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Sedona Scandal (Sedona Pack Book 3)

Page 18

by Lisa Kessler

  “Nice to meet you, Wendy,” she said, offering her hand.

  I shook her hand, and she smiled, putting herself between me and Chandler. My wolf growled, but I did my best to keep my expression cordial. “Likewise.”

  She hooked her arm through Chandler’s as if I didn’t exist, again raising the hackles of my possessive wolf. “We’re using the Week in Review set for the interview.” She pushed through a pair of double doors and opened into a cavernous soundstage, taking Chandler with her. “Rodney’s setting up the lights.”

  He didn’t take another step, his stance so anchored that his producer glanced back at him as I entered behind them. Chandler made a point of holding out his free hand to me. I took it, and he laced our fingers together, pleasing my wolf almost as much as it did me.

  He faced his producer again. “Wendy’s going to stay with me during the interview. We have…an event right after.”

  Never in a million years would anyone guess the “event” would involve Chandler mutating into a giant black jungle cat.

  “Okay,” Jamie replied, the surprise plain in her dark eyes.

  When we reached the set, Chandler and I greeted Rodney, his cameraman, and then I did my best to give them space while they made plans for the shots. Seeing Chandler in his element gave me insight into another facet of who he was. I knew his joints were probably beginning to ache, his temper had a hair trigger, and keeping his cool was going to be a struggle, but you’d never guess it by looking at him. This was the trained-journalist side of my mate.

  Pride warmed my heart. He wasn’t an assassin like Vance or a tracker like Asher, but Chandler could control a story. His skill could protect the pack’s secrets. Even while fighting the new moon’s pull, he was centered and ready to face the cameras for them. For us.

  I held his garment bag, waiting for his team to finish their plans for the interview. When he finally came over to take the suit from me, he leaned in close, his lips brushing my ear. “Thanks for being here.”

  “We’re in this together.”

  His hand slid to the small of my back, guiding me toward a hallway of small offices. We went through the door with his name on it, and he closed it behind us. He raked his fingers through his hair as he turned around. “I usually take the day off for the new moon or fill in for a morning spot.”

  “You had me fooled. You were all business out there.” I held up the garment bag as he unzipped it and started dressing.

  He buttoned his dress shirt, but all his attention was on me. “I’ll keep Newport busy, and then you need to get me out of this building and up to Lookout Mountain.”

  “I know. I will.” I set the garment bag over a chair. “You should probably give me your car keys.”

  “Good idea.” He fished them out of his pocket and smiled. “I’ve never let anyone else drive it.”

  “Wow.” I raised my eyebrows, taking them from him. “True love.”

  He laughed, calming the anxiety bubbling inside me. He kissed my cheek. “You make me so damned happy.” He knotted his tie like a pro and checked himself in the mirror on the back of the door before turning my way. “Well?”

  I fixed his collar, and butterflies tickled my stomach. “My wolf has amazing taste in a mate.”

  He gave me a sly smile. “Let’s get this over with.”

  I liked the sound of let’s. It had been a long time since I’d been a part of an us. It felt right. We were going to get through this. I loved this man, and I was ready to fight for our future if I needed to.



  I was checking the battery pack clipped to my belt when the stifling stench of Nautica cologne stung my nostrils. Brad Newport was in the building. My gaze cut to Wendy, the primal instinct to protect her overwhelming me. I rolled my shoulders, coaxing the cat to back off. Right now, the man needed to be in charge.

  Newport rounded the corner with two staffers in tow. His hair was slicked back, his eyes laser-focused on me, and his immaculately tailored suit coat was slightly tight around his arms, purposefully projecting an image that the fabric could barely contain his muscles.

  I met him halfway and gripped his hand. I was taller than he was by a couple of inches and was happy to remind him of it by staring down at him with a forced smile. “Good to see you again.”

  He released my hand and walked beside me up to the set. “My staff sent you the press release for the interview?”

