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Incandescent Guardians

Page 13

by D. R. Rosier

  I nodded, “I promised, and I meant it. In fact, just in case I forget one day. Sky, you’re to inform the rest of the team anytime I have to face a gravity-based or pure magical power in the future.”

  Sky said, “Noted.”

  Elegant Prodigy nodded in relief, and with more than a little satisfaction.

  I almost told her I loved her in that moment, it bubbled up into my chest powerfully. My woman was amazing, in so many ways. But while she was angry at me and during our first argument was hardly the time to say it for the first time, so I held back.

  Elegant Prodigy changed the subject, “So, I heard you just bought Angel’s first body for Sky?”

  I grunted suspiciously, “First body, you don’t say.”

  She nodded, “Just a temporary one, so she could help me around the lab as I perfected the realistic android body. But for a tier two A.I. the thing is perfect.”

  Sky of course, was completely silent on the matter.

  I was almost positive at that point that I’d been hoodwinked by my own A.I., and that had been her plan from the start when she’d maneuvered the conversation in the direction she wanted it to go. Since it really was to serve me better, and that was her true goal, I decided there was no point getting upset about it.

  Still, it was clear my new friend Angel was a bad influence on my Sky.

  “You ready for tonight? I think I’ve forgiven Serina, but I’m not sure at all how it’ll go with Amanda yet.”

  She nodded, “I was only mad on your behalf, and Lady Lightning is one of my best friends, so I’m over it if you are. I think it’ll be easier for me with Amanda too. I never felt the need to hate her, I just ignored her.”

  I looked at her suspiciously, “You knew, didn’t you?”

  She blushed, “Not entirely, no. I knew she didn’t really hate you or Lady Lightning, or mean half the stuff she said, but I thought she was just playing games to keep you at a distance. She treats most men like that, with distant arrogance. I assumed she did it for the same reason I wear frumpy clothes when I go into public, to stop being hit on all the time by assholes. I didn’t know the rest of it. How could I?”

  I smiled, “So, how about tonight?”

  She smirked, “I’ll be dressing nice every time we go out. You kind of act like a shield as my lover, so that I can look my best without dealing with degenerates.”

  I supposed that made sense, it also made sense that she wouldn’t admit she was dressing up for me, even if she was. Women were mysterious, and they really liked to keep us guys guessing. We chatted for a while about nothing in particular.

  Eventually, the Supermax transport arrived, and after they clapped on their larger and clunkier suppression cuffs, we took hers back and took off into the sky.

  Chapter Twelve

  It was just after five in the afternoon when I arrived on Amber’s doorstep and knocked. It didn’t take long before the door opened, and the golden blonde sexpot was staring me up and down like I was an experiment. She had on short jean shorts and a light blue halter top. She really was far too sexy and exuberant, for my own good.

  Angel said, “You look fine. I was worried, that was a lot of damage for the nanites to repair.”

  I did feel better, a little sore in spots, like from a really hard work out, but it was fading quickly and I’d be fine in another hour or two just with my super metabolism.

  I grinned, “And here I thought you were checking me out.”

  Angel giggled, and then raised an eyebrow, “Who said I wasn’t? I’m an A.I., that fact brings whole new meanings to the word multi-tasking.”

  I laughed, “You’re a dangerous woman.”

  She smirked, “Come in. You don’t have to knock you know. You’re welcome here anytime. There’re door sensors that unlocked the door as soon as you landed, or you could just pop into the living room.”

  That was an interesting offer after dating for only four days. I walked into the living room and there was no sign of Amber. We still had plenty of time to make it there by six though, Amanda’s estate was just north of the city, and fifteen minutes away at most. Maybe a little longer during rush hour.

  Amber’s voice filtered down from upstairs, “She’s right. Especially when we’re expecting you. I’ll be down in a minute.”

  I took a seat on the couch, and Angel took a seat across from me, curling up against the arm of the loveseat with her bare feet tucked under and to the side of her.


