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Chasing His Forever (Sweet Somethings Book 1)

Page 3

by Rory Reynolds

  As always, Torin goes to unpack his bag. I can hear him every step of the way. First, he tosses his dirty clothes in the laundry room, then goes to his bedroom to repack his bag so it’s ready to go at the drop of a hat. When he’s finished with that, he’ll wander back out here barefooted, with a big smile as he takes his plate.

  “Dinner is ready,” I holler towards our bedrooms. When he doesn’t respond, I chew my bottom lip, wondering if he just didn’t hear me. A few minutes pass without him coming out… I decide to go tell him instead of yelling again. It is rude, after all. Especially if he’s busy on the phone or something.

  His bedroom door is cracked open. I knock lightly, but even so, the door swings open, revealing a very naked Torin. I stand in complete shock. I can’t keep my eyes from roving over his sexy body. From his muscular shoulders down his strong chest and perfectly formed abdominals. I moan at the drool-worthy V that leads down to his beyond impressive cock. Even half-hard, he’s enormous.

  “I-I… Oh, God, I’m so sorry,” I gasp, my hand flying up to cover my eyes. The temptation to see more of him is too much, and I peek between my fingers to get another good look at him. I clench my thighs together, knowing my panties are completely soaked. I’m sure my nipples are so hard he can see them pressing against my thin bra and shirt.

  Torin chuckles, my eyes fly to his face realizing I’m totally busted still staring at him in all his naked glory. And man, it is glorious. I nearly faint when he leans down and pulls on a pair of gray sweatpants. His now fully erect cock is plainly showing through the material.


  He laughs again, and I realize I just spoke aloud. “Like what you see, beautiful?”

  I blush so hotly I can feel my cheeks burning up with both embarrassment and desire. “D-dinner is ready,” I blurt out before turning tail and running out of the room and into the bathroom. I slam the door shut behind me and lean against it panting.

  I cannot believe that I just walked in on a very naked Torin. As if he wasn’t already the subject of every one of my fantasies. Now I know exactly what he’s been hiding under his clothes, and my spank bank material just became extra real. My panties are soaked, my whole body is quivering with the need for release. I squeeze my thighs together, trying to alleviate some of my desperation.

  It takes several deep breaths before I have myself under control again. Though control is a relative idea at this point because every cell in my body wants to run out of this room and climb Torin like a tree.

  Down girl.

  I’ve never felt so out of control in my life. Lust was an abstract notion before Torin kissed me. Now, all I can think about is his lips on mine and the thick length of his hardness against me. Every day the need for him grows and grows. Being here in his house, constantly surrounded by his masculine scent, does nothing to calm my growing desire.

  I decide my embarrassment isn’t going to subside no matter how long I hide in the bathroom, so it’s time to face the music… Or as it happens, my oh so hot temporary roommate.



  I sit up in bed, stretching. I can hear the shower running and know that Lani is up early. My cock is rock-hard imagining her naked body. I can practically taste the water on her skin and how it wouldn’t do anything to take away from her own sweetness. I grip my cock giving it a firm tug. I stroke myself imagining Lani’s soft little hand on me.

  I’m harder than I’ve ever been picturing her touching me. The look on her face last night when she walked in on me naked is burned into my brain. I will never forget the hungry way her eyes ate up my body. Her chest rising in falling in short panting breaths as her desire rose. She wants me. There’s no denying it. Her thighs clenching together had my mouth watering at the thought of spreading those legs and licking up her honey.

  I’d be lying if I said I didn’t leave my door open on purpose. I may have also ignored her telling me that dinner was done. I’m a real bastard, but she’s been so standoffish since she moved in, and I needed to see if she felt the same heat burning between us. Now that I know, I’m a starving man, and the only thing that will clench my hunger is my Lani.


  I release my cock, knowing that any release without her will never satisfy me. Not now that I’ve finally got her in my house. Not when she’s so close to being mine. I take a quick shower then pull on a pair of jeans—no shirt, I wouldn’t want to make this too easy for her. I want her to lust for me.

