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Chasing Sunshine: A New Adult Sports Romance (NE University Book 1)

Page 13

by Hannah Gray

  “Cameran here belongs to me. So, if I go anywhere, she’ll be coming with me. If anyone tries to stop me, I’ll kill them.”

  I hear her whisper in between cries, “Let’s go. I’ll go with you right now. There’s no need to hurt anyone.”

  My Sunshine, always looking out for everyone else. Her hair is a mess, her eyes are puffy from crying, and her neck looks red and tender. I clench my fist. I need to stay calm; it isn’t time yet. Getting her out of this safely will be all about timing. If I’ve learned one thing from football, it is that patience is key. If you rush something, it will fail.

  He gets in front of her, grabs her jaw with his hand, and squeezes. “Are you protecting him, sweetness? Is that what you’re doing?”

  She shakes from crying, her knees trembling uncontrollably with fear. “N-n-no, I’m not. I barely know him, but I don’t want you to get in trouble. If you do, we won’t be able t-to be t-together because you will be in jail.”

  She nervously strokes his arm. I can tell it’s just to calm him, but it still makes my blood boil. He leans down and kisses her. I can tell she’s repulsed because she isn’t folding into him like she does with me. She doesn’t pull away, and I know she’s trying to sell him on it. I’m about to make my move when he pulls her away from him by her hair and laughs.

  “I still have to kill him, sweetness. Sorry.” He pulls a gun out of his waistband and aims it at me.

  Cameran puts a hand over her mouth and grabs her stomach, silently shaking in hysterical cries. In the distance, I hear sirens, causing him to lose focus for just seconds, but it’s all I need. I charge at him, but he doesn’t go down right away. At close to six-two and physically fit, he’s not slim for sure. Fortunately, with the rage and fear flowing through my veins, I get him down. The gun sounds in the air when we come crashing to the ground, and he struggles underneath me. I get a few solid punches to his face when he leans up and head-butts me. I fall back slightly but regain my strength. I’m not fast enough because he shoots the gun toward Cameran. I see her fall to the ground and grab her stomach. When I hear Red scream, I know it’s not good.

  Mason comes to my side, letting me know he’ll take this fucking useless monster from here. I run to Cameran’s side just in time to see the police cruiser flying toward us. The door flies open, and the officer crouches behind his door with his gun ready.

  “Ambulance! We need an ambulance!” I scream over and over again. “Cameran, please, baby, stay with me. Just stay. I’ve got you.”

  Anna runs to her other side. “Cam, I love you. I’m right here.”

  I hear the gun again, and I look up, panicked that I will see Mason on the ground. Instead, I see the officer standing with his gun still in position, and Alex is no longer struggling to get away, his limp body lying there. Blood pooling from his head. Cameran coughs a few times, letting me know she’s still alive.

  She looks at me, and tears roll down her cheeks. “Am I-I going to d-die, Trent? I feel really … fuzzy.”

  I shake my head at her and wipe my own eyes. “You are not going to die, you hear me? You need to stay awake; the ambulance is almost here.”

  She nods slightly. “Th-thank you. You saved me. How did you know to come back?”

  She coughs a few times, and I can tell she is fading fast.

  “I just had a feeling. You stay awake, okay?”

  “Th-then, tell me something, Trent, please. Something to ke-keep me awake.”

  I hear the ambulances screaming in the distance. I pray to God to just let her hang on.

  “You’re beautiful. Actually, you’re the most beautiful thing I have ever laid eyes on. And I think that I have loved you from the moment I saw you that first time. Don’t say anything, Sunshine, just listen and rest. I think my whole life was leading up to that moment at the party. And it’s pretty clear that I’m in love with you.”

  The ambulance arrives, and the paramedics run up to her, telling me to move out of the way. They do a brief assessment and begin loading her on the stretcher.

  “I’m riding with her.”

  They look at each other and then shrug. “All right. One, two, three, lift!”

  The lady and man carry her into the ambulance. I jump in behind her, and they slam the rig’s doors shut.



