Book Read Free

Harper's Fortune

Page 43

by F. C. Clark

  I tap his shoulder. ‘Oi – watch it.’

  ‘Jesus, Kate – tomorrow you’ll be Mrs Sutton. Christ, that makes you sound prehistoric.’

  ‘Any other compliments you want to share? I’m likely to throw you in the bloody canal at Venice.’

  He nudges my arm. ‘Chill. How’s Mr Three-Grand-an-Hour Sutton?’

  ‘OK.’ I think! ‘Where’s Kiki?’

  ‘You have three guesses – oh, and she isn’t late.’

  ‘You’re joking! Please don’t tell me she’s jumped back into Declan’s bed.’

  ‘Bloody hell, babe, hold your horses; they’re only talking. We’re not all like you and lover boy; some of us have willpower.’

  ‘I assume “us” does not include you.’

  ‘Point taken! As soon as we got here, Declan came over and wanted a word – apparently to clear the air. Oh Christ, don’t look now.’

  ‘What?’ I turn to see Declan and Kiki locked in an embrace, with full-on lip contact. ‘Not again! Give me strength.’

  Luke holds my hand during take-off. I rest my head on his shoulder, feeling relaxed for the first time since last week.

  ‘Are you OK?’ Luke kisses the top of my head.

  ‘More than OK. I’m excited – what about you?’ I tilt my head to read his eyes. Thankfully, the dark cloud has lifted.

  ‘I’ll be happier once tomorrow is over.’

  ‘Oh – that’s not quite what I was expecting to hear.’

  He gives me a smile, the one that makes me melt. ‘Not for your perfect day to be over, but you’ll be mine forever, Mrs Sutton.’

  ‘Now I get you. I feel nervous. I just hope everything runs smoothly.’

  ‘It will, baby.’

  ‘What time will James and Scott arrive?’

  ‘Sullivan should already be there, and Parker will arrive at the same time as us.’

  ‘The story you’ve told everyone – you said they’re your old colleagues from the bank?’

  He laughs. ‘Yes, the bank.’

  ‘You must have had some serious paper cuts.’

  ‘The worst.’ He looks above us to see the seatbelt sign has turned green. ‘Come to the office.’

  ‘What!’ I look at him with curiosity.

  ‘There’s something we need to discuss in private, we won’t get time when we land.’

  He stands from his seat and holds out his hand, without hesitation I join him.

  ‘Where are you two going? Mile-high club – whoop whoop.’

  I hit Barney’s arm.

  ‘Oi, Sutton, I bet this baby costs more than three grand an hour.’

  I turn and glare at Barney, who finds himself highly amusing.

  In his office, Luke sits at his desk, and pulls me to his lap.

  ‘Go on, I know it’s about money… a pre-nup thing.’

  ‘What?’ He runs his hand up my back to the nape of my neck.

  ‘It’s what you do if you’re loaded… Safeguard your money.’

  Luke tries to hide his amusement. ‘Thanks, baby, I do know what it is, I’m just confused about why you said it.’

  ‘I don’t know. It’s just hit me that you’re loaded an—’

  ‘We both have healthy bank accounts. Kate, if you left me tomorrow, take all the money with you. It’s worth fuck all to me without you.’

  ‘Oh, I wasn’t trying to hurt you, it just came to me. Actually, I watched a film the other night and the man in the film got one. I don’t want one, not that I know anything about them. I told you from the get-go I want you, not your money, and nothing’s changed.’

  ‘Good.’ He takes my hand and rests it against his chest. ‘You own this. I’ve never given it to anyone else – trust what I’m saying.’

  ‘OK. I think I’m going to cry.’

  ‘Not today.’

  ‘Sorry… I hate what money does to people.’

  ‘I know; that’s what makes you special.’ He reaches for a book on his desk and opens it. ‘Right, choose anywhere you’d like to go.’

  I glance at the page; it’s a map of the world.

  ‘You’ve lost me.’

  ‘Choose where you’d like to go on honeymoon – anywhere in the world. All I need is time to arrange my diary, and then I’m all yours for two weeks.

  ‘Bloody hell, two weeks? I’ve never had you for that long before.’ I squeal and clap. ‘God, I have no idea, where shall we go? There are too many places to choose from. You choose.’

