Real Vampires: Glory Does Vegas

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Real Vampires: Glory Does Vegas Page 26

by Bartlett, Gerry

  “That means…” I rubbed my head. The headache was gone but now my thoughts were making me wish for an early death sleep. What had I done, making a deal with a demon?

  “You can’t escape this, Gloriana. I’ll be in touch soon about our bargain. You owe me a favor and it will be a big one.” He tipped an invisible hat then walked out the door.

  “Gods.” I put my head on my knees. Then I felt a warm paw stroke my hair.

  “Don’t worry, Glory. We’ll figure a way out of this.” Valdez leaned against my legs. “Even demons make mistakes, have weaknesses. We just have to find Davenport’s.”

  I looked up. “I appreciate your confidence, but I’m afraid I’ve really done it now.” I pushed myself to my feet. “I need a hot shower and to rinse out a couple of pieces of laundry.” A glance at the clock convinced me it was later than I’d thought. I needed to hurry.

  “I’ll be out here, watching for Misty. Go ahead.” Valdez jumped up on the couch. “I could use a nap.”

  “Do you need something to eat?” I stopped on my way to the bathroom.

  “No thanks. Caro fed me too well. I may be burping garlic for the next week. If Misty has some Tums in the medicine cabinet, could you toss a few on the floor for me?” He stretched out, facing the door.

  “Will do.” I found the bottle of colored chews and counted out four. Then I hand fed them to my bodyguard. I hoped he was right and there was some way to get out of this favor I owed. And Micah. What did he want? Just to make trouble? Would he even be around tomorrow night? Or had he done what he’d come to do, which was to make me mad at Jerry? I itched to call my sire and ask him about Micah’s claim that I was Jeremiah’s dirty secret. Because that was how I was seeing it. Yes, Jerry had women there in New Orleans. Why not? He sure didn’t have a relationship with me, now did he?

  I had to stop this. Jerry had asked me to come back with him to New Orleans. But he could read me so easily, he’d known my answer before he’d even asked the question.

  I showered then went through my usual rituals, the events of the night swirling through my head. Dom was still my boss but I’d probably ruined my relationship with him. There was a vampire council and plenty of vamps I could tap for information and friendship. I might not like the Council House but it was a good resource. Too bad I knew from experience that vampires could be unreliable. I think it had something to do with having to skulk about in the night, keeping so many secrets from mortals.

  Karla was certainly a possibility as a mentor, but she hadn’t really told me anything I hadn’t already known. I needed a big idea and to network. Hello, networking was why I’d sought her out in the first place!

  I was about to lie down when I heard the outer door open. Misty was home. I inhaled, relieved to discover she was alone. I threw a robe over my nightgown and walked out to the living room. She was petting Valdez.

  “Glory! I got my car back. Those idiots at the car lot made a mistake. I had only missed one payment. I caught up that one and they had to bring back the car. Isn’t that great?” She pushed Valdez out of the way and sat on the couch. “How was your night with Dom?”

  “A disaster. He really is a jerk. I made a new friend though. She’s going to give me advice about starting my business.” I sat across from her. “I thought you had a date with Davenport.”

  “Who?” She looked puzzled. “I did laundry then went to a Gamblers Anonymous meeting. There’s a cute guy there who asked me for coffee. We sat at the IHop for hours, just talking. I didn’t tell him where I worked. I said I was a dancer.” She ran a finger down her jeans. “I think if I said topless dancer he’d automatically think bimbo. Know what I mean?”

  “Yes, and it’s not fair.” I yawned. “Get to know him first. Are you serious about GA this time?”

  “I am. No more gambling for me. I’d saved up enough to clear my debts, paid Lee, and now I’ve got a chance for a fresh start. If I even talk about buying a lottery ticket, stop me.” She got up. “I’m getting ready for bed. Good night.” She ruffled Valdez’s fur. “Night, pup.”

  I gestured to Valdez and he followed me into my room where I closed the door. “I found some peppermints in the kitchen. Eat one or three.” I unwrapped them and watched him crunch one at a time.

  “Thanks. I admit the garlic was too much. Caro needs to learn restraint if she’s serious about opening her own restaurant someday.” He settled in front of the door.

