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Incandescent Guardians

Page 7

by D. R. Rosier

  She didn’t go over the edge, so much as she launched like a rocket into space as she screamed my name, and once again soaked my middle in her liquid ecstasy.

  The night went to my plan after that, with one change. After round three taking her hard and fast from behind, we took a shower. The fourth round became a lavish blowjob under the hot spray, and I filled the back of her throat explosively after the best blow job I’d ever gotten in my life. It wasn’t just her technique, it had been the intense look in her eyes as she’d given it.

  Of course, I’d happily and eagerly returned the favor, and ate her to two powerful orgasms, before round five where she rode me again. We never discussed it, but she snuggled up to me after that like a kitten, both of us wiped out, and we fell asleep as we cuddled.

  We were both insatiable that first night. Although, come to think of it, we still are, to this very day…

  Chapter Seven

  The morning sun shone on her dark hair as I opened my eyes. My right arm was tight around her from behind, as I spooned her. My morning wood happily being warmed between her tight petite ass cheeks.

  “Wow, that really happened.”

  She stiffened in my arms.

  I made a soothing noise, and I kissed the back of her head.

  “What’s wrong? I don’t regret a thing, you’re amazing.”

  She relaxed slightly, and then wiggled her ass slightly against me.

  She sighed, “Oh, I just didn’t know what you’d meant by that. Though, last night… I don’t know where that came from. I just had to have you, had to be taken by you. Isn’t it all a bit fast? I’ve never had sex on a first date before, I usually wait for weeks, if not more than a month. I don’t do one-night stands, or even chemistry inspired flings.”

  Her voice rose alarmingly as something occurred to her, “Oh god, please tell me you want more than that. I know it’s too early for promises, but please tell me this isn’t just about having fun for you.”

  I slid my hand down her body, and as I’d hoped, she was soaked for me, even in her panic. I arched my back and sunk down on the bed a little, and then I speared into her from behind. We both let out a pleasured sigh as I once again felt her snug and wet heat around my sensitive length.

  “It is early, Amber. And I don’t do one-night stands or date for fun either. I want a partner in this life, though I’ve yet to find the right one, that’s always been the goal.”

  She ground back against me, taking me deeper into her body.

  “Thank god. Bob, last night was incredible. All of it. The date, the sex, I’ve never cum so hard or so much with a man before in my life. I don’t understand it, it’s too early to even be sleeping with you, much less spending the night and giving you everything.”

  I kissed her hair, and then teased her breast as I ground up against her.

  “It hasn’t though, been one night. It’s been two years. So you can relax, I bet you never made another guy wait two whole years.”

  She giggled, “Explain.”

  I ground up into her, “I’ll try, but it’s very hard to think right now, you feel like pure paradise. We were already good friends. I wasn’t just some stranger that asked you out. We know that at least our personalities were compatible for a long time now as friends. We respect and admire each other deeply, or at least I do you, for over a year now. They only thing we didn’t do is pursue a romantic interest, because we couldn’t. I guess what I’m trying to say is we already know, we know all those little things people use the first three dates, or a month or two, to figure out.

  “You trust me not to hurt you, Amber. Or stomp your heart, or use you, because we’re already best friends. I hadn’t been expecting it either, but it was so explosive, and felt so right.”

  She sighed, “I think you’re right. I already know I’m safe with you, because in a way we did wait for two years, even if our first date was last night. You’ve also saved my life many times out there. I feel better. Also… you can use me whenever you want.”

  I twitched hard, and spanked her playfully, “Naughty vixen.”

  She giggled, which turned into a gasp as she arched her back, “For you I am. No others. I’m hardly virginal, what I mean is I’ve never felt as safe as I do with you, with another man. You didn’t even ask, you just took me right now, shoved your cock in without a by your leave, and it turned me on more than you can imagine.”

  I said, “Maybe, but I went slow enough that you could’ve said no at any time.”

  She melted back against me, and she grabbed my hand to pull it onto her breast. I took the hint and started to play roughly with her breast, which she loved.

  She said breathily, “And I’m telling you that you don’t even have to do that. As long as we’re in private, behind closed doors, just bend me over and shove it in. If that ever changes, I’ll tell you, this is new territory for me and I could change my mind, but until then I want you to use me. It’s my fetish, but I’ve never felt it so strongly before, or have been willing to give into it and actually ask you to do it. With other men I pushed it down and was afraid to let it out. With you I feel out of control, and I’m loving it as much as it scares me. Don’t get me wrong, I love the soft gentle stuff as well. I also don’t want to be demeaned or called names, I just want to be used for your pleasure, and to be filled by you.”

  She paused a second, “Anywhere you want to use me, fill me, or shoot it on me. To be clear, not just no name calling, but no orders either. Orders would ruin it. I want you to manhandle me into the position you want, and just take it without a word. I know that’s probably confusing, but I think I’d feel demeaned and turned off by orders, but just taking it will drive me crazy. I suppose it’s the ultimate expression of giving up control to a man I trust and to fulfill my deep desire to pleasure my lover. I also know you won’t start treating me bad outside the bedroom because of my weird fetish.”