  By the time she braves coming out of her room, I’ve got breakfast cooked. As soon as I hear her footsteps, I pour her cup of tea, adding the exact amount of sugar and milk she likes. I pass the cup to her. She gives me a shy smile before taking a sip, then looks at me with shocked surprise.

  “This is perfect. How did you know?”

  “Sweetheart, I know everything about you.”

  She quirks an eyebrow at the challenge. “Oh, really?”

  “Yep, ask me anything.”

  Lani taps her finger on her chin while she thinks, obviously trying to think of something that will trip me up. What she doesn’t realize is that I’ve paid attention to her for our whole lives. From the moment she fell off her bike in front of my house when I was ten years old, and I fell in love with the adorable girl next door.

  “What’s my favorite book?”

  I laugh. “Easy. Where the Red Fern Grows. Although, you also love New Moon and will read it over and over, skipping the first book in the series just to get to it faster.”

  Her mouth falls open in shock. “How… how do you…”

  “You forget we were neighbors for years. You read those books so much they were falling apart.”

  “Oh,” she says, blushing. “I didn’t realize you paid any attention to me back then…”

  I brush her hair off her face, tucking it behind her ear so I can see her beautiful face. “Sweetheart, I’ve always paid attention.”

  She gives me a soft smile. Before I can stop myself, I pull her close, kissing her with all the pent-up desire I’ve been holding onto. Lani doesn’t hold back. She kisses me deeply, rubbing her hot little body all over me. I lift her into my arms and sit her on the counter. She spreads her legs, giving me room to stand between them.

  I can feel the heat of her against my hardness, and I want more. I want to rip her shorts off her body and sink into her. She runs her hands up and down my chest, touching every inch she can reach while rubbing herself on my cock.

  “Baby, you’re driving me crazy here.”

  “Me too,” she pants. “God, Torin, I’ve never felt anything like this before… I’ve never…”

  I crush my lips back to hers, knowing precisely what she means. I hate that I can’t say the same. She’s pure as fresh snow, and I wish more than anything that I was too. I never dreamed that I would have Lani here like this. I would’ve waited forever if I thought this was in my future. I’d have waited a lifetime if I had known. A small part of me always thought that she’s too good for me. Lani’s always been destined for great things, and I’m just a local firefighter. When she came back home from college instead of taking some fancy job in the city… I knew then that I would do everything in my power to pursue her when the time is right.

  Thank fuck, that time seems to be now.

  Lani reaches between us, shyly rubbing her hand over my thick length. I groan into her mouth, nearly spending in my jeans. Jesus, she feels good. I should stop her, but I can’t. I want her as bad as she wants me, and there’s no stopping this now. I pull her shirt over her head and take her in. She’s wearing a black lace bra—her pink nipples push proudly against the lace just begging for my mouth. I suck one into my mouth, laving it with my tongue. Hands grip my hair almost painfully tight, holding me to her chest.

  As if I would deny her anything.

  Especially not this.

  And then my phone blares from the counter with an emergency signal.

  “Fuck,” I growl into her chest.

  She gently r
uns her finger through my hair. Her heart is racing, but instead of being upset at the interruption, she’s soothing me. “It’s okay, Torin. We can finish this later… right?” she asks shyly.

  I grab her up and kiss her one more time before running to get dressed. Within minutes I’m in my truck roaring off to the second fire in so many weeks.



  I pace the small space behind the counter at my store for the millionth time since I opened this morning, wringing my hands with worry. By the look on Torin’s face when he rushed out of the house, I know whatever called him away is bad. It’s the first time since I’ve been staying with him that he’s been called in on his day off.

  I jump when my phone rings. I rush to grab it, hoping it’s not someone calling to tell me something terrible has happened to Torin. No, nothing is wrong. I’m overreacting. Why am I freaking out? It’s not like he’s my boyfriend or anything. We are friends, though. I’m allowed to be worried sick over a friend, right?

