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Harper's Fortune

Page 9

by F. C. Clark

  Luke glances at the picture. ‘Whatever you think. I’m in your hands.’

  ‘You will be – later.’ I giggle.

  Luke’s mobile rings, and he checks caller ID. ‘Sullivan.’ He walks away from the island and towards his office.

  I drink some more wine and begin to go through my mail, opening the largest envelope first. I read the name stamped at the top left-hand corner: Bateman, Gates and Wilkinson, Attorneys of Law, New York. I can feel Luke at my shoulder.

  ‘She has the letter here.’

  I look at him as he moves away.

  I open the envelope and pull out the letter. I read it and instantly feel confused.

  ‘I’ll let you know. Agreed. Call me with anything else.’ Luke places his phone on the island and sits next to me. ‘Have you read this letter?’

  ‘Yeah, but I don’t understand. The name Bagrov is Katenka’s family name, but this letter is from a law firm in New York.’

  ‘That was James Sullivan. He has some new information on Katenka.’ Luke takes a deep breath. ‘Kate, you’re the beneficiary of Katenka’s fortune. On your twenty-seventh birthday you inherit your mother’s shares.’

  ‘Her shares and her fortune? What do you mean? How? This doesn’t make sense – I mean, Ivor didn’t say anything about this.’ I shake my head. ‘Christ, I can’t take much more.’

  ‘I assume he is unaware of this. Perhaps there was a clause about the identity of her beneficiary.’

  ‘So, I’m some kind of secret.’


  ‘Wow – can my life be any more fucked up?’

  Luke skims my cheek with his finger. ‘I can’t believe I didn’t add up the information until now, with everything that’s happened over the last few days.’

  ‘Add what up? You’re making me nervous!’

  ‘The name Bagrov.’

  ‘What about it?’

  ‘Jesus, I took my eye off the ball.’

  ‘Luke, you’re talking in riddles.’

  ‘Sullivan explained that various members of the Bagrov family owned the business. As time went by and people died the shares eventually ended up with Katenka Bagrov – and now you. You own sixty per cent of the company.’

  ‘I don’t like where this is going.’

  ‘The company is Bagrov and Cooper.’ He looks at me, waiting for my response.

  ‘Is that supposed to mean something?’ My brain refuses to compute what he is saying, highlighting why I shouldn’t be left a company, let alone a fortune – for the love of God.

  ‘A couple of points. First, it’s one of my biggest rivals in business, and second – Cooper.’

  I remain stumped.

  ‘The company is run by Philip and Alexis Cooper.’

  ‘Holy fucking mother of Mary – are you shitting me?’ My face drains of colour. ‘This can’t be happening. I must have pissed someone off big-time in my past life. Do they know? She hates me. This just can’t be happening.’

  ‘I would think they know now. You’re a very rich and powerful woman.’ Luke smiles.

  ‘Do you think this is funny? It’s not.’ I stand and begin to pace. ‘This must be a mistake… Oh God, I can’t breathe.’

  ‘Yes, you can. Calm down. Take a deep breath.’

  ‘I can’t… Business… Me and the word business we just don’t go together.’ I laugh nervously. ‘Too much money brings a shitload of problems, I know from experience.’

  Luke pulls me between his legs. ‘Kate, this was your mother’s company. Sullivan believes the information was made public the exact time you inherited your trust fund. As you know, your shares were released on your twenty-seventh birthday.’

  ‘No mention of Harry?’

  He shakes his head. ‘No.’

  ‘OK – random question. If I have control of the company, does that mean I can fire the evil Coopers?’ Just the thought of Alexis Cooper makes my blood boil and my fists clench, and her father makes my skin crawl.

  ‘It doesn’t work like that.’

  I move away from his legs. ‘Give me your wallet.’ I hold my hand out.

  ‘What!’ Luke frowns.

  ‘Wallet – now.’

  He reaches inside his jacket and passes me his black leather wallet. I take a twenty-pound note.

  ‘You have just bought yourself sixty per cent of Bagrov and Cooper: you can now sack the pair of Coopers and have world domination.’

  He takes my face between his hands. ‘I appreciate the offer, but it’s not quite that simple.’ He kisses my forehead.

