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Crex: Alien Abduction Romance (Captured By Aliens Book 2)

Page 9

by A. G. Wilde

  The sun.

  How she’d love to feel it against her skin again.

  But that would never happen. At least, she would never feel the same sun she’d felt on Earth. It would be a different sun, somewhere else.

  Yet, the thought of getting out of the cell and just being outside of captivity was what kept her pacing. Her legs were about to give out and make her collapse but pure anticipation was keeping her upright.

  “They’re here,” he suddenly said, as he stopped pacing abruptly.

  Head snapping in the direction of the bars at the front of the cell, Piper’s heart sank a little when she realized there was no one there.

  But Crex was standing frozen, the muscles in his arms seeming to tense and flex even more as if he was gearing up for something.

  They weren’t at the cell door but they were on the ship, somewhere on the ship. Help was coming. Help was coming soon.

  She assumed he knew of their arrival because of his brother, Yce. She didn’t understand how Yce could communicate telepathically, but that was something to investigate after they were free.

  “The human is with him.” Crex’s eyes narrowed.

  “Which human. With whom?” Piper breathed on her hands to warm her fingers.

  “Your Athena. She is with Xul.” Crex turned to face her, his head cocked to the side as he studied her, his eyes narrowing slightly.


  A smile broke across her face and if she wasn’t so low on energy, she would have jumped on the spot in excitement.

  She’d never been so excited to hear a woman’s name before.

  But it wasn’t just any woman. It was a human woman. A human woman who had managed to escape her “owner” and was returning to help rescue the others.

  Athena was alive! A surge of pride swelled inside her immediately.

  It was nice knowing Athena wasn’t sitting on the sidelines somewhere.

  If it had been her in the same situation, she’d have done the same thing.

  Crex was frowning at her slightly now.

  “You seem pleased. Returning to this ship is dangerous. Unpredictable.” It almost sounded as if he was scolding her.

  But before she could answer, the words stuck in her throat as a figure appeared at the cell bars.

  It was a gator-guard.

  But as soon as the guard looked into the cell, he seemed to press something on his arm and Piper watched, frozen in shock as the guard morphed into another huge being.

  She could only describe him as a man bull, with massive horns protruding from his head.

  In one movement, he slashed the cell bars with a weapon he was carrying and the bars crumpled as if his blade was made of acid.

  She was still frozen in shock as Crex began moving.

  “Crex,” the bull-man said, and the two nodded to each other.

  This must be a member of the rescue team then, Piper realized.

  But as Crex reached the front of the cell, a shiver ran down her spine as he crouched and snarled at another figure that appeared.

  It was an Isclit.

  What the heck was a slug thing doing in the corridor now? Had it deflected? Was it a good guy?

  The bull-man put his hand on Crex’s shoulder. “No brother. She is with us.”

  Brother? She?

  “She?” Piper heard Crex verbalize her thoughts as he eyed the Isclit.

  What happened next was like a blur.

  As the Isclit’s body began to morph and distort, Crex suddenly disappeared from her view as he launched himself into the air.

  She could hear the first sound of Crex doing what he did best. Some unlucky gator-guard just died, but that was not what had her attention at the moment.

  In front of her, just outside the cell, was Athena.

  Somehow, she had morphed from the Isclit’s body into her own human form.

  The emotions welling inside her, she could not describe.

  The last time she’d seen the woman was when she’d been dragged away, having been auctioned first. And after she herself had been auctioned, she hadn’t had any human contact.

  Now, seeing a human right in front of her eyes, it was almost as if she was in a dream.

  “Athena?” Without realizing it, she had moved toward the other woman.

  Athena’s head snapped to the sound of her voice and she watched the woman’s eyes flood with tears.

  “Piper?!” Athena choked.

  “Oh my God, I thought you were dead!” Piper crashed into her, holding her close.

  To see the woman in the flesh, really alive, not just hearing that she was...the feeling was indescribable.

  Athena just held her close and they had a moment where neither spoke. Words weren’t necessary.

  They both understood what the other was feeling.

  To her side, a loud growl erupted through the corridor and she was brought back to the reality of the situation.

  They were still all in danger.

  It wasn’t over yet.

  Crex growled again as he took out one of the guards that had been rushing their way, weapon poised in the air to slash them both.

  Piper’s eyes widened as she saw the guard fall in a heap, her gaze locking with Crex’s for a second.

  That wild look was in his eyes again and his entire body was tense, ready for action.

  For the first time since being locked up with him, she thought she saw something curious on his face.

  It was a slight smile.

  She was sure of it.

  He was living for the thrill of the kill.

  Athena suddenly took her face in her hands.

  Down the corridor, she could hear footsteps approaching and an alarm was now blaring loudly through the ship.


  “Get the others,” Athena said, glancing back at Crex.

  But she hardly heard anything Athena said. Her eyes were on Crex.

  He was tearing through the guards with his bare hands as if they were nothing.

  In the few seconds they were standing there, he had taken down five more guards. But now one was sinking its teeth deep into his back while another was lifting a jagged knife to plunge into his chest.

