Real Vampires: Glory Does Vegas

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Real Vampires: Glory Does Vegas Page 25

by Bartlett, Gerry

  “I’ll be okay.” I leaned against Karla while she unlocked the door. “We are going to play dress up.”

  Valdez looked ready to take on the two men who blocked his way. “Karla, let her go. Can’t you see she’s drunk?” He tried to push between the shifters when one of them tried to stop him. “Guys, I’m just doing my job. She’s under my protection.”

  “We get it, fur face, but we’ve got a job too. Wait downstairs. Karla calls the shots here.” A tall man who looked like a former football player cracked his knuckles. “I don’t want to have to toss you down there.”

  “I’d like to see you try.” Valdez showed all of his teeth. The blast of his garlic breath made the man groan.

  “Fuck! What have you been eating?” Football guy fanned his face. “I give. Sit up here by the door where you can hear if she calls for help. Doug, that okay by you?”

  Doug looked green and retched. “Hell, yes.” He made a run for a room that proved to be a bathroom.

  “I don’t mind if he stays.” Karla threw open her office door. “I have to keep this locked or the women here will steal my samples. Isn’t it funny how no one is happy with their bodies?” She dragged me inside and pushed me down on a chaise covered in orange velvet. “It’s a real shame when you’re vampire. Stuck forever in that body with no chance for change. Unless…” She gestured toward a rack filled with lingerie.

  “Oh, pretty.” I tried to focus but fell back on the chaise and smiled at Karla. “You’re right. Every woman I’ve ever met hates some body part. I bet that tall beauty downstairs even hates something. Probably her big toes.” I giggled. Oh, I was soused. “What made you think of making such pretty torture panties?”

  “You are drunk. I stole it of course. I swear there are no new ideas, just clever marketing ploys.” Karla walked to the rack and pulled out a lace-trimmed black panty with legs that would hit me at about the knee. Still, it was clearly much too small for me. “Try this on if you can stand without falling down. Maybe your rich sire will buy you a pair.”

  “Don’t think so. He claims to like my curves. Besides, I can’t get my butt into that little thing.” I kicked off my shoes. “Seriously? I’m sure it stretches but no way can I force it over my thighs.”

  “Try it. I found the strongest Lycra they make. It will take all the punishment you can give it. It will embrace your thighs, pull in your stomach and hips.” She clapped her hands, startling me. “I can’t wait for you to see the miracle!”

  “I can wait. Forever.” My stomach was queasy. Too much alcohol and the idea of squeezing it made me feel worse.

  “Think, Glory! Look two sizes smaller.” She marched to face me, that tiny torture panty waving in her hand like a flag. “Now sit up and put this on.”

  She manhandled me like a rag doll, sticking my feet in the legs. Then she sat me up.

  “Use your vampire strength to pull it up. Keep going. Pull! Pull!” She leaned me against her shoulder, ignoring Valdez who growled from the doorway.

  “I’m sorry but that’s as far as it will go.” I frowned down at it. My feet were trapped and there was no way to move them apart. This was silly.

  “Stand up!” Karla jerked me to my feet and lifted my skirt. “You aren’t even trying, ӓlskling . Grab the panty and pull.”

  I could barely stand but I tried. I tugged with all my might. Inch by inch I got that damned panty to move upward. When it hit my hips, I was ready to surrender, my feet were still close together as I bit back screams of pain.

  “Karla, I can’t—”

  “Oh, yes, you can.” She was steely eyed as she walked around me. “You are a vampire, Glory. Not a cry baby.” She barked at me like I was in her vampire army.

  “Gods.” I was sure the secret service could use this on political prisoners. Did Karla need to know anything about me? Secrets? I’d make them up if she’d just stop jerking at that panty. I was ready to blurt out my social security number. The pin number for my bank account. She’d taken over, her red nails gripping the Lycra as she urged it ever higher. I was surprised she didn’t poke holes in it with those long fingernails.

  “Stop, stop!” I sobbed, desperate for her to release me. Valdez barked at her and yelled a few choice words.

  “No, we’re almost there.” One last jerk and she stepped back. “Aha! You are now in the Mbrace of my miracle shapewear. Look down at yourself, Glory. What a shame you cannot see your reflection in a mirror.” She paced around me while I swayed and wiped my cheeks.