  I nodded, again stealing a glance over at Wendy, grounding myself before eyeing my prey. My interview. A jolt of adrenaline shot through my system. The jaguar was coloring my thoughts more than I had expected.

  “You want to discuss Congress’s spending on military research projects.” I fought the desire to grind my teeth, clinging to my journalistic training. Brad Newport wanted to pick a fight. He wanted the sound bites showing him being attacked by the media.

  “Yes. Good.” He lifted his arms while Rodney got his mic set up.

  Rodney finished and straightened up. “Sound check in five minutes.”

  Newport cracked his neck as he stared at me. “I was surprised you accepted the interview tonight.”

  “Really?” I raised a brow, projecting calm disinterest while the animal inside ached to wipe that smug expression off his face. “I was surprised you wanted another interview after our last on-camera chat.”

  Our last interview ended with Newport ripping off his microphone and chucking it across the studio.

  He leaned in closer, lowering his voice. “I know you’re more than you’re letting on.”

  I was not going to be baited into confirming his suspicions about shifters, but I wasn’t against making him sweat. “And I know you’re taking campaign contributions from a collective of conspiracy theorists.”

  He jolted a little at my emphasis. Good. If the world found out about the Transparency Collective before the group could produce hard evidence that werewolves were real, they’d be forever relegated to Tin Foil Hat status.

  Brad Newport knew that as well as I did. Back off, asshole.

  Sound check went smoothly, and I took a swig of water, readying myself. I could do this. I would do this. For my pack and my mate.

  The red light that read LIVE blinked on. I stared into the camera the way I’d done countless times before. “Good evening. I’m Chandler Williams, coming to you live from our CBS television studios in Phoenix with my guest, Senate candidate Brad Newport.” I turned toward him. “Thank you for joining us.”

  He lifted his chin with a fake smile. “Thanks for having me back, Chandler.”

  We tossed questions and answers back and forth until Rodney gave me the one-minute warning. I’d never been so relieved to end an interview. My bones ached, and my skin itched. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could keep this up.

  “That’s all the time we have for tonight.”

  Newport’s eyes shone with defiance. “Just one more question, Were you in the military?”

  “No. I’ve never served.” What the fuck? I kept my expression neutral. “I’m afraid we’re out of time. Thanks for being here, Mr. Newport.” I turned to the camera. “And thank you for watching.”

  The camera lights went out, and I shot out of my seat toward Newport. “What the hell was that?” Aggression seethed through my skin as I gnashed my teeth. “This isn’t amateur hour.”

  He stood and narrowed his eyes, his voice more of a snarl. “Come on. Do it. Hit me.” He leaned in closer, the sour smell of coffee on his breath stinging my nostrils. “What would happen if you got arrested for assault tonight?”

  “Hate to interrupt.” Wendy grabbed my arm, pulling me away from the asshole. “We’ve got an appointment, remember?”

  I blinked, staring down at her as I struggled to contain jaguar. Where were we going? Her hand slid down my forearm until she gripped my hand.

  Behind us, Newport shouted. “Coward! Keep running. I know who she is and what she did…”

  I froze, muscle tense
with fury. Did he steal the file on Wendy from Evolution Defense? How else could he know about her? I looked over my shoulder, hungry for violence as the cat growled deep inside my soul.

  She squeezed my hand and whispered, “He’s baiting you. We need to get out of here.”

  “That’s right.” Newport came down from the set, loosening his tie. “I know all about your girlfriend. Should I tell everyone?”

  Rodney and Jamie came out from behind the equipment, staring at me with confusion in their eyes. I wanted to tear Newport apart, yearned to see him bleed. The animal was winning. My teeth ached.


  “Go ahead,” I growled. “Show them your conspiracy theories.”

  Wendy tugged my hand. “We’re going to be late.”

  Late? My mind was getting hazy. She pulled me out the door and toward the car. I got into the passenger seat and fumbled for the seat belt. Wendy jumped in beside me, and the engine roared to life as she watched the rearview mirror.

