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Hammer: M.C. Biker Romance (Great Wolves Motorcycle Club Book 13)

Page 7

by Jayne Blue

  “It’s good baby, get it,” he said, and his voice pushed me over the top. I leaned back, and my hips rocked up and down. I was all instinct. Another massive orgasm rolled over me and Hammer too, was coming again, with me and at my pace.

  “Aaah!” I had no actual words or sentences when this second, deeper, more intense moment rocked my world.

  “Come here baby,” he said and pulled my head down to his chest. He was still inside me, and I didn’t want that to end. Ever. He covered us.

  I tried to put it into words. I was trying to sort out what I felt for this stranger, but someone who’d I let be as close as two people could be.

  “Hammer, that was, I don’t know...”

  “No shit. You feel like no one else. I fucking love your body. Your heat,” he said, and I had to agree with him. I loved his heat. Somehow his skin set my skin on fire. His hands turned me into some sort of crazy woman. I’d never lost control in this way before. I’d never taken control like I had just now either. A little blush bloomed on my cheeks. I could feel it, and I was glad Hammer couldn’t see it. It was a little late to be shy at this point.

  We lay there together, recovering and discovering how well we fit together. Hours went by with both of us touching each other, kissing, and then, fucking, again. I was beyond shocked at how much I wanted him. This was not me. It had never been me.

  Finally, the man was hungry for actual food. The sun had gone down by this point.

  “I’m going to rinse off.,” I said. I did need to shower, have a moment to myself, re-focus on what the hell I was supposed to do next. What was my next move? I had never been so unsure of what would happen in the next second, much less the next day.

  I wondered, now separated from Hammer, if it was a dream. Or if he’d done this to me to keep me from running. It didn’t feel like bullshit, but what did I really know? I’d fallen for Rex Lynch and look how well that worked out? But making love was not what Rex and I did. Rex didn’t care if I came. He didn’t think about me, I knew that now.

  Hammer was the complete opposite. But still, my judgment, my recent past, and my radar were all back up when I finished my shower. I put on clean undies and a tank and came out. Where was this all going to end? What did it say about me that I’d even let it start?

  To my surprise, I found Hammer busy and completely domestic in the tiny space that served as a kitchen.

  “I’ve nuked all the food you have and washed your dishes. Next time I do the grocery shopping.” Next time?

  “You don’t like microwave mac and cheese?”

  “It’ll do so we don’t starve to death. But barely.”

  “Do you cook cook?” I asked him. I spent enough time in and around kitchens for work that cooking at home was the last thing I wanted to do when I was off the clock.

  “I’m not a chef, but let’s just say I’m one-thousand times better than the food you have here in front of you.” Also, in front of me was a shirtless Hammer. His jeans were hanging just below the hipbone. I tried not to stare. He had a six-pack, or was it an eight-pack? I suddenly felt shy about my little tummy.

  “Well, maybe if we survive this, you can prove it to me. But for now, thanks for the mac and cheese.”

  Hammer moved fast, and he was next to me, on his knees, which put us face-to-face.

  “We will survive this, and next time I’ll eat dinner off your pretty little ass.”

  “Oh my.”

  We were both naked again, in less than five minutes.



  Daniella Moore was mine. From the moment I fixed that cut on her forehead, maybe before. I didn’t give two shits that Rex Lynch thought she was his. He was wrong. He was crazy, and he was going to have to get used to that fact.

  After we’d fucked on the kitchen countertop, we crashed into sleep. Well, she did. She was tired, and I made sure she slept. I didn’t worry as much about the concussion anymore. She was fine on that score.

  But there was no sleeping for me.

  This woman rocked my fucking world. She’d turned it upside down.

  I was supposed to tell Steel I had her. I’d lied to him. I was supposed to turn her over to The Devil’s Hawks. There was no way in hell I’d do that now. She’d made a mistake. She’d trusted the wrong man when Rex Lynch came into her life. But now she was with the right man. I was damn sure going to prove that to her.

