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Monsters & Guardians

Page 14

by Kay Elle Parker

  “Commitment I don’t want, didn’t agree to.” She turned her face away, breaking the link between her and Dubhlainn, and Finn heard the first broken sobs. “Fuck you, fuck all of you for doing this.”

  “Cabhan, go start the shower. It needs to be cold.” Finn gave Quinn an apologetic look. “You’re gonna have to freeze your ass off, I’m afraid, and keep hold of her while you do. She’s not going to be impressed. Malachi, I need some water and whatever you can find in terms of food. Raine needs to eat, she needs to sleep.”

  “What about you?” Dubhlainn rumbled.

  Finn conferred with his wolf, and somehow they both agreed that the health and wellbeing of their intended mate was more important at this moment in time than burying their knot into an already emotionally-wrung out female. A truce was set in place; there would be no battle for control until Raine was fit and well and in a better position to understand the importance of what was happening to her.

  Dehydrated, starved and exhausted was not that position.

  “We will wait until Raine is in an improved state, physically and mentally, before we knot her. Once Quinn has disengaged and she has been nurtured, she needs to be left alone for a few hours. We’ve put her under a lot of strain and she is faltering.”

  “Shower’s on.” Cabhan slipped back into the room.

  “Dubhlainn, you need to go with Quinn. It’ll take two of you to hold her once she feels the cold, and I’m not sure how long it will take the knot to recede. Get her back here as soon as she’s free. I’m going to see if we have any goddamn clean bedding left.”

  “Want me to go steal some more?” Cabhan asked, steering clear of the Alpha. Evidently realizing that any attempt to get close to Raine now would mean his life, he appeared to be calmer, his wolf under control. “Might take me a while.”

  “That would be good. No point trying to tuck her into soiled sheets.”

  Cabhan snorted loudly. “No point trying to tuck her into anything, Finn. Bitch has gone cuckoo in the head; bet we’ll be lucky to get anything out of her other than a pup or two now.”

  Finn winced.

  Ten seconds later, Dubhlainn smashed into his brother like a freight train, ramming Cabhan into the wall. Damn near through it. Stepping back, Dubh simply watched Cabh crumple to the floor and then reached down to haul him up by the throat. Eye to eye, Dubhlainn cowed his sibling with nothing but a look. “If that’s the way you feel, lad, then you’ll not be wetting your dick in the stream, will you? Not until at least her next heat...that’s if she’s not already bred and carrying a pup or two now.”

  Cabhan turned white. “I didn’t mean it like that, Dubhlainn.”

  “No matter. Why would you want to mate with a female not right in the head, Cabhan? After all, if all you want is a pup in her belly, you’re gonna be well down the list of fathers.” The extreme Irishness of Dubh’s voice sent warning flares shooting high and bright. “As in, not included. I suggest you go for a run and work that erection off, Cabh; it’s not going anywhere near the bitch.”

  “Dubh, come on,” the amber-eyed wolf pleaded when he understood how serious the Alpha was. Pleaded with every intention of slipping to his knees if Finn knew his brother. “I can’t go another three weeks, a month, without this. The wolf will drive me—”

  “Cuckoo,” Dubh finished wryly. “Yes, it will. So to keep yourself busy and out of trouble, you’ll listen to Finn for your orders. You’re his bitch until ours comes back into estrus. Now, I believe he ordered you to go find some clean bedding.”


  “Brought this on yourself, Cabh. Respecting your mate is lesson number one. Raine will be mother to our pups, mother to the next generation of wolf shifters, as well as our lover. Mocking her when her defenses are down is something I can’t abide, brother. Not when our actions have led to these consequences.”

  Cabhan stumbled when Dubhlainn released him, and he dropped to one knee in reflex. There was silence for a few seconds as they all absorbed the position Cabhan was in and how easy it would be for Dubhlainn to end him then and there...before Raine protested vehemently against being picked up and carried by Quinn toward the bathroom.

  “Stop fighting me, hellcat!”