  My breath comes out in a rush when I see that it’s only Prue. “Hello.”

  “Hey lady, we’re meeting at the diner in fifteen.”

  I smirk at the fact that she doesn’t even ask if I want to go, just assumes. “Okay, I’ll be there.”

  She hangs up without a word. Typical. So rude. Not that I care. I’m actually glad that she called. Lunch with the girls will definitely distract me from my worrying over Torin.


  “You’re what?” Ana shrieks, drawing the attention of every person in the diner. Which, of course, is packed because everyone comes to Burnt Sugar for lunch, seeing as it’s the only restaurant for miles.

  “Shhh,” I hiss. “Just tell the whole world!”

  “I’m just… shocked. I mean, wow. Torin? Really?”

  I furrow my brow. “What’s that supposed to mean? Is it really so shocking that he would offer me a place to stay?”

  “Oh honey,” Ana wraps her arm around my shoulders. “I didn’t mean it that way. I’m just surprised that you would agree.”

  Prue nods. “You’ve been in love with the man since you were in your mom’s womb,” she says through a big bite of her burger. “Pardon us for being shocked. None of us could’ve guessed our shy little Lani is staying with the man she’s avoided for years even though you’re perfect for each other.”

  “I haven’t avoided him.”

  “Really?” Margo levels me a sardonic look.

  “Okay, maybe a little,” I concede. “In my defense, he’s way out of my league. Not to mention I’m awkward and shy and just… me.”

  “You mean, quirky and beautiful and the sweetest person we know?” Ana corrects.

  “Sure, we can go with that.”

  “How long are you staying there?” Prue asks.

  I shrug. “Until my apartment is fixed up.”

  “So you have a week, maybe two to make him fall in love with you so you can get married and make babies.”

  “Prue!” both Ana and Margo scold.

  “What? We all know that’s what she wants.”

  “How about we talk about Margo and Amos and give your good friend Lani a break?” I ask, hopefully.

  Prue being Prue jumps right at the chance to question Margo. Who, of course, has been sneaking looks at the kitchen window trying to catch a glimpse of him since we sat down.

  Margo sighs. “There’s nothing to talk about. Seriously, guys. Amos doesn’t like me that way. He sees me as a little sister or something.”

  We give her three looks of disbelief. “Margo, the man is gone for you. He looks at you the same way Lani looks at Torin.”

  I kick Prue under the table. “I don’t look at him any sort of way. Besides, we are talking about Margo now, not me!”

  She just laughs. “Like you can control who I talk about.”

  “Then why hasn’t he asked me out?” Margo asks, looking forlornly at the pass-through window again.

  “Maybe he’s shy?” I offer.

  Ana rolls her eyes. “That man doesn’t even know the definition of shy. I think he’s waiting for her to make a move. He doesn’t want to scare her off.”

  “Ugh. I can’t make the first move! What if you’re wrong and he really doesn’t like me that way? He’s never even hinted that he wants to date or whatever. He just sort of grunts and growls at me when he checks over his daily orders. If we’re wrong, I’ll never be able to face him again. I’ll have to move to Canada and live out my days in a shack in the mountains. I don’t want to have to do that. It’s cold there,” she whines.

  We all laugh at her ridiculousness, causing her to laugh too. “The worst that will happen is you have an awkward conversation, and then life moves on,” I say.

  Prue raises her brow at me. “I feel like I’ve heard this somewhere before… Oh yeah, I’ve said this same thing to you a million times! Does this mean you finally get it?”

  I chew on my bottom lip…

  “Oh my God! You made a move?”

  I shake my head, knowing my cheeks are pink.

  “He made a move?”

  I nod with a small smile.

  “Holy shit,” Prue says loud enough that heads turn toward us again.

  Now I’m really blushing. “Keep it down,” I whisper shout. “I don’t know if he wants anyone to know.”

