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Outlaw Souls MC Box Set: Books 1-6

Page 61

by Hope Stone

Luca leaned closer so that only I could hear. “Raymond Groves used that land to store weapons.”

  “What?” I couldn’t have heard him right.

  “Yep. Military-grade weapons, supposed to be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.”

  “How do you know this?”

  “I’ll get to that. He got the stuff from a big-time arms dealer based in El Paso. The dealer smuggled the shit in from Mexico but needed a place to hide it while it was too hot to move. So he contacts a friend of a friend…”

  “You mean Raymond Groves?”

  Luca nodded, his eyes lit up with excitement. “So, Raymond takes it and tells the guy that he can hide on this unused piece of land he has.”

  “I still don’t understand how you know all this.”

  “You know that arms dealer? His operation was taken over by my boss two months ago. You’d think a hardened criminal like him wouldn’t talk, but I guess anyone with squeal if you push the right buttons.”

  My head spun with all this new information.

  “So, you up for it?” Luca asked, and I had trouble figuring out what his question was referring to.

  “Up for what?”

  “Cecilia,” he said impatiently. “Are you up for persuading her to give me the land? She’s got a kid, and that might make it easier for you to convince her. I can’t access the property unless she does it. There are new home communities going up all around this land, and if I’m spotted where I shouldn’t be, there could be a serious problem.”

  What he was suggesting made me want to punch him in the face, but I was still outnumbered here.

  “Right, yeah,” I agreed, ready to get the hell out of there. “I’ll take care of it.”

  “Good. I had a feeling I could count on you. Check in with me here next week. Let me know how it goes. In the meantime, just keep what I told you between us, or you’ll go the same way Raymond did.”

  He said it lightly, as if he was just making conversation, not threatening my life.

  “Of course,” I said through gritted teeth.

  “Now, let’s get back to the warehouse. Your fight will be starting soon.”

  I didn’t say anything as we turned around to make our way back to the warehouse. For once, I wasn’t in the mood to fight at all.

  My date with Kat was that night. I didn’t actually have a plan when I asked her out, but I knew that it should be something fun.

  “You ready to go?” I asked her as Ink Envy closed. She was smoking hot tonight with her tight jeans and a black tank top. Her hair was down, the long black locks flowing down to the middle of her back in waves, and I noticed that she’d put on a little more makeup than usual. I appreciated the effort, but she was gorgeous, even without it.

  “Yep,” she said, pulling on a black leather jacket. “Where are you taking me.”

  “I’m not saying,” I smirked.

  “You’re lucky I like surprises.”

  We exited the shop together, and I mounted my bike, straightening it as I raised the kickstand. Kat didn’t have to be told what to do as she came over and climbed on behind me, swinging her leg up in a smooth motion that suggested she’d done this a hundred times. It reminded me of my first day of work.

  “Hey, who was it that picked you up from work the day we met?”

  It was risky to ask her about another man at the beginning of our first date, but I couldn’t suppress my curiosity.

  “What, Jason?” she laughed lightly as she pulled her helmet onto her head. “You weren’t jealous, were you?”

  I knew she was teasing, but I decided to be honest.

  “Yes, I was.”

  Kat scooted herself closer to me until her toned thighs were stretched around mine, and she wrapped her arms around my waist. Her face was beside my ear when she spoke.

  “He’s my brother.”

  Thank fuck.

  I started the bike, feeling the vibrations from the engine at the base of my spine. Kat’s grip tightened around me when I took off, pulling out onto the street. The evening was perfect for a ride. We were heading to the eastern part of town, so the sun was at our backs as it slowly made its way across the sky to set in a couple of hours. The air was almost always a little humid in this town, being so close to the ocean, but it wasn’t overly so tonight. Cool wind rushed over us as the motorcycle picked up speed, and Kat rested her head against my back.

  It didn’t take long to reach our destination. I pulled into the parking lot in front of a strip mall. There was a line of businesses, ranging from a video game store to a bakery. I had my sights set on the pizza place right in the middle, so I parked in front of it.

