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Real Vampires: Glory Does Vegas

Page 33

by Bartlett, Gerry

  “You know I actually remember Odette. Paris.” Jeremiah smiled. “I knew her in Paris. Lovely woman.”

  I squeezed his bicep. He knew her. Who else here had he known? I gazed around the room. There were other beautiful women in the crowd. Beautiful men too. I made myself smile as if I didn’t want to stab Jerry with his own sword.

  “It’s a small world, isn’t it? I’m here to work. You need to start tasting the synthetics on offer. Let me get you a glass of something.” I was determined to be cool about this when I was fuming inside.

  He grabbed my arm. “Gloriana. Ignore them. MacDonald, Odette. I plan to. Ancient history as they say. I’m glad to be here with you.” He nodded toward the stage where Marlene had started the music. She was singing an old ballad that we liked. “Dance with me.”

  I couldn’t believe it. He was being the sensible one for a change, smiling at me like I was the only woman in the room. For some reason that made me want to scream.

  I pulled away from him. “I’m working here. What synthetic would you like to taste first?” I grabbed a tray from a nearby stand. “Try the Brazilian champagne. I think it’s going to be a hotly contested property.”

  “Gloriana.” Jerry held out his hand. “I’m sorry, truly, if my history is upsetting you. Yes, I’ll try the Brazilian.”

  “Like you did the Parisian?” I stalked away from him. Oh, was there any woman he hadn’t tried?

  “That man is your sire, your lover?” Odette stopped me at the bar. “I know him.”

  “So he said.” I turned to her. “Was it recently?”

  “No, ages ago. You have no reason to be jealous. I don’t know where you were, but he was unattached and I was in need of a protector.” Odette glanced at Jerry. “He is very handsome and has that warrior quality that I like.”

  “It seems we both have a type, Odette.” I gave Jerry’s order. “What would you like to drink? Something with alcohol? If Jeremiah and Robert get into a fight, you might need it.”

  “Yes, then.” She smiled and patted my shoulder. “Relax, Glory. Men will stray. It is the nature of the beast. We had fun but it didn’t last. He moved on and I stayed in Paris and found someone else. We said adieu , no hard feelings.”

  “Good to know.” I handed her the drink then looked around. “Where’s Robert?”

  “He saw an old friend and went to greet him. I’m sure it wasn’t your Jeremiah. He was smiling.” She sipped the synthetic. “My, this is good. Tell me the name. I will recommend Robert bid on it for his territory. He is most eager to serve Hollywood.” She glanced around. “Oh, that is a secret. Don’t tell. Please?”

  “Of course not. It will be our secret. If you assure me you will stay away from Jerry.” I gave her a strained smile.

  “I am no threat, I can certainly assure you of that. If things don’t work out with Robert, there are plenty of very interesting fish in this sea.” She smiled as she gazed around the room. “Just look! I have never seen so many rich vampires in one room before. Excuse me, I see another former lover. Budapest, 1870s. What a time we had! He sees me now and just touched his heart.” She waved at me and hurried away.

  Odette had reminded me that I needed to be serving all those fish. Connie and Dennis were busy doing just that and I saw hundred-dollar bills being handed out like they were nothing. I took Jerry his drink and found him standing with Fergus and Maggie. My friends already had drinks in their hands.

  “This is quite a party.” Fergus sipped. “We will definitely want to distribute at least one of the brands available tonight. Jeremiah, are we going to fight over the rights to the British Isles?”

  “No, I’ll stick to North and South America. That is my base of operations these days.” He tasted his own drink. “Champagne! I wouldn’t have believed it possible. Have you had some of this, Glory?”

  “I’ve tasted all of the synthetics. Part of getting ready for tonight.” I smiled at all of them. “I admit I’m fond of the champagne. It should be huge in any part of the world.”

  “I heard that.” The voice from behind me was familiar.

  I turned around and faced Robert MacDonald. “I hope I’m not starting a bidding war. The world is big enough for all of you, don’t you think?”

  Robert just narrowed his gaze. He also wore his sword with his kilt. “I don’t know. Is it, Campbell?”