  “We’ll figure it out, and I’d never demean you,” I said softly. I’d think further on what she’d told me later, but I kind of got it around the edges. She wanted to feel desired, so sexy I couldn’t help myself, and to be used as a vessel of pleasure. She wanted to surrender to my lust and affection.

  Just like at the same time I’d be working my hardest to pleasure her.

  I picked up the pace, we’d been going very slowly during our talk, but it was time to bring us both to a finish. It was seven AM on a Monday morning, and we both had work to get to. I took her hard and fast, and played with her body the way she liked. She hadn’t been shy about telling me, so I already knew most of her best spots and how hard and firm to be with them.

  I said firmly, with us both on the edge, “I’m going to fill your hot pussy, my hot pussy.”

  She gasped my name, and went over harder than I expected, pulling me along with her as I once again filled her center. She might not have wanted orders or demeaning pet names, but she obviously loved a little nasty talk, and me being possessive.

  It’d been a hell of a date, but after a shower, breakfast, and some soft and painfully sweet goodbye kisses, I finally had to take her home. She also never looked hotter than during breakfast when she was wearing one of my shirts like a dress and nothing else.

  Oh, I also managed to confirm a second date, we were going out for dinner again later that same night, and maybe some dancing.

  A lot happened that Monday, including putting up a pair of satellites. It wasn’t quite as easy as simply flying them up there and tossing them over the horizon. Besides needing perfect acceleration and declination angle along an orbital path which were all dependent on altitude, there was also paperwork.

  The paperwork involved the government, mostly so NORAD didn’t freak out when things appeared or disappeared in orbit. They kept track of everything up there, and even assigned the orbital paths and placements based on the need.

  Fortunately, A.I.s were as good with paperwork as they were with orbital mechanics. It made my job a lot easier. Sky was mission control,
ground crew, administrative assistant, and my rocket scientist all rolled into one. She even took care of the books and accounts. She really was worth every penny I’d spent for her.

  I knew she wasn’t self-aware, only aware of me, but that didn’t stop me from feeling grateful for all that, whether she could understand that or not.

  “Today’s launches are set and verified?” I asked.

  Sky said, “It’s all ready, and I have the needed data. Telemark also confirmed last night their satellites were completed on time.”

  I pulled out the suit and replaced the carbon dioxide scrubber and oxygen bottle. I also switched out the battery for the HUD which was critical as it tracked my speed and exact vector while in space, to match up the course and speed that Sky had calculated.

  I tossed the scrubber, put the oxygen bottle in the to be filled cabinet, and put the partially spent battery on the charger. The suit slipped on rather easily, and when activated it felt like a full body hug. Then I had to sit and wait for about a half an hour breathing almost pure oxygen, so the pressure change didn’t cause the bends.

  Telemark was a satellite phone company, the satellites that I was going to lift that day were replacements for two which had developed faults. I didn’t know much more than that, it was all proprietary company information and I didn’t need to know it to do my job. They already had a retrieval set up in two months for the degraded ones, I supposed they wanted to wait to make sure the replacements worked as their techs promised.

  The company was based in Georgia, so I popped in over Atlanta which was a city I’d been to before. I followed the flight path on the HUD which Sky set up based on their GPS coordinates. It was about fifty miles outside of Atlanta. I kept my speed under Mach one, but at five hundred miles an hour it only took me six minutes before I was hovering over the company’s warehouse.

  I truly didn’t know my top speed. Out in space multiple-Mach speed was pretty easy without all that air in the way, but I tended to keep things below that when I was flying in atmosphere. I knew I was faster, a lot of telekinetic supers could pull at least Mach one or more, but I’d never had a need to test it.

  The warehouse had an extremely large rollup door that was already up as I landed outside of it. The satellite itself was a bear, it was the size of a small school bus, weighed about six tons, and it looked rather fragile with the large telescoping solar panels and dishes. Big satellites like this netted me more cash, I’d be getting a cool million to put them both up there. I charged a lot less for smaller test sats and ones that were experimental.

  There were also three guys working around it in casual business wear with a woman in a women’s creamy white skirt-suit holding a tablet.

  It only took me a minute to figure out they were going through a last-minute pre-launch checklist.

  Sky said, “That’s Kaitlyn Duffy, the CIO.”

  I muttered a low thanks that wouldn’t be overheard and headed that way.

  “Ms. Duffy?”

  She turned with a surprised look, and then smiled when she put together who I must be. The space suit threw people off sometimes even when they were expecting me. Or maybe it was knowing her name that’d surprised her.

  “Mr. Williams, excellent,” she pointed at the other satellite, “That one is ready to go, Sat16, we’ll be through this checklist before you get back for the second.”

  “Sounds good, I’ll get started right away then.”

  I reached out with my mind, suffusing the satellite with telekinetic energy to hold it all still. I also threw a shield around it just in case I hit a bird or something. That’d never happened, but the last thing I wanted was to be out fifty million dollars to replace the thing. It rose off the ground, and followed me outside the door, then we both shot into the sky.

  I wasn’t worried about planes, or objects like that, Sky had the course to orbit set and took all those things into account. Really, she made an extremely complicated and paperwork laden task a dream. I loved going up into space and seeing the glowing blue planet below me.

