Book Read Free

Harper's Fortune

Page 20

by F. C. Clark

  ‘Let’s go for a walk. I fancy a burger and a beer.’

  Luke tilts his head. ‘It’s your choice.’

  ‘Yep, nothing flashy, burger and then bed.’

  ‘Bed… I like that idea.’ His mouth finds mine. Eat me, Luke.


  Smoke fills my lungs. I cough and call Luke’s name. The grey smog begins to disperse. I watch Luke get up. He can barely stand, but he staggers to Max and begins to drag him from the flames. I try to stand, but my legs won’t move. Jerry and Rosie run past me as I watch Luke collapse to the ground. No… no… no!

  My eyes shoot open, my heart beating wildly. I turn to Luke and gently skim his cheek. God, I hate these nightmares. I look at my watch – four thirty. I lift the covers and head to the bathroom, where I switch on the shower, allowing the steam and hot water to get rid of the memory of the dream.

  I tighten the belt of the hotel robe around my damp body and rest my head against the window. It’s still dark outside but of course all the lights are on in the surrounding skyscrapers. Part of me wants Luke to wake up. It’s no use; I need fresh air.

  I pull my jeans on over my clammy legs, followed by Luke’s hoodie and my black Converse. I scrape my hair into a ponytail. New York is not ready for Roller Girl – come to think of it, no city should be punished with that vision. Last, I grab my black riding coat and head for the door. I stop to write Luke a note.

  Dear Luke,

  I’ve gone for a walk.

  I love you. x

  I place it on my pillow. Old habits die hard.

  Pushing through the revolving door, I swiftly move to the kerb and close my eyes, allowing the cold air to wash over me.

  ‘Excuse me, Miss Harper.’

  A voice breaks my moment. I turn to see a member of staff.


  ‘Do you need anything?’

  ‘I’m fine, thank you.’

  The young man nods and begins to walk away.

  ‘Actually, there is something. Is there a driver available, or is it too early?’

  ‘Yes, of course. I will call him out front.’

  ‘Thank you.’

  He turns and heads back through the revolving doors.

  My arms lock tightly around my body. It’s bloody freezing.

  ‘Why, if it isn’t the delightful Kate Harper – or should I say soon-to-be Kate Sutton?’

  I turn at the sound. A tall, lanky man beams at me. It’s Charles Morley – an acquaintance of Luke’s, definitely not a friend. I’ve only met him once before, at a ball, but for some reason I quite like him. He’s odd – I guess he’s slightly eccentric.

  ‘Charles Morley… You’re the last person I expected to see here.’


  ‘You’re up and out early.’

  ‘Not out – just getting back from a night out.’ He laughs.

  ‘Long night.’

  ‘Yes, and a long day in bed to compensate.’

  ‘Lucky for some.’

  ‘I live every second, Kate.’ He smirks and throws his coat over his shoulder.

  I’m sure he does!

  A car pulls alongside me and a chauffeur steps out. ‘Miss Harper.’


  The driver holds the door open. I turn to Charles. ‘It was nice to see you – enjoy the rest of your day, sleeping.’

  ‘I will, Kate. Oh, and tell Luke to get you down the aisle before someone steals you away from him.’

  My eyes roll. ‘I’m not up for grabs… But I’ll tell Luke you’re pleased for us.’

  ‘Where to, Miss Harper?’ The driver looks at me through the rear-view mirror.

  ‘Oh! Rosewood Ivy Hotel, do you know it? I don’t have the address: all I know is that it’s old or probably rundown – sorry.’

  ‘Yes, ma’am. It’s being restored. It’s only a few blocks from here.’

  ‘Great.’ I sit back and watch New York begin to wake up.

  The car pulls up in front of a derelict building, which is huge and looks like a hotel, or at the very least a prominent building. The building is sectioned off from the public with a metal fence. I open the door and step out onto the pavement. The driver instantly arrives at my side.

  ‘Is this it?’

  I nod. ‘It looks bigger in real life.’ The picture Tanya showed me doesn’t do it justice.