  “Did you hear Misty? She doesn’t remember Davenport. He did wipe her memory. She’s done with gambling and thinks she saved up enough on her own to pay her debts.” I fell back on my bed. “That demon did keep his end of the bargain.”

  “So what?” Valdez snorted. “I’m telling you, Glory, demons never play fair and you don’t have to play fair with them. Weaseling out of a deal is allowed. In fact, they will respect you for the attempt. The problem is, we don’t know what he wants you to do for him. That makes me nervous.”

  “Yeah, me too.” I threw my robe on the floor and pulled up the covers. I could feel dawn coming. I could also feel that pill, sitting in my stomach and refusing to dissolve. What had I swallowed? Why had I swallowed it? Micah. He was still a problem. I sighed and closed my eyes. I was more than ready for this endless night to be over.

  Micah didn’t show up the next night. I didn’t hear from him again and September crawled by with no word from Davenport either. Dom acted like nothing had happened between us. He was busy organizing the blood tasting and treated me like any other waitress. I got up my nerve and dropped in at the Council House on my nights off a few times. Karla did try to help me with a business plan. She wasn’t excited about my idea of selling what she called “old clothes” but she did help me approach some of the other vampires about the idea.

  “You have to do research. Find a place where it will be cheap to set up that type of business.” Karla was using the free wi-fi in her office to help me figure that out. “Not the northeast. Rents are too high. California is out too.”

  “I know that. I just came from there.” I was going through a stack of vintage lingerie one of the female vampires had brought me. “Look.” I held up a nightgown. “The lace on this is exquisite.”

  “Straight from Paris. Odette spent a lot of time there. I’m surprised she wanted to part with it.” Karla held it up to her chest. “That woman has almost no bust. I could never wear this. Too bad. It’s beautiful. What did you pay for it?”

  “Nothing. She gave me all of this. She said it has bad memories and she was tired of dragging it around with her.” I couldn’t believe my luck. Tonight the beautiful vampire had approached me and unloaded this suitcase. She’d even given me the vintage Louis Vuitton to carry it in.

  “Odette must have a new and rich lover.” Karla slammed the computer shut. “I’ve got to know more.” She got up. “Let’s go downstairs. Mix and mingle. You see how your networking already paid off? How do you think Odette heard you were in the market for some vintage lingerie?”

  “Fine. Let’s go.” I stuffed the gown back into the suitcase. “Can I leave this up here?”

  “Of course. Don’t forget it.” Karla steered me to the door. “Now tell me how the plans for Dominic’s Halloween blood tasting are going. You know he hasn’t invited a single Las Vegas vampire.”

  “He insists on being the only provider for quality synthetics in Nevada.” I didn’t tell her that he had called the group who gathered in the Council House pathetic losers. Since I was one of them, he’d insulted me, too. We were barely speaking.

  “He is such an åsna .” Karla shoved Valdez out of her way. “Move, shifter, we are going downstairs.”

  “Great. Tonight’s feature is Titanic . Blue bodies floating in ice water.” Valdez shuddered.

  “Who chose that one?” I had to admit to having watched that one a few times. And cried.

  “Marlene, I’m sure.” Karla said over her shoulder. “She has a thing for Leonardo di Caprio.” Karla marched straight to the coffee table a
nd grabbed the remote.

  “They can hear that across the street at the casino.” She punched down the volume and shook her head when Marlene made a grab for the remote. “Besides, you know this one by heart.”

  “I don’t care. You are being mean. Go back upstairs and play with your new friend.” She gave me a dirty look.

  “We are not playing, we’re working. You might be able to afford your own apartment if you tried it.” Karla kept the remote and ignored the gestures she was getting from Dennis and Marlene.

  “She’s right, you know. Marlene, all you do is watch TV and wait for Denny and me to bring you synthetic. Then you whine if it’s not the good stuff.” Connie got up from the couch. “Am I wrong, Denny?”

  “Not entirely. But stop this. We were enjoying the show.” Dennis held out his hand. “Come, sit back down. Karla, give me the remote.”

  “You’re taking Connie’s side.” Marlene shoved him. “You did. You think I’m lazy. You know I can’t afford papers.”

