Book Read Free

Harper's Fortune

Page 11

by F. C. Clark

  Three months. I’ve had silence for three wonderful months.’

  I nudge his arm. ‘Admit it, you’ve missed me.’

  ‘No… I had you in my ear for a month in that bloody hospital room.’

  ‘Well, you look amazing.’

  ‘I feel good.’ He extends his leg and taps his thigh. ‘Sullivan’s given my leg a complete overhaul. He knows his stuff when it comes to rehabilitation, Christ, he made me work.’

  ‘I’m just grateful he could help, and now you’re back for good – I hope? Can I get rid of Thomas? He’s nice, but he’s not you.’

  Luke places his hands on my shoulders. ‘It takes a certain type of person to work with Kate.’

  I gaze at the love of my life. ‘Oh really, and you’re such a joy to work for.’ I turn to Max. ‘You could move into the house; I can take proper care of you.’

  ‘No bloody way! I wouldn’t be here unless I was ready.’

  ‘I guess.’ I fold my arms. ‘I can’t believe you didn’t tell me you were coming home. I call you every day – and you say nothing! You knew I was upset that you weren’t home for Christmas.’

  ‘Surprise!’ Max actually laughs – what the hell has James Sullivan done to him?

  ‘Very funny. So, you were both in on the covert operation.’ I turn to Luke. ‘Working away – Switzerland?’

  ‘James Sullivan lives in Switzerland, so there was an element of truth. As much as this joyful reunion is touching, we should return to the wedding.’

  ‘Well, I forgive you both… For now.’

  The time has arrived for the guests to be seated in the ballroom. The room looks exquisite, with candles burning and fairy lights glowing against the dark green foliage. I watch Harry closely as she enters with Raymond. She glances across at me and mouths ‘thank you’.

  Once everyone is seated, the newlyweds have the honour of lighting the Christmas tree. Harry and Raymond stand and raise their champagne flutes. The tree stands proudly at the rear of the ballroom – it’s a perfect Christmas Eve.

  Luke leans to my ear. ‘It looks amazing in here.’ He places tender kisses on my shoulder, working towards my neck.

  My lips make contact with his. I pull away. ‘God, I bloody love you.’ I bite the inside of my cheek. To lose him would kill me. ‘I mean it. I seriously love you.’

  ‘Back at you.’

  ‘So… I don’t want to ask.’

  ‘Then don’t… Jesus, Kate, every time I speak to Sullivan you think he will give me information.’

  ‘Yeah, but Sullivan still works at… you know where, with Parker – they must have heard something. Four months, and nothing?’ I know Luke often speaks to James, which also leads me to question whether Luke will ever return to his previous work – God, I hope not.

  ‘Sullivan has no news.’

  I gauge his response, while I remain sceptical. Bullshit, I think.

  ‘What, Ivor, or the…’ I draw my lips inward. ‘Explosion.’

  ‘Don’t torment yourself.’

  ‘I’m not, but you like answers and we don’t have any. Are they still watching Ivor’s house?’ I hope they are.

  ‘Kate, I can’t give you the answers you want to hear and make him appear.’

  ‘You don’t want him to appear.’ But I want him to show up, just to vindicate himself.

  ‘No.’ His finger skims my cheek. ‘I have no news on him or the explosion. Trust me. So let’s just enjoy the day.’ His lips softly brush against mine, silencing me. ‘So, tomorrow is our first Christmas together.’ He sits back in his chair with his arm draped across the back of mine – 24/7 protection, Sutton style.

  He makes it clear the conversation is at an end. Until next time, Sutton. I need some answers.

  ‘I hope you like your presents.’ I look down at my plate. What do you give the man who has everything?

  He pulls my face to his. ‘What is it?’


  ‘I only want you for Christmas. Besides, I have a plan. We won’t exchange gifts until we’re alone, OK?’ I receive the penetrating glare that only Luke Sutton can give. It makes my body crave his attention. I look at my watch. Too many hours must pass before we’re alone.

  I scan the sea of guests. The atmosphere is perfect. As usual, my table appears to be the loudest – with Barney and Kiki seated with us, this is no surprise. Across from our table is Luke’s family, as well as Max. After the explosion, the Sutton and Harper families spent a great deal of time together at the hospital, so they grew closer. Harry and me hang on to our family. If only Katenka was here too. So, today we are all together, safe and sound.

