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The Aftermath

Page 18

by Iris Bolling

  He walked towards her with his hand extended. Skylar ignored him as she spoke to Peters. “All in all, it was a free breakfast at the park near the Governor’s mansion. Out in the open where everyone could see. No improprieties to speak of. Did you have any other questions, AUSA Peters?”

  “No,” he quickly replied. “We will catch up later.”

  “Yes, sir,” Skylar replied as her boss walked away and her attention turned to the man standing before her. “Mr. Whitaker.” She pointed to a chair. “Please have a seat. How may I help you?”

  “As I was telling AUSA Peters, I am the acting Commonwealth Attorney for the City of Richmond. As you know, the person who proceeded me, is no longer with us. I understand you were working on a case with him. I’m here to offer my services to pick up where he left off.”

  “Alex Burnett is the person you are referring to,” Skylar stated. “Since you worked with him, I offer my condolences on the loss of a remarkable man in addition to a perfectionist when it came to case preparation.”

  He smiled. “Yes, yes, of course.” He nodded with an expression of sadness. “Alex was all those things, as well as a good mentor. He will be missed at the office. I’m sure he would want the work between the two of you to continue.”

  “I am certain he would if he was still here, but he is not, and I am not at all comfortable going forward with the collaboration between the federal and local agencies at this time.”

  “May I ask why not?”

  “You may.” She said nothing more as she watched the man’s expression go from anticipation to understanding she was not going to say any more. Skylar caught the look of ‘how dare she’ flash in his eyes, then quickly disappear.

  “Why are you uncomfortable going forward?”

  “There are questions surrounding Burnett’s death that have not been answered. Until we know that his death is not connected to our case, I am reluctant to move forward.”

  “I see,” he replied. “I could not locate any files or additional evidence other than the original file on the raid. Do you have more evidence on the case?”

  “I do.” Again, she offered nothing more.

  He cleared his throat, then shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “I am usually a pretty charming fellow, Ms. Burrell. This is not bragging but I am known for having a way with women. Yet, I am sensing a mistrust towards me from you. Is there something I said or did, or are you mistrusting of all dicks?”

  Skylar smirked at the bite of his last word. She stood, walked around to the front of her desk where Mr. Whitaker was seated, then leaned against it. She crossed her long legs at the ankles and folded her hands in front of her. The man’s eyes scanned from the tips of her toes that were encased in four-inch heels, up her calves, following the smoothness up to her thighs that peeked from the skirt that fell above her knees.

  “Mr. Whitaker, for the record, it would take a lot more than a charming personality and a stiff dick to impress or offend me. I am a prosecutor who is not easily swayed by anything other than the facts. Fact number one, Alex Burnett was murdered. Fact number two, you nor I have any idea by whom. Fact number three, I do not trust anyone who has not earned it. If you want to see what evidence we have against the DeFazio organization or any case I am handling, go through the proper channels to request it and I will take it under consideration. Until then, you can take your charming ass out of my office.” She saw the flash of anger directed at her through his eyes.

  He eased up out of the chair with a raised eyebrow. “It seems you and I have gotten off on the wrong foot. Maybe we should talk at another time.” He started towards the door, then turned with a smirk. “I do hope you are not one of those ‘angry all the time’ women.” Whitaker hissed then left the office.

  “You never cease to amaze me.”

  Skylar looked up to see her boss ease around the doorway into her office. “How much of that did you hear?” she asked walking back to her chair.

  “All of it. When he introduced himself, I thought you would need my backup. But it is clear, you can handle yourself on many fronts.”

  “I appreciate the vote of confidence, Boss.”

  Peters nodded. “He’s after something on the DeFazio case. Keep your eyes on him,” he stated as he walked away.

  Good advice but Skylar had no misconception that the earlier visit from Assistant AG Haskell was still playing in his mind. As was the information passed to her still reeling in hers. Her cell phone rang as she tried to sort through everything.


  “Ms. Burrell the meeting has been set. One hour, at the address I’m texting to you.”

  Skylar checked her messages. The address was there. She disconnected the call then called Nate.

  “Reigns.” He answered quickly.

  “I have a meeting with a judge. Do you want to join me?”

  “When and where?”


  Judge Paula Reid came into her judgeship the old-fashioned way: family connections. After graduating from William and Mary Law School, she clerked for her grandfather, the Honorable Aubrey Douglas. When her grandfather retired, his son, her father, John Douglas was named to the bench by the Republican controlled Virginia General Assembly. Paula took over running the law firm where she married one of the partners; then, just as quickly, divorced him and bought out his partnership. When her father, the Honorable John Douglas retired, Paula Reid was named to the judgeship. All done legally as outlined in Article VI of the Virginia Constitution.

  Nothing was earned when it came to Paula Reid. Her entire professional career was given to her as if it were due to her by the pure nature of her being. She took without caring who it may deprive and ruled on the bench the very same way. This was her little slice of the world, and she ruled it the way she saw fit.