  Like a lost puppy, Finn trailed after Quinn. He heard Dubh snap, “Take Mal with you, I can get the food for Raine myself. She needs clean bedding so that’s now your only priority. Understand me? Good, get out of here.”

  Scrambling feet, the door shutting...Malachi and Cabhan had left without another word, much to Finn’s relief. He didn’t like the rising tension and territorial conflicts that had begun to surface. It seemed half the pack was united while the other half fumed at being made to wait.

  Bloodied and battered, Quinn waited in the bathroom for Dubhlainn and Finn, valiantly trying to hold onto the naked, squirming woman attempting to fix her teeth into his throat. Finn did not envy Quinn stepping under that freezing cold spray, with crazy female in tow or without.

  It was unfortunately the only way he could think of to separate them before Raine damaged his brother beyond repair or tore herself in two in her haste to be free.

  Finn stepped aside as Dubhlainn strode in, all smooth assurance and unwavering confidence. If Quinn hadn’t been tied to her, Finn thought Dubh would’ve scooped Raine out of his arms and dealt with her himself. Instead the Alpha nodded at his brother, wrapped his big body around her back to shield her from the worst of the cold water, and took the brunt of the cold first.

  Both men hissed in discomfort, joined by a furious high-pitched scream that ended in several wheezing gasps. Dubh already had his magic tongue in action, murmuring to Raine as she shouted obscenities through chattering teeth.

  Finn eased out of the room; this wasn’t his place, not yet, and sharing the intimacy of the moment wasn’t included in his rights. His job was to make sure Raine had a clean bed to sleep in and, seeing as Mal and Cabhan had gotten themselves kicked out, providing sustenance.

  There was a blood-curdling scream from the bathroom.

  Unashamed, Finn hurried away. Let the two bound mates care for the hellcat.

  Chapter Ten


  Her existence narrowed down to two very specific components. The first was being sandwiched between two hot, hard bodies as water cold enough to turn her nipples into diamonds cascaded over her and Quinn, the stream of water hitting both of them where it hurt—right on the private parts that were fused together because of the stupid wolf and his idiotic lack of control.

  She really hoped Quinn’s balls were sensitive enough to get frostbite and die.

  The other mechanism she was currently using as a coping strategy was the sheer, undying, inextinguishable loathing she felt surging through her veins for the fucking liar shielding her back, his voice an irritant on the wounds on her soul, his touch a physical reminder of his betrayal.

  She had been so close, so fucking close, to giving into him and being the quiet, submissive little mouse he’d wanted. Too fucking close, she thought with a sneer. For God’s sake, he’d almost charmed her with his silver tongue and blue eyes so full of emotions he’d given a good go at convincing her she felt too.

  She’d held his hands, she remembered sickly. Gripped them, him, like a fucking lifeline while his brother fucked and knotted her, turned her from a mate into a whore. Had calmed her with that goddamned growl even as he spread her wide and held her open for Quinn, using that growl to bring on the heat.

  Manipulation, everywhere she looked.

  Soft words to butter her up, gentle touches to soothe her agitated self...the man was in tune with her breeding side more than she was. Even now, while she bounced and wiggled in the brothers’ grip, Dubh became her focal point, using voice and scent and touch to ground her to him. Sucking her into his universe while parts of her clung to her own world, her independence, with a determination that could win medals.

  He’d come damned close to winning her over, dragging her deep enough to ensur
e she remained enthralled with their dynamic, and nearly made her feel good about surrendering to him. If he’d given her a few more days, even just one, to come to terms to what he expected of her, Raine thought she probably would have welcomed Quinn with open legs herself if Dubh had ordered her to.

  But he’d rushed things instead of laying a foundation, strengthening the tentative bond so newly formed between them, and in doing so had not only shattered it, but driven her away so forcefully she had too much leverage to be easily reined in again.

  “Lift her,” Quinn said hoarsely, his huge body quivering with the effort it took to stop her sliding around in bad, painful ways. “Think the damn knot’s finally going down, I need you to lift her straight up, Dubh.”