  “We aren’t anyone. Dish, girl.” I look wide-eyed at Ana. She’s usually the least assuming of us, preferring to quietly take things in. She’s one of those people that only speaks when she has something to say. Unless it’s to push Margo about Amos… I chalk that up to Amos being like a big brother to her, and she wants two of the people she loves to be happy.

  Knowing they won’t give up until I talk. I tell them about the kiss after the fire. How sweet he was and the embarrassing panty incident that Prue found ridiculously funny because she’s a jerk like that. They oooh and ahh over him asking—well telling—me to stay at his place. Margo gives me a happy-sad look when I tell them about how he made my tea perfect and knew my favorite books.

  I feel bad for her. She really is love-sick over Amos. Hopefully, one of them will break the little dance they’ve been playing soon. I want her to be as happy as I am.

  Wait? Am I happy? I do a little search for the melancholiness I’ve been feeling for weeks, and, sure enough, it’s gone. A little thrill shoots through me knowing that Torin is the reason for breaking me out of my funk. Despite being displaced from my home and the terror from the night of the fire, he makes me feel safe and cared for… dare I say, loved? I shake my head. No, it’s too soon for that… but maybe.

  A little niggling bit of doubt creeps in. I really am happy, but what if that’s not a good thing. What if whatever this doesn’t work out with Torin? What if he doesn’t want the same thing I want? What do I even want? I know it’s not something I want temporarily. I’m not a casual kind of girl.

  I definitely want more than just a good time while I’m staying with him and it’s convenient.

  Forever. Yeah, that’s totally what I want. I want Torin to be mine, and I want to be his. I want to go to bed every night and wake up every morning knowing that he’ll be there.

  The girls ask me a million questions, but I’m only giving partial answers now that my mind is stuck in a spiral of worry. What if I’ve let myself get too invested? What if he really does see this as temporary?

  Some part deep inside knows that I’m going to get my heart broken.

  The rest of the day is spent vacillating from worry over Torin and his dangerous job to worrying over Torin and whatever this budding relationship is. By the time I close up the store, I’m no closer to an answer about our relationship and even more stressed over his safety.



  I pull up in front of my house and smile. I used to come home to a dark, lonely house every night. It made it easy to spend so many nights at the fire station. I had nothing to come home to. Now, there are lights glowing warmly and a beautiful woman wait
ing for me. Having Lani living with me this last week has been amazing in all ways. My house was merely a place to sleep before her. In such a short time, she’s made the house a home.

  Climbing out of my truck, I wonder how I can convince my girl to stay forever. I can’t even fathom her leaving now that I’ve gotten a taste of how sweet life can be when you’re sharing it with the person you love.

  “Honey, I’m home,” I call as I open the door. It’s a silly thing, but I love saying that when I come home. Calling out to the woman I love telling her that I’ve come home to her. Yeah, I like it a lot. I always want her to know that I’m coming home to her.

  Lani runs around the corner from the kitchen, stopping short when her eyes land on me. Her shoulders sag as a wave of relief overcomes her. It’s then I realize that she’s been worried about me. I feel like a complete asshole for not calling her as soon as we got back to the station. The only thing on my mind was finishing up the report and getting home to her. Never again will I leave my girl to worry. She’ll be my top priority from now on.

  “You’re home,” Lani breathes.

  I nod, smiling. “Yeah, beautiful, I’m home.”

  Without warning, she throws herself in my arms, pressing her lips to mine in a searing kiss. Our tongues duel, fighting for control. She lets out a little growl of frustration when I don’t give her the power she desires. I grip the back of her neck, slanting her head so she’s in the perfect position for me to deepen our kiss. Her frustrated noises turn desperate as she gives in to me.

  By the time I pull away, she’s wrapped around me, and I have my hands cupping her ass to keep her pinned to my body. Fuck she feels good in my arms. I’d like nothing more than to carry her off to bed right now and make love to her all night long, but I won’t take her fully until I know she’s ready for forever with me. Even the small tastes I’ve allowed myself will haunt me to the end of time if she decides I’m not what she wants.


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