  It was a known fact that judges were paid a decent salary. Most judges who went through the grueling years of studying the law and passing the bar, also feared going to jail. They would not jeopardize their careers for a bribe. As for Paula, she put in just enough effort to pass law school and the bar, to satisfy the family. She never worried about being picked up by a law firm. She had one waiting for her. So, when the opportunity came her way to not only inflict punishment on Brown and Black people who did not deserve to walk on the same ground as Whites, while adding handsomely to her bank account, she jumped at it. Without a second thought, she destroyed young people’s lives and never thought twice about it until she saw the writing on the wall that her life could very well be in danger.

  “I saw what was coming,” she said to Chief Judge Fontaine. “When your daughter came to my chambers with questions, I knew it was time to get out.”

  “Did you warn Thomas or Elijah?” Clayton asked.

  “I was looking out for me,” she declared. “They had balls when they took the money. The same should apply with the consequences.”

  “Yet you are here asking for a deal to keep you out of prison. Where’s your balls?”

  Paula’s eyes narrowed on Regan. “I didn’t have any when I went down this road, Ms. Fontaine.”

  “Judge Fontaine,” Regan corrected.

  “I have one of those titles too.” Paula smirked.

  “Not anymore you don’t.” Regan smiled.

  “Look, what is it that you want from me?” Paula hissed. “I’ve been cooped up in this farmhouse for three months, Clayton. Are you going to get me a deal or not?”

  “Depends on how you handle yourself with my daughter.” Clayton smiled. “You know how strong family ties can be. Well, we are no different.”

  “You people actually have family ties? That is hilarious,” Paula chuckled. “I have doubts that any of you have real families. Hell, I was doing most of those defendants a favor by ensuring they had three meals a day and a roof over their heads.”

  “By taking away their freedom,” Regan quipped.

  “They are not free, Ms. Fontaine. They are prisoners of their environment. Most have no education or
a chance at making anything out of themselves. What I did in most cases was mercy.”

  “Well.” Reagan looked at her father and stood. “I think that is the very least we should do to her. Turn her over to the justice system. Have her prosecuted to the full extent of the law. My recommendation is to try her for each individual life she ruined with her rulings. When she is sentenced, I would insist the sentences run consecutively not concurrently. I would also advise every client I have located to file civil lawsuits protecting nothing, not bank accounts, property or reputation.”

  Paula smirked. “You would never do such a thing. You put me out there and the state will have appeal cases coming from their ass.”

  “True, and we will put every one of them on you since Price and Kennedy are dead. By the time this story comes out, I will have your plaque as the ‘Queen of Justice’ revoked. Price and Kennedy will be victims of your evil ways.” Regan smiled then turned to gather her purse and briefcase. “I’m done here, Daddy.” She kissed her father on the cheek then walked towards the door.

  Paula smirked as she looked at Clayton. “You are not that reckless, Clayton. I know you too well to believe you will allow your child to throw caution to the wind.”

  Clayton smiled. “I am,” he nodded. “It is the reason I have referred this case to federal prosecution. Even though, according to you, I’m a man who doesn’t know what family life is. I do have a sense of integrity. I’m old school and would probably find you a deal because the damage from your actions would cause mayhem if made public.” He stood. “I am no longer the one you have to deal with.”

  “Neither am I,” Regan said as she opened the door. “It is good to see you, Ms. Burrell. Thank you for coming. Hello Nate.”

  Nate kissed her cheek. “Hello Regan. Are we too early?”

  “No, you are right on time.” Regan smiled. “Paula Reid meet Federal Prosecutor Burrell and Detective Nate Reigns. Have fun with them.”

  “Do you two need me to stay? If not, I’m going to leave with Regan.”

  “Clayton, what in the hell is going on here?” Paula jumped up.

  “The dispensing of justice,” Clayton advised then turned to Skylar. “You received my package of information from the Assistant District Attorney?”

  “I did,” Skylar replied.

  “Clayton, you will not do this, you can’t. The publicity alone will ruin your reputation as well your position as Chief Judge of the Region.”

  “It’s time for me to retire. And like your family has done for years, I’m going to ensure Regan takes over my position.”

  Flustered, Paula shouted, “All right, stop, just wait a minute! I have evidence that you will need if you are to prosecute any of these cases.”

  “Oh, I forgot to mention.” Skylar smiled. “I commissioned a grand jury to decide on the merits of the case. With all we have gathered…”

  “Not to mention the witnesses?” Nate added.

  “How could we forget them?” Skylar caught on to the lie. “I will be presenting the case to a grand jury next week. They will make the decision on indictment.”

  Paula fell into the chair she was occupying.

  “I see my job here is done.” Regan smiled. “Come along, Daddy, let me get you home to that family that does not exist with us people.”

  “What do you want to know?”

  “I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear what you asked.” Regan stepped closer.

  Putting her chin in the air, Paula asked, “What do you want to know?”

  “Everything, without any of your commentary.” Regan glared down at the woman.

  Paula nodded.

  “Good, I will set up the camera. Will you assist with the interview?” Skylar asked Regan.

  “I would be happy to.” Regan put her items down on a chair.

  “I’m going to take my leave. I am certain you young folks will get what you need.”