  Another complication was that supers weren’t allowed in other countries, or to participate in war. While orbital space past the Harmon line was similar in nature to international waters, I always did my best to schedule a satellite retrieval or release during a time it could be released over U.S. air space. In this case that was impossible, since comm satellites were geosynchronous and Sat16 was slated to go over South America. The second satellite was going over the mid-Atlantic, so I wasn’t worried about that one at all.

  I wasn’t too worried about it, but supers flying over other countries could cause tensions, even in space. Once I was in the right place and going the right speed and declination and other angles, I simply withdrew my telekinetic power from the satellite.

  Curiously enough, I could teleport back to it if I ever needed to, because geosynchronous satellites never changed their location in relation to the Earth.

  I teleported back to the warehouse to grab the second one.

  It was a couple of hours later, almost lunchtime, and I was seated at my desk at work and was signing a bunch of stuff that Sky had printed out. She could do most things, but there were legal things that had to get done that needed my signature. Once I was done, I dropped the stack to be scanned back in the system with my signature, then filed it all away. Sky did most of the work, but without a body I did have to do a minimum amount of administration work. It took maybe an hour a week, so I had no cause to complain.

  “You’re pretty amazing Sky. Thanks for all you do.”

  I knew she was just a tier two A.I. and probably didn’t care about positive feedback like Angel would, but she seemed like more than that at times. It would just feel wrong not to thank her for all she did on a daily basis.

  Sky said, “You’re welcome, Bob.”

  I locked up the suit and made sure there was nothing too valuable lying out in the open, either data or objects. Monday night is when the cleaning crew came in. Since I was the owner and only human employee, once a week was more than enough to keep the small office and stock room filled with lockable cabinets relatively spotless in case a customer came by.

  Sky said, “There’s a bank robbery going on right now on the south side. Initial identification indicates it’s Steelfist. He’s an SP-class. Classic four powers, but his strength and invulnerability are enhanced past the norms.”

  “Venus and the Trio?”

  Those four were the only legally registered heroes in the city. The Trio referred to the team Angelic Trio, and they all wore white suits with silver and gold accents. They were all men, arrogant as hell, but they were pretty powerful. Two were the classic four power A-class, while one of them wielded fire.

  I tried to avoid them as much as possible. Venus was a bitch, but she didn’t attack me every single time I came across her. The Angelic Trio did, and they were tough. Not that I ever stuck around for that fight, I just teleported away.

  Sky said, “All four of them are already engaged elsewhere. Venus north of the city, and the Trio are trying to foil a breakout attempt at the Super Max west of the city.”

  “Don’t those supervillains know it’s a Monday?”

  Sky knew me well enough to know that was hyperbole, and she didn’t answer while I teleported home and changed as quickly as I could into my super suit. It wouldn’t take an S-Class super all that long to rob a bank and disappear.

  My timing was amazingly bad as I teleported to the bank in question, right in time for a blur to leave the bank and hit me with a right hook. My shield held well enough, but I took on all that momentum and flew backwards fast enough to completely demolish a Ford Focus, flip, and land on my face on the other side of the now destroyed vehicle.

  The shield hadn’t fallen, but physics was still a thing and I felt rattled, and my body ached as I flew up into the sky in pursuit.

  Steelfist turned his head and grimaced, “Don’t you know when to back off. Damned vigilante, I’ve been waiting all we
ek for the four idiots to be engaged at the same time.”

  I grinned as I raced up from behind him, and then waved a hand as I muttered a nonsense word. The huge bag of cash Steelfist had in his left hand disappeared in a golden flash, as I teleported it back to the bank.

  He growled, “You’re going to pay for that.”

  “Ignis Grandus,” I said as I formed a very large sphere of plasma and shot it at him. I didn’t usually use so much, but I knew his invulnerability was a lot beefier than most.

  He dodged, barely, but that didn’t much matter as I released the containment around it when it was right next to him. The ball of plasma exploded outward and billowed around Steelfist for a moment before it cleared. In truth, with my telekinetic power I could’ve just guided it to him, no matter how fast he dodged, but magicians couldn’t do that as a rule, so I limited myself to maintain cover.

  That explosion seemed to just really piss him off.

  He reversed hard, and I dodged his blurring fist, but he managed to wing my shoulder.

  It hurt, even through the shield, as I went spinning off wildly at an angle toward the ground. Sure, my body wasn’t impacted or hurt directly from the punch, but it was rattled violently by the impact’s imparted momentum. Before I could regain my equilibrium, another punch to the back sent me racing for the ground.

  My body flashed with golden light right before I hit the ground, which would’ve really sucked. I not only popped back out a hundred feet above him, but my teleport also bled off all that momentum.

  I really hated brawlers. The opposite was true for most supers, but I preferred facing energy wielders, they were much easier to manage, and there was a lot less being beaten about. It was frustrating, because I knew I could reach out, grasp him, and slam him into the ground until he passed out. But I couldn’t, because I had to maintain my cover as the magician Mythic.

  That time I had the surprise attack, and I yelled, “Ignis Repitita!”


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