  The evening approaches and the speeches begin. Surprisingly, Luke was asked to stand in for the role of best man. He and Raymond have really bonded over the past four months – explosions and Russian adoptions lead to the most bizarre relationships. I sit back and observe him. The audience appears to be putty in his hand – hell, I know how that feels.

  After the speeches there is music, and the bride and groom have their first dance. I feel an arm around my waist. No need to turn to see who it is; his scent hits me. Luke’s soft lips leave tantalising kisses on my collarbone, moving towards my ear.

  ‘Shall we dance?’ he whispers softly.

  I look at the floor: family members have joined the bridal party.


  Luke takes my hand and pulls me tightly to him. My hands lock around his neck as my lips reach his: even with an audience, I can’t help but take what I need from him. Maybe I am greedy!

  ‘How long before I can take you upstairs?’

  I tilt my head. ‘Hours! I’m expected to dance all night… Maybe you should have dragged me off earlier.’

  ‘Is that so?’

  ‘Yes.’ I look deep into his eyes. ‘I think you have a very long, hard night ahead of you.’

  Luke laughs. ‘My beautiful prick-tease.’ I lean further into him. He knows I’m searching for affirmation of a different kind.

  ‘I won’t apologise for wanting you inside me.’

  ‘And I won’t apologise for fucking you – later.’

  I love his dirty talk.

  ‘Oi, lover boy, I want to dance with your woman.’ Barney yanks my arm, startling me.

  ‘Sorry!’ I shout to Mr Frustrated Sutton.

  Within seconds we’re in the middle of the floor. The floating meringue joins us, along with Kiki and Molly. The band is fantastic, blasting out 70s classics to modern club tunes. Barney and I lose ourselves dancing.

  The party is in full swing, and after numerous dances Kiki orders shots for us all, including Luke, who is deep in conversation with Danny and Max.

  He leans to my ear. ‘Do you want some water? You have drunk quite a lot.’

  ‘No thank you.’ I look at Kiki. ‘Line them up.’ No need to turn; I can feel Luke’s eyes boring into me. This is my sister’s wedding and I shall get completely pissed if I want to! Adding to my growing insobriety is a magnum of champagne, courtesy of Henry Marlow – Kiki’s dad. Does Mr Control Freak Sutton have a point – possibly?

  Back on the dance floor, my senses are slowly abandoning me. Thankfully I have the support of my human pole, Barney.

  Later I stagger from the dance floor towards Luke. No amount of alcohol can stop my body from feeling his penetrating glare.

  ‘Hold my shoes?’ Without giving him a choice, I place them in his arms. I reach up and plant a drunken kiss on his cheek. ‘Love you.’

  He tries to stifle a smile, but one side of his mouth curls up. ‘You’re drunk.’

  ‘Yes, and you’re sexy… hot… Love you forever…’

  There’s no time to think, just dance, for the rest of the night. Thanks to Kiki disappearing, only to return with more drinks, it’s official: I have started to behave badly, embarrassing myse
lf. Of course, this will please the man of my dreams.

  Harry and I make our way to Luke and Raymond, who are standing at the bar. Having lost my ability to balance, Luke has to catch me as I stumble, which Harry and I find highly amusing.

  ‘Jesus, Kate, you’re pissed.’ Luke’s tone is hostile.

  I nod in agreement. Yet again, this appears to be the funniest thing I’ve ever heard.

  I place my arms around Harry’s neck, as my laughter turns into tears.

  ‘Harry, I love you… Be happy.’

  ‘I love you too.’ Pathetically, we have matching tears. ‘I’m not a Harper.’

  ‘I know.’ I kiss her face.

  My head begins to spin. I turn to Luke.

  ‘You… bed,’ his baritone voice commands me.

  I can’t speak for fear of throwing up. Within seconds Luke picks me up and carries me to the large staircase, in search of our suite. I close my eyes and nuzzle into his neck – my favourite place in the world.

  I can hear the door open, followed by Luke lowering me on the bed.

  ‘Stand up – let me unzip your dress.’