  ‘Luke, I mean it, don’t patronise me. I don’t want it.’ I look at him. ‘I trust you with my life and I’m telling you to take it – please. You promised to protect me, so protect me. I will sign it all over to you – call your lawyers.’

  ‘You have to go to New York for a meeting. I’ll come with you.’

  ‘Are you sure Ivor isn’t involved in this? I mean, is this his company?’

  ‘No, they are completely different. The chances are he is unaware. Even so, it’s beyond his control: this was your mother’s company.’

  ‘But you said it was made public, and he seems to know his stuff… Christ, I’ve seen the pictures, remember!’

  ‘It was only made public to the other shareholders. Yes, if you dig around you could find out, but I don’t see how it would benefit him.’

  ‘He might come back.’ I secretly pray.

  Luke takes a deep breath. ‘He may not.’

  ‘You hope he doesn’t.’

  ‘No. I think he has too many skeletons in his closet to be part of your life.’

  ‘Says you…’

  ‘Different closet, baby.’

  ‘This can’t be happening.’

  He stands and takes me in his arms. ‘We’ll tackle it together.’

  I break free from his hold.

  ‘Go, you have a meeting… I’ll cook some dinner.’ I take a deep breath and move round the island and stand in front of the cooker, my sanctuary.

  ‘I’ll cut it short.’

  ‘I’ll be fine. I’ll cook and then drown myself in the bath.’ I smile wryly, trying to cajole myself into some state of happiness.

  Luke walks towards me and takes hold of my face.

  ‘Cook, and then we can take a bath together; let me wash away your stress.’

  I link my hands around his neck. ‘God, I love you, I love to moan at you, I love to argue with you… But I love you more than anything in the world.’

  ‘You are very testing… but you keep me on my toes.’ He delivers a quick peck on my lips and begins to walk away. He stops at the doorway. ‘I love you too. Stay out of trouble.’ He walks away and heads for the black door. I notice Max waiting for him.

  Rosie joins me in the kitchen. Even though I have lived here for a while I can’t get used to Luke having staff.

  ‘Kate, I didn’t want to disturb you, but when you have a minute can we send Adam another email?’

  ‘Sure, let’s do it now.’ Perfect timing. Fuck me, a business from the grave – Jeez.

  ‘Thanks, Kate.’

  ‘How is Adam?’

  ‘Good. I just feel bad for Jerry.’

  I stop in my tracks. ‘Adam is your baby, remember that – OK, he’s a grown-up baby, but Jerry can’t take that away from you. Gay or not, he’s part of you both.’ What is it with parents abandoning kids? Jerry can’t cope with his son being gay so he refuses to contact him. I’ve been secretly helping Rosie email him. She’d love to see him again.

  ‘Yeah, you’re right. I want him back in my life.’

  ‘That’s the spirit. I’ll win Jerry over – fruit cake should work!’ Rosie laughs.

  We both enter Luke’s office.

  Holy fuck! The noise – I recognise the sound�
� The office floor shakes as the three long windows break, and Rosie and I are blown across the room. I land facedown with debris and shards of glass scattered all around me.

  My ears are ringing and I struggle to focus. I cough and squint across the room.

  ‘Rosie?’ I shout out. She’s lying at least ten foot away from me, motionless.

  I crawl across the wooden floor, cutting my arms on the broken glass. My heart pounds. Please be OK. Just as I reach her, she comes to.

  ‘Kate?’ she whispers.

  ‘Thank God.’ I move her hair back from her face. She looks fine, apart from being covered in small cuts.

  ‘Luke…’ I try to stand, but my legs are weak.

  ‘What happened?’ Rosie asks, sounding confused.

  ‘A bomb.’ Oh God, at my home.

  ‘What did you say?’

  ‘It was a bomb; I know the sound.’ Memories of the car bombs in Russia come flooding back.

  The room is in utter chaos. I slowly move to the hallway. There is dust everywhere. I make it to the front door and stumble out to the driveway. ‘Jesus!’ It’s destroyed.