  “He’s outside.” She drove out of the parking lot and glanced over at me. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m not shifting in the car, so that’s something.” I pulled off my tie and started on the buttons on my shirt while I still had fingers. The sun was already dipping behind the mountains, the sky fading into twilight, and my jaguar was fighting to break free. I clenched my jaw, trying to hold back the shift. “He wanted me to attack him.”

  “If he could’ve gotten you arrested, you would’ve been all the proof he needed when you shifted in a jail cell.” Wendy slalomed through the remnants of the Phoenix evening commute. “Do you think he really has my files?”

  “I don’t know.” Damn, it was hard to think straight. I wiped the sweat from my forehead. If we weren’t up the mountain soon, I was going to tear the shit out of my Z’s interior. “There’s no reason for him to try to get me arrested if he already has the files about your DNA and the serum they developed.”

  “Good point.” She kept glancing my way, obviously worried but still trying to distract me and keep me talking. She was fighting for me, with me, to protect me.

  I fucking loved this woman.

  She took the off-ramp and raced through a yellow light at the surface street. “So if he still only suspects you’re different and he doesn’t have the proof of what I am, we should be safe, right?”

  “As long as I don’t shift right here and make us crash…” I was panting in a losing battle to hold off the jaguar. “Yes.”

  “We’re almost there.” The tires squealed as she made the final right turn up the mountain road. She gunned the engine.

  My jaw snapped, followed by a loud pop in my shoulder. It was happening. My heart raced, the adrenaline aiding the shift.

  No. Fuck. No.

  I tried to breathe through the pain. A bone fractured in my foot, and I cried out. Wendy parked and ran around the car to open my door. My hands ended in claws now, my entire body on fire.

  “Stay away!” I grunted, unsure if she could understand me as my facial structure cracked and reformed. I stumbled forward, pushing my mutating body to find cover. The tiny parking area at the summit was empty. I stumbled behind the blue porta potty, fell onto all fours, and surrendered.



  I took my tiny Ruger out of my purse. The wet popping sounds of Chandler’s joints mutating turned my stomach. Shifting was an indescribable agony, and knowing what he was going through and that there was nothing I could do to help had me agitated and restless. I checked the clip and popped it back into the pistol. I didn’t expect any company up here, but I wanted to be prepared either way.

  The lights from the city below blurred as heat waves came up off the hot pavement, and the distant hum of the freeway filled the void. Beautiful.

  A bird flew past. I heard the subtle swish of his wings and realized I no long heard Chandler shifting. I spun around and gasped. A huge black jaguar stood watching me. I hadn’t even heard him move.

  Would he recognize me? I had no idea.

  Since I’d been bitten, I’d always shifted alone. I didn’t know if the wolf would attack a human or see someone as a friend. The gun trembled in my hand as I tucked it into the back of my jeans, taking a leap of faith that Chandler would never hurt me, would never allow the cat to attack me.

  I opened my empty hands. “Chandler?”

  The jaguar came closer, his paws silent on the volcanic dirt. His head was massive, but thankfully, I couldn’t see his teeth. He tilted that giant head.

  Could he hear my heart racing like I might win the Kentucky Derby? Probably.

  I held out my hand. This would either be the dumbest thing I’d ever done, or—

  The cat stalked forward, hesitating for a moment before he dipped his head to rub against me. His coat was slick and soft like plush velvet. Tears stung my eyes as he leaned into me. Forgetting this predator could kill me with one swipe of those large paws, I slid both hands down his back.

  He purred. At least I hoped it was a purr and not a growl. I dropped to my knees, staring into his eyes. Blue eyes. Chandler’s eyes. “You’re so huge.”

  He chuffed, nuzzling my hair. Suddenly, he froze, sniffing the air. Then I noticed it, too.

  Nautica cologne.


  I scrambled to my feet as Brad Newport crested the mountaintop. He already had his phone out, facing us. His eyes widened. “I was right.”

  “How did you…?”