  I’m going to die. That’s all there is to it. I’ve been shot. I am dying, yet my mind hangs on to Trent’s words. He told me he was in love with me. Trent Kade is in love with me, Cameran Steele. I’m an orphan. A beaten and battered, sad excuse for a person. I’ve been on the run for months. I’m broke with no money, no car, and only cheap clothes. Yet he loves me. The most ludicrous thing out of all of this? I think I love him too. In actuality, I know I do. But now that I have figured it out, I am going to die. I don’t feel pain anymore. Whether that’s from heavy pain meds or my own body blocking it out, I’m not sure. Though part of me knows it’s not a good sign.

  “Stay awake, Sunshine. Please just stay awake.”

  I muster up what I hope is a nod because that’s all my body will allow.

  He holds my hand and gently rubs the pad of his thumb over my knuckles. “Just keep looking at me with those big, beautiful eyes, baby. Don’t close those eyes. We’re almost at the hospital, and you’re going to be okay. I know it. I need you.”

  I nod, but my eyes get tired and begin closing despite my protests.

  “Sunshine!” His voice startles me awake again. “Listen to me. You cannot die. My mom died when I was eight, and my dad is a piece of shit. I need you. I fucking need you, Cameran. Please. Don’t. Leave. Me. I am begging you.”

  He wipes his sleeve over his eyes to hide his tears. I try to do as he said. Stay awake, but it is no small feat. I hear the paramedics announce that we have arrived at New England Medical Center. A few moments later, the doors are opened, and I am being rushed inside. I hear the words surgery and gunshot wound to the abdomen and some other words that I don’t know the meaning of. Then, exhaustion takes over, and I drift off to sleep.

  I open my eyes to find that I am in a hospital bed. My mom is sitting next to my bedside with her head on the side of the bed as she sleeps.

  “Mom?” I push the word out, though it doesn’t come out as smoothly or easily as normal.

  So many questions come into my head. How is she here? Was I dreaming all this time and she was alive? Where’s my dad?

  She stirs in her sleep and then suddenly jolts awake. “Oh, Cameran, baby, thank goodness.” She gently puts her hands on my cheeks and leans her forehead against mine. Something she always did when she was alive if I was upset or hurt.

  “I’m so happy to see you, my beautiful girl. It’s all going to be okay now. I promise.”

  “Dad. Where’s Dad?” I blurt out. Hopeful that he’ll pop his head in the door any second now.

  “Only one of us could come, baby. And he thought I’d be better in this situation.” She wipes the tears from my cheeks. “But he told me to tell you he loves you so much and that he is so sorry he wasn’t around to protect you. But he is so happy that you have someone around now to do just that.” She kisses my hand.

  “Mom, I miss you guys so much. I want to come be with you now,” I cry to her.

  She gives me a sad yet kind smile. “I know, baby, but it’s not your time yet. You have too much to do. Your life is only just beginning. Make it count. I know mine did.”

  I shake my head. “How can you say that, Mom? It’s my fault. If I wasn’t being a stupid teenager, you’d still be here today. It’s all my fault.” I cry in her arms.

  “Sweet girl, it is not your fault. I need you to listen to me. Your daddy and I were doing what parents do. It was our fault that night, not yours. Actually, it was the drunk driver’s fault. It was our time to go, and that’s okay.” She gives me a smile.

  I try to sit up, but it’s useless. My body won’t allow it. I’m frozen like a statue. “I want to go see Dad. Take me with you.”

/>   She sadly shakes her head. “I’m sorry, baby, but you can’t. As much as we need you, someone here needs you more. And you need him too. Please, don’t put your guard up. I know you have every right to. Lord knows you have been so hurt. But I know this boy—this man actually—has had his fair share of losses, and he needs you too. Okay? I am not saying it will be easy. You will have more mountains to climb and hurdles to jump. But it will be everything that you both need. I don’t have much time, baby. I need you to know I love you so much, okay?”

  I nod. My sight blurring from the tears.

  She kisses my forehead, and then she’s gone.


  I’m going fucking nuts. It’s been three hours, and other than the update when we first got here, telling us that Cam needed emergency surgery to remove the bullet from her abdomen, I have heard nothing. Three fucking hours. Red is curled up, asleep on Mason, who is scrolling mindlessly on his phone. I’ve been pacing the waiting room, trying to control the urge to scream at someone for an update. Or put a chair through a wall.

