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Real Vampires: Glory Does Vegas

Page 23

by Bartlett, Gerry

  “I wish I knew. I told you, I woke up with no idea who I was or where I came from. It was 1604 and I had one name in my aching head—Gloriana. The St. Clair was given to me by the man who found me lying there. I wore a costume. Kind of like what the waitresses at Caesar’s Palace wear.” I tried to remember how to get to Dom’s house as I drove away from what I considered civilization. “Maybe that’s a clue.”

  “One thing Davenport said that’s true is that demons are attracted to power. You must have even more hidden powers you don’t know about. That electricity thing is one of them. You need to practice using it.” Valdez yawned. “Especially since you won’t shape-shift.”

  “I will practice. You saw how it worked on that slime Sid. I’m glad he won’t bother us again.”

  “Right. Too bad you can’t look into Davenport’s eyes and make him go away like that.”

  “I tried.” I’d been driving on instinct, not sure I remembered how to get to Dom’s house. I hadn’t driven last time and it was really dark as we left town. “But the minute I stared into Davenport’s bright blue eyes, I felt like I was the one who was about to be mesmerized.” I came to a corner. “Look up, V. Do I turn right or left here?”

  He sat up and started giving me directions. It took another fifteen minutes for the isolated house to come into view.

  “You know, I should have called and cancelled this. I need to do laundry and that scene with Davenport has me wiped out.” I dragged my tote from the back seat and let Valdez out of the car.

  “I heard that. Who’s Davenport? Do I have competition?” Dom walked out of the house and took my tote. He handed it off to Caroline.

  “A pest. Forget him.” I doubted I could. A big favor. I knew I’d be dreading it until he finally told me what he wanted.

  Dom slid his arm around my waist. “Good. I’m glad you’re here. I need a break from staring at profit and loss statements. Ready to try the hot tub?”

  I stretched as an excuse to step away from him. “A soak in a hot tub would feel great. I’ve been tense and need to relax. Maybe I’ll tell you about Davenport after I change.” I reached for my tote again.

  “Change?” Dom grinned. “Come now, why not just strip off and jump in, sweet thing?”

  “I’m not your sweet thing. And I’m not stripping off. We’re just friends, remember?” I sighed. “If you are going to be a pest, too, I’ll head back home right now.”

  “A pest?” He tried to look indignant. It didn’t work. “Fine. Friends. I’ll put on trunks, you put on your bathing suit. I’m praying it’s one of those tiny little bikinis.” He winked. “Caro already has the water going. She’s cooking something special for Valdez. It seems she’s developed a soft spot for him.”

  I looked down at my bodyguard. He hadn’t said a word, just stood there waiting for orders. “Fine. We’re safe out here unless the werewolves lose their minds again. Valdez, you two have fun.” I reached into my tote and pulled out… “What is this?” Instead of the tiny pieces of black nylon that were my bikini, I had the vintage bathing suit I’d bought from Misty. It would come down to my knees and cover most of my body.

  Valdez was slinking away, following Caro to the kitchen.

  “Valdez, stop right there!” I stomped after him. “Did you put this in my tote?” I waved the heavy suit in front of me.

  “What the hell is that thing?” Dom came up beside me and fingered the fabric. “Good God! It’s wool!”

  “Early nineteen hundreds, antique bathing costume.” I grabbed Valdez’s tail when he wouldn’t turn around. “Look at me, V. What did you do?”

  He pulled free and faced me. “Were you really going to wear a bikini here? In front of him ?” He nodded at Dom. “I thought you were just friends.”

  “I decide whether I’ll be someone’s friend or…” I felt Dom’s arm slide around my waist. “more.”

  “That’s right, dog. Stay out of her personal affairs.” Dom squeezed my waist. “You two get out of here.”

  “On our way, Dom, Glory.” Caro walked inside. “Valdez?”

  She was in her usual black pants and long-sleeve tee. The vest over it made it look military. The sway in her hips, though, was pure woman. I noticed Valdez watching her as they walked away.