  Karla smiled. “You need papers? I’ll get some for you. Free. Just to see you get off your lazy ass.”

  Marlene flew off the couch and hit Karla with her fist. The two women tangled, pulling each other’s hair. I backed away. Where had all of this come from?

  Dennis stayed where he was, smiling, as if this was better entertainment than the movie which still played on the big screen. Connie came to stand beside me.

  “I was serious. If you need a roommate, I’m looking to move. I’m sick of helping to support that little bitch. She’s dead weight and Denny won’t do anything about it. I have a job at the Tropicana, selling things in their boutique. Monday is my night off. I arranged it that way so I could come here.” She bumped against me. “You haven’t called me.”

  “I was thinking about it.” In fact, Misty had just announced that the man she’d met at her Gamblers Anonymous meeting was becoming serious. She was thinking of moving in with him at the end of the month. The apartment was in her name but I could have it or we would let it go. That put me in a bind. I told Connie that.

  “This is perfect. We can try it out. If we aren’t compatible, no problem. We both move on. How much do you pay?” Connie kicked Marlene when she fell against her. “Stop this! You’re missing your favorite part of the movie!”

  “I don’t even have a TV.” I admitted. When I told her how much her half of the rent would be, she stared.

  “No TV and cheap rent? Get rid of the mortal. Will your shifter mind guarding both of us?” She smiled at Valdez who was stationed at the foot of the stairs. He wagged his tail, his eyes on the fight which had just abruptly ended. “How much do I have to kick in for him?”

  When I told her he was paid for by my sire, she whooped and hugged me.

  “I am definitely coming when you call. Do some mind control on that mortal if you have to, Glory. Come on, be a pal.” She couldn’t stop grinning.

  Marlene held up the remote. “I’ve got it.” She threw back her hair and stared at Karla triumphantly.

  “Just keep the volume down or I’ll ban you from this house. I have the power, you know.” Karla straightened her dress. “I meant what I said. You’re lazy.”

  “I’ll prove I’m not. I’ll take those papers. I can sing in one of the lounges, on or off the Strip. Can’t I, Dennis?” She hit mute on the TV then threw back her head and belted out the theme from Titanic. “My Heart Will Go On and On…”

  We all stared. She could have held her own against Celine Dion.

  “You see? She has a wonderful voice.” Dennis finally got up off the couch. “Connie, love, are you truly thinking of leaving me?”

  “As soon as Glory can get rid of her mortal roommate.” Connie kissed him. “You’ve been a nice distraction, but time to move on.”

  Dennis hugged her then turned to Marlene. “It’s just you and me, darlin’. Karla had better come through with those papers. I have to have your half of the rent or I’m living in my car and you’re on your own.”

  “What do you do for work, Dennis?” I couldn’t resist asking. I wondered why it took three of them to support a tiny apartment.

  “I drive a delivery truck for a local food company.” He winked. “It’s not just rent we need to cover, Glory. We have to pay our shifter for daytime security. I suppose we could just lock our doors and take our chances, but I refuse to do that in a city that never sleeps. Know what I mean?” He ambled back to the sofa, grabbing Marlene’s hand and pulling her down with him.

  “Is a shape-shifter that expensive?” I realized I had no idea what kind of money Valdez earned.

  Connie gave me a funny look. “You don’t know? Since yours is one of the most expensive, a member of the Valdez family, I figured you must have a fortune hidden somewhere. We had to go budget and it’s still ridiculous what they charge.” She named a figure that made my eyes pop.

  “Seriously? Why so much?”

  “Come on. They are on duty every day, dawn until dusk. If they want a day off, they have to find someone to cover for them. It’s a big responsibility.” She looked over at Valdez. “I can’t figure out how you can be properly protected by that shifter in dog form.”

  “He manages.” I was suddenly eager to leave. “I’ll let you know if and when my roommate moves out.”

  “Wait! Surely your shifter isn’t a dog all the time, is he?” Connie leaned close. “Is he a hot guy? Our shifter is an old man. He’s strong as an ox and I feel safe around him but I sure don’t want to jump his bones, know what I mean?”