  Nate shook his hand. “Thank you, Judge Clayton. We will make sure you get a copy of the interview for your records.”

  “I would appreciate that.” Clayton patted Nate on the arm then kissed Regan on the cheek. “Stop by the house when this is done.”

  Fifteen minutes later, Skylar had mirandized Paula and was seated in a chair across from her along with Regan. Nate, sitting on a bar stool at the island in the kitchen, listened and watched as the interrogation proceeded.


  Paula who was looking at being impeached from the bench, disbarred by the Bar Association, and sentenced to the very fate she intended for so many, began talking. She stated that to her knowledge there were only three judges involved in their section of the operation.

  “Each of us was approached individually; then ,we were introduced to each other to form a united front on how we would handle cases that came before us.”

  “How were you approached?” Skylar asked.

  Paula smiled. “I can’t say how Price or Kennedy were recruited, but for me it was through sex. Not great sex, but damn good.” She smirked.

  “With whom?” Skylar inquired.

  “Wyatt Chambers of course.” Paula glanced at Nate. “You killed a damn good lay, Detective Reigns.”

  “Not sorry for your loss,” Nate replied.

  “Why did he approach you?” Skylar continued.

  Paula raised an eyebrow. “I’m kind of sexy even at this age.” No one commented. “You people have no sense of humor. If you are going to insist on making me go through this, you can at least laugh at my jokes.”

  “You have to tell one first.” Skylar continued, “I for one do not find the humor in your ruining of people’s lives. Other than sex, why did Mr. Chambers think you would fit into his plans?”

  Paula sighed. “At first, I truly did not know there was a plan. It wasn’t until I was introduced to the others that I realized we were a small piece of whatever was happening. You tapped into the reason with your comments. The three of us worked the Juvenile Domestic courts. The defendants in that age bracket were the targets. We were charged with getting as many of them with records as possible.”

  “Why?” Regan asked.

  “Criminal records are a mark against you for good paying jobs, college admission, hell, it even impacts your credit score these days.” Paula sat forward. “Let's not be naïve about what we have been doing for the past two years. Taking their freedom and locking them up in a lifetime of servitude to the superior race is the goal. They can’t kill them all, there are too many now. But they can place them in servitude. It is similar to death for some. Don’t think for a minute we are the only ones doing this. We are just the only ones who have been discovered by a nosy Black reporter.”

  “Look around the room, Ms. Reid.” Nate smirked. “Everyone in the room with you is Black. Being a part of the superior race is not faring too well for you right now.”

  “Yes, well, that is unfortunate.” She sighed.

  “How do you sleep at night knowing how many lives you have ruined?” Regan asked.

  “Very well,” Paula replied. “I simply think about how many lives we saved by taking out that scum. The unknown lives in the future that we knew these monsters would have eventually impacted. It was only a matter of time before these so called ‘youth’ would have ruined a good person’s life.”

  “Meaning White people?” Skylar asked.

  “Of course, the superior race.”

  “If you are the superior race, why do you fear the Black and Brown youth?” Skylar shrugged.

  “If you are the superior race, surely you can control those you believe to be beneath you.”

  “Darling, in case you haven’t noticed, that is exactly what we are doing.” Paula crossed her legs as she chuckled. “We agreed to get them off the streets and under our control by any means necessary.”

  Nate, Skylar, and Regan glanced at each other at the statement.

  Skylar continued. “You indicated earlier that you were compensated. How did you receive payment?”

With banking systems trending towards electronic accessibility, we did not want to leave a trail. That would be too easy for you to track.”

  “Who compensated you?” Skylar continued.

  “Ah yes, now we get to what you really need to know from me. I will turn over all the recordings I took during our meetings. And I must say, I was rather clever in the way I accomplished that.”

  “By all means, do share,” Skylar replied.

  “Well, during most of the meetings I appeared to be uninterested in my surroundings. Usually on my phone pretending to check my messages. Unlike Price and Kennedy, I knew from my adventures with Wyatt what they needed to hear. I would make my snide comments then go back to my phone. All the while recording every last minute of every meeting.” She shrugged. “I knew how to cover my ass. And now, here we are. You want a name, and I have it.”

  “We have Wyatt Chambers,” Skylar replied.

  “Wyatt was…what they call a body man. He was the muscle. He was intelligent, but he was not the brains of the operation.”

  “Who was the brains?” Skylar asked.

  Paula sat back, swinging her leg. “For that I want full immunity. I want to walk away with my freedom intact.”

  “You want to walk away from ruining the lives of hundreds, maybe thousands of children between the three of you, without any consequences?” Regan hissed.

  Paula leaned forward. “You want the name. I want total freedom, oh, and peace on earth.”

  “We can arrange for that,” Skylar stated.

  “What?” Regan growled.

  Skylar shrugged nonchalantly. “I am a federal prosecutor under the umbrella of the Attorney General. We can do anything needed to close a case.” She turned back to Paula. “Full immunity. I will have it written up in a more formal manner,” she stated as she wrote on a piece of paper then pushed it to Paula with a pen. “You’re a judge. You know this is binding in a court of law.”


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