  Instinct made her move towards him, but her lack of energy made it so that she couldn’t move as fast as she’d have liked.

  It was like watching a movie in slow motion.

  To her left, she heard a woman’s scream, like Xena the Warrior Princess’ war cry, and watched as Athena pulled a gun from her waist as she rushed toward the fight.

  Falling on one knee, Athena aimed and pressed the trigger, the recoil putting her off balance for a second.

  Small red dots burst from the gun, swarmed around the target, and landed on the gator-guard’s back, sinking into the alien’s thick skin.

  The guard roared and turned to look at Athena, and Piper felt her heart lurch as it stalked toward the woman.

  But Crex was moving again. He’d managed to pull the other guard off his shoulder and, in one swift move, he closed his hands around the guard’s neck and twisted.

  She could see the bones in the creature’s neck break before Crex released it and it fell to the ground in a heap.

  The other was still stalking toward them both and Athena fired again.

  Another burst of red dots shot from the gun and embedded themselves into the guard’s skin. As the guard aimed its knife at Athena, it suddenly stopped moving.

  She wasn’t sure what happened to it, but in the next second, its body split into pieces as if it was blown apart from the inside. She only had time to shield her body with her arms.

  When she looked up again, its body was like pulp along with walls and floor.

  Well, fuck.

  She stared at Athena, who looked back at her with wide eyes that reflected hers.

  Crex stood over Athena, eyes narrowed slightly as he regarded her. “Thank you,” he said, and Piper felt one of her eyebrows raise.

  Then he looked at her
, his eyes roving over her body as she stood, as if he was making sure she was unhurt.

  When his gaze drifted past her, she turned as well to see that, in the chaos, the corridor was now filled with other aliens and women, human women.

  The other women had been released from the cages by the bull-man.

  Behind the women, on the other end of the hall, the bull-man and another two aliens she’d never seen before were fighting gator-guards that had approached from the other side.

  If they didn’t get out of the area soon, it looked as if they would be surrounded.

  “Let’s go,” Crex breathed and, as they hurried toward the group, the bull-man finished killing the last guard.

  He turned then, his gaze going directly to Athena. Piper watched in silence, aware her mouth was open and this all felt like a dream, as the bull-man went directly to Athena, scooping her up in an embrace.

  “Don’t do that again,” the bull-man breathed.

  “Don’t do what?” Athena replied, a small smile on her face.

  “My men can handle themselves,” the bull-man said and Piper couldn’t help but notice how close their mouths were.

  “So can I,” Athena replied.

  “So you can,” the bull-man murmured.

  Well, fuck.

  Piper glanced at Crex and realized he was looking at her in much the same way the bull-man was looking at Athena.

  Well, fuck me.

  Someone cleared their throat and a light-blue alien with a gem in his forehead came forward.

  Piper just stared.

  Maybe it was because the cell had been so cold, but it was as if her brain wasn’t registering that this was reality.

  This was all really happening.

  It all seemed too strange.

  “We must move,” the light-blue alien said. “More guards are on their way.”

  He was looking at Athena strangely too and, in the next second, she heard the bull-man say, “Yce, she is mine. You are not allowed in her mind.”

  Well, shit. She was whose?

  I beg your pardon.

  “Athena!” A female voice rang out as the redhead, Diana came forward. “Piper!”

  The other women came forward too and they had a moment together.

  They were all there.

  Dirty as hell but alive nonetheless. Diana, Evren, Song, Athena—they’d all made it.

  But proper hugs and tears would have to wait as the sound of more footsteps approaching echoed down the corridor.

  “This way,” Yce said.

  The group moved immediately, rushing down the corridor and soon they came upon a wall.

  The bull-alien stepped in front of it and a door opened, leading them into what seemed to be a loading dock with several ships and a massive window that looked out into space.

  Piper took a second to look around.

  So she was really on a ship.

  A big one. And in front of them were several smaller ships. Ships and a helluva lot of guards.

  As soon as the guards noticed their arrival, weapons were drawn.

  And, at that moment, it was as if her brain woke up from the stasis it was in.

  This wasn’t a dream.

  This was fight or die.

  Everything that happened over the past few days came flooding back.

  She saw her sister dying in front of her eyes.

  Saw Crex being tortured.

  Remembered the feel of the whips against her back.

  It all came bubbling within her like a massive volcano about to erupt and, in a moment of pure adrenaline, she felt like she could rip the guards apart with her bare hands.

  To her side, the others were already moving.

  Athena grabbed her gun and began shooting and the other aliens were moving fast.

  A flash of red to her right was Diana, holding some kind of metal as she charged toward one of the gator-guards.

  As a scream bellowed forth from within her, Piper dashed forward, her rage propelling her.

  If she even had to use her teeth to tear one of them apart, she would.

  But she didn’t get far.

  One moment, she was rushing forward and the next she was airborne, being hoisted high as Crex threw her over his shoulder.

