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Incandescent Guardians

Page 5

by D. R. Rosier

  Amber’s eyes narrowed in confusion, and Sky said, “I am operating at peak efficiency, and there are no signs of degradation in any of my systems.”

  I shook my head, “Sorry, you said you’d remotely monitor her system integrity, it was the first reason I thought of for you being at my door. Umm, come in, please?”

  Doctor Amber Jackson was the mad scientist who had built Sky for me, and after two years I couldn’t imagine why else she’d be at my door.

  She nodded, and she stepped inside. She paused awkwardly as I shut the door, and I waved at the couch.

  “Take a seat, can I get you a drink?”

  Her warm brown eyes were captivating as I waited for an answer. She was all sexy geek, and I couldn’t help but imagine how she might look in a sexy dress instead of what she had on. There was something familiar about her, but I couldn’t figure it out, and the fact I felt chemistry between us was throwing me off. She hadn’t seemed at all interested in me two years ago when I’d bought Sky, even if she’d caught my eye at the time.

  Her voice was dulcetly sweet, “Thank you. I probably should have called first, Mr. Williams. Anything is good.”

  “Call me Bob, please. Beer? Or I could brew some coffee. Water?”

  She smiled, “Sure, coffee sounds good. And only if you call me Amber.”

  I returned her shy smile, “Coffee it is, Amber.”

  She blushed, and turned to walk to the couch, and I headed for the kitchen. It didn’t take long to warm up the Keurig, and I brewed a couple of cups. I wasn’t usually a heavy drinker, and I realized I kind of had been the last little while. There was nothing wrong with drinking a few beers at the family picnic, or even at the bar last night, but the drinking alone at home needed to stop.

  “Cream or sugar?” I said loud enough to carry to the next room.

  She replied lightly, “Just a splash and sprinkle, thanks.”

  I carried the two mugs out, and she was sitting stiffly on the edge of the couch with that worried look back on her face as I handed her the coffee. I moved over to the lounger a good ten feet away, hoping that would help her relax as I sat down.

  I took a sip, and so did she.

  I prompted, “So, Amber, why are you here? Did you need anything?”

  She bit her lip, “I’m… this isn’t easy to say. I know who you are.”

  I froze, and said, “I don’t suppose you mean you know Bob.”

  She giggled in a startled way, “I know you’re Mythic. I found out last night.”

  My mind spun in shock, how the hell could she possibly… my mind froze. Those warm brown eyes, and though her clothes were loose it didn’t take much imagination to intuit the thin willowy body underneath except for her generous C cups.

  She’d found out who I really was, the moment I’d introduced Sky to her own damned creator.

  “Elegant prodigy,” I said in a dry shocked tone of voice.

  She bit her lip, and nodded, “I’ve been struggling with it all day, what to do. I almost decided to just ignore it. To not say anything or risk myself, but it didn’t feel right to hide the truth from you once you’d accidentally betrayed yourself. I almost fainted when you introduced Sky to me last night. At first I was in denial, Bob Williams is a telekinetic, not a magician.”

  I nodded, “Your voice isn’t as smoky either, if just as pleasing to my ears.”

  She blushed at the compliment, “My silver mask adds that sultry tinge. A simple wig takes care of the hair color change from dark brown to reddish brown.”

  I sighed, “Light is made up of matter, as is Plasma, the energy particles are just a whole lot smaller. My telekinesis is rather more diverse than most, and it made sense not to become a vigilante with the same power I display in my business and in my true life. Heat is a function of molecular vibration. It’s all a show, not magic at all.”

  She grinned, “I know some physicists who would argue with you about that?”

  I shrugged, “The light part, acting like a wave? My power is based on my subconscious beliefs at quickening, so whatever the true reality of what light is made of, the fact is my telekinesis can wield light particles, and even change the frequency for color shift.”

