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Real Vampires: Glory Does Vegas

Page 4

by Bartlett, Gerry


  M ae looked daggers at me when I rushed in ten minutes late. Then I had to explain that my costume was at home. Could I do anything right? Not according to Mae. She found another pair of black shorts for me, a little looser this time, but not by much. I still felt them crawling up my butt. This sparkly bra top was cut low but the underwire put my boobs right out there, guaranteeing big tips. Valdez gave me the stink eye, his voice in my head reminding me that I’d always prided myself on being hard to get, not an easy lay.

  I grabbed his collar and escorted him to the break room, which was blessedly empty. The dancers were in their dressing room, getting into their costumes.

  “I told you I’m serious about saving for my future. I’m not going to change my values, you furry fathead. I’m just working for tips. Quit judging me.” I sat down to put on a new pair of heels. Mae had given me some padded insoles for these and they made all the difference. Bless her. “Besides, I’ve worn bathing suits skimpier than this.”

  “Yeah. In the dark on a deserted beach. I remember.” He sat down with a thump. “I get it, you’re fired up. But the message you’re sending in that outfit is pretty plain. The customers are going to try to take advantage.” Valdez stared at me. “Are you prepared to handle it?”

  “What do you think I did last night?” I stood and walked around. Comfortable heels. “I handled any guy who got too close. If I’d needed backup, I’d have called you. But Manny has bouncers, you know. I’m fine out there.” I picked up my fanny pack. I’d have to check in with the bartender for change but, first, I needed to stop and see if Dominic was in his office.

  “I’m going with you.” Valdez stayed by my side.

  “No. I can handle Dominic.” I gave Valdez a look he couldn’t misinterpret. It said “Stay!”

  “He’s a vampire. Are you sure?” Valdez wasn’t backing down. “It’s one thing to slap a mortal’s hand, another to keep a vamp in line. This is in my job description, Glory. Now let’s go.”

  I knew all about his job description. It seemed designed to keep me from having a decent relationship with other men. If I complained to Jeremiah, Valdez might find himself out of a job. It had happened before. I’d lost count of how many bodyguards I’d had over the centuries, all of them named Valdez. Why? They were recruited from a clan of shifters from an island somewhere off the coast of Spain. It seemed to be a big family with an endless supply of cousins, all good-looking men.

  Anyway, Jeremiah wanted me happy so he would switch guards if I complained. That didn’t mean they would be any less intrusive or aggravating, but it did show he listened to me. I suppose if I really wanted to be independent, I’d refuse the bodyguard. But no protection during my death sleep? The very thought gave me shivers. I’m not a fool.

  I knocked on Dominic’s door, giving up the argument. I’d give this Valdez a pass since he was fresh out of dog jail. However, we needed to talk. His constant presence was getting on my last nerve.

  Dominic opened the door. “Thanks for stopping by. You’re cutting it close. The bar will be opening in a matter of minutes.”

  “You have another waitress. She can handle the crowd until right before the show starts.” I smiled to take the sting out of that. I’d scanned the almost empty parking lot. Dominic had to know there was no crowd now. The bar had a couple of patrons taking advantage of a happy hour special but that was all.

  “Okay, come in.” He glanced at Valdez. “Really? Don’t trust me with the mistress?” He laughed. “I get it. I’ll even take it as a compliment. Come in as well then.” He threw open the door. “I have a proposition for you, Gloria.”

  “Call me Glory. It’s closer to my real name.” That’s as much as I’d tell him about my past. I could feel him probing my thoughts and blocked them even though doing it gave me a headache. I had already taken a peek into his mind and found he’d thrown up his own block. Not surprising. It was rude to even try to read each other’s thoughts in a social setting. Simple vampire courtesy.

  “Glory. Fine. Call me Dom.” He gestured and we all sat in the same places we had the night before. “I know this club isn’t exactly doing a booming business. The topless act was a last-ditch effort to turn a profit.”

  “It seems to be working. Men love it.” I smiled. “Sex sells. That’s never changed.”

  “You might be older than you look.” He ran his eyes over my outfit and smiled.

