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MANFAX: Winter Brothers #2

Page 19

by Chance, Jacob

  Maybe I should drink tonight if I’m going to feel like shit in the morning anyway.

  Might as well make the time pass by faster. And maybe I’ll be able to get Roxanne out of my head for more than five fucking minutes.

  I’m not sure alcohol can make that happen. Maybe I’ll hit my head and amnesia will do the job. Shaking my head at my ridiculous thoughts, I swallow more coffee.

  A car is slowly making its way up the long driveway. Who the fuck is this?

  As it gets closer, I notice the deep blue color and the make. It’s a BMW. It’s Roxanne.

  My initial reaction is happiness and then I remember the past two days.

  Rubbing a hand over my disheveled hair, I set my coffee mug down on a side table and start toward the door. Does she think showing up here is going to magically fix everything?

  That flashing her million dollar smile my way will make me forget how she hurt me?

  Or how she flipped my world off its axis?

  Should I pretend that every second we’ve been apart, I haven’t felt like a thousand pound boulder is sitting on my chest?

  Pausing in front of the door, I stand with my arms crossed and try to prepare myself for the impending knock. But there’s no preparing that’ll suffice. When the knock comes all I can do is clench my teeth and man up enough to face the situation head on.

  Drawing in a steadying breath, I brace myself. I’m about to be assaulted by the sight of her beautiful face.

  I pull the door open wishing I was facing my future but fearful she’s now the past.

  “Adam,” she whispers, her eyes welling with tears. I look beyond her, focusing on a low hanging branch Larsen and I climbed onto this past summer. “Adam.” My name is a plea. “May I come in?”

  Stepping back inside, I start up the stairs, leaving her to follow. I hear the front door shut as I grab my coffee mug and head to the kitchen for a refill. Too bad it’s not whiskey.

  I fill my mug and lean back against the counter. Roxanne approaches. Glassy eyed and red nosed, she’s stunning. No matter how angry and hurt I am, I want to drag her into my arms and never let her go.

  She stops in front of me. “I know you don’t want me here.”

  “You’re right, I don’t.”

  She winces, but my cruel words don’t send her running. “I owe you an apology and then I’ll go.” Her chin raises while she waits for me to object.

  “Are you waiting for applause for showing up?”

  “No.” She scowls and I know I’m getting to her. “I would’ve told you about the Manfax reports as soon as we met, but legally I’m not allowed to tell anyone. I sign a confidentiality agreement with every client who hires my company.

  “You still should’ve told me.”

  “Adam, be reasonable. I had never met you before. Don’t you think it would’ve been awkward for me?”

  “You mean how it was for me when I found out that my girlfriend knew things about me that I hadn’t shared with her myself?”

  “I told you that I never read your reports beyond your description. I just imagined you must have a busy dating history if four women wanted reports on you. We’ve never had to do that many on one person before.” If I wasn’t so pissed, I’d be proud of that accomplishment. Doing my best to look bored, I sip my coffee. She steps closer, and my heart gallops behind my rib cage.

  “There hasn’t been a day that’s passed that I didn’t want to tell you about the reports. But for me, those statistics don't matter. They haven’t mattered since you first kissed me in the pool. I didn’t want to admit how you made me feel. Least of all to myself. And the more time we spent together, the deeper I fell.”

  I shake my head. “You should cut your losses now. You’re too good for me anyway. I’ll only end up disappointing you.”

  “Adam, shut up and listen. For fuck’s sake. I’m trying to tell you I love you. That I don’t care what you did before we met. All that matters to me is that you love me as much as I love you.”

  “Love can’t fix everything, Roxanne.”

  “Rocky. Call me Rocky. You’re the only one who does, the only one I want to call me that.”

  “You’ll always be Rocky to me, no matter what.”

  “I need you to let me finish before you speak again. Okay?” She waits for my nod. “After you left the party, I went to the ladies’ room and cried my eyes out. Danica and Violet came in and tried to console me. I was angry with myself for so many reasons, but most of all, I wished that I’d run after you. Or forced you to take me with you. While the three of us were in the bathroom, Jessica walked in. She told me I was unethical and threatened to out our relationship on social media. She said it would ruin my business.” Roxanne edges toward me. If she reached out she could place her hand over my racing heart. “And do you know what I said to that bitch?” she spits out the question like venom. I shake my head. “I told her I didn’t care what she did. That all that mattered to me is you.” She drops her head for a few seconds, and when she straightens up, tears are free falling down her face. She chews on her bottom lip, her jaw working side to side in her best effort to stave off sobs. She hauls in her next jagged breath. “I don’t care if I lose business. What I care about more than anything in this world is you.” She pokes my chest. “I love you. You stole my whole heart when I never meant to let it go. And I don’t want it back.”

  My eyes fill with moisture, and the boulder on my chest moves up, morphing into a giant lump in my throat. I croak, “You stole my heart too.”

  Her face crumbles and sobs overtake her. I tug her into my arms, plastering her trembling frame to my bare chest. She feels so perfect. “Rocky.” Her face tips upward. “I don’t want my heart back.”

  She smiles tremulously. “Good. Because I’m keeping it forever.”