  When we got off the bike and pulled our helmets off, Kat shook out her hair. The wind had whipped it around during the ride, and it was a mess, but I thought that it looked like she’d just had wild sex. I felt my cock start to stir at the notion of that, and I stepped closer to her. I hadn’t kissed her again since that first time in the back room of the shop, and I needed another taste.

  Cupping her cheek, I tilted her head back, and she parted her lips for me. The kiss was gentler than last time, but I still felt a blast of arousal at the contact. I wanted to consume her, but she pulled away after a few seconds.

  “Come on,” she said. “I’m starving.”

  We walked into the familiar restaurant. I had been coming here since I moved to La Playa, and in my opinion, it had the best pizza in town.

  “Blade, I didn’t know you were coming in tonight,” John, the owner of the place, greeted me from behind the counter as I walked through the door. He was always here, tossing pizza dough every day. His eyes landed on Kat beside me, and he grinned. “And you’ve brought a friend.”

  “Kat, this is John, the owner of the best pizza shop you’ve ever been in.”

  “Wow. Those are some big words.” She turned to John. “Does the food live up to the hype?”

  “I like to think so,” he said with a humble look.

  I gestured to a booth by the door, and Kat slid into the seat. The inside of the restaurant was exactly what you’d expect of a small pizza place. There were red vinyl seats at the booths and matching chairs at the tables placed in straight rows on the floor. The glass front of the building provided an uninspiring view of the parking lot, and there were close-up pictures of pizzas on the walls. What really set the place apart was the product. John’s grandmother came over from Sicily sixty years ago, bringing the recipe with her. It was authentic and tasted amazing.

  There were a few other customers already seated, enjoying the food. It was never overly crowded here, making it the best-kept secret in La Playa.

  “What toppings do you like?” I asked.

  She shrugged. “Usually, just pepperoni.”

  “A woman after my own heart,” I said, adding a little drama by placing my hand over the left side of my chest. It earned me a small chuckle.

  I went to the counter to place our order, and John got to work immediately. He made the food right there in front of the customers, showing off as he stretched the dough by tossing it into the air and catching it.

  “So, you’re a regular here?” Kat asked when I sat back down.

  “I’m not much of a cook, so I have a few favorite places that I go to eat regularly. You ever heard of Tiny’s?”

  “I don’t really go to that part of town often,” she said.

  An emotion that I couldn’t decipher flashed across her face. I was just about to ask her about it when my phone buzzed in my pocket. I didn’t want to be rude, but as a prospect, it was important that I could be reached at all times. It was a message from Ryder telling me that there would be a meeting tomorrow night.

  “Sorry, just a second,” I said, typing out a quick affirmative that I would be there.

  Those bikes aren’t going to watch themselves.

  “Anyway,” I tried to recall where we were in the conversation. “I come here at least once a week, but I chose it tonight because of our after-dinner activity

  She shot me a heated gaze, and I knew what she had in mind. My cock, still half-erect from thoughts of getting her naked, gave a little twitch in my pants.

  “Oh, yeah?” she asked. “And what activity do you have in mind?”

  Leaning closer to her, I beckoned for her to do the same. She did until our faces were only inches apart. I wanted to claim her sweet mouth again, but instead, I turned my head and pointed to a black building across the street.

  “Laser tag?” Kat asked, and I could hear the surprise and excitement in her voice.

  “Yep.” I sat back in my seat. “But I have to warn you, I’m pretty good. You might not stand a chance.”

  “I’m gonna wipe that smug grin off your face once and for all,” she said, also leaning back. “I can’t believe you’re taking me to play laser tag.”

  “Why not? I told you it would be more fun than a movie.”

  “It’s just that some people might consider it childish.”

  “And what’s wrong with that?” I asked. “I think we should all be a little childish sometimes.”

  “I agree.”

