Book Read Free


Page 22

by Lexi Hots

  Mrs. Caldwell lay in an expanse of pillows and quilts, her small, wizened face poking out of the nest she was in like a baby bird. She looked a lot like Yzma in The Emperor’s New Groove, thin to the point of emaciation and quite angular. She wore a long nightgown with matching net hat, something I hadn’t expected to see today and her feet were clothed in surgical socks to prevent thromboses.

  “Morning,” I said, smiling.

  “Mrs. Caldwell just grumbled, struggling to sit up in the bed. I moved to assist her but the look she directed at me was one of pure malice and I stopped, watching her struggle.

  “Mrs. Caldwell, hasn’t anyone shown you how to use the bed?” I asked, waving the remote at her.

  “No and I don’t wish to either,” she growled. “Damn new things and change!” She looked at me pointedly.

  “Well if there’s nothing else,” I said. “I do have other patients,”

  “Yes, go, leave me like all the others,” she said as I crossed the room. “I want something to eat!” She added as I let the door close behind me.

  I returned to the nurse’s station to find Connie on yet another call and smiled at her as she shook her head, explaining to whoever was on the other end that she had no more nurses left to send down.

  “I could go,” I offered.

  “Don’t even joke,” Connie moaned as she handed me an iPad. “I’m not getting away from here this morning,” she added. “If you’re sure you can handle these Ravens then be my guest,” she steered me towards a hallway. “Just make sure you don’t take any of their crap. They’re like children sometimes.”

  “I’ll be fine,” I said to her concerned face.

  “Okay. Down the corridor and to the right,” she told me.

  Following her directions was easy, opening the door wasn’t. I turned the handle, pushing, but nothing happened so pulled with the same results. I took a few more steps down the hall peering through a window shielded by curtains to see if I had the right room. Three tall men were laughing inside, one of them holding the door closed. I smirked, skirting the room to the other door and throwing it open.

  “Just for holding that door shut I’m going to make sure my hands are cold!” I said to the three surprised basketball players inside the room.

  The three men were, according to my iPad, all here to get past injuries checked. Ant Daly had suffered a broken wrist during a nasty challenge in one of his games while Chris Parlington had been out all season with an injury to his cruciate ligament. According to his notes, Chris had been lucky enough to avoid surgery, the doctors trying intense physical therapy instead. DerrinOlifaliou had been assaulted at a post game party and suffered three broken ribs in the fight.

  “Hey! Where’s Princess Consuela?” Ant Daly asked as he moved his foot away from the door.

  “Connie’s far too busy to babysit you three,” I said, making sure I had control of them as soon as I could.

  “So who you?” Chis asked, his eyes rolling over my breasts.

  “Nurse Wainright to you,” I replied as I fired up one of the computers in the room.

  “Ooh, we’ve got a live one here,” Derrin called.

  I could almost cut the testosterone in the atmosphere with a scalpel as they watched me work. I turned to look at them, all three had gathered together in a huddle and a smirk twisted my lips to see three grown men – tall, muscular men – cowed by a single nurse fresh out of college.

  “Well come on,” I said as if speaking to a gaggle of toddlers. “Get in there and get changed. I can’t wait to see you three out of those suits and in gowns.”

  “I ain’t wearing that crap,” Chris said with a frown on his face.

  The tallest of the three men, he wore an immaculately tailored suit that clung to his muscles perfectly. Short, black hair had been buzz-cut close to his head and combined with his dusky skin he looked dark and excitingly dangerous. A bad boy and one to be avoided. He towered over me at almost seven feet tall but I never flinched as I looked up into his deep brown eyes.

  “Aw come on, Chris, I doubt it’s the first time you’ve had a dress on,” I said.

  Ant and Derrin laughed, punching Chris on the arm.

  “Hey, she got you there, man!” Ant said.

  “All right, all right,” Chris said, laughing himself as he walked towards one of the rooms in back.