  I frowned, “A little. Mostly about Amanda, but Serina too. I know Lady Lightning, but sometimes heroes and heroines are different in uniform.”

  She nodded in agreement, “People are multi-faceted and complicated. You’re more laid back in your Bob persona.”

  I smiled, “Exactly, but that’s more down to a state of alertness than anything else. On patrol we can never know when a supervillain or even a registered hero might attack.”

  She tilted her head, “It’s more than that, I think. You’re more assertive in the suit, the same amount of confidence, but with a more commanding presence without slipping into arrogance.”

  I smirked, “In my normal life I don’t deal with psychopaths with super powers.”

  She giggled, “Point.”

  I added grinning, “Then, there are the supervillains.”

  She snorted, “You’re not wrong.”

  Amber asked, “You saying that I’m a psychopath?”

  I turned and looked at the stairs, and my brain skipped.

  She had on an extremely tight white creamy pencil skirt that went down to just above her knees, and a tightly conforming black top with a neckline that dipped enough to show off about half her generous cleavage and a sliver of midriff between the skirt top and shirt bottom. The three-inch heels on her sandals did amazing things to her already toned legs, and her pert supple ass was absolutely devastating between the heels and tightly conforming skirt as she smirked and turned to grab the purse off the table. Her dark wavy brown hair was half up on the sides, though a lot of it still fell down her back with a bit flowing over her shoulders.

  She giggled, “Close your mouth, dear.”

  My mouth wasn’t agape, but I was stunned enough by her appearance that I had to check to make that determination. She looked fantastic all the time really, but that night she was sex on a stick, and her graceful movements just added to that impression as she dripped sensuousness.

  I cleared my throat, “You look nice, honey.”

  She smirked, knowing I seriously downgraded my compliment on purpose.


  I nodded, and then stood up and moved over to her. Her smile was teasing and sweet at the same time, as I leaned down and kissed her softly, carefully holding her so I wouldn’t muss her. She sighed into my mouth and nipped my lip before biting hers as she stepped back.

  “See you, Angel.”

  Angel laughed, “I’d thought you’d forgotten I was here. Take care.”

  I snickered, and then threw her a wink as Amber and I headed toward the garage. I’d never been in there before, and I was shocked to find not one but two sports cars in it. A high-end red Corvette Stingray, and a black M5. The chirp and the blinking taillights told me we were taking the BMW.

  She said, “You never answered my question.”

  Question? I had to mentally review the last few moments as I slipped into the passenger seat, she really had made my mind skip.

  “Actually, I was thinking of the idiotic Trio, but everyone that puts on a super suit has to be a little crazy and have deep convictions.”

  She grinned.

  I said, “Nice car.”

  The engine purred as she started it, and we backed out into the street.

  “Thanks, you cleaned up pretty well yourself tonight, by the way. I made a few upgrades.”

  She stomped on the gas, and for the next ten minutes I’d have been worried for my life if I didn’t have telekinetic shields. Don’t get me wrong, she was a fanta
stic driver, she just drove very fast.


  She said, “It’s more fuel efficient, a lot more in fact, but I didn’t sacrifice any of the horsepower or torque. I’m glad you’re getting along so well with Angel, because she really likes you too.”

  I could tell she was nervous about tonight. She was hopping subjects way too fast. I knew she had an incredibly fast brain, but she usually managed it better than that. Not that I minded, I was glad I wasn’t the only one nervous. Of course, I did my best to project confidence and hide my own nerves, but she could probably see right through it.

  “She does?”

  Amber nodded, “You treat her like a young woman, an attractive one you want to be friends with, even past the need to merely play nice because she’s your lover’s best friend. Not like a machine.”


  “Well, she is that.”

  Amber shook her head, “Most people wouldn’t think so, that means a lot to me because she really is.”

  “Did I mention you look divine tonight?”

  She shook her head, “No, you said something about me looking nice,” she teased.

  “Oh, well you do, look divine I mean. Nervous?”

