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The Aftermath

Page 25

by Iris Bolling

  Thoughts of what was to come ran through his mind as he parked to meet with Janice and Wayne at the club to sign the partnership papers.

  Cachée, the club that was about to become a permanent part of his life, was as unique as its name. Cachée, a place to escape from life on the street as a cop; a place to revitalize your spirit and your mind.

  The atmosphere of the place hit you the minute you walked in the door. The music was playing low, but he knew come 3 pm it would be on full blast. Behind the thirty-foot bar were rows of alcohol from the cheap stuff to top shelf. There were three bartenders, all busy preparing for the day.

  “Nate, what’s up man?” one of the bartenders called out as he waved.

  He waved back. “Looking for Janice.”

  “She’s in the back.”

  “Thanks,” Nate nodded as he walked by tables and chairs set up in the open area for those who wanted to take a seat. The décor, a rich gold on the walls with black trim, was warm and inviting. Midway through he came to double glass doors. When they closed behind him, no sound could be heard from the other sections. The area had black sofas arranged in a semicircle around large tables for group conversations. Walking to that section, he reached the double wood doors. The men were there setting up for opening.

  “Hey, Nate. Janice said for you to go on back.” The man swiped his card into the pad beside the door. The doors opened and Nate walked through. Just as with the previous section, no sound filtered through.

  This area was exclusive, with five enclosed booths against both walls to the left and right. Each booth was glass enclosed, with blinds and a door for privacy, individual music systems, and soft leather sofas, with a table that seated four between them. Each booth had the owners’ name on it. No one else could use that booth without the owner’s permission.

  Nate stopped at the first booth. Alex Burnett’s name plate was still on the door.

  “Nate, you made it.” Janice stood to hug him.

  Wayne held his hand out. “Did you get the email I sent?”

  Nate nodded. “The transfer is ready whenever you want to push the button.”

  “You don’t have any questions on the amount I stated?” Wayne asked a little surprised.

  “No, it was reasonable. I added a little more. I want to rent a booth for five years.”

  “Nate, you are a partner in the club now. You don’t have to pay to rent a booth,” Janice stated. “You get this one.”

  Nate sat next to her. “No, I want this one to stay as Alex’s booth. Use it however you want. But keep his name on it.”

  Janice smiled, then kissed his cheek. She took in a deep breath. “So, what booth do you want?”

  “The one in the back on the left,” Nate replied.

  “Now you know that one has the entrance to the cellar connected to it.”

  “I don’t mind.”

  “Are you sure?” she asked.

  “I’m sure.”

  “All right. Well, here are the papers for your attorney to review,” Wayne stated.

  “I read over the documents. My only request is that I remain a silent partner.”

  “Then everything is ready for your signature.” Wayne smiled.

  Nate pulled a pen from his pocket and signed in three different locations. Laying the pen down, he looked at Janice. “Thank you for letting me be a part of this. It means a lot to me.”

  “Are you kidding me,” she laughed. “I should be thanking you. This guarantees that Cachée will be around for a long time.”

  “Good, we need it. Now, I have to get to the office.” He stood. “Any chance of changing the name?”

  “Ha ha,” Janice smirked. “Alex channeled that request through you, didn’t he?”

  Nate shrugged. “Thought I’d give it a try for him.” He hugged her, then shook Wayne’s hand. “I’ll catch up with you later.” He walked towards the door.

  Janice called out, “Nate, is everything okay?”

  Nate turned back to her. There was no way he could tell her Alex’s case was about to be put on hold. The guilt of it was eating him up inside, but he had to think of the greater good. “No. But it will be. I promise you that.”


  An hour later, as expected, he was in Captain Daniels’ office.

  “Close the case as a murder-suicide,” the Captain ordered.

  “No,” Nate responded.

  “Are you refusing a direct order Detective?”

  “Yes sir, I am. Who did Alex murder? There is no body, no name, no person. So, I have to ask again, sir. Who do you want me to charge Alex Burnett, one of your own, with the murder of?”

  “Do it as a damn suicide,” Captain Daniels ordered.

  “No, sir, we cannot. The cause of death is murder by poison. Are you now changing the theory of the case that Alex Burnett, a man who all of us know was too vain to harm a hair on his body, decided to just kill himself for no apparent reason?”

  “The woman who was found in his bed…Reigns.”

  “There is no woman, sir. At the very least we have an unsolved case. Take the damn stick out of your ass and see there is something going on with this case that we are missing.”

  “Reigns, you are bordering on insubordination. I thought a few days off would help you to see the case a little clearer. But you are still the arrogant ass who doesn’t give a damn about the department. You want the publicity of saying here’s another indisputable case by the great Nate Reigns.”

  “I want to find Alex’s murderer, is there a reason you don’t?”

  “Are you trying to accuse me of something? I will have your badge for this.”

  “You’re going to have to take it, sir. When you do, I will sue the RPD, the City of Richmond and the Commonwealth of Virginia for ordering me to falsify an official police record. While I’m doing that, I will be interviewing on every cable news station I can buy time on, telling everything that I know about this case, including the missing bodies from the morgue. You want to see how many clients at my father’s firm alone we can get to appeal their cases due to the incompetence of the RPD? One more thing, Captain, I am not an officer who is easily intimidated. I’m your worst nightmare. I know my way around the court system, and I know my constitutional rights. Don’t you ever threaten me again.”

