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Alpha Knots: Alpha Horde, #3

Page 5

by Jacks, Milana

  I grab her foot and examine its sole, pressing a thumb to test the depth of the human foot arch. We have no arches. Our feet are divided into three flexible sections. “I will make no further excuses for my behavior…” I pause and observe the strangest thing. The Omega’s eyes roll back, and she lands her other booted foot on my lap. Hmm. I grab her bare heel and squeeze, telling her I understand she wants me to undress her, but she nods at me, eyes wide and trying to communicate.

  I squeeze her bare foot again.

  She gives me a groan akin to one I imagine her making as I fuck her. Human Omegas have sensual points in the feet. The feet! I press a thumb over her foot’s arch and rub, watching her pupils dilate, scenting her pussy spilling heat out of its hole. I grin. “You like that, little Omega?”

  She nods, enjoying my…foot mastery, but her eyes still drift to Loyo.

  She mumbles something, and I believe it has to do with the hound again.

  “He’s sleeping,” I tell her. “There’s nothing you can do about his wounds, and I need you to relax, take a nice hot bath, and rest for the night. We’ll reach the Guardians tomorrow. The journey is long, and we are tired.” Omegas like baths, especially the warm ones. This cave is the largest in the mountain and could hold half the Horde, even if we don’t venture in this area often. We don’t need to. The king divides his armed forces and appoints them for different duties. The Guardians’ domain is Nessetra. They are trained to withstand harsh conditions and guard the capital should someone get stupid enough to try to invade it from the mountain region.

  Her other foot bared, I’ve got both her arches in my hands, and I’m rubbing, watching out for my claws. The Omega practically purrs. The noises she makes are cute, and I’d love nothing more than to take her feet and stroke my dick with them. At the thought of that, I offer her a seductive purr, a rattle I reserved for the Omega I would bond one day. This one deserves it.

  “You’re very brave,” I tell her. Sam doesn’t complain about the cold, the journey, about how I didn’t stop on the way up here so she could rest her arms and legs, about me ordering her to hold on when I feared she might fall off me. Even if she’s a trained soldier cop, I’m proud of her endurance and lack of whining.

  The Collectors tell us stories of Omegas constantly whining about the long journey to the capital and how Tayseer makes his unit cater to the Omegas’ whims when they’d rather spank them and shut them up. This Omega makes a good traveling companion. Perhaps one turn, when all this is over, I’ll take her on a trip through Regha.

  This Omega isn’t mine. I grit my teeth. I should not think of her in such a way. Scrubbing my face, I remove my clothes and hop inside the bath. I like to keep clean too. I dunk under to get washed and emerge to an Omega who’s breathing hard and whose pupils are so dilated, I believe she’ll go into heat now or very soon. Timely, I’d say. Montar won’t be able to resist Loven’s ultimatum: either bond the Omega or don’t touch the Omega. That’s the deal, one I’m sure Montar isn’t gonna like but will learn to like as I dangle this fine Omega pussy in front of his face.

  I scrub up, then reach for the smelly products Kingsley and Cyan use. They’re called shampoo, conditioner, soap, lotion, and I’m not even sure what this other thing is. I open it and sniff, then nearly faint from the potent smell. I line up the five bottles at the pond’s edge so I can sort them out. Luckily, I’ve memorized them by color. Oh, and one more thing. “You may waste in the bath.”

  The Omega groans.

  “Or find a place in the cave, but I prefer the bath so I can’t smell it.” I turn back and see that she’s placed her feet in the water. With her gagged and bound and me purring, taking her eyes off Loyo is less of a problem now. I presume I could provide her with an even better distraction. If the Omega is willing. I slide off the furs from her legs and bare her skin. It’s so soft, I can’t stop touching her. I run a palm over her thigh, squeezing gently because, fuck, she’s perfect, and her pussy weeps for my Alpha dick. I can smell it. I tie her legs, untie her arms, and slide the numerous layers off her upper body.

  The moment I do that and her arms are free, Sam tries to get her gag out, but I capture her hands. “No,” I say firmly. “You have a habit of saying what you mean, effectively disobeying me. I will discipline you. Nobody wants that. Or do you?” I like discipline so much that I might fuck you, bond you, and love you for the rest of my very short life, and right before I die of shame as a Horde male who failed a mission due to his obsession with owning an Omega.