  “So, how did you get suckered into keeping me busy while Adam sets up for my surprise party?” I ask Lisa.

  She focuses on the road in front of us without even blinking. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I wanted to hang out with my friend.”

  Oh she’s good, I’ll give her that. But I’m better. It didn’t take much effort on my part to figure out that Adam was throwing me a party. He was acting all squirrelly around me, completely unlike himself.

  “Give it up, Lisa. I won’t tell anyone.” Her hands flex on the steering wheel, the only indication she’s rattled. “You’ve got an active imagination.”

  “Fine,” I relent. “I’ll drop it and just know I’m right. That’s enough for me.” I smile.

  “Is there anywhere else you’d like to go?” Lisa questions.

  “Nah. I wouldn’t want to throw the party timeline off.”

  Lisa giggles. “Let it go, Rox. Maybe you need to accept that there’s no party. Don’t worry, I’m sure Adam’s planning a private party for the two of you.”

  “Who said I’m worried. I’m hoping he’s not having a party. You know how much I hate surprises.”

  Lisa’s eyebrows climb up her forehead. “You don’t like surprises?”

  “Nope. I hate them,” I lie. I’m trying to provoke a reaction and it seems to be working.

  Lisa rubs her lips together. Is she trying to decide if she should confess there really is a party?

  “Adam should know better. I hope he doesn’t think he can just flash his dimple at me and all will be forgiven,” I continue, trying not to laugh.

  “Rox.” Lisa sighs. “You didn’t hear this from me, okay?” She briefly flicks her eyes to me and I nod. “You’re going to walk into a party when you get home.”

  I giggle. “I already knew that, but thanks for confirming it for me.”

  “You suck. Ugh. I played right into your plan, didn’t I?”

  “Yep. One of these days you’ll learn.”

  “We can hope anyway,” Lisa mumbles.

  “If it’s any consolation you look sexy as fuck driving th
is car.”

  Lisa grins. “Thank you and thanks for this awesome car. I never expected you to follow through on gifting your BMW to me.”

  “Hey, I said I would. We may not have shook on it, but I blurted it out with the utmost confidence. What the hell was I thinking? I didn’t stand a chance against Adam’s charming persistence.”

  “Yeah, he was determined to win you over. And he continues to do sweet stuff for you. How lucky are you?” she asks.

  “Believe me, I know how fortunate I am.” The nine months we’ve been together have been the happiest of my life. I can’t imagine a day spent without him.

  She navigates the car into Adam’s driveway. Did he think I wouldn’t notice my own mother’s car parked on the side of the street? Or Rex’s truck?

  “Do you want to leave your bags in the trunk for now?” Lisa asks.

  “Yeah, good idea. I don’t need them to see how much stuff I bought.” I snigger.

  We trek up the driveway to the side door. Lisa turns to me. “Are you ready?”

  “Yeah. Might as well get the awkwardness over with.” I twist the knob and open the door.

  “Surprise,” A crowd of family and friends shouts. I jump from surprise, even though I expected it. It’s like winding a jack-in-the-box. Even though you know he’s going to fly out of the top you’re still never really prepared for it.

  Adam has me in his arms immediately and I whisper in his ear, “I’m going to make you pay for this.”

  He draws back with a grin. “Whatever you do, it’ll still be worth dealing with. I wanted you to have a party. You work so hard, you deserve a day where everyone praises you.” He leans down, brushing his lips over mine. The contact is too brief. I want to pull him in and give him a kiss that’ll make our tongues wag and the party guests heads spin.

  I pat his chest. “You’re so sweet. I love you.”

  “I love you too and I’m committed to proving to you just how much.”

  My mom is the next person to greet me with a long hug. I haven’t seen her in too long.

  She holds me out in front of her. “You’re beautiful. You look radiant. Love makes you glow.”

  “Mom, isn’t that like you’re complimenting yourself since I look like you?”

  “Oh stop. Accept my compliment graciously like I taught you.”

  “I’m so glad you’re here. I’ve missed you.”

  “Me too. But my daughter is too busy working to see me.”

  “You’re right. I should make more time for you.”

  “Adam already invited me to come spend a weekend at the cabin with you guys.”

  I glance at Adam and he winks. I pucker my lips giving him an air kiss.

  Dani and Vi grab me next. “It was so difficult not to slip up and tell you about the party,” Vi says.

  “Is that why you barely spoke to me this week?”

  “Yes. I was afraid I’d say see you at the party and give it away.”

  “Did you figure it out on your own?” Dani questions.

  “Yeah, but I might let Adam think I was surprised. He obviously put a lot of work into this.”

  “Roxanne,” Randy calls out as he walks over with Bonnie.

  “Randy, I’m so happy you’re here. This is the best surprise of all.”

  He beams. “That’s what Adam said too. He told me it wouldn’t be a party without me.”

  “You know for once Adam is right.” I wink at Bonnie.

  “Thanks so much for coming.” I hug her.

  “Are you kidding? I wouldn’t miss an opportunity to watch this lovesick version of Adam. He’s smitten with you.”

  “Yeah, well, it’s mutual.”

  “I’m happy things are going so well for you guys. I hope you two have continued happiness.”