  “Remember, man, no news is good news. She must still be in surgery, which means she is still alive,” Mason talks quietly to me so that he doesn’t wake up the sleeping girl on his lap.

  I nod and take a seat across from him. I put my elbows on my legs and lay my head in my hands. Cam has to be okay. I don’t know what I’ll do if I dropped her off and delivered her to this. I’m just relieved that the officer shot and killed Alex. I’m not usually one for people dying, but this guy wouldn’t have stopped until she was dead or locked in his basement. Besides, he has caused my girl so much pain. He deserves to burn in hell.

  It’s five a.m., so I ask Mason if he can call Coach and explain. He nods, and then he moves Red as carefully as he can and puts his sweatshirt under her head so that she stays asleep. She stirs for a second but then drifts right back off. This night was emotional for her as well, so I am sure she’s drained.

  I told Cam I was in love with her. I know it’s crazy, but a part of me has known it since I laid eyes on her. I called her Sunshine without even realizing what I was doing. I don’t regret it one bit. I just pray she wakes up from this, so I can prove it to her every single day. She’s had so much shit handed to her; I want to show her what it’s like to be happy.

  Lane comes rushing through the entrance. “Hey, man. Sorry it took me so long. I came as soon as I heard.”

  I just nod at him; it’s all I have in me to do right now.

  For the tenth time since arriving here, I make my way to the receptionist’s desk. Hoping that maybe this time the lady will feel bad enough to give me an update.

  She looks up from her desk and gives me a sympathetic smile. “I’m sorry. We legally can’t release any information to anyone unless they are family or listed in her emergency contacts. None of you are.”

  I drag my hand over my face. Cam could be dead right now, and I wouldn’t even know it. Annoyed with this lady even though, deep down, I know it isn’t her fault, I make my way back over to the group. I shake my head at them so they know not to ask.

  Hours later, the sun has since long come up, and everyone else has dozed off besides me. I have alternated between pacing, standing against the white hospital walls, and sitting.

  I’m sitting in one of the waiting room’s uncomfortable-as-fuck chairs, my knee bouncing uncontrollably, when a short doctor with white hair, who looks to be about sixty, walks out with a nurse beside him, who must be in her late forties. She smiles kindly at me.

  He extends his hand. “Hello, I’m Dr. Weston. Are you Cameran’s boyfriend?”

  “Yes,” I answer without any hesitation.

  He nods. “Sorry to keep you waiting. Until Cameran woke up and gave us permission to release any information on her condition, we just legally couldn’t.” He clasps his hands together and shrugs. “Sorry.”

  I nod. Wanting him to hurry up and get to the point and tell me how she is.

  He continues, “We were able to remove the bullet from her abdomen. Somehow, by the grace of God, it had gone in without hitting any major organs or arteries. She’s very lucky.”

  I release the breath I didn’t even realize I was holding. Red appears next to me and rests her hand on my shoulder.

  “But she did lose a lot of blood, and it was quite an extensive surgery, so we need to keep her here for at least a few days. But we are very hopeful that she will make a full recovery.”

  Red rushes forward and hugs the doctor and the nurse, thanking them.

  Both laugh and tell her, “You’re welcome.”

  They give us her room number but tell us it’d probably be best if just one at a time went in. Red decides she’ll go home and shower and sleep, so I’ll get first watch. She probably knows I won’t go anywhere anyway.

  I follow Dr. Weston to the room Cam’s in. As I walk in, my knees get shaky, and I feel light-headed. Her neck is black and blue from what are obvious hand marks.

  My fists clench at my sides. Why couldn’t I have done more? I failed her. If I hadn’t become a little pussy when she asked me about my mom, I would have never dropped her off. I know I could have convinced her to stay the night. Now, she’s lying here, all sewn back together, covered in cuts and bruises.

  Her eyes slowly open. She gives me a weak smile. “Hi.” Her voice is raspy.

  I blink the moisture out of my eyes. I’ve never been so thankful to hear someone’s voice in my entire life. “Hi, Sunshine. How are you feeling?”