  I returned to the computer, inputting data on all three athletes as they ribbed each other.

  “Hey, no peeking!” One of them called.

  “Nothing in there I want to see,” I called back.

  Not true.

  Now where had that thought come from? I knew they were all athletes, at the top of their game and physically impressive as well but still. It was completely unprofessional to think about them in any other way than as my patients.

  Chris is more than a little hot, though.

  I felt myself smile as the doors opened and I turned to look at the three, sheepish men that now faced me. Each had on a gown with the hospital’s logo and each was so tall they looked like they had on a micro-dress, the hem barely coming to mid-thigh. Chris held his closed at the back and my eyes automatically fell to the front where something pushed the cloth out intriguingly.

  Derrin and Ant busied themselves by trying to rip each other’s gowns off, laughing and generally having a good time. Chris stood by just watching every move I made. It was as if I could feel his eyes on me wherever I went and it felt a little uncomfortable. Not that I didn’t like Chris, after all what was there not to like? Tall, athletic and attractive as well as rich and famous he was probably just about any woman’s dream catch.

  People like him go for movie stars, not nurses from nowherville.

  “So what happens now we’re almost naked?” Ant asked, chuckling.

  “X-rays, gentlemen,” I said. “Followed by an exam, especially on your cruciate ligament, Chris,” I added with a smile. “Follow me.”

  I led them through and out into the hallway, through to a dedicated X-ray area all ready for them. I left all three in the capable hands of the radiologist there, giving them instructions to return to the room once done. I popped my head round the nurse’s station nodding to Connie who nodded back.

  “They giving you much trouble?” She asked.

  “Like putty in my hands,” I said smiling. “They’re just off for X-rays then I’ll take pressures and bloods before the doctor comes to assess them.”

  “I think I’m in love with you,” Connie said, smiling in gratitude. “I don’t know what I’d have done without you today.”

  I winked at her before trotting back to the Raven’s room where Chris was waiting for me. His eyes met mine as I walked in and something felt as if it passed between us, an electric pulse that took my breath and locked it in my lungs. His gaze was almost predatory as he gazed at me, stock still in the doorway, as if I was something to be hunted and eaten.

  At that moment I wanted nothing more.


  My feet started on their own, squeaking slightly on the floor with every step. I swallowed my nerves, avoiding his intense gaze.

  “E-everything okay?” I stammered in a high voice.

  “Uh-huh,” he grunted at me, his own voice deceptively calm and deep. “How long you worked here?”

  “First day,” I said, calmed a little by the change of pace.

  “Really?” He asked in surprise. “You work it like a pro.”

  “Thanks,” I cast over my shoulder.

  “So, um, you seeing anyone?” He asked.

  If I’d have been hooked up to a cardiac monitor alarm bells would have started to sound, my heartbeat increased and I felt a tremble in my lips as they decided whether to smile or press together in a line.

  No, Chris, I’m still a virgin.

  “Not at the moment,” I somehow managed to tell him.

  “Can I get your number?” Chris asked.

  Of course you can and I’ll bear your first child too.

  “I d
on’t think that’s a great idea,” I muttered. “You’re my patient, after all.”

  “Then go get Connie,” Chris said. “Swap with her and we can go out.”

  “I couldn’t do her job,” I said, modestly.

  “Come on, what’s the harm?” He asked and I could feel his eyes tearing my clothes off as I stood there.

  “It’s against the policy of the Charles Mon...”

  “Oh come on, don’t give me that crap,” he said cutting me off. “You know the rules don’t apply here.”

  I made the mistake of glancing at him and he pinned me with that predatory gaze again. Something in his stare made me feel nervous, as if I was prey, but at the same time it was a look I wanted him to give me. Something primal and feminine responded to the call in his stare, his body, and for a second I wanted nothing more than to throw myself at him.

  The door opened and Derrin walked in, smiling and nodding to Chris, breaking the connection between us.

