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Sedona Scandal (Sedona Pack Book 3)

Page 6

by Lisa Kessler

  He chuckled and took my hand. “I’d like that. Clothes on and everything.”

  I nudged him with my shoulder and suddenly noticed we were still in our fancy opera clothes. “I wish I had grabbed something else to wear.”

  “There’s the robe?” When I didn’t look convinced, he added, “I might be able to find something in the laundry room. Naomi, Asher’s wife, is about your size.”

  I sighed staring down at my dress. “Maybe she can lend me something in the morning. I don’t want to wake everyone up.”

  “Okay.” He got up, unbuttoned his tux shirt, and pulled it off. His white tank clung to him like a second skin. His upper body wasn’t bulky like that of a body builder. He was toned and well-muscled, sleek, like a…jungle cat.

  He turned around to face me and caught me full-on staring. Heat flushed my face. Was I blushing? Okay, it had definitely been too long since I’d been with a man. He sat beside me, and my gaze fell to the scar on his shoulder. It was long and jagged. Much bigger than mine on my wrist.

  He followed my gaze and rubbed at the smooth scar tissue. “This wasn’t part of my plan for my life, but…” He paused and waited for me to meet his eyes. “I lived.”

  The hunger burning in his eyes had heat pooling low in my belly. I brought my hand up to his cheek, needing to touch him. “Me too.”

  “I was lucky. My old wolf pack in Reno helped me learn to accept my new life.” He ran his hand up my arm. “I don’t know if I could have done it on my own like you did.”

  I leaned in closer, drawn to him, losing myself in his eyes. “I haven’t accepted anything.”

  As he searched my eyes, time slowed, and I kissed him.



  Her lips were soft, warm, and addictive. I kissed her over and over as I drew her close to me. She opened her mouth and our tongues tangled, hungry and eager. I clung to her like water in the desert. I was so fucking sick of being alone. That lone wolf’s howl echoed through my memory. She understood. This wasn’t love. This was two lonely people needing connection, even if just for a night.

  I turned her, laying her back on the sofa as I rested over her, enjoying the way her hands explored my back. Kissing my way down her neck, I whispered, “Guest room?”

  “Yes.” Her voice was breathless and so damned sexy.

  I got to my feet and scooped her into my arms. As I turned for the hallway, a soft voice said, “Uncle Chandler?”

  I froze and smiled down at Wendy. We’d been caught. I lowered her a little bit so I wouldn’t have to explain why I had a tent in my pants and turned around. “Hey, Bart. Aren’t you supposed to be sleeping?”

  He nodded as he came padding into the living room. “I know, but I can’t. I have a new aunt.” He climbed onto the sofa and looked up at us with killer puppy-dog eyes. “Auntie Wendy, can you tell me about my other dad?”

  I lowered Wendy’s feet to the floor, and we went back to sit on either side of Bart. She met my eyes before smiling down at her nephew. “Well…what do you want to know?”

  “When he was little, did he have a brother? I have a twin, Ben. He’s my best friend.”

  Wendy’s beautiful silver eyes shimmered with tears. “Brock—your other dad—was my best friend, too. I was his little sister. How old are you?”

  “I’m about to be three.” His eyes widened. “Auntie Wendy, will you come to our birthday party?”

  “Um…” She looked over at me.

  “You’re welcome to come with me.” I was already planning on going, bringing Wendy with me was no big deal. Yeah, who was I kidding? If Bart hadn’t walked in when he did, we’d probably be naked in the guest room. Just sex, nothing more. I cleared my throat. “The whole pack will be here.”

  “Maybe we’ll ask your mom in the morning,” she said.

  “Okay.” Bart nodded solemnly. He was only older than Ben by a few minutes, but he carried the mantel of “big brother” like a heavy crown. He was also the deep thinker of the two, while Ben was the wriggly giggler.

  “You should get back to bed, buddy.” I kept my voice low, hoping we could keep from waking up his brother.

  “Can I sleep out here with you guys?” he asked Wendy.

  Smart kid.

  She mussed his hair. “Sure, we have plenty of blankets.”