  The pizza arrived, and we dug in. Kat was honest when she said she wasn’t afraid to eat in front of a man. She put away even more of the pizza than I did, and I found myself trying to figure out where it all went.

  “I’ve always had a fast metabolism,” she said, answering my unasked question.

  Damn, it was refreshing to be with a woman like her. I had the impression that she wasn’t putting on airs at all. I was getting the real Kat here, through and through. No games.

  She offered to pay for half of the meal, but I took care of it. I wasn’t the most old-fashioned of men, but I believed that the person that initiated the date should cover the bill. Besides, I’d planned everything.

  I bid John a quick goodbye, and we left the restaurant. It seemed silly to get back on the bike just to ride such a small distance, so I took hold of her hand as we walked across the parking lot, then the street. The building that housed the laser tag course was brick, painted black with no windows. I had never been here before, but I’d played the game in other places.

  I’d called ahead to reserve a time slot for the two of us, so it took no time to check in and get into our vests. The lights on my chest and back were blue while Kat’s were green. If we shot each other, the lights would flash red for a few seconds. We had an hour, and whoever got the most shots in on their opponent would be the winner.

  I knew I’d made a good choice when I looked over at Kat just before we went into the course. We were both standing in front of doors about ten feet apart, which were our individual entrances to the course. She was smiling from ear-to-ear, and her body was practically humming with excitement. She was pumped up.

  The countdown clock above our heads was set to one hour, and we heard the locks click before the attendant told us we could begin.

  I surged forward, opening my door and stepping into blackness. I froze, waiting for my eyes to adjust as the heavy door I’d just entered through closed behind me. There was loud techno music playing, drowning out any other sound. I wouldn’t be able to tell where Kat was by hearing her footsteps.

  After a few seconds, my eyes adjusted enough to see that there was a long wall to my right, which must be separating Kat and me. I held the plastic gun with two hands and headed to the left, where there was another hallway. At the end of it, the room opened up, revealing a space illuminated by blacklight, and the walls practically glowing with the paint on them. It was a large space, filled with square objects that could be used to hide behind or get in the way as obstacles. I touched one and found it to be cushioned on all sides for safety. There were doorways all over the room, leading to a maze that connected them and would be a good place to ambush an opponent.

  My adrenaline spiked, and I tried to decide my next move when the light in the center of my chest flashed red.

  “What the fuck?”

  Movement made me turn to my right, where I spotted Kat running away, clearly laughing her ass off. I had just started to follow her when she disappeared through a doorway. My light turned green again, and I smirked while I raised my gun. She got the first shot, but I was ready for her now, and I loved a good challenge.

  It was on.


  Playing laser tag with Blade was a blast. I was pretty sure it was the most fun I’d ever had on a date. He won in the end, but I put up a hell of a fight. After an hour of running, ducking, and diving in the laser tag course, I would have expected to be too exhausted to do much else tonight. But as I climbed onto the back of Blade’s bike, I felt energized by my need for him.

  He started to head back to the tattoo shop, to drop me off at my car, but I wanted to be alone with him now. To hell with the car, I could pick it up tomorrow. I tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention.

  “Take me home instead,” I shouted to be heard over the roar of the motorcycle’s engine.

  “You sure?” he asked.

  “Yes, definitely.”

  I gave him directions to my house. It didn’t take long to get there, but by the time we arrived, I was fighting the urge to squirm on the back of the bike. Knowing what was coming made my core ache.

  Blade parked in my driveway and turned off the bike. No words were needed as he followed me up to the front door of the house. I’d barely gotten the key turned in the lock when he was pulling me into his arms.

  We stumbled across the threshold, a tangle of limbs as our tongues wrestled. Blade lifted me up so that my legs wrapped around his waist. His large hands held onto my ass as he blindly walked us into the living room, kicking the front door shut behind him.

  I broke our kiss long enough to direct him to my bedroom while Blade’s lips skimmed down my neck, making a shiver run down my spine when he sucked lightly at the juncture where my neck met my shoulder.

