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Harper's Fortune

Page 14

by F. C. Clark

  ‘Baby, no! This is not your fault.’

  ‘Er – yes it is! My Russian ancestors and all that goes with them. I’m angry that Dad’s brushed the adoption under the carpet, and Mum supports him. Just before Christmas, Harry and I tried to get him to open up, but he just wouldn’t. I don’t get it. We could have disowned them, but we haven’t and never would.’

  ‘Have you thought that he’s probably in shock – not only from the attack but also the biggest secret in his life is out there – your adoption? Maybe it’s time to sit down with them both again.’

  ‘What’s the point?’

  Luke gently skims my cheek.

  ‘Luke, it’s easier for them to pretend that nothing’s changed.’ I look towards the roaring fire.

  ‘In some ways it hasn’t; they would do anything for you and Harry. For them to carry on as normal is the only way they will get back what they lost, and perhaps get rid of their guilt.’

  ‘That makes me feel worse. I’m judging Dad for befriending Katenka – shame I don’t do that to Ivor.’

  ‘You’re curious about him.’

  ‘You think? Run, Sutton, run like the wind… You’ve found yourself a lunatic girlfriend with a shitload of baggage.’

  ‘You’re my kind of crazy.’

  ‘Even though I have a crazy Russian father, who I want to find? Help me, Luke – this is a huge deal for me; please don’t sidestep me.’

  ‘Perhaps you should spend more time with Susan and Malcolm and less on…’ He trails off.

  ‘Ivor? You won’t burn saying his name. Look, Mum and Dad know I love them. Clearly, nothing’s bloody changed – considering my life has. I need this, not them or Harry. I need this… You know what surprises me? You.’

  His eyes widen.

  ‘Don’t look like that – you know what I mean. And, for the record, I think you do know where he is, but you’re holding out! You have the means to know, that’s why I asked you when you got back from Switzerland – you and Sullivan are as thick as thieves but apparently you know nothing. I don’t believe you.’

  He takes a deep breath, one filled with frustration. ‘That’s unfair.’

  ‘Is it? Then tell me I’m wrong.’

  ‘You’re wrong, and I will never forgive the person who tied you to the chair – that person may be Ivor.’

  ‘My gut instinct, for what it’s worth, is that it wasn’t Ivor.’

  ‘Don’t knock it, my gut instinct has saved me more times than I care to admit.’

  ‘While we’re on the subject of missing Russians, I’ve decided to look into Katenka’s death.’

  ‘You’ve read the coroner’s report from Sullivan – it clearly states her death was suicide.’

  ‘I think Ivor was right; something doesn’t add up.’

  ‘Gut instinct, again?’

  ‘Don’t take the piss… Something’s bugging me about this.’ I take his hand. ‘I need to find out; I don’t know how, but I have to.’

  Luke leans across and kisses my cheek. ‘I’ll help you, but I need you to be honest with me – no disappearing to Russia.’

  I can’t help but smile. ‘Never! Besides, I have my very own assassin.’

  ‘Oi, watch it.’ Luke gauges the people nearby.

  ‘That reminds me, are you going to dress up in your 007 wannabe outfit?’

  ‘No… Unless it’s to rescue your tight little arse – again.’

  I watch Luke sleep, and run my fingers through his hair, skimming the small scar on his shoulder from the explosion. Thank God I kept him talking that afternoon; him running late may have saved his life. I close my eyes for a second, and the image of Luke lying next to the burning car is a scary reminder that today could have been very different. He spent years in the military and got no scars; I walk into his life and he now has the scars to prove it. My mind goes over our conversation in the pub, but I’m too exhausted to think about how I can move forward. I hook my leg over Luke’s, needing to feel close to him, although Luke buried deep inside me ten minutes ago would constitute being as close as two people can be.

  The smoke fills my lungs – I can’t breathe. Arms pull at me, stopping me from moving. I scream Luke’s name again and again. My heart pumps fast, desperately. Through the grey mist I can see someone moving slowly. I call out his name…

  My eyes open. I can’t breathe. Luke lies sprawled across the bed next to me. He’s safe. I close my eyes; he’s safe. I still can’t breathe, and gasp for air.