  “Perhaps you should fight over it.” Another voice I recognized. “I’d enjoy seeing it and it would cause your dear Glory so much distress.”

  “How did you get in here, Davenport?” I glanced at the door. The shape-shifters had disappeared, even Valdez and Sherie. “What did you do to our shifters?”

  Fergus and Maggie froze and couldn’t seem to move or talk. Suddenly they ran to the door and disappeared, Cleopatra and her warrior, under some kind of demon compulsion?

  “The same thing I’m doing to those two. I’m sending them outside because I made sure there is something they need to handle out there. You’re being attacked. By the pack of werewolves you embarrassed before. At Dominic’s house.” Davenport shook his head. “You never should have planned an event of this importance on the night of a full moon. It was incredibly easy to manipulate them.”

  “Who the hell are you?” Jerry stepped to my side.

  To my shock, Robert stood close on my other side. “Can’t you smell him? He’s a demon.” He squeezed my arm. “In trouble, are you, Glory?”

  “Yes, but I’m ready for him.” I glanced at Connie and she signaled to Dennis. They each pulled a tiny spray bottle out of their fanny packs and ran up to Davenport. They had the element of surprise, spraying him as I jerked my own bottle from between my breasts. I managed a direct hit in his smirking face and began to speak the words I’d memorized from the Bible. Harry’s voice joined mine. Everywhere holy water hit Davenport, it sizzled, sending a noxious smoke into the air.

  “What are you doing? Stop!” The demon screeched and batted at his costume, a red suit with a cape. He was a caricature of a devil, topped by what looked like fake horns on a red hat. He screamed filthy oaths as Connie and Dennis danced around him, looking for skin. They hit his hands, his neck, the water blistering him wherever it touched. The air reeked of a scent that burned my eyes and made me want to hurl. Small fires scorched his costume. He looked more demonic than usual as he flailed his arms and stomped around the room, his eyes blazing red and his face scalded.

  Harry and I just kept saying those prayers, louder and louder. The rest of the vampires stayed back, silent and watching. On cue, Marlene started singing, “The Lord’s Prayer.”

  “My ears! Stop it!” Davenport covered his ears and screamed. “You will pay for this, Gloriana St. Clair!” He raised his hand as if to do something horrible to me, like turn me into stone or a toad.

  “No, she won’t pay.” Harry moved closer, his Bible in his hand. I’d left it on the bar, as he’d asked. He raised it in front of Davenport, reciting words that made the demon cringe.

  “Hear me, demon from Hell. Gloriana is protected by the Holy Spirit. She has prayed for help and is now shielded by her faith. It is God’s wish that I drive you out. So says the Bible in Matthew.” Harry pulled a cross from under his monk’s robes, his choice of costume for the night.

  “Go! We cast you out into the desert. You have no power here!” His voice rang through the room.

  “Pious do-nothings. Someday my Master will find you and make you regret this night.” Davenport looked around and realized he had no friends here. He ran out of the room, his cape suddenly catching fire as he screeched his horror. He reached for a vampire’s sword and was instantly met with resistance. With a roar, at least five guests pulled their own weapons and led the chase as he fled. The different languages blended but it was clear every one of the vampires wanted to send the demon back to Hell.

  Applause rang out through the room. “Bravo!” said more than one vampire.

  I sagged into Jerry’s arms. Could it really be over? Had we vanquished the de

  “I think he’s truly gone, Glory.” Harry grinned. “The singer was a nice touch. The Lord’s Prayer. It seemed to actually make Davenport ill.” He laughed and looked around. “Where is Alex?”

  “I think he led the pack who went after the demon.” Jerry kept his arms around me when I knew he would rather be chasing Davenport.

  “Good. He has some tricks that might just cause the creature more pain and make him reluctant to come back and try again.” Harry rubbed his hands together. “I’d better get outside and see what’s happening with the werewolves. Another of Davenport’s tricks. A shifter told me the leader of the pack has a beef with this club, Glory. How did you manage to make them mad at you?”

  “First, we kicked them out of this club. They like to look at half-naked women as much as the next man. Dominic hates werewolves and wouldn’t tolerate their presence. They attacked him at home after that in retaliation. I managed to convince them that it was a losing proposition. I hate that Davenport stirred them up again and they tried to start something tonight.”