  The curtains in my room were open, allowing a faint glow from the streetlight outside to illuminate the space just enough to see. I reached down to the hem of my shirt, ripping it off over my head and tossing it carelessly aside. Then, I reached back and popped open my bra clasp. As soon as it was out of the way, Blade let out a low growl and dropped me onto the bed, coming down on top of me and burying his face in my chest. I thrust my fingers into his short hair, holding him tight to me.

  Blades tongue worked magic on my sensitive buds, making me arch my back and release a breathy moan. Grabbing hold of the back of his shirt, I fisted my fingers in it and pulled it over his head. I could see that his body was covered in tattoos, but it was too dark to make out the details. I’d have to check out the work later.

  I needed more of him. Blade seemed to sense my desperate hunger and released my nipple. It came out of his mouth with a faint popping sound, and the cool air in the room made the wet tip almost painfully hard. He moved back to my mouth, grinding into me. His bare chest was pressed against my own, the smooth warmth of his skin driving me wild.

  My blood was pounding in my ears, and the only thing I could think about was getting the rest of our clothing off. I needed him inside of me like I’d never needed anything before.

  “Blade,” I gasped as his rock-hard erection rubbed at me through our clothing, hitting my sensitive clit. “Please.”

  I couldn’t find the words to ask for what I wanted, but I didn’t have to. Blade was in tune with my body, and it seemed that he was more than willing to give me what I needed.

  Shoving a hand down the front of my jeans, he slipped his fingers past the waistband of my panties. When he reached my entrance, he let out a tortured moan.

  “Fuck, Kitten. You’re soaking for me.”

  His finger slid inside, and I thrust my hips up. Heat rolled through my body, and I bit my lip. God, it felt so good, but it wasn’t enough.

  “You like that, huh?” He asked, slipping another finger inside. I could feel myself clench around his digits and a needy moan left my lips. “You like the way I touch you?”

  “Yes, Blade.” I hardly recognized my own voice, it was so husky. “God, yes.”

  His mouth went back to my nipple as he pumped his fingers in and out faster. I knew what he was doing, working me up like this. He wanted to make me come, but I wasn’t having any of that. I wanted to orgasm with him inside of me.

  In a quick motion, I pushed against his shoulder, sending him onto his back. He let out a surprised grunt as his hand slid out of my pants. I shot him a flirty smile as I stood, unbuttoning my pants.

  “Take off your pants,” I demanded, feeling powerful as I took charge.

  He didn’t comply immediately, as he watched me strip with wide eyes. I’d never seen someone look at me the way that he did—with reverence—and it made an unfamiliar emotion swell within my chest. I didn’t know what to do with that, so I pushed it aside and focused on what my body was feeling.

  I pulled open the drawer of my nightstand and grabbed a condom, and Blade finally took off his pants, kicking them onto the floor and laying flat as I crawled onto the bed beside him. His thick length stood up, and I didn’t hesitate to take it in my hand. Blade was hard and hot and…oh God, so big.

  I stroked him slowly, watching his face as he narrowed his eyes and let his breath out in a slow hiss. His soft skin glided over the stiff core, and I wondered what it tasted like.

  But that would have to wait for another time. I couldn’t deny myself the pleasure I’d been craving for another minute. I slid the condom onto his cock. He was watching my every move with hooded eyes, his hands fisted in the sheets on either side of his body.

  “Ride me, Kitten,” he said, and I positioned myself over him.

  My eyes held his, which looked black in the darkness of the room, as I lowered myself onto his erection. My breath left me in a rush as I was stretched wide and pure pleasure radiated through me.

  “Fuck,” Blade cursed, and the look on his face was an expression of ecstasy.

  Leaning forward, I lifted my hips until only the tip of his cock remained inside. Then, I took his entire length inside again in one swift movement, making both of us moan. I continued with that motion, over and over, until I settled into a rhythm.


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