  If I expected to deter her, she proves me wrong. Sam hops into the bath, grabs me, and jumps, plastering her body to mine. I believe she will climb me. Impulsive Omega, ripe for discipline. She makes me crazy for her.

  Her blunt nails dig into my hair, and she fists it, trying to force my head down. There’s a sound coming from her, and if I didn’t know Omegas don’t produce these sounds, I’d call it a warning growl.

  “Poor little Omega approaching heat. Kori Vemlox got just the tongue for it.” I can’t fuck this Omega, but I sure can eat her pussy. Mmm. I lick my lips, lingering long enough for her to gaze at the metal studs at the tips of my tongue. “When I dig into your pussy with these things and click them together, they vibrate. I expect you to feed me that special Omega pussy juice. If you don’t, I will discipline you.” I lift my hand, showing her my palm.

  The Omega smirks, then spins around and bends over the side of the pond, that fine round ass up and ready.

  “Well, well, well, what do I have here?” A shivering Omega. Half her body is outside the pool in temperatures her thin skin can’t withstand. I cover her back with the furs, and when she sighs, I know I’ve been attentive. I can be more attentive; been waiting to eat her pussy from the moment I saw her, which is a long fucking time of her body hanging on to mine. My dick is in a perma-aroused state, gonna stab someone in the eye. Nobody wants that either.

  All in all, in front of me is a fine ass. I’m fond of ass more than breasts. I palm Sam’s ass with both hands and massage, running my thumbs inside the crack. The Omega wiggles, lifting to get me to touch her pussy. I raise my palm and strike, leaving a red mark visible on her dark skin. I strike the same place again. It hurts, and the Omega releases a throaty scream. I strike the other butt cheek and marvel at the way it bounces. I’m not done, not even close. I lay rapid strikes on her butt and lower thighs that have her lifting her legs, trying to get away. I trap her legs between mine, grab her hair, and continue spanking her.

  Once her whimpers break into sobs, I know I’m done.

  I palm her bottom and spread her cheeks, stepping back. Before me are two holes. I bend to see better. My eyes! Two holes. Why hasn’t anyone told me about this? Just when I thought I was prepared for all things human Omega, I find out they come with two holes. Now, I know a pussy when I see a pussy. A slit leaking the clear Omega liquid that I spread with my thumb, resisting the urge to dive in there and drink it all. The water from her thighs has dried, so all that liquid trailing down her skin is pussy heat as the Omega prepares for my Alpha dick. Which she won’t be getting, unfortunately for both of us.

  Using my thumb, I spread her pussy juice up and over that tiny puckered hole, rub it a little, and listen for her response. Her sobbing stops, and she’s quiet, breathing heavily. While I need no Omega input when I spank her, nor do I want any, I do need to know what I’m getting into with this second hole. I remove the gag from her mouth and lean over her body. My eyes lock with her dark brown ones, and I kiss her nose. “On a scale of one to ten, how much did you like the discipline?”

  “A ten, Kori Vemlox. A ten.”

  As a reward, I stick a finger into her pussy. “You spoil me, little Omega. Now, tell me.” I circle her small hole. “Can I poke this hole?”

  “Yes.” She pushes against my finger.

  Of all the human Omegas I’ve seen, which, granted, is only two, neither has spoken about their bodies or sex. I recall Kingsley saying that although everyone does it, sex isn’
t something Earthlings often speak about. I took that as meaning humans are prudes. This Omega must be an outlier. She’s unashamed, even tries to force my head down to kiss me.

  I peck her lips, open my mouth, and seek her red tongue. It’s soft and chunky, feels awkward at first, but it’s also sweet, and I close my eyes, enjoying this intimate moment. Kissing is always intimate. Fucking can be either intimate or not. I wouldn’t know intimate fucking to save my life, but one span, I will. One span, I will mount my Omega and simply fuck her with no words, no discipline, nothing between us but the scent of my pheromones as I bond her to me for life.

  I sniff. Serpent’s balls! I’m releasing pheromones now.

  I break the kiss and wonder if she smells anything. Their sense of smell is much worse than ours. The Omega’s pupils dilate, but brown lingers at the outer circle of her eyes, telling me she’s not completely in heat and won’t become a whore to her body’s needs.