  I moved the sectional pieces around, pushing them together until we had a makeshift bed. Wendy lay down first, and Bart rolled onto his side facing her. I got in behind Wendy so I could keep an eye on Bart over her shoulder, not so I could keep her close to me. Even if I somehow persuaded her to accept this life, it didn’t mean we’d be together. Probably the opposite, given my track record with love. I was batting a thousand with heartbreak. Being rejected hurt much more than being alone, and no one knew that better than me. I prided myself on being smart enough not to keep repeating the same mistakes.

  “What was my other dad like when he was little like me?” Bart asked.

  Wendy leaned against my chest, regaling Bart with stories of tree houses and catching frogs. When his eyes started to get heavy, she whispered, “Want to hear his favorite lullaby?”

  Bart nodded with a yawn.

  Softly, Wendy started singing “Moonshadow.” My mom used to have the album. Apparently, so had Wendy’s.

  Bart watched her sing, intently at first. His lips curving into a drowsy smile as she sang about losing her mouth, all her teeth, north and south. She had the voice of an angel. Her lilting vibrato and crystal-clear soprano wrapped me in her spell. She could’ve been up on that stage tonight.

  Eventually Bart dozed off, but Wendy kept singing until the end. I closed my eyes, trying to memorize this moment. Of all the journalists in Phoenix, what made her reach out to me? The odds were so low, it was tough not to believe in fate. I needed to shut down these feelings before they pulled me under.

  She ended her song and whispered to me, “Want to take him back to bed?”

  “I thought he was sleeping out here?”

  She rolled back to see my face. “I haven’t met his mom yet, but I’d bet a million dollars she’s not going to be happy if she wakes up and he’s not in his bed.”

  Wise words. I pressed a kiss to her shoulder. “Be right back.”

  I carefully climbed over the back of the couch so I could come around and pick up the snoozing cub. Bart groaned a little and snuggled into my chest as I carried him down the hall to his bedroom. I laid him on his bed and pulled up the covers, tucking them under his chin.

  Once upon a time, I believed I would be married with three kids by now. I sighed, shaking off the thought before the pain came creeping back in. Life hadn’t turned out the way I’d planned, but I was alive, and although my personal life had fallen apart, I had the job I’d always dreamed of, and now I had a pack that felt more like family than mine ever had.

  In the grand scheme of things, I really was lucky.

  When I came back to the living room, Wendy was already sound asleep on the couch. I unfolded one of the blankets and laid it over her, resisting the urge to pull her back into my arms. In one night, we’d gone from strangers, to… I didn’t know what. Would we still be friends in the morning? Were we now?

  Hell, if I knew.

  I grabbed a blanket and got comfortable in the recliner. I glanced at Wendy and told myself that kissing her had been a mistake. It was so damned easy to lose myself in her. That was something that hadn’t happened since Vivi.

  I closed my eyes, fighting to keep from reliving the night I’d asked Vivi to marry me.

  Too late. Shit.

  When she’d turned me down, it had shaken me to my core. I had started second-guessing every moment we’d ever spent together. After that night, I’d quickly rebounded into another relationship that had ended with her maxing out my credit cards and ghosting me.

  I knew better than to open my heart. It always ended badly.

  But Wendy made me forget the painful lessons of my past. I needed to be more car
eful before I started repeating them.


  I squinted, struggling to remember where I was. I scanned the living room as pieces of the night before filtered into my consciousness. Asher’s house.

  I turned toward the voice to find Naomi smiling at me. “Asher told me you brought a friend with you?”

  The couch was empty. I sat up, frowning. “I did.”

  Fuck. She ran. I stood up, raking my fingers through my hair as I went to the window. My car was still parked. No way had she walked. She didn’t even have shoes.

  Then I caught her scent. I spun around to find Wendy coming down the hall in a robe with her hair up in a towel. She looked from me over to Naomi. “Hi. I hope you don’t mind me using the shower.”

  Naomi smiled and shook her head. “No, not at all.” She crossed the room, studying Wendy’s face. “Asher said you’re Brock’s sister. I see the resemblance.” A sad smile warmed her features. “He used to talk about you. Caldwell told us the wolf killed had you. We thought you were dead or we would’ve…” Naomi swallowed, glancing my way. “Did you tell her?”