  “You know you don’t want to wear that thing. Your underwear is like a bikini, isn’t it? I’ll run up, put on my trunks, then meet you in the hot tub.” Dom pulled off his lightweight sweater. His chest was smooth and muscular. Again, I wondered what he’d done in his life before he was turned. I knew he’d been in a fencing club. Did a man develop those muscles playing with swords? I doubted it.

  I wasn’t about to do the hot tub thing in my underwear. A bikini was one thing, but demi bra and thong panties sent the wrong message. So I found a bathroom and pulled on that vintage suit. I had to feel sorry for the women who’d been forced to wear these shapeless things back then. The heavy wool did stretch and the scoop neckline was modest. Dom would be disappointed about that. With sleeves to my elbows and pants to my knees, I could have worn this costume anywhere. Thank goodness there was a chill in the night air. How would I feel in the bubbling water?

  I couldn’t forget the last thing Davenport had said. He knew Dom. Was all this rush to get me into bed one more ploy by the Devil?

  Sin, Glory. Why try to have morals or standards of behavior when no one around you has them? I stepped out of the bathroom and saw the spa next to the pool through the French doors. The water bubbled and steam rose from the tub that could seat six. Two people would have plenty of room to do whatever they wanted to do in there.

  I inhaled and smelled something delicious. The kitchen was on the other side of the house, not where the two shape-shifters could see what was happening in the pool area. Whatever Caro was cooking, she’d used some spices that permeated the air. I smelled turmeric and garlic. Maybe she was going Indian.

  I was sure Valdez was staying close to her, ready to eat whatever she cooked. Too bad she’d have to put a plate on the floor for him. Maybe she’d shift into something like a dog so he’d be comfortable eating that way with her beside him. The idea made me smile as I opened the door and stepped outside and into the chilly night air.

  “You look like a blast from my past. I lived through those years when women wore those things to the shore. I’m mourning the loss of your bikini. You should fire that hound. Instead, what’s making you smile?” Dom held out his hand. He wore snug briefs that showed off his trim middle and muscular thighs.

  “I was imagining our shape-shifters eating gourmet food off plates on the floor.” I let him help me into the tub.

  “Tough break for Valdez, not allowed to shift into his human form. Serves him right after the stunt he pulled tonight.” Dom stretched out next to me then handed me a crystal goblet filled with a substance the color of blood. “He told Caro his contract forbids it.”

  I sniffed the synthetic and ignored his comment. “What is this one? It smells delicious.”

  “Another one from Romania. It’s also laced with alcohol. It will help us both relax.” He sipped then eyed me over the rim. “That’s a pretty harsh contract. Doesn’t your sire trust you with a regular male bodyguard?”

  “Drop it, Dom. My relationship with my sire is none of your business.” I took a deep swallow. The synthetic warmed my insides as it went down. “Sorry, but if you’re going to pry, I’m going home.” I set the glass behind me.

  “Now, now. Calm down. Stay.” He slid his arm around me, pressing me back in my seat. “I’ll shut up about that.” He tickled my neck with his breath. “Lean back, look up at the stars. I promised you a great view, didn’t I?” He picked up a remote with his other hand and the lights dimmed except for those beneath the water in the spa and the glittering pool nearby.

  I leaned back and rested my head on his shoulder. “There must be a million stars. It’s such a clear night.”

  “This is why I live out here. Those lights in the city, especially on the Strip, ru
in it and make it impossible to see the night sky.”

  I laughed and turned my head to look at him. “Those lights on the Strip are what the tourists love about Vegas.” I stopped laughing when I saw his eyes narrow and the way he stared at my lips.

  He leaned in, taking command as he kissed me. I didn’t push him away, willing to see how I felt about it. When he suddenly jerked back and looked around, I almost grabbed his shoulders and pulled him close for more.

  “What is it?” I licked my lips, savoring that Romanian on my tongue, both the synthetic and Dom.

  “We’re being watched, I can feel it.”


  “ G ood instincts, Dominic. Now if only you had as good a memory.” The voice came from the rooftop next to us. With a flutter of wings, a beautiful white owl took off, circling above us before it landed next to the spa. Then the owl became a woman with long platinum hair. She wore a white satin pants suit that matched her hair perfectly. Her high heels, tipped in gold metal, made sparks as she paced around the tub. A red satin blouse was the only spot of color in her outfit. She wore scarlet lipstick to match.