  “I’ve never seen Valdez in his human form. It’s forbidden by his contract.” I pushed past Karla toward the stairs. “I’ve got to get the suitcase from Karla’s office. I’ll call you, Connie.”

  “Do that.” She was staring at Valdez when he got up to follow me. “Hey, Valdez. Why would you agree to such a stupid contract?”

  He stopped on the step and turned around. “Big money, Connie. Big money.” He wagged his tail. “It’s a shame what a guy will do for big money.”

  “No kidding.” She settled back down next to Dennis.

  “Really? Jerry is paying you that much?” I collected that suitcase and my tote I’d brought with me.

  “Don’t worry about it. But, yeah, why else would I agree to this humiliation?” He looked up at me, serious for a change. “You think I like this dog body day in and day out? I can’t even unlock the door or use the facilities like a decent person.” He sneezed. “Or grab a tissue and blow my freaking nose.”

  “I’m sorry, Valdez. It’s my fault. Years ago, I had other bodyguards, handsome men, who made Jeremiah jealous. Having a man around twenty-four/seven also made it impossible for me to have a decent relationship with any other man. This dog thing was Jerry’s idea. I like dogs and he knew it would be an acceptable way to keep someone around me for protection without it looking like I had a live-in lover to the mortals around me.”

  “I get it and I knew what I was signing on for when I agreed to the contract. There’s a big bonus involved.” He sneezed again. “Let’s just say the reality of being in this body all the time is different from imagining how it would be. But I’m dealing with it.” He sneezed again. “Something in here is off. It’s a smell…”

  “I think you’re allergic to me or my perfume, shifter.” Odette stepped from behind the screen Karla used for her clients to change clothes. “I’m sorry, I didn’t want to interrupt your exchange of confidences.”

  “I didn’t even notice the scent. I thought it was coming from your beautiful lingerie.” I smiled at her, though I thought she really should have made herself known right away. “I hope you didn’t change your mind about giving your things to me.”

  “No, not at all. In fact, I want to show you more. This time I will be selling a few things. For pocket money. If you have time tonight to come with me.” She moved closer. Valdez sneezed again. “I’m sorry you cannot tolerate my perfume. It is very expensive. I have it mixed especially for me in Switzerland.” She ran
a finger down her throat. “I call it ‘Irresistible’.”

  “I think it’s lovely. Very distinctive.” I looked at the clock on the wall. “Yes, I have time. What do you have you think I might want to buy?” I was afraid it would be expensive, like her perfume, but I couldn’t resist the chance to shop.

  “Some jewelry, scarves and a bag or two. My closet is so full, I can’t find anything. It would be a pleasure to get rid of some things and get a little pin money at the same time.”

  “I have to warn you, I can’t afford to pay a lot. Karla put me on a budget.” I wasn’t lying. My business mentor had spelled out just what I should allow myself to spend to build up my savings. I had already invested more than I should on inventory, according to Karla.

  “No matter. I have a generous lover now. Let’s go play in my closet. Open the window and we will fly there.” She shifted into a parrot and flew to sit on the window sill. “Don’t lose me in the dark.”

  “Wait!” I hated to confess this. “I don’t shape-shift, Odette. Sorry, but it’s something I simply cannot do.”

  In a moment Odette was back in human form. “Oh, my dear.” She put her hand on my forehead. “Is it an illness? Have you tried some of the special brews out of Romania?”

  “Romania again?” I threw up my hands. “I’m not sick. Except of the pressure to shape-shift. I just don’t want to do it. There, I said it. And, yes, it scares me silly. Said that too. Now, I hope you don’t mind, but I’ll drive to your place. Give me the address and I’ll meet you there.” I was angry and upset with myself. Too bad. I wasn’t going to change. I’d tried. I was sorry to admit that.

  Odette made a little moue of disappointment. “Very well.” She picked up paper and a pen. “Here is my address. It is a beautiful night. I will fly and meet you there. I will wash off my perfume to please your shifter while I wait. Hurry. I want to have time to show you everything! I have the most fabulous closet.” She handed me the paper then threw open the window, shifted, and was gone in a flutter of brightly colored wings.


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