  ‘No, I want it to be your dream destination.’

  ‘I feel the pressure… I don’t know.’

  ‘Close your eyes and put your finger on the map.’

  ‘I love playing games. OK, here goes.’ I close my eyes and rotate my finger before placing it firmly on the map. I open my eyes and look. ‘What? Where the hell is Novosibirsk?’

  Luke looks at me. ‘What is it with you and Russia?’

  ‘I’m drawn to it, must be in the blood… You choose.’

  ‘How about the Four Seasons in Bora Bora?’

  ‘That was my next choice. Sounds fabulous!’

  Our taxi boat draws up to the side entrance of the Hotel Cipriani. It does feel different this time – not only because of the number of people we are with, but also the weather. The end of March feels a lot cooler than August.

  Within a couple of hours the Harper–Sutton wedding party has hijacked the entire bar at the hotel. Sullivan and Parker have arrived. What we lack in numbers we make up for in the level of noise, which grows as we empty more and more bottles of champagne.

  Luke stands and taps the side of his glass for attention.

  ‘While we are all together, I would like to go over a few details.’ Commander Sutton is with us. ‘Kate and I are very pleased that you could join us to celebrate our wedding. You will all have your room key cards. If you need food, drinks, or a boat to take you across to the square, please charge it to your room. This weekend is our wedding, and it is also a chance for us to give something back to you all, to thank you for all your support.’ He raises his glass. ‘I’d like to propose a toast to our family and friends.’

  Everyone joins him in the first of many toasts.

  ‘The plan for tomorrow – as you know, the wedding will take place at the Palazzo Cavallis at two o’clock. Transportation is arranged, so if everyone can meet here at one; after our wedding we will return here for our meal in the Antique Garden.’ Luke points across the room. ‘Tonight, yo—’

  ‘Hold on, Luke.’ Kiki stands and moves towards us both. ‘Livy and I have been chatting, and we want a girls’ night. You and the boys can eat out somewhere tonight, and us ladies will do the same. This is Kate’s last night as a single woman, and I want her to spend it with us.’ She reaches across and takes my hand.

  I turn to Luke; this was not part of his plan.

  ‘I agree.’ Livy also stands, perhaps reading the wilful look in her son’s eyes. She moves towards Luke. ‘You go out with Dad and the boys. I would love to spend time with the girls. I think it’s a wonderful idea.’

  ‘OK, so the ladies are out alone—’

  ‘Luke, I’m going to get you rat-arsed,’ Declan shouts, much to Luke’s dismay – God forbid he loses control.

  ‘You’d better not, Declan,’ I call.

  I look at Barney. ‘You’re with me.’

  He holds his glass up. ‘I wouldn’t have it any other way.’

  ‘So, girls, we’ll meet here at…’ Kiki looks at her watch. ‘Six o’clock. Declan, do you want to go for a walk with me?’

  I grab her arm. ‘Oi, Marlow, what’s going on?’

  ‘I don’t really know.’

  ‘Please don’t let him shag and run; you deserve more than that. I told him so too.’

  ‘I know. He told me that you’r
e pissed off at him.’


  ‘He also told me about Sophie and the meal you all had.’

  My face drains of colour. I have held out on her.

  ‘It’s fine; don’t worry. I know why you didn’t tell me about it.’

  ‘I can’t bear to see you hurt.’

  ‘I know, and I love you for it. We’re going for a walk, not to my bed. We’ll talk. I’ll see you at six.’

  We spend the afternoon with the wedding planners, checking everything is organised for tomorrow. Luke sits next to me, his hand on my leg. I’m guessing this is not his idea of fun, discussing minor things like the location of lanterns. I want the theme to be modern and contemporary, and I don’t want the venue to be overrun with wedding paraphernalia. Each table will have a large vase filled with lily of the valley and candles, plus white table linen. Elegant and simple – perfect.

  Finally, Luke and I return to our suite. I collapse onto the bed and give a small scream.


  I drag myself to my knees. ‘It feels like Christmas Eve.’ I hold my hands out for him to join me.

  ‘Good.’ He smiles.