  “Aren’t we all?” I sat back and crossed my legs, trying not to flash him my crotch. Damned shorts. “What’s the proposition?”

  “My real business is in synthetic blood. That’s the money maker for me. I’m sure you buy some now. The pressure’s on for us to be ‘civilized’ these days.” He used his hands for air quotes. “Know what I mean?”

  “Sure. I hated stalking mortals. Once synthetics became available, I jumped on them. Though they can be expensive.” I knew exactly what he was talking about. The movement to use synthetics had started in the fifties of this century when scientists, vampire scientists, had discovered they could create a pretty good blood substitute. Jeremiah could afford the best of it but didn’t drink it himself. He preferred to get it straight from mortals, old school. When I was with him, I enjoyed it. As the years went by, more synthetics became available and the prices began to vary, from cheap to luxury brands. I was stuck with cheap and had to be desperate these days to hit a mortal vein.

  “Expensive? Yes, they can be. The profit margin is tremendous. They’re actually cheap to make once you have the formulas.” Dominic got up and walked over to a cabinet against one wall. When he opened it, I could see a hidden refrigerator. Inside were bottles of what looked like blood. My fangs were down instantly.

  “Really?” I stood, behind him before I could stop myself. When he screwed off a lid and poured some into a goblet, the smell of that fake blood was tantalizing. This was the good stuff, rich and close to the real thing.

  “How do you like yours? Hot or cold?” He waved the goblet under my nose.

  “Warm.” I couldn’t move, frozen in anticipation as he opened another cabinet to reveal a microwave. “Thirty seconds, please.” I leaned in, not sure I could wait that long.

  “You’ll find this is a particularly fine blend from Romania. I import synthetics from all over the world.” The microwave dinged and he handed me the goblet.

  I inhaled. Oh, yes. This would be almost as good as the real deal.

  Dom was right. Since synthetics had been created, most vampires had given up taking blood from mortals. Some called it crude, but, in the age of cell phones and cameras everywhere, the real reason was that it was increasingly dangerous for vampires to use mortals for prey. Modern vamps were smarter—buying blood from blood banks or sticking to one of the fakes to stay off mortal radar. The problem was the cost. For someone like me on a budget, buying either one was a hardship.

  I took a sip, my fangs hitting the fine crystal and making a clink that was the vamp version of applause. Dominic smiled. I forced myself to slow down when I wanted to gulp it like I’d just been found dying from thirst in the middle of a desert. Hey, Vegas was surrounded by sand and cactus. Who could blame me if I felt the urge to down that synthetic fast?

  “This is delicious. Thank you, Dominic.” I couldn’t help it. I did drink the rest greedily, embarrassing myself. When I looked up, he held out a napkin. I took it and blotted my lips, I hoped delicately. There went my lipstick. “Sorry. It’s been so long since I’ve been able to afford this quality.”

  “Would you like another glass?” He walked back to the refrigerator.

  “No, thank you. But you said you had a proposition for me?” I hoped he wasn’t preparing a sales pitch. No way could I afford to buy this quality. I made myself put the goblet on the table in front of me, even though I wanted to lick it clean. I had a dealer who gave me a good price on some cheap stuff from Idaho. I suspected it was made from potatoes. Didn’t matter. While it wasn’t exactly delicious, it did the job and the price wa
s right. Imported from Romania? That was way out of my budget.

  “Sit down, let me tell you what I have in mind.” He settled behind his desk again then glanced at Valdez.

  My so-called bodyguard snored softly. When he’d realized what this was about, he’d put his head on his paws and decided to take a nap. I wasn’t surprised. He’d had a hard day waiting for me to rescue him from dog jail. I still didn’t know why he hadn’t just shifted out of there. I needed to ask him that. Now I looked at Dominic expectantly.

  “You ever heard of wine tastings? Like they have in Napa? Your application said you were born in California. I’m sure that’s a fiction. Ever been there?” Dom leaned back, still trying to get into my thoughts.

  I smiled. “I’ve been there. Never been to a wine tasting. What’s the point? But I know what a wine tasting is. What’s that have to do with us?”