  “Tired. And sore,” she says groggily.

  I nod. “You need to rest. I’m not going anywhere. I promise.”

  I no more than get the words out of my mouth, and she’s asleep.

  Dr. Weston steps beside me. “The medication will make her quite sleepy. Don’t be alarmed if she sleeps for a long time. It’s good for her. Rest is what she needs.”

  I nod, never taking my eyes off of Cameran.

  “The recliner in the corner isn’t anything special, son, but we’ll bring you in a blanket. You should try to get some rest. Lord knows you didn’t get any in that waiting room.”

  He slowly backs out of the room just as a nurse walks in with a pillow and blanket. I thank her and head to the recliner. I do plan on resting in it. But not before pushing it against the bed as close as I can get it and turning my body so that I am looking at Cameran.

  I tuck a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear and lean down to kiss her forehead. “I’m so fucking sorry I didn’t protect you more. But nothing can hurt you now. I’m right here, and I will never leave you again.”

  My eyes roam to her neck again, and my jaw clenches. How could someone want to hurt a person as kind as she is?

  From this day forward, I will show her that there is more to life than having to run all the time.



  Ow. Ow. Ow. Holy mother of balls, why am I so sore?

  My neck, my stomach, my head all feel like someone put a knife in it. I rub my eyes and try to pry them open. I feel so tired, making this seemingly easy moment near impossible.

  Once I am finally able to keep my eyes open, I look around at my surroundings. A hospital room, filled with the unwelcoming scent of disinfectant. Ah, yes, all of the horrendous events of last night are coming back. Alex came back for me, and I tried to get away. Trent and Mason and Anna showed up and saved my life.

  Panic rises in my stomach as I wonder if Alex got out alive and will be coming through that door any second to finish the job.

  I feel something against my hand and try to sit up further to see it, but pain sears through my abdomen. I tilt my head down instead and see the top of Trent’s dirty-blond hair lying next to my hand. He stirs slightly and begins to sit up. His eyes find mine, and relief washes over his features.

  “Sunshine, I am so fucking happy to see those beautiful eyes open.”

  I look back at his mesmerizing green eyes with dark lashes. And that scruff on his chin that is damn near irre
sistible. He runs a hand through his short hair and stretches. Moving his neck side to side. I am sure a man of his stature was pretty cramped up in a recliner that size.

  He runs his thumb over my hand. “I’m so sorry that I dropped you off. I should have never—”

  I put my finger up to interrupt him. I want to tell him it wasn’t his fault, but my throat is so dry and hoarse that all I can muster to say is, “Water?”

  He nods and runs over to a tray, and in a flash, he is back with a cup and straw. I take it gratefully and finish it all.

  “None of this is your fault, Trent. He would have found me eventually anyway. Besides, I am just so glad that it happened during a time when Anna wasn’t there.” Tears cloud my vision, and I blink them away as I look at him. “Or you. I would have never forgiven myself if he …” I choke out, unable to stop the tears. The thought of Alex hurting Anna or Trent or even Mason puts me over the edge.

  “Shh …” He carefully climbs up into the side of my bed and cradles me. “It’s okay, baby. It’s all over now. You never have to worry again.”

  I pause at his words and look up at him. “Is he …”

  He nods. “Yeah, baby, he’s dead. The officer had to shoot him because he wasn’t giving his gun up without a fight. Mason was trying to wrestle it away from him, but he could have shot you again or Mason or me. He left the officer no choice.”

  I can tell he feels bad, explaining this to me. Almost like he thinks the news will make me feel worse. As bad as it sounds, it doesn’t.

  “I never wanted anyone to die over me. But, Trent, I don’t … I don’t think he would have ever given up.”

  He nods and rubs my arm. “I know, baby. I know. I’m just so glad you’re okay. I will never let anything happen to you again. I promise. I failed you, Cameran, but I’ll do right by you from this day forward. I swear it.”

  Memories of last night flash through my mind. Trent telling me he was in love with me is one of them. But that can’t be right. I must be losing my mind. Right? Even though, if I’m being honest, I know that my heart loves him. And my soul yearns for him. He makes me feel things.


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