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Second Skin: Unified: A litRPG Adventure (Second Skin Book 3)

Page 34

by M Damon Baker

  “I understand,” Venna smiled warmly. “She certainly gave you a great deal to think about this morning.”

  “How do you feel about it?” I asked, as I suddenly realized that the revelations might have affected her as well. “Does it change anything between us?”

  “No!” Venna replied in surprise. “How can you even think that? I feel the same way about you as Tási does. We both understand that you have a role to play beyond your relationships with us.”

  “But I do have a favor to ask,” Venna pleaded hesitantly.

  “Of course,” I replied. “Anything.”

  “I don’t want to know about them either,” Venna almost cried. “I can accept Tási, but I don’t want to see you with anyone else.”

  “The two of you mean the world to me,” I whispered as I pulled her close. “I’ve accepted what’s to come, but I won’t do anything to hurt or embarrass either of you.”

  As I spoke to her, I sent her a thin tendril of love and affection, reassuring her of my sincerity and devotion. The pure emotion reinforced my words, and she nodded to me when I finally pulled away from her.

  “I promise I’ll stay with you longer tomorrow night,” I said as I got up.

  “I’m going to hold you to that promise,” she smiled back at me as I closed the door. I had no idea what Venna had in mind for me, but I still couldn’t help but smile to myself as I climbed up the stairs.

  “Back so soon?” Tási said in disbelief when I got to our room.

  “I told you I just needed to talk to her,” I teased.

  “I thought you—,” Tási hesitated. “Never mind.”

  “I’m getting ready for bed, then we need to talk,” I replied when she seemed lost for words.

  After I changed out of my gear and into my night dress, I climbed in bed beside her and began to speak. I wanted to tell her everything Nentai had said to me, but even though the Goddess hadn’t told me that our conversation was secret, I knew that I couldn’t tell anyone about our clandestine meeting.

  “I’m sorry I can’t be what you want me to be—what you truly deserve,” I began. “At the same time, I’m grateful that you’re willing to accept me for who I am. You will always have my heart, and I promise that you will never feel the need to doubt my commitment to you. I won’t let that happen.”

  “I know that you won’t,” Tási replied confidently. “And you already are everything that I want you to be. I told you that I’m not settling for you—you are more than I ever hoped for. I just needed to make sure that you knew how I felt.”

  Despite the hours I had spent sleeping under Nentai’s influence, I was still tired at the end of the day. So, when I said what I needed to say, and Tási made her reply, I wrapped her in my arms and curled myself around her tightly. We both sent our own strands of love and affection into each other, and we basked together in each other’s pure emotions until we fell asleep.

  Once Tási and I had settled the issues between us, the rest of our days passed relatively smoothly. I made my daily rounds, accompanied by Tási more often than not, and our many projects and endeavors were moving along nicely.

  The farms and livestock grew more quickly than anyone anticipated, a boon we all attributed to the Dryad without reservation. Our mines continued to produce iron at a steady pace, and a few gemstones were even discovered. Housing was also going up at a good pace, and all of our current citizens had decent roofs over their heads while we worked to build even more shelters for those who had yet to arrive.

  Hilgreth and Donnell continued to produce more armor and weapons, even though we already had an ample supply. Our future was uncertain, but we knew that conflict would eventually come our way, so the smith kept herself busy crafting the equipment we would need for the army that we would eventually field.

  In contrast, Renn’s forge worked on more mundane projects for a while. Together with a group of Ilvain’s carpenters, he was crafting many of the necessary items for daily life that we lacked—things like beds, tables, and chairs. Even the nails that Ilvain’s crew needed to erect the homes they were building were being churned out by Renn’s busy forge.

  The stonemasons had long ago finished their work on the still unnamed outer fortifications and had moved on to the daunting task of smoothing out the rough finishes that Ridge and his junior elemental left behind as they raised the bones of the Palace and its surrounding fortress. The grounds of that sprawling project were practically a city unto themselves, and I tried to tour the ever-changing site as often as possible to ensure that I would know it well once it was completed—it would be quite the embarrassment for me to repeatedly get lost in my own Palace.