  Amber said, “A little, yes. Mostly about our families though. I’ll feel better I think, once I get to know and trust Amanda, if she’s worth that trust. I’m also nervous about meeting your sisters tomorrow night.”

  “They’re both nice, Casey can be a little pushy.”

  Amber’s lips twitched, “There’s that word again.”

  I laughed, “They’re more complicated than that of course, but they’ve never treated anyone I brought home badly, or even disrespectfully.”

  We pulled into the driveway of a large walled estate, with double swinging metal gates.

  Amber opened the window, and then hit the intercom button.

  A moment later, I recognized Amanda’s sensual voice, but it lacked the usual hard sarcastic edge I’d always heard in it in the past.

  “Just pull up in front of the door, welcome to our home.”

  The gates started to open.

  I looked around, and smirked, “Camera at ten o’clock.”

  Amber replied, “Saw him when we pulled up.”

  She pulled past the gate, and she took the winding driveway which had to be at least a third of a mile if not more, before pulling into the circular driveway and turning it off. This estate and mansion must be in the mid-ten-figure range.

  The mansion itself was a subdued white color, with brighter white columns, crenellations, and accents. The shutters on the windows were a light green color and based on the size of it I’d say it was at least ten thousand square feet, and probably had over ten bedrooms on the second floor. The third floor of the mansion was smaller, and probably had the master suite of rooms.

  It was hard to believe just the two of them lived in that monstrosity.

  The landscaped tall and thin bushes in the front of the house were immaculate, and there were a few trees and rock gardens on the grounds with various flower beds, smaller bushes, and even some trees.

  We got out and headed for the door. It opened before we even reached it, to reveal a smiling and nervously excited Serina. She looked stunning in a casual red sundress that conformed loosely to her petite and curvaceously athletic body, an hourglass body in perfect proportion to her five foot two height, and the dress revealed much of her creamy B cup cleavage to advantage. She had light blue eyes, a petite nose, and full lips on a flawlessly beautiful face with strong cheekbones. Her wavy white blonde hair flowed down her body like a waterfall. She looked more beautiful than I remembered from the restaurant, but back then I hadn’t been standing quite so close. She also wore casual sandals with two-inch heels.

  She grinned, “It’s good to see you both, it feels a little weird but in a good way.”

  “Hey, gorgeous.”

  She blushed, which was interesting, because she never did that in her super suit. Or maybe I just couldn’t see it behind the mask, it didn’t reach her neck. Perhaps blushed was the wrong word, it wasn’t a shy thing like my Amber, she didn’t look embarrassed at all as she boldly looked into my eyes. Flushed with heat might be a better description, or maybe that was just the hopes of my perverted mind.

  Amber said, “It’s good to see you too, Serina.”

  Serina sighed, “You both look fantastic. Come inside,” she added, as she moved out of the doorway.

  “So, you two live alone?”

  Serina bit her lip, “This is my family home, actually. I inherited it so I won the who moves where argument when we moved in together. Technically, my younger sister owns half of it, but she’s in Europe for the summer and will head straight back to college in late August. I don’t see her much.”

  Amber asked, “She’s why you won’t register?”

  Serina nodded, “Her, along with my aunt, uncle and two cousins. They live about ten minutes from here and are more of a concern at the moment, but my sister will be back home eventually too. So, yes, to answer your question, we live here alone. We have a couple living out back in the guest house, a landscaper and maid to keep it all straight and orderly. But we do our own cooking and fair share of cleaning up after ourselves.”

  “It’s a beautiful place.”

  Serina smiled playfully, “Just a cozy little place I like to call home.”

  The entry hall was vast, and two stories with a vaulted ceiling, with double curved staircases up to the second-floor landing and hallway which must go left and right to the bedrooms and upstairs baths. The floor was large white tile flecked with gray and brown designs. Straight back between the staircases was a hallway leading to the back of the house. To the right there was a large living room that looked mostly for show, with antique wood furniture and couches. While to the left was a dining room that could sit twenty, with a large dark brown stained china cabinet against the far wall and small serving table along the left-hand wall below the window. The dining table was stained the same dark color, and it looked old with elaborately carved edges and table legs, and in perfect shape.