  Move? He wants me to move? He pulls me into his arms and reaches for my zip. I place my arms around his neck.

  ‘Are you cross?’ I giggle.

  Luke draws a deep breath. ‘No.’ He removes my underwear and pulls back the bedcovers. ‘Get into bed.’ Alone? I may be drunk, but fear and panic arrive.

  ‘Shh, I’m not going anywhere.’

  I wearily lie down and feel the protective arm that holds me every night. ‘Merry Christmas, baby,’ he whispers in my ear.

  Next morning, I open one eye at a time, trying to convince myself to wake. Why did I drink so much? I wince when I turn my head, only to see an empty space next to me. I slowly move to the bathroom and catch a glimpse of myself. As predicted, I look a bloody mess.

  I pad into the lounge, wrapping the hotel robe around my naked body. Luke looks up from the desk.

  ‘At last she surfaces from her drunken sleep.’

  ‘Was I that bad?’

  ‘Mildly entertaining.’ His dark eyes watch my walk of shame.

  I clasp my arms around his neck, as he pulls me into his lap.

  ‘Merry Christmas… Sorry, this wasn’t how I planned our first Christmas morning together.’

  He rubs his nose against mine. ‘I assume you mean with a hangover?’ He wears a smirk with an underlining message – I told you so.

  ‘No – I wanted to be at home, just us, and the tree. Special.’

  He places his hand at the nape of my neck. ‘Christ, what we’ve been through lately. This here, you sitting on my lap, is special.’ His eyes meet mine. ‘Anyway, I have something planned.’

  ‘Planned! What?’

  ‘You’ll find out later.’ He places his lips over mine. I try to pull away, knowing my breath will not be sweet. Instantly his hand slides in my robe, grabbing my breast, skimming my erect nipples with his thumb. A ripple of pleasure escapes the back of my throat.

  A knock at the door hinders our morning of Christmas passion. Luke breaks free.

  ‘Breakfast is here.’

  Lifting me off his lap, he opens the door to a waiter. I watch the food being laid out on the table. I’m not sure food is what I need.

  I walk unsteadily towards the table.

  ‘You need to hydrate your body. Maybe next time you will listen to me.’

  ‘I don’t think there’ll be a next time; my head is seriously pissed off at me.’ I sit and try to work out what food won’t make me throw up.

  Luke stands and disappears into our room, only to return with painkillers.

  ‘Take these.’

  I frown. ‘Always looking after me.’

  ‘It’s easy when you give me reason to.’

  Luke places food on my plate – a hangover cure. I’m far too fragile to argue: any sudden movement at this stage could have a catastrophic outcome – my head and the toilet!

  ‘This doesn’t feel right. I’m the biggest Christmas fan, and this feels nothing like Christmas Day.’ I push some scrambled egg around my plate.

  ‘Give it time… Eat.’ Luke looks at his watch and continues to eat. ‘Christmas lunch will be served at two – we should be done by four, and it’s eleven o’clock now. We need to meet our parents and exchange gifts. Max unloaded my car this morning, and I asked him to leave the gifts downstairs.’

  I nod, as my mouth is full.

  Luke’s mobile phone rings, and he reaches across the table and picks it up. ‘Yes.’ He watches me eat. ‘That’s fine; we’ll join you in half an hour.’ He places his phone on the table.

  ‘Sounds like our morning is going to get busy?’ I reach for my coffee.

  ‘Yes, but you knew that when the wedding was arranged for Christmas Eve. Although having everyone under the same roof does make it slightly easier: we can escape after lunch.’

  ‘Escape… where?’

  Luke taps his nose.

  ‘But I haven’t packed for us to stay away.’

  Luke stands and drops a kiss on my head. ‘We won’t need clothes.’ He walks towards the bedroom. I can hear him running a bath. This is my favourite Luke, loving and caring. How many hours did he say until we’re alone?

  The painkillers seem to have done their job – that and a hot bath. I almost feel human – almost! Dressed in a cream lace blouse and cream jeans, I’m ready to face the world on Christmas Day.

  I emerge in the lounge. ‘Is everything OK?’

  ‘Yes.’ Luke walks towards me, scanning my outfit. ‘You look beautiful. How’s your head?’