  We spent our evenings together, Broda, Venna, Tási, and I, sharing our days and more than a few glasses of various spirits. Tási managed to hold her own on most of those occasions; the one morning that I’d adjusted her collar seemed to cure her tendency to underestimate the effects of the more potent concoctions we sampled.

  Venna held up well during Stel’s prolonged absence. Although I spent several evenings with her, lulling her to sleep and even once or twice using more… persuasive means, she also let me go upstairs many times without needing any help.

  Despite the obvious time I spent tending Venna, my relationship with Tási blossomed during those weeks. We both embraced our commitment to each other, and the acceptance of it was surprisingly liberating for us. Although neither of us were the type for flamboyant displays of affection, our subtle romantic gestures were the subject of an outpouring of support and frequent congratulations.

  After nearly three weeks of the men being away, Broda, Venna, Tási, and I came home together one night to find Bane waiting for us on the front porch. He frequently got back before us now, as his larger size increased his flying speed and he was able to complete his rough circuit around the forest more quickly than before.

  Nothing to report, Sintári. The hunters are well-away from anything truly dangerous, and there are no enemies nearby. Bane repeated his nearly universal report.

  ‘Well done, Bane. Do you want to come upstairs with us tonight?’

  Thank you, Sintári, but I will be fine downstairs. I can feel your presence well enough from there.

  Bane had always preferred to sleep with me, and even on me if possible. But as he had grown, his need for such close proximity had waned. Although he still liked to lay his head across my chest and feel the beating of my heart almost every day, he had grown far more independent with his larger size.

  I opened the door and we all piled inside only to find that the Goddesses had returned once more. My companions immediately took a knee and bowed their heads before the Deities, while Bane seemed truly lost. Set saw his dilemma and reacted in a most peculiar way.

  “Be at ease, Bane,” she told him calmly. “Take your place beside your mistress while we give her our gifts today.”

  Set actually approached Bane and reached out to stroke the scales along his neck as he followed her commands. She seemed to almost revel in the feel of their smooth surfaces before she abruptly stopped and returned to stand beside Nentai, who had been watching her sister’s actions with obvious amusement.

  “Since the gifts we have for you today come from Set, I think that it is only proper for her to present them to you herself,” Nentai announced to Set’s obvious surprise and delight.

  “Thank you, dear sister,” Set recovered quickly.

  Set reached behind her back and when her hand returned, she held a neatly folded bundle of black cloth in her hand. The Goddess then offered it to me with only a few words.

  “Your old cloak is simply not suitable for a woman of your station,” Set said in an almost aloof tone.

  As I took the cloth from her, the folds came undone, and a long, black cloak unfurled in my hands. The fabric was thick and luxurious between my fingertips, but before my evaluation could go any farther than that, the cloak’s properties appeared in my vison.

  The Forest Cloak – God-Forged
Artifact – This finely-made cloak was crafted for Dreya Sintári by Set, Goddess of Nature. In additions to keeping its wearer comfortable in nearly any conditions, The Cloak also boosts Stealth Abilities. Inside the many folds of The Cloak are several pockets that can hold multiple items at no Encumbrance cost. Set’s crafting process has also imbued the Cloak with a mild resistance to Natural magics. This Artifact is self-repairing and has no effect on Encumbrance. The Cloak is irrevocably bound to Dreya Sintári and cannot be worn by another.

  “Put it on,” Nentai urged me as stood there staring at the incredible Artifact.

  “Just throw it over your shoulders,” Set instructed. “The Cloak will do the rest.”

  I followed Set’s advice and draped the Cloak across my shoulders and the garment adhered to Melía’s Armor just as the Quiver did, shifting slightly to wrap around the outline of the Quiver before it settled in place over me. I felt a sense of comfortable warmth within its folds, and although I hadn’t noticed them before, now that I wore the Cloak, I could see the faint outlines of several small openings along its inner lining.