  “She knows, yeah.” I came a little closer, trying not to think about Wendy being naked under that robe. “And she met Bart last night.”

  “He’s such a light sleeper.” Naomi chuckled. “They should be up soon.” She paused and looked over at Wendy. “Asher mentioned you guys were on the run last night. Do you need a change of clothes?”

  “That would be amazing. My dress is a little…formal for breakfast.”

  I smoothed my tux pants. “I guess I’ll be the only one overdressed.”

  Naomi went down the hallway toward the bedrooms to grab some clothes, and I leaned against the back of the couch. “I thought maybe you were out searching for a cure.”

  She came over and stood in front of me. “I thought about it.” She looked down the hall where Naomi had disappeared. “But then I thought about that little boy.” Tears shone in her eyes when she faced me again. “He smells like me, like a wolf. But he wasn’t bitten. He’s not a monster. He’s my brother’s son.” She shook her head, breaking eye contact. “He’s perfect. There’s nothing to cure.”

  “Does that translate to you, too?” I asked, studying her face.

  She shrugged. “Maybe.” Her lips curved into a sad smile. “I didn’t think I had any family left.”

  I took her hand, enjoying the way it fit in mine much more than I should. “If you go public about shifters, they’ll be in danger.”

  “I know.” She came forward sliding her arms around my waist. I embraced her without thinking about it. “How did you learn to live like this?”

  “It was hard at first, but it’s easier when you have a pack family. One place where you’re not always keeping a secret.”

  She looked up at me. “Why would they let me in?”

  Before I could answer, two almost-three-year-old boys raced into the room and clamped onto either side of Wendy’s legs.

  Ben squealed. “Auntie Wendy! You’re still here!”

  “You didn’t see her before,” Bart corrected.

  “I know, but you told me.” Ben grinned up at Wendy. “I’m your ne-few!”

  Wendy knelt, eyeing each of them before homing in on the younger twin. “You must be Ben.”

  He nodded, barely containing his giggles. “You’re a wolf like us.” He pointed at Chandler. “But Uncle Chandler is a jaguar like Uncle Vance.”

  Ben took her hand. “Bart says you’re coming to our birthday.”

  “I hope so, if I’m invited.”

  Naomi came back into the living room with pair of sweatpants and a blue T-shirt. “You’re family. Of course, you’re invited.” She handed the clothes to Wendy with a smile. “These should fit you.” She looked down at her boys and put a hand on her hip. “Okay, monkeys, time to brush your teeth and get dressed.”

  Ben melted into giggles again. “Mama, we’re wolves, not monkeys!”

  “Is that so?” Naomi scooped him up and blew a raspberry against his belly.

  Bart started down the hallway and stopped to look back at me. “Thanks for finding Auntie Wendy for us.”

  I waited for them to turn the corner, then turned to Wendy. “Did I find you?”

  She bumped me with her hip, a sparkle in her bright eyes. “I think I found you, but you were the one who brought me to them.” She sobered and rose onto her toes to kiss my cheek. “Thank you.” She lowered herself to the ground. “I have a lot to think about.”

  I ran a hand down my face. I had a lot to think about, too.



  Bart and Ben had changed everything. Chandler was right. If I told the world that shifters existed, that werewolves were real, these two angels would be in danger. But if I accepted this bite, I’d have to accept the wolf was a part of me, too. Could I do that?

  It wasn’t all bad. The heightened sense of smell and hearing were unsettling at first, but I’d learned how to function with the sensory overload and eventually had gotten used to the new normal. It was the secrets and the full moon nights that scared me. Until I’d met Chandler, I’d never considered there might be others like me. People with regular lives. Chandler worked as a news anchor, over breakfast I learned that Asher owned his own tour company, and Naomi was a graphic designer.

  They weren’t monsters like the wolf who had attacked me that night.

  And these boys would have lives. Her brother would live on through them.