  I bolted.

  Chapter Three

  Splashing cold water on my face did nothing to cool my heated blood and I stood in the bathroom, breath fogging the mirror in front of me as I panted hard. Never had I been so affected by a man. Never. Not in all my years of college, even though I’d had plenty of offers, had any man been more than a fleeting distraction. But Chris? There was an aura around him, a force I could almost feel. One, in fact that had power over me.

  As a nurse you get all sorts of propositions, men find us almost irresistible, especially the old ones for some reason. Why they find it so appealing, I’ll never know, most of the time I’m up to my elbows in body fluids – how sexy can that be?

  I had to get back to the Ravens, had to do my job, but I had no idea how I’d respond to Chris and that made me nervous. I stared at the woman before me.

  Blue eyes stared back, framed by dark blond hair and a sprinkle of freckles across her nose. Flat cheeks stretched down to a small chin below a surprisingly full-lipped mouth. I smiled and my reflection did the same.

  Where’s the harm in letting him have my number? Doesn’t mean I’m going to do anything.

  Convincing myself that was true, I went back to the room to find Derrin had changed back into his suit.

  “I’ve been given the all clear,” he said. “And I got a book signing set up for this afternoon,” he punched Chris in the arm. “Autobiography, you know. Gotta make that paper, baby,” he grinned at me before walking out, leaving me alone with Chris.

  Nervous anticipation made my head swim at the same time as making my lower belly clench deliciously.

  Can he tell? Does he know I want him?

  My fingers clattered over the keyboard, the sound thunderous in the otherwise silent room and I must have zoned out for a moment because when I turned round he was standing behind me.

  I felt my breath catch in my throat as he brushed a single finger down my face, lifting my chin so I had to stare into his eyes. I watched in slow motion as his face came down and he brushed his lips over mine. It was the gentlest contact imaginable but erotically charged and I savored the moment, letting my eyes flutter closed.

  I felt Chris withdraw but stood there, lips pouted and eyes closed like a madwoman, as if his kiss had been some kind of paralyzing force. I heard the door open, the sound thankfully snapping me out of my immobility. I looked at Chris who had a smug smile across his face as he watched me, his dark eyes glittering with amusement.

  I felt my cheeks heating up, the embarrassment obvious to anyone who cared to look and spun away from the doctor that walked into the room.

  “Hi, Chris,” the doctor greeted the NBA star like an old friend.

  He didn’t even seem to notice me, a fact I was more than grateful for as I pretended to work at the computer.

  “Hey, doc,” I heard Chris say. “what’s the verdict? Am I gonna be ready for the season?”

  “After reviewing all your charts and looking at the M.R.I. results as well as seeing you today, I have to tell you...” I realized I was holding my breath again, concerned over his injury. “’ve got the all-clear,” he added with a chuckle.

  It was plain to hear the relief in Chris’ voice when he thanked the doctor, the clap of their hands making me jump when they shook.

  “Don’t let me down now,” the doctor was saying. “I’m going to lay a couple of bucks on you beating the Knicks this season.”

  “Two dollar ante?” I heard Chris ask, sarcastically. “I’ll make sure we crush them for you, doc,” he added and the pair laughed.

  “All right then, I’ll get the discharge paperwork underway, you can go ahead and change and we’ll see about getting you out of here,” the doctor handed me another iPad with Chris’ information and instructions on, again not speaking to me at all.

  The pair exchanged a few words before the doctor left the room and Chris turned to me, grinning in relief and blowing out a huge breath it must have felt like he’d been holding for months.

  “Whew!” He almost shrieked. “Goddamn that feels good.”

  I watched him rub at his chest, the relief in him obvious and I realized this could have been a career ending injury for him, at best he could have been out this season, at worst, benched for good. I watched him pace in small circles, putting his hands on the back of his head and breathing deeply. When he turned back to face me I saw tears standing in his eyes and a weight fell on my chest to see it.