  “I know, amazing, isn’t it?” Set preened as I took in the Cloak.

  “It is. Thank you, Set,” I replied

  “Save your thanks. I’m not done yet,” she bragged as she handed me what looked like a silver circlet.

  At first, I thought it was some sort of crown or headdress, but the shape was off. The band had an almost teardrop form, with a fiery red stone set in its apex. As impressive as the Artifacts the Goddesses had presented me with had been, this one was by far the most touching of them all.

  Companion’s Halter – God-Forged Artifact – This finely made Artifact was crafted for Dreya Sintári by Set, Goddess of Nature. It is unbound and is intended for the permanent use of her companion, Bane. The Halter will merge itself with her companion once she bestows the Artifact upon him, irrevocably binding itself to him. The Halter will then aid the Rhastoren in his transformation and provide him with increased power and strength.

  “All of your other companions will be receiving their own gifts,” Set offered sympathetically. “He is one of my creatures, and I could not let him go without.”

  “Thank you, Set,” I repeated sincerely. She was by far the more distant of the two Goddesses, making her thoughtfulness all the more poignant.

  She favored me with a faint smile, and then simply motioned for me to put the Halter on Bane. Since no one else fully understood what had transpired, I spoke aloud as I pivoted towards Bane with the Halter.

  “This was made for you, Bane,” I affectionately informed him. “Just for you.”

  His golden eyes widened as I told him the news, and he ducked his head slightly as I placed the silver Artifact around his neck. Almost as soon as I draped it around him, the metal formed itself along the contours of his shoulders and began to shimmer subtly. The silver metal vibrated slightly and the red gemstone around his neck shone with a bright light before the entire Halter began slowly sinking into his skin. It would have been quite alarming, but fortunately, the Halter’s description had warned me about the merging, and although I didn’t know the specifics, I was at least somewhat prepared when the Halter descended into his body.

  I feel strange, my Sintári. Bane sent me after the Halter vanished.

  “Can you tell me what he should expect?” I turned to face Set. “He says it feels odd.”

  “I can’t tell you much, Bane,” Set addressed him directly. “It has been many millennia since a Sintári has forged a bond like this, and even then, the process was different every time. But you should adapt to the Halter’s presence quickly, and then it will ease your transition.”

  “Transition?” I responded. “What transition?”

  “I have said too much already,” Set replied curtly. “It is for you to find out.”

  I was about to object, but if Set’s demeanor hadn’t been enough to dissuade me, Nentai’s subtle shaking of her head let me know that it was better for me to let the matter go.

  “We must take our leave now,” Nentai then announced. “But we shall return soon. Most of the remaining gifts are ready, there are just some… details about their distribution that have to be worked out.”

  With that, the two Goddesses shimmered and then vanished together in unison. As soon as they were gone, Broda and Venna leapt up to examine my new cloak, while Tási immediately began looking over Bane, trying to ensure that he was truly alright.

  Once we had a few moments to examine both the Cloak and Bane more closely, things settled down again fairly quickly. The visits from the Goddesses, while far from routine, had become an expected event, and the shock of their arrival wore off after a while. Still, our evening meal was an awkward affair, and it seemed that food and ale were consumed in almost equal amounts to sooth our frazzled nerves.

  With a quick whispered exchange, I made sure that Venna would be alright without me for the night. When I told her the reason for my intended absence, she waved me off and told me she would be fine. Once I had seen to her, I turned my attention towards Bane.

  ‘I know that you said you’d sleep down here, but I want you upstairs with me tonight.’ I sent him

  Thank you, Sintári. I am feeling a bit uneasy, but I was hesitant to ask.

  ‘I don’t think Set would have given you anything that would cause you harm, but we will still watch over you until you get used to the Halter’s influence. Until you do, I want you with me at all times. You’ll sleep in our room, and no more scouting missions.’