  “Glory, can you deal with the pack leader?” Dominic had walked up and heard my explanation. “I need to know what it will take to get them to back off. Give Bob whatever he wants, just get this settled. Some of my guests want to go out and fight. I can’t allow that. The blood tasting and auction must be the focus of tonight’s event.”

  “You’re right, Dom. They may be under a demon’s spell tonight, but we have to make sure they don’t get the idea we are a great place to attack when the full moon makes them want to howl.” I pulled away from Jerry. “I need to offer them something. Why don’t I offer them access to the club after tonight? You know that’s what they’re after.”

  Dom wrinkled his nose. “Fine. Whatever. Just get them to go away now. Send one of the shifters out there with a case of beer to sweeten the deal.”

  I grinned and walked to the door. Of course, Jerry was with me.

  “You’re not going out there to talk to a pack of werewolves alone.” He stopped me at the door to the parking lot.

  “Wouldn’t dream of it.” I texted the bartender and he brought a case of premium beer to me. Then I threw open the door. Things were a mess. The shifters who had come with their vampires looked ready to rumble. Valdez was trying to calm them down, but they didn’t seem to want to listen to a man who was in a dog body. Most shifters hadn’t bothered with a costume. Instead, they wore a variety of bodyguard/military garb.

  Sherie’s all black fit right in. She stayed close to Valdez. I heard her try to reason with Bob, the pack leader. He was in human form, not wolf, but he was in a fighting mood and didn’t want to hear anything reasonable. Dom had ordered Caro to stay inside and supervise the security there.

  “Hey, Bob. Calm down.” I sat the beer in front of him. “I bet all this growling and shape-shifting is thirsty work. Why don’t you pass these cold ones around?”

  “Where’s Mayer? You know we have good reason to be mad.” Bob twisted the cap off a bottle then gestured to the man next to him. That bulky individual hoisted the case to his shoulder. Wolves became men when he shouted for the guys to come and get a drink. The resulting enthusiasm convinced me they weren’t all that happy to be here. It was Halloween and there were children at home eager to go trick or treating, I heard one man say.

  “Shut up, Sammy. We have a mission here.” Bob took a deep swallow. “Good beer. Thanks.”

  “Mayer has put me in charge tonight. So I have a proposition for you, Bob. I agree you were disrespected and Dominic has thought about what happened here. He’s willing to change his attitude and welcome you back to the Velvet Slipper.” I saw a couple of men take their beer and slip away to their trucks, parked down the street.

  “Ain’t that sweet?” Bob looked around when we both heard engines start. “How about waiving the cover charge? He embarrassed us. We have a clear case for discrimination.”

  “True. But could you really go in front of a judge and start talking about shape-shifters, werewolves and vampires?” I smiled. “Get real, Bob. No cover charge but don’t push us. Get your guys to behave when they’re in here. We need our dancers to be treated with respect. You understand what I’m saying?” I saw two more men slip away into the darkness. “Don’t you have a wife and kids at home who are waiting to enjoy Halloween? Go home and spend the evening with the family.”

  “Fine. No cover charge and we’ll be gentlemen when we come. I can live with that.” He held out his hand. “You sure Dominic is okay with this deal?”

  “He will be.” I shook his hand.

  “Who is this guy behind you showing fangs and daring me to touch you?” Bob nodded toward Jerry. “Hey, dude, the lady and I are just hammering out an agreement. It’s her boss who is always trying to get her in the sack. That’s who you should be shooting those death rays at, not me.” He grinned and waved at his men.

  “We’re done here, guys. Mission accomplished. We can come here anytime we want.” A cheer went up from the few wolves who were left. Well, they weren’t cheers, they were howls. Bob led the men to their trucks parked down the street.

  I turned to Jerry. He was looking death rays, but at the building behind us. “Calm down. Dom did what most men do when they meet me. He made a pass. I set him straight. I’m not available.” I took Jerry’s arm and led him inside. Valdez and Sherie were still watching the wolves, waiting until every truck was out of sight.