  He glanced at me. “I put a GPS tracker on his car on the way into the station.” He shook his head. “Who did this to him?”

  I needed to get that phone. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Cut the crap. We both know that’s Chandler Williams.”

  I did my best to look astonished. “That’s insane.”

  He raised a brow. “Are you going to try to tell me this is your…pet?” He cursed under his breath. “I can hear your heart racing. They told you what I can do, didn’t they? That pack of monsters in Sedona?”

  Dammit. I had forgotten he could hear as well as I could. “You’re the only monster here.”

  “Fuck you.” He drew a gun and aimed the barrel at me. “The files were corrupted, but I’ve caught your scent before. I know what you are and that you were donating your blood to those scientists. You’re an accessory to murder. Ninety percent of my unit is dead because of you. Innocent soldiers were poisoned by that serum they made from your blue blood. Who is the monster now, you bitch?”

  My heart dropped. Behind me, the jaguar growled. For a second tears threatened, but from the depths of my soul, the white wolf howled. I was a badass werewolf. This was my mate, and this asshole wasn’t going to expose either of us. Not on my watch.

  I scanned the area, hoping he’d think I was desperate.

  “There’s no one to save you, princess.” He pointed the gun down at Chandler and then back up to me. “I need him alive, but I don’t give a shit what happens to you.”

  That’s it. Get cocky, you asshole.

  My training with Naomi had taught me to keep them talking and wait to attack. With my gun tucked behind my back, I’d only get one shot. It needed to count.

  “I’m not a monster. Just a person who…changes one night a month.” I slowed my heartbeat, tapping my toe inside my shoe. “I dropped Chandler off at his place. My only crime is owning illegal exotic animals. If you really know who I am, you know I can afford it.”

  The cat snarled.

  Please don’t move.

  I wished I could make him understand.

  “That’s a good one.” Brad Newport laughed. “I don’t have time for this shit.”

  He jerked the slide back on his Glock, and I sprinted forward with all the strength I could muster. I surprised him. That might have been the only upper hand I got. He was every bit as strong as my werewolf, and we struggled for the gun. Suddenly, it went off, the sound deafening.

  I waited for the jolt
of pain, but it didn’t come. His lips parted as the color drained from his face. I stumbled backward, away from him. He crumpled to his knees, covering a bloody spot on his stomach with one hand. He raised the gun again with the other.

  The next few seconds seemed to pass in one slow, fluid motion as I drew my Ruger and fired. He fell onto his back and didn’t move. My limbs tingled with adrenaline—maybe shock, too. I’d never shot someone before, and I’d never seen a dead body.

  I caused this.

  Suddenly, the Ruger was too heavy in my hands. I slid it back into the holster at my back while I struggled to stay upright. My legs wobbled as I struggled to think straight. We were far from the city. Would anyone have heard the gunshots? Were the police coming? I begged my body to move, for my brain to engage, but I was frozen.

  The cat came forward, nudging my shoulder with his head. I wrapped my arms around his thick neck, clinging to him. “I don’t know what to do,” I whispered.

  He broke free of my grasp and circled the body, sniffing at the two gunshot wounds. I wasn’t sure what was happening, and I couldn’t formulate a plan. We needed to get out of here in case anyone had heard the gunshots. But I couldn’t move.

  The jaguar clawed at the wound in Newport’s belly, and my gut retched. “Oh god. Don’t eat him. Please.”

  The cat growled and continued tearing open the dead man’s body. Bile rose in the back of my throat as I forced myself to stand. “Chandler, you need to shift back. We have to get out of here.”

  Could he understand me? I had no clue. “Please.”

  His claws eviscerated the man’s belly until he stopped, sniffed, and then carefully removed something. He dropped a bullet onto the dirt like a house cat might drop a lizard.

  And then I understood. Evidence. Chandler was still there, inside that hulking cat. And he was right. Any evidence of a shooting might lead back to me. I took a step closer. The scent of blood simultaneously enticed my wolf and turned my stomach. There was still one more bullet to find.


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