  His lips reach out for mine, and a wave of desire washes over me. I need him. He pushes me to the bed, still kissing me. I manage to roll him and straddle his lap, clasping our hands together above his head. I feel his erection through his tightly fitting jeans. He loosens his grip and slides his hands under my flowing cream blouse. A simple flick against my nipples causes my groin to pulsate. Every time!

  He sits up on the bed, holding me close, allowing his lips to make contact with my breasts, sucking, licking and giving me small tantalising nips.

  I slide my blouse over my head before returning my gaze to meet his. ‘I need you now.’

  ‘I know.’

  But then there is a banging on our door.

  ‘Shh – pretend we’re not here.’ My mouth returns to his.

  The unrelenting banging continues, this time harder.

  ‘Kate, we know you’re in there.’ Barney’s voice filters through the gaps of the door.

  ‘Bloody hell, go away,’ I whisper.

  The tapping continues.

  ‘Kate, we’ve got a bottle of bubbly,’ Harry calls.

  ‘Bang harder.’ That’s Kiki.

  Luke smiles. ‘Baby, as much as I want them to leave, we both know they won’t.’

  ‘Bloody nuisance.’ The pack has the most dreadful timing.

  I scramble off the bed, readjusting my bra and collecting my blouse from the floor.

  ‘I’m coming,’ I shout.

  Luke joins me. I can’t help but give him a quick grope; he remains incredibly firm. ‘You may need a cold shower.’

  He spins me around quickly and claims my mouth, then pulls away, leaving me panting for more.

  ‘Cold shower? No, I need you,’ he says and walks away.

  I can just about breathe. ‘God, I hate my friends right now.’

  Reluctantly, I open the door.

  ‘Hi.’ I fake a smile.

  ‘Took you long enough.’ Barney winks and enters the suite. ‘Bloody hell, Kate, this place is huge.’

  Kiki and Harry follow him, armed with a bottle of bubbly.

  ‘Oh my God, this room is stunning,’ Harry says as Luke enters the lounge area. ‘Hi Luke.’

  ‘Hi.’ He walks towards me, placing his arms around my shoulders. ‘You three look as though you have a plan.’ He looks at his watch. ‘I thought you weren’t meeting for another hour.’

  ‘Best friend’s prerogative; I can steal her any time.’ Kiki looks steadily at Luke. I sense her words are a warning.

  ‘In that case, I will leave you to it. I assume Declan is at the bar?’

  ‘Raymond is. I’m sure he’ll be pleased to see you.’

  ‘Right then, wife-to-be, you have roughly twenty hours of being a Harper, and then you’re mine, Mrs Sutton. Have fun.’

  We all sit in the lounge, drinking our second glass of bubbly. My hand interlocks with Harry’s, as my mind returns to the night before her wedding and the snow angels we made.

  ‘You OK?’ She looks at me. I nod. ‘Tomorrow will be the best day of your life – I promise.’

  ‘I hope so. This is it; there’s no going back. Luke is the man I’m going to grow old with. Harry, this is madness! This time last year I was single and jobless.’

  ‘I know! It’s crazy how life has changed. You deserve it. Besides, Luke is smitten with you.’

  ‘Who isn’t?’ Barney raises his glass in honour of me.

  Later – much later – my eyes flit from Harry to Fiona and then to Valerie in desperation.

  ‘How the hell am I going to explain to Luke that his mum is dancing on the bar with Italian men – lots of Italian men?’ We break into hysterical giggles.

  The restaurant we stumbled across was a small bistro that only comes alive after ten o’clock at night. After a traditional meal of pasta and far too much vino, Livy ordered a couple of bottles of grappa. I would have never put the two together: Livy plus grappa equals dancing seductively on the bar!

  Mum pulls my arm to encourage me to join the partygoers. I refuse to leave without the remaining girls. My heart could burst. It has been a perfect impromptu evening for my last night as a Harper.

  After another hour, Kiki and I support a very drunk Livy through the hotel foyer.

  ‘I’ll take her to her room.’ Kiki takes Livy’s bag and retrieves her key card.

  ‘Are you sure? I don’t mind.’

  ‘It’s fine. Her room is two doors away from mine.’