  Valdez was in the room now, his growl raising the hair on my arms.

  “Picture!” I finally remembered my phone in my purse. I’d put the chain over my shoulder and never let it go. I passed my phone to Karla with a shaky hand.

  “Take my picture. I…I need to see how I look. Quick, before I fall. Record…results of torture.” My voice was breathy. I could barely talk.

  Karla grabbed the phone and arranged my skirt so we could see the outline of my hips.

  “Oh, you look fabulous. As model skinny as that Connie Washington. You know she had her picture in Vogue? Such cheekbones! We must check her feet. Come to think of it, I’ve never seen her without closed toe shoes.” Karla checked the photos then handed the phone back to me. “Look at that. You will be amazed.”

  I couldn’t focus. The torture panty came all the way up to my rib cage. When I swallowed, I swear I could taste my kidneys. Nasty. Vile. I tried to fall back on the chaise but realized I couldn’t bend at the waist.

  I peered at the pictures. Was that skinny woman me? No hips, no thighs. Too bad my mouth was wide open as I gasped for air. I was blinking rapidly when the room suddenly disappeared.

  I woke up on the floor, the carpet rough under my cheek. Valdez had pieces of the panty in his mouth while Karla screeched at him. She called for her shape-shifters but they didn’t appear.

  “What happened?” I moved my head, staring up at the ceiling then around the room. Gods, but my head ached. At least a quick check assured me that I had escaped from the Lycra hell that had tried to squeeze the life out of me. If I’d had a life, that is.

  “Your damned hund ruined my beautiful panty. Tore it right off of you!” Karla’s fangs were down and she aimed her nails at Valdez’s throat. He dropped the scraps of panty and snarled.

  “She fainted, you crazy bitch. You can’t put ten pounds of flour in a five-pound sack!” He walked up to me and peered down at my face. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m better now except that your breath could drop a horse.” I pushed him away then sat up. “Karla, I’m sorry but I think Valdez is right. That panty was the wrong size. I needed a bigger one.”

  “That defeats the purpose!” She picked up the pieces and examined them. “Don’t think I won’t send you a bill for this. You know how much this model costs?” She named a price and I swallowed. No wonder she was a millionaire.

  “Like I said, I’m sorry. The thing is, after four hundred years in this body, I’m used to it. I told you, my sire loves my curves. I think I’ll let you sell those torture panties to mortals, okay?”

  “Fine. You want business advice? Here it is. Come up with a bright idea, Glory. Make friends.” Karla glared at Valdez. “Use your network to your advantage. I certainly do. I have a shop in one of the casinos. I get a discount rent because one of the vampires here owns the casino. Too bad she hasn’t figured out how to let the house win so her casino is in trouble. But that’s how networking can help you.”

  “Thanks. That’s the kind of advice I need.” I staggered to my feet and checked to make sure my dress hadn’t taken any damage. The effects of the alcohol were wearing off and I felt a little better but not great. “Will you introduce me to more of the vampires here?”

  “I will.” She sniffed. “We must find a breath mint for your shifter or he will have to wait for you elsewhere. What are you feeding him?”

  I told her about his dinner as we walked down the stairs.

  The movie on the big screen was n
ow “Dirty Dancing !” Connie crowed, getting up and spinning in front of the TV.

  “We’ve only seen it a hundred times.” Dennis watched her spin. “A little faster, dumpling, I want to see if you’re wearing your red panties.”

  “Swine.” She collapsed next to him and grabbed his hand. “Feel. No panties at all.”

  “Ignore them. They are always at it.” Karla led me to a new group of men who stood talking and drinking. The man who’d complained about the smoker had joined them and turned to greet us.

  “What happened upstairs? Did you find Glory to your liking, Karla? I heard screams. Were they of pleasure? Or is she into pain?” He grinned at me. “Perhaps she’ll play with me next.”

  “Larry, let the woman get used to us first.” Karla kept her hand on my arm. “We were talking business upstairs. The matter of exchanging blood or whether she was interested in bed partners didn’t come up.”

  “Karla, you are unusually slow tonight.” One of the men held out his hand. “Come upstairs with me. I will show you a good time.”