  “I have a feeling that’ll be the case.”

  After I’ve made the rounds and said hello to all the guests, Adam suggests I should open up his present. He leads me over to the corner where a huge wrapped box with a giant bow on top sits.

  “Is it a scooter?” I joke. “Or maybe a motorcycle of my own?”

  “Fuck that. The only bike you’re riding is mine, right behind me, holding on tight where you belong.” He tips his chin toward the box. “Go on.”

  I edge closer to the present, it’s tall enough to reach my waist. Tearing the first strip of paper, I laugh with excitement. I have no idea what this could be. I continue ripping away the paper until I come to a cardboard box. Adam pulls a multi tool from his pocket, slicing the strips of tape fastening the top closed.

  I open the four side flaps and peer down into the box. I can’t see clearly what it is, but it looks like it’s made of wood. “Is that a table?”

  “Here. Let me pull it out so you can see,” he offers. Cutting away the box, he reveals a beautiful handcrafted coffee table. “Did you make this?”

  He nods. “I did. Take a closer look,” he urges.

  Bending down, I notice there’s a completed jigsaw puzzle situated on top. When I bend down I realize the custom puzzle is made from a picture of me trapped in the tree when the bear ran after me. Adam chuckles beside me. My head snaps toward him and I smile. “You ass.” He laughs more. “I didn’t see you take this picture.”

  “You were too busy holding on.”

  “That’s true,” I agree.

  “The table is actually a puzzle table. There are drawers on either end for pieces.” He opens each one to show me. “I wanted to give you this for your birthday because this picture is special to me.” I quirk a brow questioningly. “When I saw you sitting in the tree and learned why, I felt so relieved that you were okay. When you got down safely and hugged me, I never wanted to let you go. That’s the moment I started falling in love with you.”

  “Oh, Adam. You were my hero that day and every day we’ve been together since.”

  “I’m always going to be here protecting you and being your hero.”

  “I have a question for you. I was going to wait until tonight to ask you this but now seems like the right time.”

  “What’s up?” He looks concerned.

  “I’m curious about how you’d feel about having another person to protect and be their hero?”

  His forehead wrinkles with confusion. “I’m not sure why you’re asking that. Is this a trick question? Am I supposed to say you’re the only one I want to protect?”

  I laugh and shake my head. Stepping closer, I drape my hands on his shoulders and stare up into his striking eyes. “I’m asking you how you’d feel if you had another person to protect? Someone who would depend on you and I for everything. Someone who could look up to you and want to be just like you.”

  His eyes slowly open wider. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

  I nod, my eyes tearing up. “I’m pregnant.”

  “I love you,” he husks before kissing me. I taste the salt of his tears on my lips. Or maybe they’re both of ours mingling together. Looking down at me with wonder on his face, he asks, “I’m really going to be a dad?”

  I nod. “Not just a dad, but the best one ever.”

  * * *

  Want more of Roxanne and Adam?

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  * * *

  Haven’t read MANTRUM?

  Read on for a sneak peek of Rex and Danika’s story.

  Available on AMAZON and FREE with KindleUnlimited

  Mantrum: An emotional outburst or an expression of anger by an adult man.

  I’ve never understood the attraction women have for an alpha male, until I meet single father, Rex Winters.

  Tall, chiseled, and persistent, he tries to avoid a parking ticket by asking me out to dinner. But I know men like him. He’s a repeat offender--habitually getting into trouble and always ready to sweet talk his way out of it.

  But his charm won’t work on me.

  Not when he’s the reason I’m forced to attend a six-week anger man
agement class. And especially not when I find out all six feet two inches of Rex and his two hundred pounds of sexy muscle will be joining me every single time.

  It doesn’t matter how much he flirts, or how attracted to him I am. I’m the girl who enforces rules for a living and he’s the guy who breaks them.

  Do opposites really attract?

  I guess we're about to find out.

  * * *

  Read on for the first chapter of MANTRUM

  Available on AMAZON and FREE with KindleUnlimited


  Thank you to every reader who purchased, borrowed or read Manfax with Kindle Unlimited. Without you, I wouldn’t be able to have this amazing career that I love.

  Thank you to my PA, Diane, for all that you do for me and all the support you give me. And with all the craziness in this world, I’m grateful to have you in my corner. Thank you for all the hard work and preparation you put into this release.

  I have to thank my amazing editor and proofreader, Shauna Stevenson from Ink Machine Editing. I know this isn’t the first time I’ve said this, but Shauna please don’t fire me as a client for getting my chapters to you last minute once again. Just know that I have really great intentions and no matter how much I write every day, it still happens. You’re the most patient editor in this community for sure.

  Marley Valentine, thank you for doing such a great job on the formatting of Manfax. You always make my books look so great.

  Thank you to Chrissy Marie for coming up with the dessert bar name, The Gym. Great job.

  Thank you to all the members of my Facebook reader’s group Spoiled by Chance for all your support. I feel you guys for pushing me on those frustrating days when I want to throw in the towel. Thank you for being so incredibly supportive of me and my books. You guys have embraced my storyline choices from day one and your enthusiasm is awesome.


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