  ‘OK – and thanks for tonight. It was perfect.’ I deliver a kiss to my forever girl.

  ‘It’s been fun. Now go and find your fiancé and finish what you started earlier.’

  I frown.

  ‘I’m the shag monster, remember? I sense sex a mile off. Now go.’

  I slide my key card in the door – and come face to face with Ollie.

  ‘She’s back.’ Ollie smirks at me.

  ‘What’s going on? Where’s Luke?’

  ‘My brother is pissed – and I mean completely off his face.’

  ‘What? Never! Mr Control Freak Sutton drunk? This I have to see.’

  ‘I’ve only ever seen him like this once before.’ Ollie laughs.

  We walk towards the bedroom. Holy shit, Luke is passed out on the bed. I giggle.

  ‘Declan, did you do this?’

  ‘Fucking hell, yeah,’ he bellows.

  ‘James, I thought you would take care of him.’

  ‘Declan gave him a few extra vodka shots. Before we knew it, he was almost on his back.’

  ‘Well, he is now. I never thought I would see the day.’ I look at Declan, who is a vile shade of green. ‘No you don’t, Declan Sutton: don’t you dare throw up in here. Ollie, take him to his room – actually, take him to Kiki. She’ll look after him.’

  ‘See you tomorrow, sis-in-law.’ Declan laughs at his slurred speech.

  ‘Goodbye, boys.’

  I turn to see Scott and James walking towards us. Scott carries a needle. He moves towards Luke, yanks his jeans down, and injects his arse.

  ‘Urgh, what’s going on? Drunk I can cope with; drugged is not good!’

  Scott stands next to me. ‘This will help him: it’s a mixture of various ingredients – sugar, salt, et cetera. It’s a bloody good hangover cure.’

  ‘I’ve seen it all now. Jesus! Tell me, how the hell did you get that in your case? I bet you learned that at the bank.’

  They both look at me.

  ‘Private joke.’

  ‘Honestly, he will be fine in the morning.’ Scott says.

  ‘He never drinks like this – if he’s out of it tomorrow, I will murder Declan.’<
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  ‘Kate, Luke can take his drink; I’ve seen him far worse.’

  ‘Worse? He’s out cold.’

  ‘He’s asleep. Trust us, OK?’

  ‘I don’t have a choice. Now leave me to deal with my fiancé.’

  James and Scott roll Luke to his side, wedging his body with cushions so he won’t choke.

  Alone, just the two of us. So much for a lustful pre-wedding night. I might be pissed off with Declan, but the other part of me has to laugh at the man who wants to be in control of everything. Well, he’s not tonight.

  The next morning, my eyes open to brilliant sunshine streaming through the French doors, and a smile creeps across my face. Our wedding day is finally here! After today, my life will never be the same again. My hand sweeps across the bed, which is empty. I hear the shower running: my drunken fiancé must be washing away the memory of last night. I climb out of bed.

  ‘How’s your head?’

  Luke looks at me through the glass panel of the shower.

  ‘Surprisingly good.’

  ‘That’s because the men you worked with at the bank injected you with some form of antidote to alcohol!’

  His hands run through his hair. ‘Good boys.’

  ‘So, you had a fun evening?’

  He turns to assess my words, knowing the ridiculing has only just begun. Before I have time to speak, he yanks my arm, pulling me into the shower to join him and drenching my T-shirt.

  ‘This needs to go.’ He slides the wet T-shirt over my head and throws it to the tiled floor.

  My arms link around his neck. ‘Oh my God, you looked so funny last night. I’ve never seen you lose control before. You were passed out on your back… Declan got you well and truly pissed.’

  ‘Yes, I love my brother dearly… Payback will be a bitch.’

  I giggle at him, trying to remember his evening.

  ‘Now then, we are getting married in a few hours. Am I allowed to fuck my future wife?’

  ‘Only because you asked so nicely.’

  Afterwards, we sit alone in our suite, trying to eat some breakfast, in matching white robes and ‘just fucked’ faces, with damp hair and tingling skin.

  ‘How was your evening?’

  I nod, finishing my last mouthful of scrambled egg. ‘It was fun. OK, I know what happens on a girls’ night should stay on girls’ night, but…’


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