office, though I couldn’t figure out how we would plant a bug in a bank, a highly secure facility. Not only that, but it was likely that we wouldn’t hear anything anyway. It would all be done on his computer. Unless we could get access to everything he did on the computer, then we wouldn’t be able find anything out. And while I had my helpful connections, I didn’t know that any of them would be able to hack into a computer at the bank.

  I just needed to figure out how to dig up some dirt on this guy. I was beginning to see the limitations of being a private eye. You didn’t have the law to back you up. You were running solo. No team, no legal connections, nothing. All I had to go on were the interviews I’d been able to squeeze out of people, which didn’t give me much other than a few shifty folks in their seats, too afraid to talk to me, and the information initially handed to me with the case file. That, and my instincts.

  Except now my instincts were feeling skewed, especially after the night before with Malcolm. I didn’t know what I wanted, nor did I know what the best move was. All I could think about was the feeling of his skin on mine, the heat of his body, the want in his caress, and how I wanted more. I wanted more of him all around.

  I couldn’t do with that. Not with a case like this that I needed to concentrate on. I’d made the right decision. I had to have.

  I arrived at the office to see Malcolm’s car already there. I took a moment to breathe, pull down the visor, and flip open the mirror. I saw into my own green eyes, dark circles around them from my lack of sleep the night before, and saw that I was edging toward weakness.

  “You are a strong woman,” I told myself. “You don’t need to let some guy complicate things for you. You can do this. You are a professional. You are a detective. You are strong and focused. You’ve got this.”

  I took several more deep breaths until I thought I might be starting to believe it. I wasn’t certain, but at least the seed of belief was there, and that might grow into the real deal.

  I grabbed hold of my travel mug and opened the door, holding my chin high as I stepped into Detective Hill.

  We were going to tail Rowe again that night. I had been dreading it all day. Malcolm had done well with keeping his distance from me, and I was almost feeling guilty for the way I had treated him, but I needed him to know where things stood. He was spending time going over additional trainings in the security department today, which was fine by me. I took some hours to pour over everything I knew about Rowe, trying to find some area of weakness.

  What I really wanted to do was to have a look at his secret bank accounts, but I had no idea how to edge my way into his office to get onto his computer to take a look. Unfortunately, my knowledge of local hackers was limited to no one.

  “Same ol’, same ol’?” Malcolm asked as he knocked gently on the frame of my office door, startling me. I wasn’t looking forward to this part. It was bad enough that anything we might have had on Rowe was seeming to dry up, but to wallow in potential defeat with the one guy I felt most awkward around at the moment was almost unbearable. But if I was going to be a professional and do what I asked him to do, then I needed to be able to put the night before behind me. He was there as my security on this case. I needed to keep that relationship.

  “Yep,” I said, getting my purse and coat. “This is going to be a long night.”

  It was time for Rowe t
o clock out of the office for the day, and we were going to follow him home and make sure he stayed there, all the while wondering what he might be doing inside.

  We drove in complete silence. When Malcolm bought his fancy Lexus, he told me that he made sure to get one that was virtually soundless inside. You could hardly hear the wheels on the ground or the engine. Which only added to the bloated and pregnant tension between us.

  Despite my mantra that I was a professional, that I could be just as good as any of the men there, that I could keep my personal life separate from my work life, I felt completely uneasy being in that car with Malcolm. It was just as strange as I thought it would be, and it only affirmed that we should never have gotten involved with each other. I had no business letting it get that far, but at that moment, I had wanted him so badly that my skin burned for him before he even touched me. And this was the result of me giving in.

  Neither of us spoke. The silence was almost as suffocating as the humidity, despite the air conditioner gently blowing at my face. I wanted to roll the window down, get some fresh air, let in the sounds of the city, anything to break up the quiet between us.

  But I couldn’t say anything. I opened and closed my mouth several times, determined to break up this silence, but I couldn’t. No matter what I tried to curate as a topic of conversation, I simply didn’t know what to say. What was appropriate? More conversation about the case? Just regurgitating thoughts and details? Or worse—small talk? My stomach churned at the thought of our combined presence being filled with useless twaddle such as small talk.

  Finally, Malcolm turned on the radio.


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