  Straight away I notice there’s no security guard at the gate. This doesn’t make sense! Where is everyone? Dense smoke is coming from the far end of the driveway – the garages. Oh God – Luke! Quickly, I move, sidestepping pieces of metal and almost losing my footing in the rubble.

  ‘Kate?’ I hear, and I turn. Jerry is running towards me.

  ‘Rosie’s inside… where’s Luke?’

  ‘I don’t know. I was in the garden.’

  ‘Luke!’ I shout frantically.

  As I move further up the driveway the smoke thickens.

  ‘Kate – wait,’ Jerry calls.

  ‘I have to find him.’

  I struggle to see, and stumble over a large piece of concrete. On my knees, I see the shell of a car. That must be where the explosion went off, Luke’s car. A car bomb!

  ‘No!’ I scream.

  Frantically I scramble to my feet and run to the Range Rover. My hand covers my mouth as tears roll down my cheeks. The car looks destroyed. This is my fault; I brought Russia into his life. How could I do this to him?

  Beyond the car I can see a body. My eyes sting and I begin to cough. Careful of the wreckage and flames, I move closer. God, no – two bodies lie on the ground.

  ‘Luke?’ I try to scream his name, but it comes out as a croak. ‘Luke?’ I stop, coughing and wheezing. My chest feels tight. ‘Luke…’ I whisper, and drop to my knees.

  Everything goes black.




  ‘Kate… Kate,’ Harry calls.

  I turn, lost in my own harrowing thoughts, as she moves towards me.

  ‘Hey.’ She gently wipes the tear rolling down my cheek.

  I swallow hard and briefly close my eyes.

  ‘Sorry, I’m just feeling a bit…’

  ‘The explosion.’

  I nod.

  ‘Bloody hell, Kate, it was only four months ago… That day will haunt you forever.’

  ‘I know. Let’s just forget about it, this is your weekend.’

  ‘No. Don’t shut me out… You did that before and I watched you disappear.’

  I look at her. ‘Disappear?’

  ‘Your eyes were dead… OK, “dead” is probably not the best word… They were sad and empty.’

  ‘It was so hard.’

  ‘I know, it killed me to watch you go through it. How are the nightmares?’

  There’s no need to answer. I shiver.

  ‘Come here.’ Harry pulls me to her. ‘Give yourself time; you’re not superwoman.’

  ‘Come on, this is about you, the bride-to-be, not me… It’ll be the best day ever tomorrow.’

  ‘Agreed… But while you’re having a moment, I’ve eaten every last bit of food. At this rate I won’t be able to fit in my bloody dress.’ Harry looks down at her inflated stomach.

  ‘You’ll be fine. You always eat loads when you’re nervous.’ I reach for her hand. ‘Thanks, and sorry.’

  ‘Never be sorry – your memory is my memory, your hurt is my hurt. That’s what we do.’

  ‘I guess.’ I pass Harry a glass of champagne. ‘Here’s to a perfect day for my perfect… well, sometimes perfect, little sis.’

  Harry raises her glass. ‘Cheers. Here’s to the best sister ever, who I adore, and here’s to my food baby. Why can’t I have the kind of nerves that make you starve?’

  I take a closer look out of the window; although it’s pitch black I can see a light dusting of snow.

  ‘Holy shit, I think it’s snowing.’ I lean my head against the window. ‘Bloody hell, Harry, it is! Get your coat.’

  I grab my coat and head for the door. I look back to see Harry staring at me with tears in her eyes.

  ‘Move your arse.’ I walk back and grab her hand and coat.

  I scan the hallway, checking for Harry’s groom. All clear. We head towards the grand staircase and slip quietly past the reception area. We exit the large glass doors, and run down the stone steps towards the white flakes settling on the grass.

  I look up to the night sky, allowing the snowflakes to float onto my face.

  ‘Oh my God, this is perfect. Christmas Eve tomorrow and the most perfect wedding day too. I’m good at organising, but snow… it’s a bonus.’ I look across to an emotional Harry.

  I grab her hand and run to the middle of the lawn. ‘You know what’s coming.’ I chuckle. ‘Harriet Harper, do you believe in angels?’

  ‘Kate! We’re too old – besides, someone might see us.’