  “Promises, promises.” But she did take his hand. “Larry, introduce Glory to the rest of this crowd. She wants to start her own business. Perhaps one of you can help her.” She slid her arm around the man’s waist. “Good night, all. This one had better keep me entertained until dawn or I will be back looking for a replacement.”

  There were a lot of catcalls and raucous laughter. Then Larry turned to me. “We can find our own room or I can introduce you to these losers.”

  I smiled. “Introduce me. I’m not ready for a room with a stranger.”

  “Too bad.” Then Larry quickly went around the group. “I wish I could say the secret to starting a successful business was here but I can’t.”

  “Shut up, Larry.” A tall, thin vampire with blond hair and blue eyes shoved him aside. “Did I hear Karla say you work for Dominic?”

  “Yes, I’m a waitress at his club.” I hated to admit it because that got me the usual speculative looks. “No, I don’t do the topless thing. I’m not one of his dancers.”

  “Joe Black. You may have seen the movie they made about me.” He smiled, his fangs long and lethal.

  “Not that bullshit again.” Larry poked him in the chest. “He claims to be Death. Do you think this guy looks like Brad Pitt?”

  “Are you saying I’m not as pretty as Brad Pitt?” Joe gave Larry a hard shove that sent him to the floor.

  The next thing I knew the two men were hitting each other and rolling across the carpet. Furniture crashed and a lamp turned over with the sound of breaking glass.

  “Never mind them, my dear. It is an old rivalry.” A third man took my elbow and helped me get out of the way of flying fists. “They will settle this in bed. They say it always ends the same.” He smiled down at me. “Come. You don’t look well. I will walk you to your car. You do have one here, don’t you? Unless you and the shifter both flew in together.”

  “No, you’re right. My car’s parked outside, behind the building.” I realized Valdez was close. “I didn’t catch your name.” My head was still hurting. I’d met too many people and the names were running together. This man was right. I didn’t feel well. Now Joe and Larry were kissing each other on the floor, ignoring the mess they’d made of the living room. I was more than ready to leave, especially when Dennis pumped up the volume on the TV and the trio on the couch jumped up and started dancing. They ignored the chaos and the lovemaking starting nearby.

  “Call me Micah. That’s enough for now.” He opened his hand and there was a pill in his palm. “Take this. It will cure your headache.”

  “I’m not sure…”

  “Trust me.” He looked deep into my eyes then handed me a goblet of synthetic.

  I sniffed. No alcohol, which was a relief. “Why should I trust you?”

  “I know Jeremiah. Does that help?” He looked down at Valdez. “Shifter, go outside and make sure there are no surprises waiting for us.”

  I was shocked when Valdez obeyed him. He trotted out when Micah held the door open for him. Maybe Valdez had done it because it was a good idea.

  “Prove it. Prove you know my sire.” I sipped the drink but ignored the pill. I had never taken one in my long, long life but I’d certainly seen them around and been offered drugs before.

  “Jeremiah’s father is Angus, his mother is Magdalena. Their home castle is in Dollar near Edinburgh. Jerry is currently in New Orleans squiring around a woman he shouldn’t trust.” Micah smiled. “Convinced?”

  “What woman?” I picked up the pill from his calloused hand. The man was very like Jeremiah in that he had the look of a warrior, with a sturdy build, longish hair the color of an oak tree’s trunk and dark eyes that were probing my thoughts. I tried to block them but the alcohol in my system made that a struggle.

  He laughed, loud and long. “Of course, all you heard was about the woman. Jealous, are you, Gloriana?” The hint of a Scottish lilt was suddenly in his voice.

  I swallowed the pill, almost choking at the unaccustomed feel, the roughness of it going down my throat. I quickly took a deep drink.

  “I hope you haven’t poisoned me. If you know Jeremiah’s mother, I wouldn’t be surprised by that.” I grabbed his arm when he helped me outside. It was a chilly night and I was relieved to see Valdez waiting, his ears and tail up, on alert.

  “I’m going to drive you home. I don’t think you should be behind the wheel after all the alcohol you consumed tonight.” Micah walked me to my car, his hand out for my keys.

  I dug into my evening bag and found them. It wasn’t like me to be so docile, letting this man call the shots, but the world was moving under my feet and I was relieved to finally slide into the passenger seat. The stench of garlic on Valdez’s breath when he hopped into the back then leaned over to look at me, almost made me gag.