  After breakfast, Naomi settled the boys in the living room with a bucket of DUPLO blocks, and we followed Asher out back. The patio was paved in rough granite with a fire pit and plenty of seating. The view of the valley and the Red Rock mountains was awe-inspiring. So different from the high rises of Phoenix.

  Asher took a seat on a bench and gestured for us to sit. He focused on me, and again, the wolf inside me recognized his authority. I had so much to learn.

  He smiled, clasping his hands in front of him. “The boys are crazy about you.”

  “The feeling is very mutual.” And I meant it.

  “Good.” He glanced at Chandler and back to me. “I’ve heard you know Deidra Harlow.”

  I nodded. “Evolution Defense has been running tests on me ever since I was bitten. They haven’t found a cure yet, but Deidra is sure they will eventually.”

  Asher straightened up. “There’s no cure for this.” He offered his arm, exposing a jagged scar very similar to mine. “You and I were probably attacked by the same wolf. Caldwell used to send Bo out to do his dirty work.” He must’ve heard my heart racing because he met my eyes and added, “Bo’s not a threat anymore. He died with Caldwell.”

  I relaxed a little. “And now you’re the Alpha.” I wanted to know his story. Maybe I’d ask Chandler later.

  “I never wanted this job, but I care about every member of this pack. I’d die to keep them safe.” He paused, allowing his words to sink in. “As the Alpha, I need to know where we stand with you. Keep in mind I can hear your heart beating, and I can smell a lie.” He narrowed his eyes. “Evolution Defense hired someone to kidnap my boys so I’m not eager to welcome a friend of theirs into my home or my pack.”

  “I know we just met, but those boys have my brother’s blood in their veins. I would never do anything that would put them in danger.” The thought of someone taking Bart and Ben away from their parents made my chest hurt. “If Evolution Defense was involved in abducting them, then they’re no friends of mine. Not anymore.”

  I waited for Asher to respond, but he remained stoic, his intense stare boring into me. I cleared my throat and went on explaining myself as if I were a kid in the principal’s office. “Until last night, I had no idea there were werewolf packs. After I was bitten, one of the wolves shifted back and told me to run and never let anyone find out what had happened or they’d have to silence me.”

  I remembered the man’s words perfectly, but for some reason—probably shock—I didn’t have a clea
r memory of his face. I remember regret and disgust in his gaze, but I wouldn’t know him if I passed him on the street.

  Asher finally started to nod slowly. “I believe you.” He crossed his arms. “How did you find Deidra?”

  I told him about my father’s files, the ones I found referencing the Transparency Collective. “When I called her, I told her I’d been bitten by a wild animal and had some kind of reaction. She swore the research would be confidential.”

  Naomi came out of the house and settled in beside Asher. While he carried an air of authority, her energy went beyond maternal. As nervous as Asher’s stare made me, her smile buoyed me. Even though I barely knew her, she had an aura about her that convinced me anything was possible. Maybe it was the animal instinct, but whatever she was giving off, it was addictive. It made me miss my mom.

  She scanned each of our faces and then looked at Asher with a raised brow. “I’m almost afraid to ask what I missed.”

  Asher smirked and kissed her cheek. It seemed her uplifting powers were not lost on the Alpha, either. He rolled his shoulders, and this time, when he looked my way, I didn’t get the feeling he was going to ask me to leave. “Wendy’s been inside Evolution Defense looking for a cure for her bite.”

  Naomi almost winced before catching herself. She looked at me with empathy in her dark eyes. “I probably would’ve done the same thing if I hadn’t been locked in a storage facility after I was bitten.”

  Did they lock up my brother, too? I didn’t feel comfortable asking. Not yet.

  “Deidra was confident they’d be able to find an antidote,” I said, “but after more than three years, I started losing hope. So I reached out to my favorite news anchor to go public.”

  “Luckily, that turned out to be me.” Chandler rested his hand on my knee, sending a jolt of electricity up my leg.

  Asher nodded, but his attention stayed focused on me. “We’ve been looking for Deidra Harlow. Her name was our only lead in chasing down the people hunting for our boys.” He glanced at Chandler and back to me. “Evolution Defense isn’t the first defense contractor to experiment on shifters.”


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