  ‘It’s great that some investor wants to bring it back to life.’

  ‘That’s me… Well, not literally me, but my company.’ Wow – my company! ‘Do you have a torch?’

  ‘Yes, ma’am.’ The driver returns with a reasonably large torch. ‘Can I ask, are you going into the building? They probably have security?’

  ‘Yeah, I want to look inside.’ I scan for cameras or some form of security.

  ‘That’s breaking and entering in this city.’

  ‘Not if you own it – sort of. I can go in alone.’

  ‘No, I’d better go with you.’

  I extend my hand. ‘I’m Kate Harper, and you are?’

  ‘Michael, ma’am.’

  ‘Let’s drop the ma’am; you’re making me feel like I’m a hundred.’

  Michael laughs. ‘It’s protocol…’

  ‘Kate.’ I end his statement.


  ‘See, that was a walk in the park.’ I turn to look at the magnificent building; it must have been stunning in its heyday.

  There is a small opening in the metal fence that is large enough to fit through. Michael is fairly short, and squeezes through behind me. We walk towards the front of the building. I yank the lock on the main door, which is keeping out unwanted visitors – I guess I fall into that category. To the right I notice a small window opening, which is not boarded up. I begin to climb through.

  ‘Are you sure about this?’ Michael asks.

  ‘It’ll be fine. Besides, we won’t be long.’

  My leg goes through first, and I scramble in, falling to the floor, covering my coat in dust.

  ‘You OK?’

  ‘Yeah.’ I get to my feet and pat the dust from my coat. ‘Some cleaning wouldn’t go amiss.’

  Michael soon joins me. I switch the torch on and scan the area. We are in a rundown room, with a broken bar area in one corner and a large fireplace in the centre. We continue through to what looks like the main reception area. For the first time I’m grateful that I’m not alone. Not only is the huge building in complete darkness, but the silence is eerie.

  The torch offers me a glimpse of what was once here. The décor is from the 1920s: the art nouveau designs are tired, yet evident.

  I wander further into the main area, shining my torch around. As I turn around, I scream. Michael heads to my side. My torch has shone in someone’s face! Their arm is over their face, shielding them from the glare.

  ‘I don’t know who you are, but remove that torch from my face.’ A voice echoes through the great room.

  ‘Crap… Sorry. You made me jump.’ Shit. I’ve been caught.

  I can hear the person move away. I suddenly hear a sound – perhaps some kind of generator – and then powerful lights beam from every corner of the room, making me squint. I switch my torch off.

  ‘You want to explain why you’re here before I call the cops?’

  I can now see the man who has found me. He stands with his hands on his hips. Wow, he’s good-looking, in jeans, a navy shirt and a tweed jacket, with streaked mousey hair falling around his face. On second thoughts, he’s hot! I can feel my cheeks flush.

  ‘I’m from Bagrov and Cooper,’ I say.

  He walks towards me, taking my arm, guiding me away from the lights. ‘Careful of the leads.’

  I look down and cautiously step over the various leads snaking around the room.

My company may buy this hotel.’

  ‘I know who they are.’ He’s arsey – and hot. ‘You shouldn’t really be here. There are guidelines – not to mention you don’t have any safety equipment.’

  My hands fist on my hips – never a good sign!

  ‘Neither do you.’ Oh, here I go. Someone switch my filter on. ‘To be honest, your security system is crap. I wandered straight in. You love a lawsuit in this country, so I’m sure that’s asking for trouble.’ Christ, this man is good-looking. Stay on your game, Harper.

  He smiles, and moves closer. ‘Is that so?’

  ‘Merely an observation. Take it or leave it.’ Is it hot in here, or is it me?

  ‘How did you get in?’

  ‘A window. Actually, it wasn’t boarded up; you might as well have left a welcome sign.’

  His smile spreads wide. Wow, it’s dazzling. ‘Next time, go through the correct channels.’

  I shrug and bite my lip. ‘Fair enough. Anyway, who are you?’

  He extends his hand. ‘Bradley Taylor, architect. We could end up working together if you like what you see.’