  She nodded thoughtfully, “Our subconscious does seem to be able to mold reality to a certain extent, when we wield meta-energy. Some of my inventions are… quite impossible as well. At least if you believe we live in a closed system with a constant of matter and energy in the universe.”

  I laughed.

  She took a sip of coffee, “You seem remarkably calm about the fact you could be outed. If I’m ever caught, I mean.”

  “Still in shock, maybe? I trust you, Amber. There’s no way we could’ve anticipated this happening, and I’ll never betray you. It’s a larger risk, but no more of one than if I got caught myself. Now that I consider it, there’s a part of me that’s glad it happened.”

  She looked startled, “Glad?”

  I nodded, “I’ve often wanted the opportunity to grow closer, and get to know about you, beneath the amazing woman I already know you are. What are you doing for dinner tomorrow night?”

  She turned red, and her voice was as dazed as the look on her face, “Did you just ask me on a date?”

  “Yes. I did. Most definitely a date, with romantic interest.”

  She looked conflicted.

  “What’s wrong? I know you feel this between us too. Too soon?”

  She shook her head, “Lady Lightning. You and her, I thought…” she trailed off.

  I replied, “The flirting and banter? We’re friends, and both enjoy the banter, but that’s as far as it ever went. She has a girlfriend. I flirted with you too once, but you didn’t seem to enjoy it, so I stopped out of respect. That didn’t mean my interest in getting to know you stopped. We were just… limited there, until now.”

  She bit her lip, “I didn’t dislike it at all, I just… I’m not good with people, not really. Why do you want to date me?” she asked in an outright baffled tone of voice.

  It was adorable.

  I smiled lightly at the truly confused and hopeful look on her face. The sexual tension and chemistry I mentioned at the door went up more than a few notches, as I looked into her eyes. It was a surprise, but she looked so beautiful and vulnerable in that moment. Nor was she some kind of consolation prize, we just hadn’t had a flirty friendship like I’d had with Lady Lightning. That kind of thing meant almost nothing, even if it was fun and a way to show interest.

  “You’re an amazing woman, Amber. The bravest woman I know. Kind, strong, beautiful, and brilliant.”

  She looked at me like I’d just declared the sky was yellow.

  “That’s not me, I can hardly keep up with the two of you.”

  I shook my head, “That just proves you’re brave. Your passion, courage, and intelligence are what overcomes that, it’s the reason you go out there even though you know you’re at a disadvantage right out of the gate. Your need to go out and do it anyway, to save others and stop supervillains.”

  She bit her lip, and her expression melted as her eyes warmed, “You really see me like that?”

  I nodded, “I really do. So, pick you up tomorrow night at seven?”

  She replied, “Alright. I’m impressed by you too. You have no idea how many heroes, vigilante or otherwise, have told me I had no business fighting as a mad scientist. You never disparaged my efforts and need to help out there, not even once. You were just there for me when I needed you, every single time, with respect in your eyes. Your confident and strong, but never arrogant or a pig with wandering eyes. I have to admit, I never imagined getting a date would be the result of tonight, I thought you’d be furious.”

  “A little worried about the added risk, but there are compensations for that,” I said with obvious admiration in my eyes.

  And I was worried, we would both betray each other on accident if either of us were ever caught. But at the same time I felt a thrill, like the walls that had kept us
apart had just been smashed down. Not pursuing my interest after that just seemed stupid to me.

  She flushed from the implied compliment, and she looked down shyly as she sipped her coffee. I also got the impression she enjoyed it when I made her blush, even if she was too socially awkward to banter back. Something I’d obviously missed the first time because of the mask. It was a lot more obvious at that point though. The first time we hadn’t nearly had as much affection between us built up from all the patrols and saves as we’d helped each other out these last two years. Still, I’d have to be subtle about it.

  “Should we tell Lady Lightning?” she asked.

  I asked, “About our date?”

  She giggled, “You know what I meant.”