  I slide out of bed, wrap my fur coat around my naked body, and slip on my Hunter boots. I open the back door. Shit, it’s freezing! I walk across the sand towards the sea. I look down at my watch. It’s seven thirty. The sound of the sea is hypnotic. I close my eyes and inhale the salty air. The love of my life is alive and asleep.

  A hand around my waist bursts through my thoughts.


  I nod.

  ‘Clear morning.’ Luke kisses the top of my head.

  ‘Stunning.’ I exhale.

  ‘Did you need some air?’

  ‘I couldn’t breathe.’ My shaky voice indicates the horror show that woke me. ‘It was the same as before; you were coming out of the smoke.’

  Luke turns me to face him. ‘Maybe it’s time to see someone.’

  ‘No… I haven’t had a nightmare since… the night before the wedding. I’m usually OK if you’re with me.’

  ‘That’s not a problem. I hate leaving you.’

  I link my hands around his neck. ‘Let me try and deal with them before you lock me up.’

  ‘Any excuse to lock you up.’ My coat opens slightly. ‘Kate Harper, you’re naked on the beach.’ His cold hands slip inside my coat.

  ‘No, I have a coat on, and your hands are bloody freezing.’

  He tilts his head and gives me his one-sided fuck me now smile. Shit, I’m now officially ready for him.

  ‘You have a couple of choices.’

  ‘Luke Sutton offering choices? There must be a catch,’ I respond sharply.

  ‘Yes… Choices. The beach or,’ he looks back towards the decking, ‘the sun-lounger.’ A wolfish grin spreads across his face.

  ‘They’re your choices… in the freezing bloody cold?’ I laugh. ‘Who said romance was dead?’

  Luke’s lips cover mine urgently. His touch is caring, but I can feel his need for me. His strong arms hold me close to his chest, protecting me – after all, it’s his job. Perhaps he thinks of me as the assignment he couldn’t fulfil. His chest expands against mine; I move my head and look up to him. He sweeps the hair away from my face, the look in his eyes suggesting this is more than sex. This is Luke Sutton giving himself to me; no one can touch us when we’re together. ‘You’re safe here; this is our place.’

  I nod. A safe haven for him too.

  He scoops me up in his arms and begins to walk.

  ‘I’m guessing the beach is off the menu.’

  ‘You were too slow. Besides, I like to have you in private.’

  Luke steps up onto the secluded deck and lowers my feet to the wood. Instinctively the connection between us alters. My hands link around his neck, drawing his lips to mine; his tongue is as piercing as the morning sun. His hands wander inside my coat: once again, cold hands on my soft, warm skin.

  He moves me towards a lounger and sits down. ‘Straddle me.’

  ‘Luke, you must be freezing.’ He just has a T-shirt and short joggers to keep him warm.

  ‘I’m fine; just straddle me.’

  I spread my legs, lower myself down, and meet his early morning erection.

  ‘Weather conditions don’t affect you.’

  ‘No… Suck me.’

  ‘Or your demands!’

  My hands yank at his jogger shorts, freeing his heavy erection into the palm of my hand. I m
ove down his legs and lean forward. I gaze up at his face and run my tongue across my lower lip. His breathing quickens before I lick the crown of his hardness. Seconds later, my mouth closes around him.

  ‘Jesus, Kate.’

  My hand begins to pump his shaft. His thighs tense beneath me and soft seductive groans echo through his slightly parted lips. The sounds he makes when I have him turn me on, encouraging me to take him to a place he takes me every time I’m close to orgasm. I continue until pre-cum swirls inside my mouth, and I know he’s close.

  He pulls at my shoulders. ‘Baby, I want to be inside you.’

  I raise myself off him and wipe my mouth on the back of my hand. He takes hold of his erection.

  ‘Christ… my dick is so hard.’

  I nod.

  ‘Lift up.’ His hand gently slides inside my sex. ‘Good – you’re ready, as always.’ He holds the head of his erection at my sex. ‘Slowly.’ I lower myself and groan. ‘Don’t move – wait.’ Luke looks at me. ‘Breathe, baby.’