  I link my arms around his neck. ‘Fragile!’ I plant a cheeky kiss on his lips. ‘Merry Christmas.’ I take a breath, thanking my lucky stars – Luke and Max could have died.

  ‘Let’s go, they’re serving hot chocolate and marshmallows.’

  I grimace at the thought. ‘Not for me.’

  After exchanging presents and reminiscing about yesterday, we all make our way to the ballroom. I sit with Luke on one side and Max on the other – perfect dinner partners. I can’t help but feel subdued, not only with the hangover from hell, but I can’t stop wondering about Ivor. Where is he, and is he thinking about me?

  Luke leans to me. ‘What’s wrong?’

  ‘I’m fine.’

  He pulls my chin. We make eye contact. ‘Honesty.’

  ‘Ivor. Do you wonder where he is – I mean, today, Christmas Day?’ I feel sorry that he’s alone, even though he doesn’t deserve the space in my head and heart – I want to see him.

  ‘No! I need to keep you safe.’ He looks at his watch. ‘Couple of hours and then we’ll go.’

  I seal his declaration with a kiss. ‘And we don’t need any clothes?’

  The roast turkey dinner arrives. I look up and down the table, taking in all the faces of everyone who means something to me, all here in one place. Actually, this is the perfect Christmas Day.

  I link my arm through Max’s.

  ‘How are you feeling today?’

  ‘Good. I just want to get back to normal.’

  ‘Well, I’m pleased you’re back. So, tell me, what’s James’s house like? I know it’s in Switzerland, but Luke hasn’t said much other than that.’

  ‘Secluded. There’s nothing around for miles. I’m not sure you’d like it – there’s not enough people to talk to.’ His face lights up when he smiles.

  ‘Right up your street, then.’ I give him a little shove. ‘Do you still feel pain in your leg?’

  ‘No, honestly I’m fine. Do you think Luke would have me back otherwise, especially where you’re concerned?’ He places his hand over mine.

  ‘I guess not.’

  ‘Luke said you still have nightmares.’

  I nod. ‘I hate them
. He wants me to see someone.’

  ‘I’m sure they’ll fade.’ Max looks away. ‘Christ, you drove me mad in that bloody hospital; I needed to go to Sullivan’s just for a break.’

  ‘Just think how much I taught you. You now know all this year’s top-selling outfits and what’s predicted for spring.’ We laugh.

  He takes a sip of wine, maybe for Dutch courage. ‘You’re special, Kate… Very special.’

  I plant a hasty kiss on his cheek. ‘Too bloody right I’m special, putting up with you – and what with him,’ I tilt my head towards Luke, ‘I need an award’.

  I try to lighten the mood. Four months down the line, the explosion is still raw for us all.

  After lunch is over, I stand and move towards Harry, stealing Raymond’s chair and sharing it with Kiki.

  ‘I can’t believe you’re married.’ I take hold of Harry’s hand and look at her ring. She’s definitely married!

  ‘She won’t be the last,’ Kiki says.

  ‘I don’t think so; we’re not there yet… Anyway, I can’t think beyond the business trip to New York,’ I say.

  ‘I forgot you were going.’ Kiki says.

  ‘I wish I could… The wedding has stopped me from thinking about it.’ My stomach flips.

  ‘Harper, you’re stronger than you look.’

  I crook my neck to look at Kiki. ‘You reckon? May I remind you that Alexis and Philip Cooper hate me? That’s a good enough reason for me not to go. Besides, Bagrov and Cooper is thriving – they don’t need me.’ Not that I can do much to help!

  ‘You’ll be fine. Just think of it as a discussion around a dinner table,’ Harry says.

  ‘It’s just… you know what I’m like. Kate Harper, businesswoman? Even when you say it aloud, I want to laugh.’

  The girls join in my amusement.

  ‘You can’t put it off for much longer.’ Harry takes my hand.

  ‘That’s what Luke says… I’ve sidestepped it so far. Just the thought of seeing Alexis and Philip is enough to make me throw up. Anyhow, I need a job.’

  ‘You’re loaded.’ Harry says.

  ‘We’re loaded – I told you, it’s just as much your money as it’s mine… Christ, take me back to my first day at Hudson Bay Interiors when I was a nine-to-five girl.’


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