  “Get the hell out of my office, put the case up as unsolved until further notice,” Captain Daniels ordered.

  Thinking he had given a decent argument, Nate stomped out of the office then took a seat at his desk.

  “Well, it’s been real, gentlemen.” Cory grinned as he walked into the unit with a box in his hand. “Enjoyed working with you in this capacity, but my days downstairs have come to an end.”

  “What are you raving about, Cory?” Tony asked as he leaned back in his chair.

  “I am out of here.” Cory laughed.

  Nate and Tony shared a glance as other detectives in the area looked on.

  “Yeah, where are you off to?” Tony asked.

  “Been promoted to the assistant to Deputy Chief Bynum.” He looked at Nate with a huge grin. “I have you to thank for this Nate. Yes, and I’m going to remember. I promise you that.”

  Nate never was one to take the bait when he knew that was exactly what his opponent wanted. That is how he looked at Cory now, as an opponent like in a game of chess. All he had to do was counter the moves he made. He had to wonder if his father was behind the promotion. How far up did they plan to get him? The Chief’s chair one day? That would be scary. But then he stopped and really thought about it. Is that what his father and the people at Peaceful Intervention were trying to do? He shook his head at the thought then returned to the plans for the raid. “Good luck to you, Cory,” Nate said dismissing the man.

  Cory laughed. “Why, thank you, Nate. I appreciate that. When Deputy Chief Bynum heard of your little outburst of emotions, he believed it made the unit too volatile for my sensibilities. But I will not forget all that you did to help and not help me move forwa
rd. When you need to get something past the Deputy Chief, you come see me. To let you know upfront, your access to the Chief is going to be limited. Do you want to know why? Because you have to come through me to get to him.” He laughed as he removed items from his desk, placing them inside of a box. “I’m going to give you all the support you gave me.” He picked up the box and began singing. “I’m moving on up.”

  Nate ignored Cory as he did his little song and dance. His concentration was on the events that were about to take place at the Patterson Avenue house. He wasn’t sure how Skylar pulled it off, but he was watching real time satellite movement around the outside of the targeted house.

  “See you at the daily Chief’s briefings,” Cory chuckled. “Oh wait, my mistake, none of you will be there.” He laughed then left the area.

  “How in the hell did that happen?” Tony asked.

  “One snake looking out for the other,” Nate replied. “Sooner or later the alpha is going to eat his young.”

  “Come here, Tony,” Nate motioned. “Take a look at this.”


  Nate followed Chief Williams’ orders. He recruited Tony, and all the Williams brothers, who, apart from Donnell, worked for the Police Department. The mobile command center was strategically parked in the parking lot of a strip mall around the corner from the house they were about to hit. Nate, Tony, Jarrell, Scott and Devin were standing outside the mobile command center, leaning over the hood of one of the cars reviewing the plan. Donnell, the other brother who worked for a private security firm, was inside the unit becoming familiar with the computer surveillance system he would be controlling during the raid.

  The men looked up when a black Lincoln Navigator pulled up followed by two black sedans.

  “That’s a beauty,” Scott whistled. “That’s you, Nate?”

  “No, I am here, standing next to you,” Nate replied as he reviewed the layout of the house on his tablet. “I can’t be in the Lincoln pulling up.”

  “Man, the kind of cake you have, I figured the dealership was making a special delivery,” Jarrell stated.

  “During a stakeout?” Nate raised an eyebrow as he looked over his shoulder.

  “I’ve never seen a delivery driver who looks like that,” Donnell said from the open door of the mobile unit.

  “FBI either,” Scott chuckled as Skylar stepped from the vehicle wearing an FBI windbreaker.

  Nate stared at Skylar then smiled. “Tylar has good taste.”

  “She over did it as usual.” Skylar frowned.

  “It’s a beauty. You’re going to be in love with it by the end of the day. Trust me on that.” Nate teased.

  “Bullet proof windows and tires on that sucker,” Jarrell whistled. “With those upgrades, you’re looking at a good $75-$80 grand. Somebody loves you.”

  Skylar pulled out her tablet. “You can gawk at that thing after we take these people in. Detective Reigns, Special Agent Cotton from the Norfolk Division.”

  “Detective Reigns, this is an FBI operation; however, Prosecutor Burrell explained the situation. I understand you have the lead on this strike. My men and I are here to assist.”

  Nate shook the man’s hand. “I appreciate the cooperation on that front. My partner Detective Tony Harper,” he pointed, “the Williams brothers, Devin, Scott, Jarrell, and Donnell, he’s in the command center.” Everyone shook hands.

  “Who’s the lady?” Donnell asked from the doorway.

  “Prosecutor Skylar Burrell,” Nate replied. “She will be with you at the controls.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Donnell nodded.

  “You may not feel that way once this thing is over with. But I’ll take it for now,” Skylar nodded. “What’s the setup, Nate?”