  I probe her back hole with one finger. The other I stick into her pussy and begin pumping. The Omega rolls her eyes in the back of her head. I do this until I’ve got her squirming, begging, cursing me, then I drop to my knees and withdraw my finger. I stay there underwater, cock fisted in my hand, waiting for the liquid heat to bathe my fucking face. When nothing happens, I lick her hole, clink my metal tongue studs together, and let them vibrate. The Omega’s squirming, raising her ass until my tongue connects with something. Again, I rear back and check out the new-to-me territory.

  There is a flower-bud-like thing under her slit.

  I lick it.

  The Omega flips to her back, her face heated. “Please, untie me.”

  “Not a chance.”

  I grab her ankles and move them out of my way by forcing her legs to fold against her belly, so that I can examine her pussy again. What kind of pussy is this? A special one. There’s a decoration on this pussy. I lick over her bud. The Omega tries to lift her body and follow my mouth.

  “What’s this bud called?” I ask.

  “Oh.” She giggles. “You want an anatomy lecture right now?”


  ”Clitoris. A clit.”

  Clitoris. Sounds like something official and therefore important. I better pay attention to the clitoris. And so I do. I force her legs down more, so her ass is up in my face and I’m comfortable stroking my dick, then I dive into all that heat. Her pussy practically wants to swallow my tongue, but it’s the clitoris that really makes her scream. I focus on it, clamping that little thing between the forks of my tongue and clicking the metal studs together.

  “Touch my ass,” she whispers.

  I believe this is an order.

  Seeing as I’m in uncharted alien pussy territory, willing to learn all things, I find myself happy to obey.

  I stick one finger in her ass and one in her pussy and pump while I tongue her clitoris. The Omega quiets. Her walls tighten, then open up. Liquid heat gushes out of her pussy, and I pump harder, faster. Omegas, when treated right, can come multiple times and gush so much fluid that a pack of Alphas can mount them. This Omega is no different. I lap at her pussy as it comes and comes, over and over again, then set a rapid pace with my hand. My balls tighten, my knot expands, and I release my load into the bath, pools and pools of wasted seed I could’ve spilled inside this magic pussy attached to a female that sings to my soul.



  Under the furs, I lie spent and sated. The heat of everything Vemlox has done to me keeps me warm. A man finally spanked me the way I needed to be spanked, instead of me having to tell him what to do and how to get it done. Vemlox awakens every submissive feeling in my body that had been long buried during police academy training and having to take care of my own needs. I smile up at the celling. It took an alien because out of the men I’d been with, I couldn’t seem to find one.

  The men I’ve been looking for are out there, though. The doers, I call them. They’re pushing strollers, making sure dinner’s on the table if she’s worked a long day, taking kids to doctor’s appointments so she doesn’t have to, and bailing their loved ones out of jail. But it takes an alien for me.

  Still, I’m apprehensive about my body’s responses to Vemlox. The urge to climb him and impale myself on him sets a fire in my belly, and it’s the kind of need I feel I can’t live without. Reminds me of the way I’ve pursued my career. Like my dad, I really wanted to be a missing-persons detective, and street cop experience would have given me a leg up when I, eventually, applied for the detective position. This dream seems far away but not unattainable. I don’t need a detective’s badge to find the missing girls. It’s not about the badge; it’s about the girls. They’re here on Regha. I’m so sure of it now, I can practically imagine meeting them. So I don’t question the premise here. I go along with Vemlox, not that he’s making my life a hardship.

  Vemox is quiet too. Probably off in his own head. I wonder if he had any earth-shattering revelations from this little escapade. Probably not. We’re not on earth.

  I rise on my elbows, furs falling under my breasts, to find Vemlox just standing there, fully armored, black eyes on me. I drop my gaze to his chest, which is rising up and down.

  “Shampoo?” he bites out, then clears his throat.

  Next to me, bottles labeled in English stand as if on guard over the spa Vemlox insists on calling a bath. It’s really a spa with thermal waters. I lift my legs and wiggle my toes, indicating I’m still tied up. Vemlox strokes my calf before he grabs my ankles, and the heat in my belly returns. His nostrils flare, and he smirks. I think he’s got a special sense of smell and can smell my arousal. This makes it really hard to pretend I’m cool as a cucumber, and so I don’t. “I’m horny again,” I say.