  I can still perform my duties to you, Sintári, Bane objected.

  I knew that he took his responsibilities seriously and curtailing them was a serious blow to his sense of honor and duty, but I was not about to relent.

  ‘No, you cannot,’ I sent him as gently as possible. ‘Not safely. I need to know that you are not in danger, Bane. I need you to accept this for me.’

  I hoped that putting it in terms of an obligation would help ease his conscience. Luckily enough, it did.

  Then I will do this. For you.

  ‘Thank you, Bane,’ I sent him as I rubbed the scales along his cheeks affectionately.

  Bane followed Tási and I upstairs, and once we settled into bed, I coaxed him to join us. Unfortunately, he was about the size of a large dog, and was far too big to lie down between us on the relatively small mattress.

  “I forgot something I needed to talk to Venna about,” Tási said tactfully as she crawled out of bed. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  Her calculated absence allowed Bane to lay next to me comfortably, and when he did, I guided his head down to lie on my chest. His not-so-soft purr soon echoed inside the room as he relished the feel of my heart beating beneath his chin. It had been quite some time since he had been able to join us for the night, and I found that I missed the sound of his contented purr more than I had realized.

  ‘We have to do this more often, Bane. I miss you,’ I confessed to him.

  I have missed you as well, my Sintári. But I have grown far too large now to lay with you as I once did.

  ‘Then I think I will just have to lay with you instead,’ I sent back to him playfully.

  I would like that, my Sintári, Bane sent as his lips curled up in a smile.

  We lay together, simply basking in each other’s presence until Tási finally returned. She had given us far longer that I had anticipated, but I was still disappointed when Bane left me to curl up in the corner. I resolved to talk with Ilvain the next day and see if he could have the mattress makers put together a large cushion that Bane could sleep on. Something big enough for the two of us to share from time to time so that we could enjoy each other’s company like we used to.

  Bane continued to purr as he fell asleep across the room, and Tási’s soft snoring followed soon after. The familiar sounds brought a smile to my face, as I remembered all the pleasant nights we’d spent together. So, despite my apprehension over Bane’s Halter and Set’s vague reference
to his ‘transition,’ the soft noises and the pleasant memories that accompanied them soon lulled me to sleep.

  Bane tried to talk me into letting him fly off on his usual scouting run the next morning, but I didn’t let him do it. Instead, I had him accompany Tási and I on my usual rounds. Although he was often seen flying overhead, his presence on the ground had become an unusual occurrence, so everyone was excited to see him up close. As we traveled, it was hard for me to say which thing my people were more taken by, the astonishment over his growth, or the gift of the Cloak that I wore.

  I had taken the time that morning to dump out my backpack and pouches and deposit my most needed and useful items in the Cloak’s various pockets. Each of them seemed to function like miniature backpacks, and I soon had everything I might need tucked away within its folds, eliminating the need for my bulky backpack almost entirely. Except for any extended trips outside the walls, I couldn’t foresee any need for the pack as long as I wore my new Cloak.

  Other than a brief conversation with Ilvain regarding a bed for Bane, nothing out of the ordinary happened. My tour of our fledgling realm went smoothly, and we were able to return home late in the afternoon.

  I kept Bane home for two more days after that before finally allowing him to resume his scouting. By then he was extremely restless and almost driving me crazy with his pent-up need to be off, and I was actually relieved to see him fly away into the sky. Fortunately, nothing had snuck up on us while I had kept him home, and his evening report was unremarkable, unlike the one he made to me the following night.

  Wagons approach from the road, Sintári, Bane sent to me as he flew overhead.

  The range over which we were able to communicate kept increasing, and he would sometimes call to me from high in the sky. The news of some sort of caravan was definitely important, so he didn’t wait until he was right in front of me to relay the information.

  ‘Is it a trade caravan, or Stel and Khorim returning?” I asked him.

  It is your friends, Sintári, and many more. They are camped along the road for the day; you should see them tomorrow.


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