  “He’s right, you know. You shouldn’t drive. If I could, I’d do it.” Valdez glanced at Micah as he settled behind the wheel. “Jeremiah sent you?”

  “I didn’t say that.” He smiled at me. “Lean back, shifter. Your breath is an abomination.”

  “Sorry.” He sat back. “What did you say?”

  “I said I knew him.” Micah smiled at me as he started the car. “Jeremiah and I know each other and have for centuries. Send him a text, Glory. Let him know you are with Micah and see what he says.”

  I fumbled my phone out of my purse again. All I wanted to do was to lie in my bed and wait for sunrise. A good death sleep and I would wake up refreshed. That’s what I needed. But now I was worried. Micah’s smile was too knowing. Was he one of Jeremiah’s ancient enemies? Just my luck to fall into the clutches of someone who was after revenge. I found Jerry’s number and sent a quick text. I had to do it over three times before it made any kind of sense. Damn auto correct.

  I got a quick response. “Oh.” I looked at the man who was happily steering us down the Strip. He’d asked Valdez for my address and my bodyguard hadn’t hesitated to tell him not only the address but how to get there.

  “Did he answer?” Micah stopped for a red light and glanced at me. His face, lit by a rainbow of neon lights, made me think of demons again. Was that why Jeremiah had texted what he had?

  “Yes. One word.” I looked around. Tourists thronged the sidewalks. If I threw open the door, I could join them. There was little Micah could do in such a crowd. I showed the phone to Valdez. Could we both move fast enough to make our escape? Did I really want to abandon my car? And now he knew where I lived. He could be waiting for us when we finally got home.

  “What was it, Gloriana?” Micah pulled over in front of a restaurant that was closed. “I can see you’re thinking about bolting. Don’t bother. I mean you no harm.”

  “Hah!” I showed him the text. “Run! Why would Jeremiah say that if I wasn’t in danger from you?”

  “Perhaps because he knows you have a soft spot for Highlanders?” Micah faced me. “I plan to come to that blood tasting you will be serving at in
October. Jeremiah tried to dissuade me. That got me curious. Then I found out you lived here. Jeremiah works hard to keep your whereabouts a secret from his friends. Did you know that?”

  I rolled down my window and inhaled what passed for fresh air on the Strip. I smelled mortals, car exhaust and garlic from the back seat. Jeremiah kept me a secret now. Why? Was he ashamed of me? I faced Micah again.

  “Take me home. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, after I get off work. Right now, I can’t think straight. Understand?” I leaned back and closed my eyes.

  “More than you know.” Micah pulled out into traffic. I knew because the car moved.

  I didn’t like him. He’d come to make trouble. That much was obvious. I’d been looking forward to Halloween and seeing Jerry again. Now I didn’t know what to think. I put a hand over my eyes, the bright neon so strong it seemed to pierce my eyelids.

  I sat like that until the car stopped and Valdez said we had arrived at our apartment complex. When I opened my eyes, the car keys were on the driver’s seat and Micah was gone. I was relieved yet frustrated. When would I see him again? Would he show up tomorrow night? I didn’t know what to wish for.

  One thing I did know, I had wanted to meet more vampires and all it had gotten me was drunk. The Vampire Council and the house were things to think about later. That pill I’d taken sat in my stomach, taking root. Why had I let Micah talk me into that? What was it doing to me?


  “ A re you okay?” Valdez asked as I grabbed my keys and got out of the car. He trailed me to our apartment.

  “I have no idea.” I fumbled with the key then realized the door wasn’t locked after all. I pushed it open and saw Davenport sitting on our ancient couch. Just what I needed.

  “You look a little rough, my dear. Hard night?” He seemed happy about that, his smile knowing.

  “Where’s Misty?” I collapsed into a chair facing the demon, Valdez so close he was almost sitting on my feet. He gave Davenport a fierce look and a growl.

  “At a GA meeting.” Davenport got up and strolled to the door. “I did what I said I’d do. I even paid what she owed on her car so she’d have transportation. She won’t remember a thing except that there was a mistake in her paperwork and the collection agency had to bring her car back to her. She’s decided she’ll never gamble again. I’m sure she’ll tell you all about it when she gets home.”


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