  “And you will be for a long while, until after your heat.”

  My heat? I think he means my ovulation period, because I sure as fuck won’t be going into heat. “Will you be around for my heat?”

  He grips my shoulders, steps closer. His cold armor touches my skin, and instead of freezing, I’m hot again, my hands touching the length of his erect cock. I encircle it with both hands—because one fist just won’t do—and stroke, teasing him. A rattle echoes in the room, and I press my cheek on his chest.

  Vemlox grunts, mumbles something, then unties me. He forces me under the water and yanks me back up. Hair wet, I emerge, and he spins me around, orders me to stay put. I think he might wash my hair. If he starts washing my tired body, I swear to the Lord in heaven I will get down on one knee and propose that he return to Earth with me, where I will lock him in my house like a captive and never let him go. Every woman needs a man like Vemlox. Strong, capable, and able to give her multiple orgasms via the oral route. I can only imagine what he can do with his dick. No, I probably can’t even imagine it.

  Besides, this is a Daddy Dom, and those are into caring for a woman. It’s a plus that Kori is a foreign term for me, and I don’t say Daddy. I like it.

  An odd scent spreads through the cave, and I wiggle my nose. The shampoo’s a bit fruity smelling for my taste, but when strong hands massage my scalp as he lathers up my hair, I’m good. I’m super good. I don’t care if the alien craps vanilla blossoms out of his ass, I’m good with it. I squeeze his dick, stroke him slowly, wondering why I don’t affect him the way he affects me.

  This thought gives me pause, and I keep my hands to myself, fisted at my sides as he rinses my hair. The conditioner smells different, less offensive, more like a gentle flower, maybe even a familiar orchid, but as he puts it on and lathers, I can tell by the texture it’ll do nothing for my hair. At home, I’ve a bathroom packed with special hair products that work for me.

  “How long do we have to rest here?” I ask.

  “We leave as soon as Sycol breaks through.”

  “At dawn.”

  A grunt as confirmation and nothing more. Vemlox isn’t chatty, maybe feeling awkward, maybe even regretting what we’ve done. Eeek. I hate these moments. A girl goes out with a gu
y, dates him for a few months, then she sleeps with him, and the epiphany hits. She realizes they’re incompatible in bed.

  Maybe Vemlox wants a tame girl. I’m not that girl, so I shrug. It’s not like I’m stuck on the alien planet forever and have to learn to survive. I’m gonna find those missing girls and make the best of it while I’m looking. And when I get home, I’m keeping quiet about Regha. I don’t need drama and psych evaluations, which are surely gonna follow if I ever open my mouth about the alien experience. Not gonna say a word and keep this Vemlox guy safely locked in my memories as the hero who all men aspire to be. Maybe evolution will catch up with us on Earth.

  Washed and tongue fucked, yet feeling more awkward than I should, I dress in the last set of clean clothes and throw furs over my shoulders, then stand by the spa, where Vemlox is doing everything to avoid eye contact. Seeing as he does what he wants and isn’t responsible for the way I feel about what happened between us, I don’t pester him about it or try to make light of anything or invite him to chat about bullshit. I stride to the hound.

  I don’t need to check his pulse by placing a hand over his belly, like I would with a dog. I hear the sandpaper rattle of his chest, similar to the one Vemlox makes when he eats pussy. And there I go again. Annoyed with myself for not reining in my thoughts, and pissy with my pussy’s insta-wet habit, I scout the cave for a sleep shack. Whereas the other cave had natural alcoves, this one is a vast open space with several spas scattered around. I spot a spa in the very corner, then march to gather more furs.

  Vemlox has dried and dressed in a long brown kilt and a belt adorned with insignia on top of it. It makes me think it’s a uniform. Armor still up, he helps me gather more furs and, without a word, follows me to the spa, where I kneel and start arranging my bed. The furs are from animals, which bothers me because I don’t like to imagine them being skinned, but Vemlox seems to be the kind of man who hunts to eat and keep warm in these conditions instead of doing it for sport. He’s a self-admitted killer, so he probably hunts other aliens for sports. Not that his business is any of my business. I’m not gonna play cop here. I’m gonna make it through the night, get on up the damn mountain in the morning, and look for those girls.


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