  I ran through a lot of scenarios as her body cuddled up to mine. I held her tighter when it seemed like she was having a nightmare.

  I wondered if her nightmare was about Lynch. And I also wondered if she’d told me everything. Lynch had said she’d seen things that would put her in danger. I wish now that I’d asked him, danger from who? One of their suppliers? From the cops?

  I’d bet money that the worst danger to her was from Rex Lynch. I would never try to own her or tell her she couldn’t see her Granddad. But, for the first time in my life, I could understand Lynch. He’d been with Daniella. He’d felt her soft skin under his hands. Daniella was with me right now, and I nearly hurt from wanting to be inside her again.

  I had no doubt that Rex Lynch wanted to own her. The idea made my blood run hot. An image of his dirty hands on her milky skin assaulted me. I squeezed my eyes shut.

  Fuck. I didn’t know what we’d have to do but, whatever it was, I was willing to do it to keep his hands from ever touching her again.

  I drifted off with her nuzzled into me. Her nightmares and mine were probably now one and the same.

  When morning came, I knew it was time.

  “We gotta get out of here.”

  “Out of Petoskey?”

  “Yeah, and soon.”

  “Well, I had been planning to stay the hell away from Lynch, one way or another. Then you showed up.”

  “That’s the other problem, your granddad. He told me where you were, so we’re not safe.”

  “True, I should never have confided in him.”

  “Yeah, well, then I wouldn’t have found you so, actually, you did just fine. But we need to be on the move soon.”

  “How soon? I mean I thought I’d have to ditch that job at The Marina Lounge yesterday, but today I’m thinking I should at least tell them I’m quitting. Wouldn’t it raise more suspicion if I just disappeared and didn’t come back?”

  “Yeah. But I’d rather get moving fast. Even if it means you do disappear. And you were ready to run yesterday. What’s got you worrying about turning in a resignation now?”

  “Because you aren’t dragging me back to Rex, I have a second to think. And I think just disappearing sucks.”

  “Yeah, well sucking is better than getting caught.”

  “I’m on for a night shift tonight. That’s like two-hundred bucks cash for me.”

  “You don’t have to worry about that.” I wasn’t rich, but I also wasn’t strapped. I had plenty to get us out of here and to last us a little bit until I sorted shit out.

  “Excuse me, and, well, fuck you.” She got up and wrapped the bedsheet around her.


  “I hardly know you. Just because, uh, just because this is incredible, I can’t just make the same mistake over and over.”

  “I’m a mistake now?” I was pissed that she was being so unreasonable.

  “It remains to be seen.” She stood up and stomped off to the bathroom.

  “Daniella, would you come out here.” Slowly, she emerged again from the bathroom, wearing a t-shirt and underwear. I was trying not to be distracted by that. Everything she did distracted me.


  “I am not Rex Lynch. What are you so pissed about?”

  “I’m not your property or problem. I am trying to fix a mistake I made. I freely admit that being with Lynch was a giant fuck up. But as soon as I realized how serious a fuck up, I got the hell out of there. I am not going to have you order me around like he did. I am taking care of myself, whether you like it or not.”

  “Oh, so cras
hing your car and nearly getting attacked by frat boys is taking care of yourself?”

  “That car crash was your fault.” Her green eyes were shooting laser beams of hate at me right now.

  “You’re lucky I’m the one that was following you.” She still didn’t understand the magnitude of her situation. I was sure of it.

  “And the frat boys I took care of myself. Hey?” She paused a second and put it together.

  “You were there? You were lurking somewhere and spying on me? Jesus.” She receded back to the bathroom. I stood up and walked over to her.

  “Look, I had to keep an eye on you. That’s what I was doing. And I was wrong, you did do a good job handling yourself with those assholes. You didn’t need anyone to rescue you in that moment.”

  “I need you to get out of here.”