  ‘Like what I see?’ Shit, did I just repeat his words?

  ‘Yeah, do you like what you see?’

  Fuck, is he talking about the hotel or him? It’s far too early for flirting.

  He tilts his head. ‘Your name is…’

  I cough, clearing my throat. ‘Kate Harper – and, honestly, I’ve seen better and I haven’t said yes yet, so this might be a waste of your time.’

  The sound of a woman’s voice calling Bradley’s name thankfully cools the atmosphere. Still, his eyes remain on me.

  We both look at where the voice came from. Shit! It’s Alexis Cooper.

  ‘Kate! What are you doing here?’

  ‘I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. Besides, it’s early.’ I look at my watch. It’s now six thirty. ‘I didn’t expect to see anyone here.’ Least of all her! Shit. I’m completely out of my depth, not to mention underdressed for the occasion – unlike Alexis, who wears a fitted tan suit and black shirt. As usual, she epitomises a businesswoman. I, on the other hand, resemble a vagrant.

  ‘I have back-to-back meetings. Time is money, Kate.’ She walks closer to Bradley and me. ‘You should have asked. I would have arranged for someone to show you the building yesterday… I take it your visit means you’re going to vote for buying the hotel?’

  ‘You were confident I’d say yes to this project, weren’t you? I mean, you already have an architect working on the drawings.’

  ‘We needed to make sure our idea was viable.’

  ‘Do you want me to be honest with you?’ I fold my arms.

  ‘Please,’ she says curtly.

  ‘Your dad needs to keep his opinions to himself. It makes no difference to me whether this plan goes ahead or not.’

  She laughs. ‘You have no clue about my father.’

  I take a step forward. ‘Your father’s a prick, and you can tell him that too.’

  Bradley moves between us. ‘OK, ladies, shall we stop this discussion?’ He places his hand against my back and gestures with his other hand to Alexis. ‘Let’s take this to the table.’

  We move.

  ‘Alexis, you’re here to look over the plans?’


  ‘Kate, you need to see them too. Hopefully this will help with your decision.’

  ‘Fine,’ I reply grumpily.

  We all walk towards a large desk on which are laid various architectural designs of the existing building and the proposed new layout.

  ‘So, ladies, here are the revised plans. Alexis, you will notice the modifications you requested, and the changes your father also wanted.’

  I look at the plans. This man is good. The new building looks stunning. However, I can’t see the magnificent staircase that is directly in front of us. Even dilapidated, it remains breath-taking.

  ‘Can I ask a question?’

  Bradley nods.

  ‘The staircase – it’s not the same. It makes no sense to remove it. Surely it can be repaired?’

  Bradley smiles, flashing his perfect all-American teeth. Christ, he’s handsome. Still, he’s no Luke Sutton.

  ‘Alexis and I have discussed this. However, Philip doesn’t like the staircase and wants to modernise the entrance.’

  I lean off the desk and stand up. ‘What the hell does Philip Cooper know about interiors? Seriously, that’s the worst decision. He may be a good businessman, but to remove this staircase would be criminal.’

  ‘My father knows what he’s talking about.’

  Why is she defending a decision that she clearly has issues with? After her silence yesterday, I now begin to analyse her behaviour. How strong is she?

  ‘I think that’s bullshit, and you know it. To remove this structure would be like taking away the essence of the building. Bradley, do you agree?’ Alexis and I stare at him.

  ‘I agree with Kate; this staircase can be made to look contemporary. Alexis, you wanted to keep it, and we’ve had many debates with your father over this.’ Bradley stands back and slides his hands into his jeans pockets.

  ‘Well then, it’s sorted. If he wants my vote, the staircase stays.’

  ‘Kate, I’m warning you, do not piss off my father. He can be brutal if you get on the wrong side of him. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.’

  ‘Is that a girl-to-girl warning? I think we’ve been here before. I don’t care what your dad thinks; I’ll make my own decisions.’ I look across the room to see Michael shifting from side to side, looking uncomfortable. ‘I think I should leave.’ Before I launch at her. ‘Nice to meet you, Bradley.’