  Screaming again, this time in frustration, she hit Crex in his back with her fists, only pausing as she watched a guard dart toward them from the side.

  With his one free hand, Crex grabbed the guard by the snout and, with a squeeze of his palm, he crushed the guard’s face, causing the beast to stumble backward with a muffled howl.

  On the floor, Diana was sitting on top of one of the gator-guards, beating its face to a pulp with the piece of metal.

  As a guard roared close to the red-head, Evren rushed forward with one of the shock rods, using her body weight to push the guard off balance.

  Someone threw Diana a dagger, which she caught like a pro and quickly buried it deep into the guard’s eye as Evren smashed its head with the rod.

  They were all fighting.

  Piper could feel the adrenaline.

  It was coursing through everyone and yet, she couldn’t even participate.

  She couldn’t release the rage.

  She’d felt like this before. It was rage she was used to.

  Anger was her middle name and it felt good to have it back. But beating against Crex’s back was futile.

  He was busy fighting one-handed while not allowing any guards to get close to them.

  And then it was silent all too soon, the battle ending far quicker than she would have liked.

  “We board and head to the Elysium,” she heard someone say and then she was being put into one of the small ships.

  Turning furious eyes on him, Piper waited for Crex to meet her gaze.

  Instead, he closed the door to the small ship, moving around the other side to take the pilot’s seat.

  “Why the hell did you do that?!” She glared at him, unable to control the anger bubbling within her.

  It had to go somewhere and, as he had so unnecessarily taken away the one outlet she’d had in days, he was going to bear the brunt of it.

  “To protect you.” His voice was cool as he started the engine of the craft.

  “P-pro-fucking-tect me?!” Her blood was boiling. “Who said I needed you to protect me?!” She was almost to the point of screaming.

  “No one,” he said, as he messed with dials on the craft’s control panel.

  His response caught her off guard and her anger waned a little.

  “Egg-fucking-xactly.” She frowned.

  When his gaze finally met hers, his next words made her go slack-jawed.

  “You are mine,” he said cooly. “I protect what’s mine.”

  Well, fuck.

  Chapter Fourteen

  His words stunned her to silence and all she could do was gape at him.

  As they zoomed out of the ship into the darkness of space, Piper was momentarily distracted by the fact that yes, she was indeed not in her campervan dreaming about aliens and shit—this was real.

  She was really in space.

  As they zoomed further away from the Isclit ship, she looked back and her eyes widened.

  The ship was big.

  No. It was enormous.

  If she needed more proof that she hadn’t been on Earth anymore, that was it.

  The ship looked like a massive boob sans the nipple, just the areola, which was like a dark spot in the middle.

  As she stared at it, disbelieving that was where she’d been imprisoned, a huge explosion ripped through the ship’s center. The explosion seemed to spread as Crex sped up, zooming far away as the massive ship tore apart behind them.

  She reckoned the guards, Isclits, and Tasqals left on the ship were dying just as she watched.

  And she didn’t care.

  There was not one ounce of remorse.

  “Is that it? Is it over?” She whispered, still staring out the window of the small craft. />
  Crex took a while to respond. “The ship stopped at your planet last. It was going to stop at more. It can’t do that now.”

  “So it’s over.”

  When he didn’t answer, she turned to look at him. His gaze was focused ahead.

  “There’s more?” She whispered.

  “The fight won’t be over till we have taken out all the Tasqal rulers.”

  Piper nodded.

  Well, at least for now, it was over.

  Up ahead, another ship seemed to materialize out of nowhere.

  “The Elysium,” she heard Crex say.

  “Good guys?”

  A hint of a smile graced his lips.

  “That’s our mother ship,” he answered.

  Mother ship.


  Never thought she’d ever be hearing those words in her life.

  The ship was a sleek white that reflected the light of the stars and it was shaped much like a fighter jet, only much, much larger.

  As they approached the ship and docked, Crex immediately jumped out and lifted her from the small craft.

  “I could do that myself, you know.” She eyed him, still annoyed that he didn’t allow her to fight.

  “You’re weak,” was all he said.

  She opened her mouth to retort but immediately realized he wasn’t referring to her puny, human strength compared to his Ceqtaq one. Now that the adrenaline was gone, she was feeling rather weak. So she bit back her retort and decided not to respond as she followed him into the ship.

  It was bright in there, much brighter than she’d expected...and spotlessly clean.

  “Drak,” Crex shielded his eyes. “Kyro, the drakking lights.”

  Immediately, the lights dimmed to an acceptable brightness and a tall long-necked alien approached from somewhere.

  Without realizing it, Piper moved closer to Crex’s side.

  The new alien had skin that looked so smooth, she was sure it would be soft. He walked as if he was floating on the air, barely touching the ground.

  “My brother, Crex,” it greeted Crex.

  “Kyro,” Crex replied, turning as the other women entered the ship.

  There were oohs and ahhs as they all stood together, with Crex moving off to speak with his other “brothers.”

  She guessed they weren’t all Ceqtaq’s as she’d thought.


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