  ‘I am.’

  ‘OK – you have me… Jesus.’

  Let the games begin.

  The soles of my Hunters make contact with the decking, giving me leverage to thrust. Luke pulls my coat open. The cold air meets my warm skin: it’s breath-taking, especially with his fingers circulating over my clit in a small motion with a huge impact.

  ‘You look hot… I want to touch your arse.’

  I almost freeze on the spot.

  Luke senses my uncertainty. ‘Trust me.’

  I nod. Fuck!

  ‘Lift yourself off me.’ He grips my hips and eases me off him.

  He inserts his fingers in my sex, distributing my juices from my clit to the opening of my arse. He repeats this over and over again. It feels naughty – but sexy.

  ‘Take me again.’ He guides me in and readjusts his position.

  His eyes are scorching, and so is his touch against the entrance to my arse, as his other hand increases the pressure on my clit. I gasp when he inserts his finger. Fuck! I pathetically try to maintain my rhythm, but as my body is being manipulated in various places I struggle to carry on.

  ‘That’s it… keep going. Look at me. Baby, look at me.’

  I raise my head at the same time his hands work harder. The sensation is killing me: my breathing is rapid and my skin is on fire.

  ‘I know you want to come, but just hold off.’

  Hold off? Is he joking? I try to slow myself, but I can’t. Luke inserts his finger further into my arse.

  ‘Shit… Luke… I can’t…’ I’m gone.

  ‘Give it to me, Kate.’

  I close my eyes and ride the rush. He’s relentless this morning, and I’m happy to take it.

  ‘Again… Kate, look at me.’

  I open my eyes and lick my dry lips.

  ‘Give me another orgasm. You’re so wet. Jesus, Kate.’

  My nipples harden with the sensations he’s arousing in me, and the temperature outside. He fingers my arse again, but faster. ‘Is this OK?’

  ‘Yes,’ I whisper, as the second orgasm arrives. ‘Oh my God… don’t stop… Luke.’

  ‘I’m with you,’ he says through gritted teeth. ‘Fuck… keep going.’

  His breathing grows shallow and his jaw clenches. One more thrust and his body slackens. He removes his fingers from various places. I lower my head to his T-shirt. Wow, that was intense.

  Luke runs his hands through my matted hair. ‘I think Sandbanks has a lot to offer.’

  I laugh, still feeling dazed.

  ‘I may have to question your choices.’ My arse! What shocks me is that I enjoyed it so much. ‘I’m cold.’

  ‘I’ll run a hot bath for us both.’

  I nod, too cold to speak.

  Emptying the fridge, I decide what to cook for our last evening together at Sandbanks. The thought of leaving our safe haven tomorrow hits me: back to reality, and back to dealing with the Coopers. For the first time in months I have felt contented. How can something so simple be so hard to achieve? My emotions swell inside me: having money and a busy life doesn’t mean happiness.

  Luke’s voice distracts me from the task in hand.

  ‘If it doesn’t arrive, I can assure you there will be trouble,’ he yells. He shuts his phone off, running his hands through his hair. He sees me watching him.

  ‘Problem?’ I pass him a coffee.

  ‘No.’ He reaches over and gives me a kiss. ‘Work issues. How are you getting on with packing?’

  ‘It’s nearly done, just some bits left that I’ll pack tomorrow… Risotto OK for dinner?’

  ‘Are you asking me to cook again?’ Luke drinks his coffee, taking my hand as we walk back to the lounge, the room we have lived in for the last week.


  ‘Then risotto will be fine.’

  We lie on the bed watching another film. My head rests on Luke’s chest, and I relax, allowing my body and mind to enjoy our last afternoon of the year together – it’s New Year’s Eve. Luke’s phone buzzes, and he reads a message.

  ‘I’m going for a run.’ He places a kiss on the top of my head.


  I stay on the bed as Luke leaves me with my thoughts and my Christmas present, an empty pink notepad. My life is like the notebook: an empty sheet of paper waiting to be filled with hopes and dreams!