  “Karla, what the hell are you doing here?” Dom didn’t move. If anything, he tightened his hold on my shoulders. “Can’t you see I’m busy?”

  “Oh, forgive me.” She pointed a red fingernail at him. “Don’t you own a calendar, you asshole? Have you forgotten what day this is?”

  “Oh, shit.” He was out of the tub in a flash. He grabbed a towel from a stack on a lounge chair and wrapped it around his waist. “I’m sorry. I completely forgot.”

  The woman looked me over and inhaled, her patrician nostrils quivering. “I’m not surprised. Where did this new vampire come from? Have you imported more than blood from your beloved Romania? What the hell is she wearing?”

  “No, no. Sorry. This is Glory, uh, Gloria Simpson. She works for me.” He reached to help me step out of the water. Then he handed me a towel. “Glory, let me introduce you to Karla Falk.”

  I didn’t know what to say. This beautiful woman was clearly another vampire. What was so important about the day? What had Dom forgotten?

  “Oh, he is truly a self-centered piece of shit, Glory.” Karla came closer. She stared into my eyes. Her own were a chilly pale blue that made me want to run. But I stood my ground.

  “What do you mean?” I wrapped a second towel around my shoulders. I was sure she was still trying to figure out why I was dressed in a wool bathing costume that had stretched and now dripped on the concrete. I had to keep pulling at it so it wouldn’t expose my boobs.

  “The first Monday of the month is when the local vampires meet. We picked Monday purely to accommodate this asswipe because that’s when his club is closed. In return, he promised to always bring the refreshments.” She glanced down at a fancy electronic watch. “Oh, look, first Monday, we gathered as close after sunset as we could manage, eagerly waiting for Dominic and his synthetics. What happens?” She whirled and pinned him in the middle of his bare chest with a sharp fingernail.

  He winced because she drew blood. “I said I’m sorry. I can get Caroline there in thirty minutes with a case of my best synthetic.”

  “Don’t bother. Everyone left in a huff. There were promises made of retribution. You’d better watch your back, you swine’s analӧppning .” She turned back to me. “I will call you, Gloria. You need to meet more of the local vampires, not just this one. He may have given you a job, but he is not lover material.”

  “Shut up, Karla. I think you’ve said enough.” Dom had obviously taken the ranting as long as he intended. “My love life is none of your damned business. You want your discount as a member of the local council, I suggest you take off now. I will give Glory your number. If she wants to get involved with local vampire politics, she can. I’ll advise against it.”

  Karla screeched, her owl suddenly taking flight. I had to admire the speed with which she’d shape-shifted. That must be some discount for her to be willing to give up her tirade so abruptly.

  “Everything okay here?” Caro and Valdez had come on the run at the sound of that screech.

  “We’re fine. Go finish your dinner.” I was the one to say this. Dom was apparently speechless, wiping the blood off his chest with a towel. “We may not be staying long, Valdez, so don’t linger over it.”

  “Too bad. What I’ve had so far was delicious.” He followed Caro back inside. “Nice pool. I wouldn’t mind a swim sometime.”

  I turned to Dom. “Let’s get back in the spa then you can tell me all about the local vampire council.”

  “Those people are nothing but a pain in my ass.” He threw off his towel and helped me climb back in. He frowned when I took a seat across from him. “Don’t let Karla ruin this for us.”

  “Remember, there is no us . We’re friends and maybe not even that after what I just heard. Why didn’t you introduce me to some of the other vampires? I could really use some vampire friends, especially female friends here in town. Since Fergus and Maggie left, I’ve had no one except the dancers around. You know what it’s like to watch what you say and do around mortals.”

  “Yes, I do. But around the wrong vampires it can be even worse. The council here in Las Vegas is all about keeping us under the radar.” Dom had managed to refill our goblets. “They disapprove of my club, especially since I took it topless.”

  “I’m not crazy about the concept, but you haven’t gone vampire on anyone. Not that I know of. You act like any mortal owner of a club like that would act.” I had to admit, knowing Dom had its perks. His synthetic blood was delicious and much better than I could afford.