  Strong arms ran along the underside of her thighs, big hands cupping the back of her knees. Dubhlainn peppered kisses over her shoulders in the brief seconds before he straightened, lifting her up and eliciting a hollow cry as the rounded muscle inside her stretched and pulled, popping free suddenly and spilling copious amounts of cum into the freezing water.

  Immediately, Quinn switched the water from cold to hot, and she was once again hugged between the two men, her blue-tinged skin stark against theirs. She shoved against one broad chest, then the other, unable to bear contact from either.

  Hands tried to stroke, to soothe, but she wanted none of it. None of them. Neither could offer her comfort, give her solace from hell. As the water warmed, Raine cupped herself protectively, keeping the wolves’ wandering touches at bay.

  “Need to make sure you’re not hurt, precious,” Dubhlainn cooed as though she was still floating under his dominant spell. He nuzzled her, believing he could tease her into relaxing; she just went rigid. “Let us clean you up—mates tend to their mates. We’ll get you into bed, feed you, and then you can sleep. Quinn and I can sleep with you, guard you.”

  She stopped trembling quite so hard as her skin and the flesh beneath warmed. Teeth clenched against the vicious ache between her thighs, she elbowed Quinn aside so she could step out and snatch a towel, wrapping it around herself so she didn’t have to look at the mess they’d made of her body. Her tenuous hold on her emotions wasn’t quite that strong anymore.

  “Raine?” Dubh called questioningly.

  She simply slammed the door in his face and stalked out of the bathroom. For a moment she froze, eyeing Finn stripping the bed and the wide-open bedroom door leading downstairs to freedom. Her next intended mate hadn’t noticed her yet and she took advantage of it by easing toward the door.

  “I’m faster,” Finn told her sadly as he yanked dirty sheets from the mattress. “Quinn is faster. Dubhlainn is faster. Your world is comprised of creatures who will always be faster, stronger, smarter than you, Raine. As your mates, we are designed to defend you to our last breath.”

  Ah, so now they thought she was a slow, weak, stupid female, inferior in every way? Quite obviously in need of rescuing by five bullheaded, mutant-cocked asshole brothers.

  Not in this lifetime.

  Raine dropped the towel slowly, heard Quinn and Dubhlainn arguing in the shower. She only had a few moments before that escalated and one of them stormed out and into her. Right now, Finn’s full attention was on her and the towel she swayed seductively in her left hand.

  She was exhausted and hungry, her body pleaded for mercy, but she was prepared to demand more from it. Naked, she might not get far—correction, would not get far—but it was worth the effort. On the off chance she could find somewhere, some way to hide.

  Was there ever going to be a time in her life when she didn’t have to choose between running for her sanity, fighting for the shitty scrap of life she had left, or hiding from the monsters who knew her secrets?

  How did she go about concealing herself from a man, a beast, who could read her body language like a book and was hellbent on getting her to dance to his tune? If she wasn’t careful, she’d dance her way into death’s arms without realizing it.

  “I’m asking you nicely, Raine.” Finn tossed the sheets aside but she could still smell the cum on them, the slick essence Dubhlainn extracted from her far too easily. “The Alpha tried to fix your nest, little one. Take a look, why don’t you? If you want to rest in there, you can. I’ll bring your dinner up and you can eat in peace. Won’t that be easier than us chasing you down and claiming you all over again?”

  She couldn’t help the longing look she gave the ruined wardrobe. The broken door was haphazardly propped back into position; it was not secure, nor did it offer her the same cushy sensation of homecoming as when she made it. In disgust, she curled her lip and turned her back on what should have been her sanctuary.

  Whether she was pregnant already or just the effect of the estrus, Raine suffered through a wave of low-level cramping at the thought of her nest. Warm and snuggly with all those pillows and blankets and soft, soft furnishings to arrange. Her perfect hidey-hole, she thought tiredly, then caught sight of the atrocity from the corner of her eye again.


  Everything she was, would ever be, was tainted.

  Raine let the towel flutter to the floor, Finn’s rapt gaze following its journey as she took advantage of the moment and bolted. Tripping and tumbling down the stairs, she almost ended up in a bloodied heap at the bottom as her feet slipped.

