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Crex: Alien Abduction Romance (Captured By Aliens Book 2)

Page 15

by A. G. Wilde

  As she slid down on him slowly, Piper inhaled deeply when her crotch hit his.


  She didn’t think she could move.

  She was full. Incredibly full.

  It wasn’t a feeling she’d ever had before.

  Was this what those porn stars felt when they took those monster dicks?

  Fuck. They made it look so easy.

  This wasn’t easy, but it felt so damn good.

  Leaning down to kiss him softly, Crex grasped her waist but he didn’t move.

  Neither of them did; they just enjoyed the feel of each other. The feeling of being connected. The feeling of being one.

  Raising his hand, he placed it over her left breast, and Piper smiled.

  It felt good. This felt good.

  Breaking the kiss, Crex studied her eyes and she realized he wasn’t placing his hand over her breast at all. He was touching her heart.

  “The jagazen,” he whispered, concern and then fear flooding his gaze.

  It was the first time she had seen that emotion in his eyes. Fear.

  And she didn’t like it.

  “The jagazen,” he repeated. “This is not you. You do not want this.”


  How much hornier did she have to be to convince him she wanted this?

  As she clenched around him, she felt him throb within her in response.

  “I want this,” she whispered, placing a hand against his cheek. “I have never wanted anything else so bad.”


  “Shut up and fuck me, Crex,” she breathed, mildly surprised at herself. “Hard.”

  Crex gulped as he searched her eyes for a few more seconds. But when she clenched around him again, he grabbed her hips with both hands and raised her above him a little before bringing her hips down hard.

  The moan of pleasure that vibrated through her had her burying her face against his neck.

  “Yes,” she breathed, as he started a rhythm, raising her only to bring her down on him again.

  As a chorus began in her center, she could feel herself shudder with every thrust.

  He was so big, splitting her in two, yet her body was rejoicing with every movement.

  And as his rhythm picked up in pace, she could feel it bubbling deep within her. She was going to climax.

  It was just enough warning for her to scream his name in the darkness as the wave came crashing down.

  As she bit into his neck, riding the emotions that were overcoming her, she felt him shudder against her, his cock throbbing inside her as he too reached his peak.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  She collapsed on him then, breathless and enjoying the feel of his warm skin against hers.

  “Piper,” he groaned, tightening his arms around her.

  “Crex,” she responded, smiling against his chest.

  Her lady parts had never felt so good.

  Those ridges. Mmm.

  “Piper,” he said again, and this time she heard the hint of distress in his voice.

  Lifting her head to squint at him in the darkness, she tried to read his luminescent eyes. Eyes that had scared her so much at first. Looking into them now, she couldn’t understand why.

  “Everything ok?” She asked.

  Raising his hand, he brushed it against her cheek, using his index finger to trace a line down her skin.

  “So soft,” he whispered then his finger paused its movement. “I’m sorry.”

  His gaze was tormented. She could see it so easily and again she wondered if she just hadn’t been perceptive enough before.

  But sorry? What was he sorry for?

  Apologies weren’t exactly what she wanted to hear after getting her mind blown by an awesome dick.

  “Sorry? You don’t need to be sorry, Crex.”

  He sighed, his chest rising and falling heavily.

  “You don’t understand,” he whispered. “I have done something wrong. Something selfish.” His gaze fell and it seemed as if a myriad of thoughts were flying behind those luminescent orbs.

  Oh, she got it now. It had to be that. Was having sex with a human that bad? As she stiffened against him, it seemed he felt the need to let it all out before he let her go, because the words came flowing out of his mouth like a dam burst.

  “What just happened between us, it shouldn’t have. You didn’t want it. Not really. I think you were being controlled by the jagazen…I think it’s within you now. Or at least a version of it.” He looked at her now and the turmoil in his gaze was clear.

  Frowning, Piper tried to make sense of what he was saying.

  The jagazen. That thing he said made his heart swell. It was within her?

  Well yes, she’d felt different. She’d felt fucking horny. But that was because she’d finally allowed herself to face the fact that she was attracted to him, alien or not. She’d wanted him. Inside her. Deep. And hard.

  “What do you mean?”

  Another sigh moved through his chest.

  “How does your head feel?”

  Was he switching subjects? Nevertheless, she answered him.

  “It feels—” Piper frowned. Her head felt fine. “It feels good. Why?”

  “Your head was wounded badly. Very badly and you had lost a lot of blood. You would have bled to death.” His eyes were searching hers.

  That didn’t make sense.

  “I don’t think it was that bad, buddy.” A nervous chuckle left her lips though, as she tried to piece together what he was trying to tell her.

  Was he telling her that she’d died and this was the afterlife?

  Well, apart from zombie-Kraken-bitch-fish, having his cock for all eternity wasn’t a bad deal in this dimension.

  “I had to give you some of my blood,” he finished.

  She could feel her brows furrow deeper.


  What was so bad about that?


  Immediately, her hand flew to her mouth as her eyes widened.