  ‘You too, Kate. I’m sure we’ll be seeing a lot more of each other.’ He’s definitely flirting. ‘Let me open the main door. Unless you like crawling through windows.’

  ‘Very funny.’

  He laughs. ‘You’re quite amusing.’

  ‘That’s the British for you.’

  Michael and I follow him towards the main door.

  ‘Until next time, Kate.’

  The car pulls up outside the hotel, and I look at my watch. It’s nearly eight o’clock – crap, where did the time go?

  ‘Anything else I can help you with, Miss Harper – sorry, Kate?’

  ‘No, but thanks for your help.’

  ‘Not a problem.’

  The heat from the hotel lobby is a welcome treat. I swiftly move to the lift and arrive at the top floor. I wonder if Luke is awake?

  I open the door and watch Luke pace the lounge area, speaking on his phone, dressed in black trousers and white shirt, his tie hanging loose. He catches sight of me and stops.

  ‘Tell the team to stand down; she’s here.’ He places his phone in his pocket, and moves towards me. ‘Where the fuck have you been?’ His eyes are almost black.


  ‘Where have you been? It’s a simple question.’ He runs a hand through his hair.

  ‘I left you a note. I went for a walk.’

  ‘I’ve been awake since six; it must have been a long fucking walk.’ He moves to the desk and holds up a mobile phone – my mobile phone. ‘This is your phone; you’re supposed to keep it with you.’ He looks ready to explode.

  ‘OK. I forgot my phone. You do realise that you’re being bloody irrational again? And you mentioned a team – who were you talking to?’

  ‘Oh no, you don’t get to ask questions.’ He laughs humourlessly. ‘You were missing and you want to call me irrational. Fuck. I should have brought Max.’

  ‘Luke, this is ridiculous. I woke from a nightmare and needed air. I went downstairs, and instead of walking the streets in the dark, I asked a driver to show me the hotel that Bagrov and Cooper want to buy. It’s no big deal.’

  ‘A pointles
s exercise; you didn’t need to see the hotel. As for your nightmare, you should have woken me.’

  ‘Hang on a minute. Back up… What do you mean a pointless exercise?’ I can’t believe his flippant remark.

  ‘Kate, there was no need to visit the hotel; you said yourself you wanted to let Philip sweat overnight.’

  I shake my head. ‘That’s bullshit, and clearly not what you meant. Just tell me how it is. You have the same opinion as Philip, don’t you? Just turn up and look pretty. What possible input can I bring? Well, thank you very much.’ I look at the floor, feeling betrayed.

  ‘No, you don’t, Harper. This discussion is not about your ability, so don’t stand there and flip it on its arse. You went AWOL.’ Luke points his finger in my face. ‘Someone tried to harm you and kill me, so you’re fucking right I want to know where you are.’ He looks at his watch. ‘I don’t have time for this.’

  ‘No, but you have time to tell me I’m crap at this business bullshit.’

  He glares at me. ‘Tanya has the address of where you need to meet me for lunch, as I have a surprise guest turning up.’ He speaks at me, not to me. He turns and collects his jacket from the desk.

  I shake my head at him. ‘Are you for real?’

  He stops. ‘You were in the wrong disappearing this morning. Whether you like it or not, this proves my point.’

  ‘Which one, Luke?’

  ‘Trust. I can’t trust you.’

  ‘Trust? That’s rich coming from you! I found out about the real Luke Sutton when I was tied to a bloody chair! Lucky me, my boyfriend is some kind of psycho who likes his girlfriends to wear tracking devices. Oh, because that’s not fucked up, is it? ’

  ‘That watch saved your life! I saved your life.’

  ‘Oh, whatever, Luke! You’re really getting on my tits,’ I murmur and head towards the bedroom. Luke follows me.

  ‘Don’t mumble – if you have something else to add then say it. As for your safety, I will protect you at all costs.’ He collects his black wool overcoat from the bed.

  ‘Why don’t you put a bloody leash around my neck? Is that clear enough for you.’

  ‘Don’t tempt me.’


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