  Before long the door opens again, and Luke enters, panting.

  ‘Good run?’ He nods and leans forward, planting a damp kiss on my cheek. ‘You’re sweaty.’

  ‘Do you want a shower?’ he says in his raspy voice, which is mixed with breathlessness – quite captivating.

  I laugh. ‘Do I have a choice?’

  He tilts his head. ‘You always have a choice. But I do have powers of persuasion.’

  I’m now wet and ready. I stand, and go with him.

  Our last night passes with us both playing with the Scalextric and Luke making an assault course for his remote control car.

  ‘Here’s the deal. If you reverse the car in between the boxes, I’ll let you drive my Aston when we get home.’

  ‘Oh, really? Well, I’ll reverse the car, but I have no intention of ever driving your baby.’

  ‘OK.’ For the first time he doesn’t fight me. We both know that hell will freeze over before he lets me behind the wheel of the love of his life.

  Luke looks at his watch.

  ‘Half an hour to go. I’ll get some champagne.’

  My head rests against the window. The outside lights show the weather is dismal, with strong wind and rain. With the fire roaring and the fairy lights twinkling, the outside elements have no effect on our peaceful evening.

  ‘Kate.’ I turn to see Luke holding two champagne flutes.

  I take a cold glass of bubbly. ‘Thank you. Cheers.’


  I take a sip.

  ‘Put your coat on. I want us to go outside to bring the new year in.’ He takes my glass.

  ‘It’s raining.’

  Luke laughs. ‘Good.’

  ‘How’s that good?’

  ‘Baby, I met you when you were wet – I see this as a lucky sign of our lasting relationship.’

  Oh God, the day I arrived at Sutton Global drenched.

  ‘Mr S, are you being sentimental?’ I reach up and give him a kiss, and realise I will have to oblige in his little game.

  We look identical in black Musto coats and black Hunters.



  Luke opens the back door. The wind hits me as soon as we step out on to the decking. He takes my hand and leads me along the beach. I guess he really does want to get me wet! We stand at one side of the house. Luke checks his watch. ‘A minute to go.’

  I place my a
rms around his neck. ‘I love you, Luke Sutton. This has been the best Christmas ever. Thank you.’

  ‘I love you too… Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one – Happy New Year.’

  ‘Happy New year.’

  ‘I want you to do something for me.’

  ‘What?’ The rain continues to drench us both.

  ‘Press this button.’ He passes me something. It looks like a car alarm. ‘Press it now.’

  I press the button, and a set of car headlights shines directly in front of us. Luke takes my hand and guides me towards the beam. The car is parked on the verge.

  ‘Holy shit… Luke!’


  I turn, to see Luke on his knees. ‘Will you?’

  I stare at the number plate in disbelief. It is M4RRY M3.


  I join him on my knees. ‘Yes,’ I whisper hoarsely. I can barely speak. His question has shocked me to the core. Luke wants to marry me! Holy crap! The words go round in my head – Luke wants to marry me!

  He takes my face and kisses me hard. The strong wind blows the hood of my coat back, allowing the rain to soak my hair and trickle down my cheeks.

  He pulls away. ‘You won’t regret it, Kate… Let me show you something.’

  He takes the black key fob from my hands and waves it in front of my face. I notice something sparkling there. Luke unties the black ribbon and removes a ring.

  ‘Kate Harper, will you marry me?’ He slips the ring on my finger and takes my hands.

  My tears fall.

  ‘Yes.’ I lower my gaze to the ring: a simple diamond solitaire – it’s stunning.

  ‘I love you, my fiancée.’ His face lights up in a way I have never seen before.

  ‘I like the sound of that.’

  ‘Me too. You have possessed me, Kate Harper.’ Luke stands and holds his hand out. ‘I have something else to show you.’

  I place my hand in his as we walk to the car. He presses the button again, illuminating our path.

  ‘This is your last gift.’

  ‘The car!’

  ‘It’s a Bentley Continental GT. The number plate was… difficult to get hold of.’

  ‘It’s real!’ I laugh. Only Luke would be able to find a way to inform everyone that I’m officially off the market.


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