  “Oh my god. Do you have AIDS or something?”


  “A sexually transmitted disease!” She eased up off him further, eyes still wide.

  It all made sense.

  The whole thing about being selfish and her not wanting it but him doing it anyway.

  But she couldn’t believe that. Would he have really done something like that? Had he done something like that?

  “No,” he said. “Piper, my blood isn’t like yours and I gave you some of mine. I had no choice. You were too wounded.”

  Her mind felt like a slinky that had lost its groove and was all tangled.

  It took her a few minutes to respond, still not understanding what he was trying to say.

  “I don’t get it. Speak English.”

  “Your translator isn’t working? I do not know how to speak your language.”

  “No, I mean yes, it’s working. But I need you to explain what you’re trying to say to me clearly. Frankly, you’re beginning to freak me out and we may not be a thing or anything but it’s cold and I’d rather just cuddle.”

  The worry didn’t leave his eyes.

  Swallowing hard, he continued. “My blood has certain properties. It can…bond with its host and accelerate their healing if they are wounded.”

  So that was why her head seemed to be getting better so quickly?

  Why was that a bad thing?

  “But it can also have other effects.”

  “Ok. Like?”

  He took a moment to respond. “Like, bonding with your DNA. And I think it has. Because,” he sighed again, “I could feel it within you.”


  “The jagazen.”

  “You mean that thing in your blood that makes your heart swell?”

  “Yes,” he whispered.

  She took a moment to think it through. “So, if I have the same thing, what happens?”

  “You might feel things toward me. Things you didn’t usually feel befo

  This was all rather confusing.

  “Crex, I still don’t really understand.”

  “I’ve bonded to you,” he blurted. “I bonded to you when we were on the Isclit ship. My jagazen called out to you. Wanted you. No, I wanted you. I…” He paused. “I want you.”

  He was trying to warn her about something. She knew that. But all she could hear was a man saying that he was falling for her and…damn…it felt good to hear him say it.

  Something in her heart leaped for joy and she smiled. She couldn’t help it. Because she was falling for him too. Had been falling for him for a long time.

  “Why is that a bad thing?” She breathed.

  He took another moment to reply. “What just happened between us might not be real for you. It might not have been what you wanted, really wanted, without my blood in your veins.”


  It was all clear now.

  Resting her head back on his chest, she pulled his arms around her.

  “I’ve never been surer of anything else in my life,” she said. “If anybody took advantage of anyone, it was me.”

  “You don’t under—”

  “Shh.” She raised her head and surprised him by placing a finger against his lips.

  * * *

  She must have dozed off or something because the next thing she knew, she was disturbed awake as Crex rested her lightly on the bedding and covered her with a section of it.

  Squinting at the light entering small openings in the barricade he’d made at the cave mouth, she realized it must be daylight.

  Drowsily, she watched as he slipped into his pants and glanced back at her.

  Stretching languorously, she smiled at him. It almost felt bad to feel this good at such a time. They were hiding and running for their lives, yet her entire body still tingled with pleasure.

  Crex watched her stretch, his eyes on the bedding as it slipped off her shoulders to expose a naked breast.

  “You going somewhere?” Her voice sounded husky because she just woke and she saw Crex’s eyes darken at the sound.

  “I must hunt,” he said.

  “I’ll come with you.” Piper sat up, yawning as she did.

  Damn, how did she sleep so well last night? It was the best rest she’d had in days.

  “That’s not a good idea,” Crex said.

  “Why?” Piper flashed him a side eye. “Because I’m too soft?” She challenged.

  “No. Because it’s too dangerous,” he countered.

  Well, maybe he had a point. Judging from the Kraken’s dead-but-still-alive kid from yesterday, it would probably be best if she stayed hiding in the cave. But where was the fun in that?

  There was adrenaline pumping in her veins this morning. She could feel it. Almost as if she had extra energy she needed to release.

  “Look,” she said, as she stood and headed to her discarded clothes. “I’ll be safer the closer I am to you. What if those scouting ships come by again?”

  He didn’t argue; he just watched her get dressed.

  Her clothes were still damp, but she figured they would dry in the warmth of the suns.

  When her clothes were finally on, she looked up at him. He was looking at her strangely.

  “Last night—”

  Piper raised her hand. “If you’re going to apologize again, it’s going to hurt a girl’s feelings, Crex.”

  She watched him swallow hard as she brushed past him to the barricade he’d made, pausing to look outside.

  As Crex opened it up for them to slip through, the full brunt of the heat outside hit her.

  Yep, she reckoned her clothes would be dry in a few minutes.

  “Take this,” Crex thrust a handle in her hand. On the other end was a long blade, similar to the one she’d used to kill zombie-fish the day before.

  “Thanks,” she smiled. “Where to?”

  Crex lifted his gaze above the sand ridge.

  “Up there,” he motioned. “I saw some sand cats’ dens.”

  Nodding, Piper turned to look toward the ocean.

  She still felt that pull toward it, despite that she’d almost died in the water yesterday…despite that she had never been pulled to water before.