  “Raine!” Finn bellowed, but she was like a hare, darting through the wreckage of the brothers’ living quarters. “Raine, wait. It’s not safe outside for you!”

  Apparently, it wasn’t safe anywhere for her. Her belly tightened as for the first time, she let herself consider the life more than likely growing inside her. Microscopic, but still a life brought into existence because of the freaking wolves, with her unintentional contribution of eggs and womb.

  If it wasn’t safe for her, what kind of world was she bringing a child into?

  A heavy thud made her legs pump faster toward the front door. That wasn’t human feet pounding the floorboards behind her. She hit the solid barrier keeping her from fresh air and freedom, fingers fumbling for the handle, and yanked it open.

  Barely two feet onto the porch, clean air surrounding her with the crystal clarity of incoming winter cool, Raine breathed deep, hoping to eradicate the stale smell of sex and blood from her lungs. It rushed through her veins like a mountain spring, cleansing, revitalizing.

  Finn growled.

  “When you catch me,” she told him without looking around, “kill me.”

  She leaped from the porch, clearing the steps and crying out as her bare feet met rough ground and small, unforgiving stones. But she pushed forward, not giving her knees time to bend to the pain, her mind an inch of room for doubt.

  “Raine, stop.” Dubhlainn’s voice thundered across the small open space, thick with undeniable command. He’d mastered the dominant tone, wielded it with the skill of a glassmaker, twisting and turning the tenor as though it were liquid on his tongue.

  Her body obeyed without hesitation, mid-flight. Her mind, her determination, relieved of all control with her name and a simple word. She stood, trembling, feet throbbing, willing herself to take just one step forward and break the spell.


  Her knees smashed into the ground a split second after he snapped out the order. More pain, more humiliation piled onto her shoulders. And she thought she finally understood the truth of what she’d become. Being his mate, forced or not, had forged a link she was powerless to refuse. Her traitorous body belonged to him, to Quinn, would belong to the others once they staked the last pieces of her for their own.

  If they said jump, she wouldn’t have to ask how high.

  If they said submit, she would bow her head and wait for their next order.

  She no longer belonged to herself.

  “Finn, I’ve got her. Get some food and water to the room, make sure her nest is as it should be. Our mate is tired and stressed, and she’s acting out accordingly.”

  With a surprisingly human mutter, th
e wolf padded away, leaving her alone in the cool night air. Stripped down to nothing, physically and emotionally, Raine hung her head and wept.

  “Come to me, precious. Do you realize now how futile it is for you to resist us so constantly?” Dubhlainn sounded resigned, as though impressing his will over hers hurt him in some way. “Teaching you the same lesson over and over again is tiring, but if we have to keep doing it until you understand that your only place is with us now, then that’s the way things will have to go.”

  Her blood froze in her veins.

  The only lessons she’d had so far were studies in misery, terror, and pain so fierce her bones still ached from its bite. If those were what he referred to, she would withstand each one. Misery could be tamed by escaping into memories. Terror could be tamed with violence. Pain...well, pain could be muted when a woman knew how to shut down her mind.

  “Come to me, precious,” Dubh repeated with a more pronounced edge.

  Raine felt no compulsion to go to him. She pressed her hands to her belly as tears dripped off her chin and prayed she found the strength to grab Finn’s balls in her hand when he came to mate her and twist them from his body.

  Feed them to the dogs that were his brothers.

  “Raine, crawl to me.”

  Well, she certainly knew her place now, didn’t she? Relegated to a fucking bitch on her knees, crawling like an animal? Yes, her role needed no clarification. Crawling to him, Raine switched off the human side of her. A breeding bitch had no use for a working, sentient mind, opinions—vocal or otherwise, or emotional connections.

  She didn’t register stones digging into her bare knees, the meat of her palms, how they scraped along her shins and the tops of her feet. She just crawled back to the porch where Dubhlainn stood like a king, Quinn silent by his side, and up the steps to his feet. Then she waited, like a faithful bitch, for her next command.


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