  “Thank you. I’m not breaking any of their precious rules. You should see the magic shows one of them puts on. Right there on the Strip!” He leaned forward. “He mesmerizes whole audiences. Shifts, does stunts that put us all at risk and they let him get by with it.”

  “You’re not saying that guy with the white pigeons is…” I took a deep drink from my goblet. I’d had a chance to see part of his show and wondered how he’d made the animals behave as they did. “Can you mesmerize animals like you can mortals?”

  “What do you think?” Dom eased closer to me. “Forget him. Forget all of them. They are prudes. Some, like Karla, are hot heads. You do something wrong and they’ll come after you.”

  “Something wrong. Like make a deal with the Devil?” I drained my glass.

  Dom laughed. “Who would be dumb enough to do that?” He slid his bare foot along my leg. “Come on now, Glory. Let’s play. Take off that horrible costume. I’ve dreamed of seeing you topless. Did you know that?”

  “Vampires don’t dream, Dom.” I stood and climbed out of the tub. “I’ve got to get out of here.”

  “Wait! No!” He walked right behind me as I snatched up a dry towel. “Why did you come out here? Don’t be a tease.”

  “Stop right there. Tease? Doesn’t a woman have the right to change her mind?” I turned and faced him. “You kept the vampire council a secret from me. I won’t forget that. I asked you when we met about other vampires in town and you just shrugged, like you didn’t know of any. I have to think about how I’ll go on in the future if I can’t trust you. Send me Karla’s number. If I don’t get it later tonight, then…” I looked up at those stars. I hated to say it but trust was a big deal to me. He’d lied to me. I’d made a mistake thinking I could have any kind of relationship with him other than boss/employee.

  “Then what, Glory?” He looked me over, his eyes on the way that wet wool showed every detail of my body from the pebbles of my nipples to the curves of my abundant thighs. “You going to quit? Good luck finding another job.”

  “Maybe I should quit.” I held up my hand when he started to speak. “I know, it won’t be easy, but I need to think about what working for you has done for me.”

  “Yeah, think about that. I know Caro slipped you a case of the good stuff at a deep discount. Perks like that are worth a lot. Why do you think Karla took off in such a hur
ry?” Dom was dripping water, his bare feet slapping on the tile floor as he followed me to the kitchen.

  He gestured at Caroline. “Glory’s leaving. I hope you finished whatever the hell you were eating. God, it smells delicious. Open some windows. I don’t need this kind of torture in my house, Caro. You cook again, do it outside on the grill.”

  I saw Valdez’s plate sitting on the floor and it was still half full. I shook my head then pulled my clothes and laptop out of my tote and swept the contents of the plate inside.

  “We’re taking it with us. I’m sorry, but I can’t be here another minute.”

  “Fine by me.” Dom threw open the front door. “Go. I won’t fire you because I’m not the asshole Karla says I am. But I won’t help you with your business plans either. Let her help. She’s started a successful business. Something to do with women’s underwear. You might like the shit she sells.” He looked me up and down. “It squeezes your stomach and thighs until you look like you magically lost ten pounds. It’s making her millions. Some women are desperate to look slimmer.”

  I hissed at the way he stared at my hips. “You son of a bitch! Valdez, in the car, now!” I gathered up my clothes, clutched my laptop and stuck my feet in my sandals. It wasn’t easy to carry all my stuff without dropping something. When Caro came forward as if to help me, Dom shook his head.

  “Let Ms. Independent do it herself. Look up Karla Falk’s phone number and text it to Glory. She’s interested in connecting with that bitch.” Dom slammed the door, almost catching Valdez’s tail.

  My bodyguard looked up at me as I struggled to open the car door and throw my clothes into the back seat. I was driving home in a wet bathing costume. Stealing one of Dom’s towels was a bonus.

  “What was that all about?” Valdez settled into his usual spot after I remembered to let him into the car. “You’re steaming. Do I need to go back and teach him a lesson?”

  “What would be the point? Once an asshole, always an asshole.” I gripped the steering wheel and made myself calm down. He hadn’t fired me. Good. And he was stuck in a house that smelled like fine dining. Better. For a former restaurant critic, that was pure torture. I glanced at Valdez.


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