  I nodded, “We can tell her we accidentally found out who we are, and that it had nothing to do with your setup which keeps our identities safe from one another. Let her decide what happens then, if anything. It’d be safer if we kept the accidental breach of information contained between us though.”

  She nodded, “I agree. I just wasn’t sure about the social aspects of it. She’s a good friend, one of the few true ones I have, and I didn’t want to make her feel… left out and the only one isolated.”

  I nodded, and my whole body felt energized. It’d been years since I’d been so excited about a first date, but then my first dates weren’t usually with someone I’d already been a longtime friend with, and who I had admired already. She was so cute and sexy, her quirks and body, and beautiful face, but it was her heart and mind I truly admired.

  Turns out that made a huge difference.

  At the same time, it was just a first date, and outside of her moral outlook, sweet and shy nature, the heated mutual attraction, and our shared need to stop supervillains who abused people without powers, I knew almost nothing about her at all. Her likes and dislikes, if she squeezed the toothpaste on the bottom or the middle, nothing really.

  The excitement I felt at dating this amazing woman was also tempered by the greater risks that I still had yet to fully absorb. That worry wasn’t an entirely selfish thing. We were concerned about our families more than ourselves. If she got pinched, and I got pinched, any enemies we’d made would find out about our families.

  It was why I was so damned careful about keeping my real identity secret and separate.

  We were about to blur the lines even further.

  Chapter Six

  I no longer had to imagine that sexy dress, when she opened the front door of her Brownstone the next night at seven.

  She looked absolutely gorgeous in a strapless black dress that hugged her upper torso tightly, and it showed a tasteful amount of her creamy and generous cleavage. Her soft curves and elegant willowy body drew my attention, not to mention her long toned legs which were bared from lower thigh to ankle. She had red shoes on, and her nails were painted a matching red.

  Her dark brown hair was up, revealing the silken gentle curve of her neck and petite ears. Her arms and shoulders were bare, and she had on a matching diamond necklace and earring set.

  The dress was more conservative and left more to the imagination than her skintight catsuit did, but at the same time revealed a whole lot more of her perfect supple and silky skin than I’d ever seen before. Her smile was ridiculously shy and reserved, and she looked entirely too self-conscious and unsure for the cute, elegant, and sexy goddess she truly was. In my eyes, it just made her even more beautiful.

  She might have dressed like a geek most of the time, but her style in a dress for a date was as mouthwatering as her super suit.

  “You look magnificent tonight, Amber. Ready?”

  She blushed, and replied after a beat or two, “You look really good too, Bob.”

  “I didn’t ask last night. Do you have any dietary requirements?”

  She shook her head, “No, I’m not a vegan or anything. I eat everything.”

  That was good, since I’d made reservations at a swanky steak house. I’d been prepared with an alternate just in case, but it was what it was.

  She closed and locked the door, and I took her hand with a smile. She smiled shyly when I squeezed it and didn’t let go.

  She asked, “Ready. No car?”

  I shook my head, “I teleport everywhere, or fly, unless it’s close enough to walk. Everyone knows who I am and that I have powers, and that I only use them in the private sector for work.”

  She bit her lip, “Right, I forgot. I’m ready.”

  I teleported us in front of the restaurant. It was a steakhouse, but they also had good seafood I’d enjoyed on occasion. I kept hold of her hand until we reached the door, her skin was silky soft and her hand was warm in mine. It felt ridiculously good just to hold her hand, and I pushed that down. I’d actually fantasized about taking her out like this before, and I checked that before I built it up in my head too much.

  I let go of her hand to open the door for her, and then followed her in. There was a short line, and after checking in with the hostess there was a short wait before we were led to a two-person booth along the back wall.

  The tablecloth and linen napkins were a crisp clean white color, and there was a burning amber colored candle inside a curved glass container with open top. The lighting was dim giving the illusion of privacy as the candle provided our own private pool of light. The classical music was extremely low, and the mood of the place was romantic.

  The waiter started us out with a glass of the house red wine, and then left us to look over the menus.