  “I find that hard to believe.” His body was stiff as I pushed him through the door. Marlene was singing a ballad again. Several couples were dancing including Fergus and Maggie. The lights had dimmed. This was turning into a party. It was up to me to start the bidding for territories. I’d check with Dom for the timing.

  “Wait. What do you find hard to believe? That men make passes? Or that I always turn them down?” I shook his arm. “Honestly, Jerry. I’m insulted. Yes, Dom got me into his hot tub. I was tempted.” I glanced at Dom who looked good in a Spiderman costume. He did have muscles and I was sure he could climb on the bar with no problem.

  “I don’t want that picture in my head, Glory.” Jerry also eyed Dom. Then he gripped my arms. “Come home with me. Stop this insane quest for independence. The thought of you in another’s arms makes me crazy. I want to take this sword and slice his head from his shoulders.” He took a breath. “Primitive of me but that’s my honest feeling.”

  “Too bad. I need this job. Give me a couple more years here and I’ll have enough to start my business.” I pulled away from him. He hadn’t hurt me, he never had. But his anger was a red flag. His jealousy too. I had read enough articles about controlling men to know one when I saw one. Donna’s Lee was a classic case. Luckily, he had broken it off with her, tired of her gambling. She’d moved in with Tiffany and claimed she was glad it had worked out that way.

  “Years!” He was clearly frustrated.

  “Insane quests can take a while. I am my own woman, not yours, Jeremiah. Get used to it.” I walked away from him and up to Dom.

  “Glory, we need to start the auction. I think everyone has had a chance to taste the synthetics they are interested in.” Dom pulled me to the bar. He did jump on top of it, just like Spiderman. Marlene had finished her song. Smiling up at him when she brought the microphone to Dom. I saw he was quite happy to look down the front of her low-cut costume.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen! May I have your attention please?” Dom grinned, bursting with pride. “It’s time for our silent auction. I hope you have figured out what areas of the world you wish for your distributorship and which products you like for that area. I’ve decided to make the bidding silent because I don’t want any problems if two or more of you covet the same area.” He laughed but it was strained.

  Dom gazed around the room when there were mutterings. “We’ve already managed to send a pack of werewolves away. I’d hate to have to bring in security to break up fights.” Several vampires touched their swords. Ancient warrior had been a popular costume theme.<
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  “Seriously, folks, let me introduce the geniuses who created the Romanian brands many of you have admired.” He brought Luca and Adela to the front and heaped praise on them. They certainly enjoyed the limelight. “Their own brands, the Romanian ones, will be sold by them exclusively in Eastern Europe. But you can bid on Western Europe, Africa and North and South America. I believe we have some interest in Australia too.” He pointed to a couple standing next to the stage.

  “I don’t like this silent auction thing, Mayer. When will we know who won the rights to certain territories? Then what if we wish to raise our bids? I can certainly outbid most people here.” A man whose costume consisted of a James Bond type suit and who had been flashing a gun inside his coat, seemed certain he was the richest man in the room. I wondered if that was true.

  “Simon, I will post the winning bid and let anyone who wants to top it, try to do that.” Dom jumped down from the bar when the muttering in the room grew to angry shouts.

  “Glory, get the tablets. One for each authorized bidder.” Dom looked pale. “You will know who they are, they have a numbered stamp on the back of their hands. Caroline made sure to check the names and handle that herself.”

  “The vampires don’t look happy with your arrangements, Dominic.” Adela leaned against the bar. “Start the music again. We need to soothe some ruffled feathers.”

  Marlene hurriedly carried her microphone to the stage again and started the Karaoke machine. This time the music was upbeat, a happy song. Connie and Dennis were handing out refills of the champagne synthetic while I rushed to get the tablets we had ordered. Each bidder had registered on-line so we knew they were tech savvy enough to send their bids to Dom electronically.

  “Not happy? Dom, we may have fights break out if you announce the winning bids tonight. Say something to calm them down.” I handed out the numbered tablets and explained the bidding one more time as I did so. Each bidder was to put in the territory he or she wanted and how much they were willing to pay for it. They had to specify which brands they wanted to represent. I heard murmuring and some shouting.


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