  “The water,” she breathed, inhaling deeply.

  She could almost smell it. There was a dull scent that she had never smelled before. It certainly hadn’t been there yesterday.

  When Crex grasped her hand and pulled her toward his chest, she realized she’d been slowly walking toward the water.

  “What are you doing?” His voice was gruff but his eyes showed concern.

  “I—” Piper blinked.

  She didn’t know what she was doing. She didn’t like water. She hated it. Was afraid of it.

  Crex grasped her shoulders and rested his forehead on hers, his chest heaving.

  “It’s worse than I thought,” he whispered, his eyes now showing torment.

  “What is?” Her voice was soft as her eyes searched his. She knew what he was going to say, but believing his DNA had somehow bonded with hers was hard to believe. Things didn’t work like that. Did they?

  “The jagazen,” he whispered. “You are called to the water as I am.”

  “You mean you feel it too? A pull towards it?”

  Crex nodded. “It is where my species primarily dwell. It is our home.”

  This time she blinked in confusion. “You live underwater?”

  “For most of my life, yes,” he said simply.

  Piper's eyes widened and then she broke into a laugh.

  Well, fuck.

  “So, you’re like Aquaman?”

  His confused look didn’t deter her personal joke.

  “Damn, who thought being abducted by aliens was how I’d get me my own Jason Momoa.” Piper grinned, jiggling her eyebrows at him.

  He obviously didn’t get it.

  As she sobered, she sighed. “If what you say is true, Crex, I’m alive because you gave me your blood.” Her gaze fell. “It’s the most anyone has ever done for me in my life. I only had one other person who would have done something like that for me.”

  There was an edge in his voice when he spoke next. “Your human mate?”

  Piper smiled softly.

  Was Mr. Alien jealous?

  “I didn’t have a mate—I mean, a partner,” she said, turning away from him toward the ridge. “I was talking about my sister.”

  With that, she began trudging up the ridge, not waiting for him to catch up with her.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Crex crouched on his hands and knees, going low in the sand as he stared ahead at what looked like a cave in a dune in the sand.

  Crouched slightly behind him, but still close enough to see, Piper followed his movements and scoped the area.

  Glancing back at her, he tried to keep the swelling of his heart from clouding his thoughts.

  Maybe bringing her along with him had been a bad idea. How was he to focus when she was making him concentrate only on her?

  But, leaving her in the cave would have also been bad, judging from the fact that she was attracted to the water.

  The water was dangerous.

  It wasn’t a place for her to go into without being properly prepared.

  When he’d returned the day before, rushing back after he’d spotted the ship, he’d entered the cave and rested the bedding, only to find she was nowhere to be seen.

  His first fear was that the Tasqal scout ship had spotted her and taken her away, but when he’d exited the cave, he’d witnessed a sight he never wanted to ever see again.

  She’d been in the grasp of one of those water monsters. What it was doing so close to the shore, he didn’t know, but he’d immediately blamed himself for leaving her alone.

  Words couldn’t explain the pressure he’d felt in his heart as he’d dived into the foam, swimming her way.

  There was no way she would survive, not knowing how to kill the thing.

she’d done it. It’d been a fluke, a lucky hit to the right place, but it had brought the beast down nonetheless.

  His little, soft Piper had brought down the monster all by herself.

  “Crex,” she whispered.

  A sand cat had popped its head out of the den and he hadn’t even noticed.

  This wasn’t good.

  He’d never bonded with anyone before but if this was how it was, constantly being consumed by thoughts of the person, how did others of his kind keep their mates alive?

  He needed to be alert. Especially in their circumstances.

  He couldn’t be led by his heart…or his dick.

  Last night…

  Last night was…

  “Crex!” Piper whispered again.

  There were two sand cats now.


  He’d never been this distracted by anything or anyone before.

  “Stay here,” he whispered, as he crept forward.

  Glancing behind him, he noticed her rainbow hair against the brown of the sand.

  At least she was listening to him.

  Focusing on the target, he watched as another sand cat exited the cave.

  Hmm, he only needed to kill one, but if he attacked, all three would go after him.

  They were large animals, with massive paws sporting sharp claws that could easily cut through even his skin.

  They tended to hunt in groups, which made them even more dangerous. But they hunted at night.

  The fact that they were outside of their den at this time of day meant that last night’s hunt had been unsuccessful.

  That meant they were hungry. It also meant they were desperate.

  Not a good combination.

  If anything went wrong, he’d have to lead them away from Piper.

  Even though she’d said her head felt okay, he wasn’t taking any chances.

  As soon as he was close enough, Crex leaped from the sand and unto the back of the nearest cat.

  It caught the beasts unaware and they momentarily scattered.

  Killing it was easy in the brief confusion.

  With a twist of his arms, he broke the animal’s neck and raised his head, expecting the other two to be launching themselves toward him.

  But as he looked up, only one was coming his way.

  Where was the other—

  A scream in the distance made him go cold.


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