  “You missed a bet if you didn’t hang around one of those. Taking blood from a customer loaded with fine wine?” He ran his tongue over his fangs. “A fine buzz. But I’ve found a better way to get one. With one of my synthetics.”

  “Really.” I leaned forward. He had me interested.

  “I want to arrange tastings for the different bloods I’m importing. Get some high rollers here to sample my brands. They tend to enjoy Las Vegas anyway. They come from all over the country. All over the world, actually, for the amusements here. You know we have great nightlife. Why else did you land here?”

  “I get it. You’ll pull in the high rollers.” I’d heard the term before. Rich people. Vampires with money to burn. Gods, but I wanted to be one of them. Then I would be able to afford to pay my own shape-shifter to watch over me during the day. I wouldn’t have to rely on Jeremiah at all. Why had I landed in Vegas? Lots of night jobs, of course.

  “What then, Dom?”

  “I plan to sell them distributorships. Territories.” Dominic jumped up and started pacing, clearly excited as he explained. “I bought exclusive rights from more than half a dozen really top shelf synthetics manufacturers. Rights all over the world! Imagine if I can sell these distributorships for six or seven figures each, then take a percentage off the top of all their sales. I’ve been studying how liquor and wine distributors do it. I can use the same model for blood.” He stopped next to that hidden refrigerator. “Imagine the profits, Glory!”

  “Wow. That’s genius, Dominic. What did you do? Go to all these countries and meet with the creators of the synthetics?” I licked my lips. I was craving another taste of what I’d tried. “What other brands do you have in there? What countries?”

  “See? One taste and I’ve got you hooked. It’ll work, I tell you. Let me give you another sample. A scientist from Madagascar has created a special blend with hints of spices that will blow you away.” He opened the refrigerator and picked up a fresh container. “You must try it.” He filled another goblet and stuck it in the microwave. “Thirty seconds.”

  “You know I’m supposed to be working the bar.” But, of course, I reached for that goblet as soon as the microwave dinged. I inhaled and tears came to my eyes. This took me to a place I’d never been but, somehow, I had memories… I drank and a tear ran down my cheek.

  “You like it?” Dominic put his hand on my shoulder, ignoring Valdez who was suddenly awake and had hopped out of his chair to stand beside me.

  “I love it. There’s something exotic about it. I suddenly have the urge to belly dance.” I laughed and did a little bump and grind. “Silly isn’t it?”

  “Not silly at all.” He stared at me with hot eyes. “Maybe you’re working for me in the wrong department.”

  “Oh, I’m too short to be in the dance act. Plus, I won’t dance topless.” I flushed. He was close. I’d clearly gone too far with my silly moves.

  “Too bad. You’d look great topless.” His voice had deepened and he stepped closer. Valdez growled, a menacing sound that made even me step back.

  “Hey, shifter, you want to step outside?” Dominic wasn’t afraid. “You want to go a few rounds with me? I can shift too, you know.” He let his fangs lengthen and stared at Valdez.

  “Stop it, Valdez. Dom and I are talking business. In fact, get out of here. Now.” I put my hand on Valdez’s collar. “I mean it. Go back to the break room. If I feel threatened, I’ll call you.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to stay?” He gave Dominic a hard look, his own canines showing.

  “Very sure.” I was breathless, not only from the exotic synthetic blood, but also from the way Dominic had faced down my bodyguard. Was I crazy to be turned on by that macho act? What can I say? I’ve always liked a manly man.

  “I’m going, but I’m not happy. I’ll be right here outside the door. Not in the damned break room.” Valdez walked out when Dominic threw open the door. Dom shut it firmly as soon as Valdez was in the hall.

  “I sent him out so we could talk business, that’s all.” I sipped the exotic blood, trying not to gulp it down like I had the last one. I was warm and the entire room seemed to come into sharper focus.

  “Whatever you say.” Dominic’s smile was knowing. Could he tell the heat from that blood had pooled where those shorts were digging between my thighs? I made it to a chair and sat again, keeping my knees together.

  “What does this synthetics syndicate have to do with me, Dom?”