  “We know the area and have pretty good intel on the house. Let’s step inside the unit and I will lay it out for you.”

  “Question?” Skylar whispered to Nate as the men walked ahead of them. Where did you get that intel?”

  “From the satellite feed you sent to my phone earlier.” Nate pulled out his phone to show her.

  Skylar looked then shook her head. “I did not send you that feed.”

  Nate slowed his pace as he glanced at her then checked his phone. “It’s good feed. I’ve been watching on and off for a few hours. If you didn’t send it—who did?” No time to wonder now, he thought as they all gathered in the mobile command unit.

  “All right, listen up. The search warrant gives us access to the entire property. That includes the garage, basement, and shed out back,” Nate began. “We have two men who arrived at the house around 6 pm this evening. The vans are still there, which means they are too.” Nate glanced around the space, “An hour ago, two more vans arrived. Four additional men and we counted at least twelve girls, six from each van. Six men, six of us going in.” He looked at the FBI agents. “We need perimeter cover here, one at the south corner and one here at the north. I need you to ram the door then get the hell out of the line of fire,” he said to one FBI agent. “Join your partner at the north location. Nobody gets in or out of this two-block perimeter until this operation is complete. Devin and Jarrell, you’re taking the rear. Clear the tool shed before proceeding to the back exit doors. These houses are close. If there is any gun fire, I don’t want it going into the neighbors’ windows. Tony, you cover the south window, Scott you have the north. Cotton and I are taking the front. I will be the first man in. Any questions?”

  “Are the women, friend or foe?” Agent Cotton asked.

  “Unknown, so everyone, watch your back with them,” Nate advised.

  “Are we taking prisoners, or everyone goes down?” Scott asked.

  “Shoot only to stay alive,” Nate replied.

  “I need at least one to turn; two would be great,” Skylar stated. “And I want all the women alive.”

  “Sync your watches,” Nate ordered. “I have 8:57.10 seconds.”

  “Synced,” they all replied.

  “Body armor on.”

  “Check,” they all replied.

  “Earwig activated.”


  “Weapons, ammo.”

  “Check.” They responded.

  “Moment of prayer.” Nate bowed his head followed by the others.

  “Amen,” Nate said a minute later. “On my command. Let’s do it.”

  “Be safe,” Skylar said as the men exited the unit.

  Everyone followed their instructions to get into position. Agent Cotton and Nate had their weapons out. Under the darkness of night, they were able to reach the shrubberies in front of the house without detection.

  Nate checked his phone. “It looks like we have some movement in the front of the house,” Nate stated. They both ducked behind the shrubberies.

  Looking up, Nate noticed the windows were covered and the lights turned on.

  “Devin, confirm your location.”

  “Tool shed clear. Back right.”

  “Copy that.”

  “Jarrell, confirm location.”

  “Back left.”

  “Copy that.”

  “Tony, confirm location.”

  “South window.”

  “Copy that.”

  “Scott, confirm location.”

  “North window.”

  “Copy that.”

  Nate looked at Agent Cotton. He nodded. Staying low they made their way to the front steps. Nate tested the first step to ensure it did not creak. He nodded to Cotton. He eased up the step standing to the left of the door. Nate followed, standing to the right.

  Cotton put his hand on the screen door, positioned to open it at his command.

  Nate looked at the FBI agent with the ram. “We’re going in on three.” Nate inhaled as the adrenaline kicked in. He held up his fingers. One. Two. Three.

  Cotton yanked the screen door open. Nate called out, “Richmond Police Department, we have a warrant to search this property. Open the door.”

  A shot rang out, coming through a
window 1n the front.

  “Get down,” Nate yelled.

  “Ram the door, ram the door,” Cotton ordered.

  The agent rammed the door causing it to fly open.

  “Get back, get back.” Nate yelled at the agent as he saw a man bringing his weapon up. Nate opened fire, three bullets right into his chest. The man fell to the floor. Nate rushed over, kicking the weapon out of reach.

  Cotton went low, as another man appeared from around the corner. “Drop your weapons FBI.”

  The man fired in Cotton’s direction. Cotton fired two shots hitting him in both knees. The assailant fell to the floor dropping his weapon. Cotton ran over and kicked the weapon out of reach.

  “Living room clear,” Nate called out as he proceeded down the hallway.

  Nate heard shots coming from the back of the house. He looked down the hallway then put up two fingers to Cotton indicating two doors. He pointed to the right for Cotton, while he took the left door. Kicking the door open, Nate saw six barely clothed women on the floor with hands covering their heads, screaming. There was no furniture, only a window and one closet.

  “Stay down. Don’t move. Let me see your hands,” Nate yelled. The frightened women complied. He jerked the closet door open; it was empty. “Bedroom one secure,” he called out.

  “Down on your knees.” Nate heard Cotton yell out as he guided the women out of the room.

  “On your knees now. Let me see your hands,” Cotton continued as Nate placed the crying women in the dining room.

  “Give me a count, give me a count,” Nate commanded into the earwig.

  “I got two down in the back,” Devin responded.

  “I got one on the south side of the house,” Jarrell replied.

  “We got two in the front. That’s five men down,” Nate confirmed.


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