  “What?” She had gone from pissed off to cold. She was working through something, and it wasn’t turning out great for me.

  “I said, go. Please.”

  “You’re not thinking clearly.”

  “I’m thinking very clearly. I need you to go. I am helping myself. I will not be relying on you, and your fucking club or whatever. For all I know, they’re no different than the Hawks, maybe worse.”

  “So you want me to leave, after all this? This wasn’t just fucking, you and me, you know that.” I saw her flinch. She blinked her eyes. She looked down at the floor. I stood my ground at the bathroom door. And then I reached out to her. She relented and let me pull her into a hug.

  I kissed the top of her head.

  She smelled so good. Her body leaned into me. I softened. I tried to see it from her perspective.

  “I get it. You have no reason to really trust me. I thought I showed you last night, but clearly, it wasn’t enough.”

  “I’m going to work tonight. I’m not running. You’re the only one that tracked me here. I’m just as safe here as anywhere.”

  “Your granddad is a loose end, he talks.”

  “I’ll call him later today and tell him I’m in Indianapolis or Cleveland or something.”

  “I see.” I didn’t think talking to him right now was the best plan. I also didn’t know how to stop her from doing it. That’s exactly what Lynch would have done.

  “I’m sorry, Hammer, but I need to take care of me.”

  “Do you trust me? Do you really think I’m like the fucking Hawks?”

  “I don’t think so, not at all. But I’m also confused as heck. What we had last night was, uh, epic. I’ve never experienced anything like that, felt anything that strong. But what if that’s your game? How do I know you’re not playing me to get me back to Flat Rock? Having a little fun for yourself before you dump me on Lynch?”

  “That hurts. That’s bullshit.”

  “I know, I think. Let me work at the restaurant. Let me think. I’ll plant a false story with Granddad. All of it. You need to think too before you go running us all over the place.”

  I couldn’t argue with her about that. I had lied to the club. They were going to be expecting something soon.

  “Okay, fine. Go to work. But I will be – what did you call it? I’ll be lurking, just to be sure.”

  “Just don’t get me fired. I want that 200 bucks.”

  “I told you, you don’t need that money.”

  “I told you, you’re not paying my way. I don’t have a dad and, as you saw, my Granddad needs care.”

  I did need to think. I did need to decide what was the best next move. And the clock was ticking.

  “Go to work. I’ll work my end, and I’ll be there at the end of your shift.”

  “Good, it’s settled.” Daniella pulled away from me and continued to get dressed.

  I knew everything I’d just agreed to with her was probably wrong. I was straddling some strange new territories here. I had two rival clubs to deal with and a woman I didn’t want to lose.

  Just then, my phone buzzed. It was Steel. I had to tell him something. Now.

  “Hey Brother.” I walked out into the apartment, and to the door. Daniella was now busy getting ready for her shift. And I was busy trying to keep the plates spinning without crashing down around me.

  “Did you find her? We’re getting a lot of calls from Lynch and his assholes.”

  “I, uh, yeah.” I waited.

  “Shit, great, you headed back to Flat Rock?”

  “No. Listen, Steel. Can you not tell anyone yet?”


  “I need a little time. I’m not sure turning her over is going to be as easy as all that.”

  “Uh, well, Sawyer is going to be pissed if you lie to him.”

  “I’m not lying. You’re not lying. Just give me twenty-four hours before you say anything. I’m trying to make this as smooth as possible.”

  “I don’t like it. Are you in trouble?”

  “No, I just need a little time.”

  “Where are you?”

  “On the road.”

  “That’s not an answer.”

  “I promise, I’ll call you in twenty-four, and we’ll be all good.” I felt sick to my stomach. This was not the way we rolled in the GWMC. But it was all I could think of to do. If I told him where we were, the time would be up. He’d have to tell Sawyer.

  “Hammer, this is shit. I’m worried now. I got a bad feeling.”

  “Just give me a day, brother. Trust me.”