  He settled behind his desk and opened a laptop. “I’m working on my contact list. Sending out invitations to high rollers, like I said. There will be men and women who can afford to invest. We’ll run these tastings like the ones in the expensive wineries in Napa.” He leaned across the desk. “We could shift and fly to one. Come with me and we can take a look at how the tastings are run.”

  “I’ll take your word for it.” I wasn’t about to get into the fact that I didn’t shift. There was a tasteful clock on a shelf near that hidden refrigerator. Time was running out. Barb, the other waitress, would be mad if we got swamped and she had to handle it alone. “I still haven’t heard what my role is going to be.”

  Dominic got up again. He was clearly restless and I stood too. Waiting. He was looking me over again. I knew men. This conversation was about to take a turn.


  “You can serve at these blood tastings. I’d thought I’d have to hire a mortal server. You know how complicated that would be in a room full of vampires. You’re perfect, if you’re willing. I like how you look now, very much.” His eyes made a tour of my body and I had to force myself to stand still for it. He was my boss. As long as this was look and not touch, I was okay with it.

  “Sure, I’m willing.” I smiled. “But, I repeat, I’m not doing it topless.”

  He laughed. “This will be for a more sophisticated crowd. We’ll have to find you something different to wear. More class, less ass.” He was still grinning. “Was that insulting?”

  “Not at all. I’ve mixed with kings back in the day. I know how to act with the rich and famous.” I’d said too much and his eyebrows rose. Now I’d intrigued him. Not such a bad thing.

  I realized I was high. My head felt like it was leaving my body and Dom looked really, really good to me. I wanted to lick the top of his glossy head when he ran his hand over it. Did he shine it with something?

  Stray thoughts like that hit me. Why? It had to be that blood. There was no other explanation for these strange feelings that pinged through my brain randomly. I grinned at him when he seemed to float a few feet off the ground in front of me. Or maybe I was the one floating. I felt for the chair behind me and leaned against it before I fell.

  “What was in that last blood anyway? I’m feeling a buzz.” I thought I’d better leave, but when I tried to walk, my high heels suddenly acted like stilts I couldn’t control.

  “Maybe a little hashish. A buzz? You must be a lightweight. There wasn’t enough in there to do more than relax you. I know it just makes me loose.” He reached for my shoulder to steady me when I stumbled. “You ever feel lonely, being a vampire surro
unded by mortals?” He ran his hand around my neck, feeling for my jugular.

  “Sure.” I knew what he was doing. “I handle it.” I backed away and almost fell over. This was moving too fast and I was late. I lifted off his hand and wagged a finger in his face. “Hashish? You should have warned me. I hope I don’t mess up counting change tonight.” I finally made wobbly progress to the door and leaned against it. We needed to conclude our business. “Whoa. Maybe I’m a little dizzy. But I feel full of life, that’s what drinking blood always does to us, right?”

  “Yes. Make change? I’m sure you’ll figure it out. You seem like a smart woman.” Dom just kept watching me with those dark eyes.

  “Blood tasting. Like a wine tasting. And I’m your waitress.” I licked my lips. I’d love to taste one of those premium bloods again right now. “Lots of high rollers who will tip big. Count me in. I’ll help you sell your blood but I need guaranteed pay for this as well.”

  “What if I paid you in blood? Some of that special stuff you just tasted?” Dominic suddenly stood close, in one of those vamp moves that could be sexy if done right. He’d managed it. His suit tonight was a sleek black number with a black shirt and purple tie. He looked successful and smelled that way, reeking of that expensive blood.

  “You’re tempting me.” I inhaled and felt the door handle digging into my butt. “But I just decided to save for my future. Cash. I work for cash from now on. I want my own business someday. I’ll survive on cheap synthetics and sock away my pay, thank you very much.”

  “How…sensible of you.” He brushed my hair back from my cheek. “I like ambition in a woman.”

  “Hmm.” That was all I could say as he moved in to brush his lips across my jugular. It was fleeting but sent shivers through me. When his fangs drifted over my skin, I jerked away and got the door open.

  “We’ll talk again, Glory,” he said as I ran toward the bar, Valdez on my heels after he stopped to growl at Dom.


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