  Amber laughed, a beat too late.

  She said, “We’ll eat in the kitchen? We hardly ever use the dining room table except when family comes over. It’s cozier in there.”

  I nodded, “Getting cozy with you sounds good to me,” I teased.

  She smirked, “You wish,” but the wistful look in her eyes as she gazed at me told a different story.

  My Lady Lightning was in there, she was just a bit more reserved and not so saucy out of the super suit. Not shy and unsure, or even really prim and proper, just less flirty? We still had to find our feet with this new situation, as we redefined and hopefully deepened our connection of friendship, but I was a lot less unsure of her at that point.

  I was also getting used to the fact that me flirting with Serina only turned on my lover more, or in her own words last night in bed, it made her wet for me. Like it was some weird form of foreplay for Amber and I as well as playful teasing between friends who were attracted but couldn’t go farther. It was weird, but it was also kind of hot, so I was going with it. I wondered what Amanda thought of it though.

  She said, “We should head back, Amanda’s finishing up dinner or she’d have met you at the door with me. I’ll also give you the quick nickel tour of the downstairs.”

  She patted a door just past the stairs, “Wine cellar, and storage. We can see it later if you want, but it’s not that interesting.”

  She pointed right, “The kitchen, laundry room, and pantry are down that way.”

  She took us to the left down a hallway, and I peaked in all the doors as we went, and she told us about it. There was a workout room of sorts with a lot of the same stuff you’d find at a gym. There was also a lounge that had a well-stocked bar and very comfortable looking black leather couches and a small widescreen television on the wall.

  There was an entertainment room that had twenty black leather lo
unger chairs set up like a movie theatre, along with a couple of sofas in the back. I didn’t see the television, but I did see the large one hundred and eight inches retractable movie screen, and the walls were covered in speakers on the front, both sides, and in the back. I wasn’t sure what the material was, but the walls and rug were obviously built for sound considerations.

  We turned around and headed back toward the kitchen, but she turned right at the hallway and opened up the back door. The landscaping in the backyard was even more impressive. More of those tall green column bushes along the back of the house, but there were also more displays broken up by the perfectly manicured lawn. There was also a large covered in-ground pool.

  The place was insane, I’d had no idea Serina was so loaded. Not that I cared, but it hadn’t really fit my impression of her. She wasn’t at all an arrogant or entitled woman, the opposite in fact.

  Then she brought us back in and over to the kitchen.

  Amanda was busy moving steaming bowls and platters of food to the table. She as usual, looked sinfully delicious, and heartbreakingly beautiful. The face of an angel with soft cheekbones, pouty lips, lovely green eyes, and silky and shiny black hair that fell in ringlets down her body. Her body of course, was as sumptuous as ever, with mouthwatering double d’s, a juicy rounded ass to die for, and an impossibly thin waist and flat stomach giving her a slightly exaggerated hourglass figure even at five foot eight in height. She had on a casual loose red skirt down to her lower thighs, and a rather conservative and loosely conforming white sweater shirt up top that covered everything from her neck down.

  I tried not to read into it, maybe she always dressed that conservatively outside of her super suit and dresses when she hit the night life. Regardless, she was smoking hot and would be in anything.

  She smiled over at us, “Perfect timing, I was about to have to come get you. We have wine, beer, or iced tea. If you like wine, a red will go well with the meal tonight.”

  Amber said, “Red wine works,” and while I really preferred a beer wine wasn’t all that bad, and I nodded to agree.

  The kitchen itself was vast, even larger than Amber’s, and I supposed it needed to be to serve a house full of people at this size, even if it was mostly empty right now. It had a ton of counter space and an island with a food prep sink and built in cutting boards. There were eight burners over an oven, and an oversized double oven next to that. There was also a full-sized griddle, and several other appliances on the long counter space.


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