  “Fine, one day.” We hung up. The one constant in my life since I’d been back from the service was the Great Wolves M.C., and I was stretching that bond. It was shitty.

  But then Daniella came out as I hung up the call. She found her way into my arms, and I held her tight.

  “I need a ride to work. Know anyone with wheels?” She looked up at me, and her anger at me was gone. Our fight was over. I know she didn’t trust me to handle all this shit. But at least we were on the same page in this moment.

  The truth was, I didn’t trust me to handle all this shit. And we might very well make enemies of both clubs before it was all said and done.



  I was all over the map in the last two days. I’d gone from running from him to loving him. Shit. Love? Hammer was everything to me in the blink of an eye. And that scared the living crap out of me.

  I rode on the back of his bike to work. I held on tight. I breathed him in. The truth was that everything was unsteady. The ground I walked on felt like it was swaying underneath my feet. When he told me we were going to have to leave, to run from Petoskey, that he was going to take care of everything, that I was to do what he said, something snapped.

  I should have been more careful with my life. I should have run when the Devil’s Hawks walked into my restaurant all those months ago.

  I retraced my emotional steps with Rex Lynch. Why did I get involved with him? I didn’t mean to get that deep. One date turned into five, and two weeks into a month before I had a chance to pump the breaks. And here I was again, doing the exact same damn thing with Hammer. But it was worse. Way worse.

  I had no love for Rex Lynch. He was casual dating gone wrong. Hammer wasn’t casual, and it wasn’t dating.

  The word love was popping into my head without warning when it came to Hammer. It was almost as scary as the being with Lynch. With Lynch, I feared him. With Hammer, I feared my own heart.

  But I’d won this round. I’d convinced him that I needed to stand on my own two feet. He drove me to work. I knew he was lying to me. I knew he was talking to his M.C., but also that he was lying to them about me. He said he was stalling about telling the truth to keep me safe. But they were still lies. What proof did I have that he wasn’t just having fun with me until he fulfilled his little mission to lasso me for Lynch?

  I had no proof.

  Except, my heart.

  Every cell in my body, every beat of that heart, told me there was something more, something special, something extraordinary, something real, with Hammer. We didn’t really know each other. We�
�d started this with distrust and one of the most twisted situations in which two people could start a relationship, but it didn’t matter. The feelings I had for him were profound. But I didn’t want to let him know. I couldn’t. I had to keep my head. I had to be smart. I had to remember why I ran in the first place.

  Hammer dropped me at work. He kissed me. He looked at me like I was the most important thing in his world. Being with him was all I wanted. But I couldn’t trust any of it. I wouldn’t.

  “I’ll be here until your shift is over. Don’t leave with anyone else.”

  “Of course not. I’m trusting you. You can trust me.” And I did want him to trust me. Even though I had no idea why. What did it matter if we trusted each other if he was going to turn me over to the Devil’s Hawks?

  I was so happy to be going into work, to be waiting tables, to be doing something normal instead of running or falling head over heels for the sexy charm of the latest biker to turn my world into chaos.

  “You got a pretty good-looking ride to work,” Angie said, and I nodded. She was looking out the window at Hammer, who’d said he wouldn’t make it obvious that he was lurking. I wondered how he was going to pull that off. He was about as conspicuous as a human got with his leather, his looks, and his largeness. It was like The Rock trying to blend into the background. Well, I’d leave that issue to him. I got to work and blissfully stopped torturing myself over the war zone that was my current life.

  True to his word, somehow, Hammer did make himself invisible. I got caught up in my job and the night shift went fast. I wasn’t worried about my life, just about who ordered blue cheese dressing and what table wanted gluten-free. It was a mental break I needed. And it was cash.

  I also told my managers that I was quitting, that there was a family emergency. I hadn’t been there long enough to make friends, or warrant much more than a “sorry about that,” and “good luck.” But at least I didn’t burn a bridge here by ditching and leaving them.


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