  I wanted nothing more than to hold him, comfort him and tell him everything was all right but knew I couldn’t. Instead I smiled and pointed to the changing area. Chris nodded and stepped towards it but halted, holding his hand out to me in invitation.


  I can’t!

  Do it!

  Frozen between the desire – the need – to be in there with him and the knowledge I’d be fired for doing anything like that, I stared at his big hand, steady and calm. His soulful eyes caught mine again and I knew I was hooked.

  “Come and celebrate with me,” he mumbled.

  Everything I’d worked for, everything I’d learned in college and then landing this job – everything – was at risk here.

  Only if you get caught.

  With the memory of his tender kiss on my lips, I slowly reached out and took Chris’ hand.

  Chapter Four

  With a salacious grin he dragged me into the surprisingly stark changing room. Inside sat a bed against one wall, a chair and a wheeled cupboard with drawers. Chris’ suit hung from a hook, on a hangar and a small, high window let light in but gave no view of the city outside.

  Wasting no time, Chris buried his hands in my hair and pulled me into him, sliding his lips over mine. I felt myself responding, kissing him back as heat built between us in the little room. Chris pushed me up against the back wall at the same time as his tongue slipped between my lips, darting inside my mouth in teasing little flicks.

  I moaned and dragged my hands up his body, lost in the excitement that coursed through me. Solid, rubbery muscle met my fingertips as they roamed freely over his body, the result of punishing workouts and gym sessions.

  Something immense and hard poked my belly and I could feel the heat of his erection through our clothing. I reached down and wrapped my fingers around it through his gown and he moaned into my mouth. His tongue massaged mine now, slow swirls that drove me wild with desire and I pressed back, sucking his tongue hard as he kissed me.

  Everything in me wanted this, wanted Chris, here and now but a tiny voice in the back of my mind cried out, begging me to stop, to do this somewhere else.

  I ducked my head, pulling away from Chris as he groped for me.

  “I-I can’t do this,” I told him. “Not here,”

  He looked so disappointed I almost laughed but managed to keep it in.

  “Then come to my house,” he pleaded. “Tonight?”

  I nodded, not trusting myself to speak as I agreed. He took a card from inside his suit jacket and handed it to me. Glancing down I saw it had
a lone cellphone number printed across the front and I gripped the thing tightly in my left hand as I bolted from the room.

  In the bathroom I sat on the toilet, panting and weak kneed. What had that been? I’d been ready to screw a man I’d just met at work on my first day. I looked at the crumpled card and smiled.

  There was going to be a party at Chris’s later.


  Hey Chris, it’s Tallie.

  Who dis?

  Nurse Wainright.

  Oh, yeah. Tallie huh? Cute name.

  Thanks. Look about this morning…

  Don’t sweat it, baby. It’s all good.

  Send me your address and I’ll

  get a car to pick you up.

  Dunno if that’s a good idea.

  Come on. I got a pre-season party

  at my place tonight and you on the

  VIP list.

  Okay xxx

  I’d somehow manged to finish my shift, discharging Chris and Ant before returning to Connie for other duties. At home I’d undressed and showered, throwing my panties into the laundry hamper, embarrassed at how damp they had been. My apartment was small but served me well and in a safe building close to the hospital.

  I sat on my bed looking at the text conversation with the memory of his hands on my skin, the taste of his tongue in my mouth and the ghost of his breath in my nose. It was insane to think he hadn’t even known my first name when I sent the message. And I’d been about to… I shook my head.

  Okay. A party, I could do a party. I’d been to a few at college even though I wasn’t a party animal. I dragged out the little black dress that I’ve had for a little while now and laid it on my bed as nerves started to plague me. This was an NBA star! Probably used to being surrounded by movie actresses, rappers and the latest reality stars. Would my old clothes fit in there? Would there be paparazzi? Reporters? I didn’t want to be seen there or embarrass him by not being current enough.


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