  “So, what do you do, besides build A.I.s for people, in your normal life I mean.”

  She tilted her head, “I spend a lot of time working on improving my suit. My main staple as a mad scientist, as Amber, is my A.I.s. Sometimes I make things, specialized things, for some of the registered heroes to fill a gap in their abilities, but that isn’t nearly as consistent. I also create a lot for myself, just for the joy of it. Given the going cost of a tier two A.I. I can afford to let myself explore my creative side.”

  I nodded, “What’s the difference exactly, the tiers I mean. I know tier three is sentience, there’s a few of those around on the planet. I know Sky isn’t, but every once in a while, she makes me doubt it.”

  Amber grinned, which transformed her face from merely cute to absolutely devastating.

  “Tier one is like the ones on the market, made by companies and not mad scientists. Their logic trees and heuristics are good enough, but they aren’t really adaptive, and they can’t converse like a real person.

  “Tier two is more adaptive to the user, and after time can anticipate needs and take care of things without orders. They also sound more real, like a person, but they aren’t truly sentient and self-aware. I guess you could say they are aware, but only of the person they serve, not themselves.

  “Tier three is true sentience, self-awareness. One of the reasons my A.I.s are so popular is many mad scientists can’t create a solid tier two A.I. consistently. Often a mad scientist’s tier two A.I. evolves into a tier three, while none of mine have done so. That’s why I’ve had several government contracts, they can be somewhat paranoid about computers that can think for themselves.”

  I snickered, “Have you ever made one?”

  She bit her lip, and then nodded, “Angel is a tier three. She’s my… lab partner, and my friend. I know how sad that sounds, I made my own friend, but she really is wonderful. She spends more than half her time on her own projects and theoretical research.”

  “Not sad at all. You just recognize the truth of what you created, instead of belittling it or treating her as less than she is.”

  She smiled, “You do understand. Many don’t and would see a sentient A.I. as a tool or slave. We have a responsibility to care for what we create, and to acknowledge what they truly are. She’ll never be human, but her life holds a sacred value. So what do you do, besides put space stations in orbit.”

  I laughed, and the conversation paused as we ordered our dinner. I got a
New York strip and shrimp scampi combo, with a loaded baked potato. She got the ribeye and lobster tail.

  “That’s pretty much it. Satellite delivery to orbit, and retrieval. I’ve got one going up in a few days.”

  She said, “I’d think the competition would be fierce for that, any super in a space suit and with flight and strength could do it.”

  I nodded, “My telekinesis can prevent vibration from atmospheric buffeting from damaging them. My record is perfect that way, which none of my competitors can say. Not even the ones with rockets. But you’re right, it wasn’t easy at first, I had to prove my reputation first. I also have an extremely clever A.I. when it comes to orbital mechanics and giving me directions on where to go to find stuff.”

  She giggled.

  “So, what do you do for fun. Books, music…” I trailed off.

  She said, “Lab work? And that other activity we enjoy together.”

  I grinned. Right, I already knew about her favorite hobby, had known about it for two years. Taking down supervillains.

  She said, “I do enjoy a few periodicals that publish scientific advances, and I have been known to open up a romance novel once or twice in my life. I enjoy background music, usually something soothing, but a big no on television shows and movies. Really, my passion is my inventing, and science, along with that other thing.”

  I teased, “Romance novels?”

  She blushed, “A guilty pleasure. I am socially awkward. I have a few friends, but I can count them on the fingers of one hand, of which you are one of them. I’m also having a good time tonight. How about you?”

  “I’m having a great time.”

  I really was. The conversation was a bit stilted in spots, but that was her quirk. On an entirely different level the chemistry between us was beguiling, our shared gazes compelling, and I found the sense of her presence both galvanizing and soothingly comfortable, somehow at the same time.

  She also amazed me, because I knew she was painfully shy. Her obvious efforts to be outgoing and take a risk on me was impressive. She truly was the bravest woman I knew.


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