  ‘Good.’ I lie down and begin to make an angel shape. ‘Harriet Harper, get your butt on the ground.’ She relents and joins me.

  We raise and lower our arms, our actions mirroring each other as we continue to laugh.

  ‘There’s nothing angelic about you!’ Harry declares.

  ‘Tell me about it.’ I reach for her hand. ‘Look at the stars. Do you think she sees us?’

  ‘I don’t know. Maybe. Do you miss her?’

  I turn and meet Harry’s eyes. ‘Yeah… But how can you miss someone you’ve never met?’

  Harry squeezes my fingers. I feel abandoned. Will these feelings haunt us forever?

  Finally, we return to the hotel reception, cold and damp.

  ‘You go on ahead. I want to give the ballroom one last check.’

  ‘I’ll come with you.’

  ‘No… Go and have a bath, the others will be here soon. You won’t get a minute to yourself.’

  ‘OK.’ She begins to walk towards the large staircase.

  ‘Oi, Harper?’

  Harry turns with the biggest smile on her face.

  ‘Don’t answer the door to anyone with a French accent.’

  ‘Got it.’

  I move towards the ballroom, secretly wanting some time alone. The past twenty-four hours have been testing in many ways. I turn the gold handle on the large door. Wow. It looks amazing, even more so since it’s pitch black outside and there are fairy lights on the tables – it looks magical. Harry decided to run with the Christmas theme by using mistletoe for the table arrangements. For the first time in a while, I feel excited.

  ‘Sexy Kate!’

  I spin around. ‘Well, if it isn’t the shag monster himself.’ Declan – Luke’s younger brother – is at the doorway. Harry decided to invite everyone close to us to her wedding and, even though they aren’t related to her, this includes the Sutton family.

  ‘Journey OK?’ He pulls me close to his chest. I forget how similar he is to Luke. They’re both tall and broad-shouldered; it’s just Declan’s juvenile take on life that sets him apart from Luke.

  ‘Yeah, although I could have done without
the snow.’

  ‘Are the roads bad?’

  ‘It’s not settled on the main roads, only the country lanes. So – is everyone here?’

  I fold my arms. ‘Are you referring to the other shag monster in my life? No, Kiki isn’t here. Actually, I want to speak to you about her.’

  ‘Kate, I haven’t banged her… yet!’ His brows arch.

  ‘Oi, Declan!’ I tap his arm. ‘Seriously, I know you have the hots for Kiki, and she probably does for you, but I’m warning you… she’s off-limits.’

  Declan laughs. ‘Do you know how hot you look when you’re pissed off?’

  ‘Declan, I mean it… I don’t want to get caught in the middle.’

  ‘What an image, me on one side and Kiki on the other.’

  I hit him again, harder.

  ‘OK… OK.’ He flashes the Sutton smile, the sort that knocks you on your arse and slides off your knickers. ‘Do you need any help?’

  ‘No. I’m just checking the room.’

  ‘OK. I’ll see you later.’ He leans towards me and places a kiss on my cheek, then begins to walk away.

  ‘Remember what I told you.’

  ‘Yeah, yeah, yeah… Tell your mate too.’

  He hasn’t listened to a word I said.

  In comfy PJs and with champagne, Harry and I are officially set to celebrate her last night of freedom, then I hear a knock at the door.

  ‘I’ll go, just in case we have an unwanted Frenchman.’

  Harry smiles, but I know she would love to see Raymond.

  The noise from the hall echoes, and I can hear who it is before I open the door.

  ‘Oh my God, you’re so bloody loud.’ I laugh at the pack loitering in the hallway.

  Barney leans towards me for a kiss. ‘It wasn’t me, babe; these two noisy bitches have done my fucking brain in. I tell you what, the bloody M25 looked more appealing than being with these two.’

  ‘That bad?’ I laugh.

  He shakes his head and walks past me. ‘Jesus H Christ, I need a bloody drink. Come here, Harry Harper… Not for much longer!’ Barney takes hold of Harry and swings her in his arms.

  Barney immediately finds the alcohol and food.

  ‘Are you coming in or not?’ I look at Molly and Kiki.


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