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The GP's Secret Baby Wish

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by Sue MacKay

  When she looked deeper into his eyes, a thrill rolled down her spine. She leaned closer at the same time he did. “Max,” she whispered.

  His mouth was close to hers, his eyes open, watching her. “Ah, Lily.”

  Neither moved, stuck in a warm moment. Move forward and everything changed. Pull back and... She had no idea. What did she want? Right this moment, she craved his kiss. Every nerve ending was crying out to be touched, to be woken up in a way she hadn’t known since last time they were together. Wanting to find love didn’t mean getting involved with Max. She stepped back.

  Max took her hand and raised it to his lips, placed a delicate kiss on her palm. “Good night, Lily.”

  Dear Reader,

  Lily has two dreams, and now that finding love has proved to be a problem, she’s looking for the other one—a baby.

  When Max comes back into her life, he’s the last man she’d ever consider for either dream, but life has a funny way of throwing caution to the wind.

  Max has had a difficult few years and he’s no intention of getting caught up in love and possibly hurting anyone.

  Sparks are flying between the two of them from the get-go. Can they deal with their rocky past and let go their hang-ups to find love?

  I hope you enjoy reading their story and finding out how they get over the hurdles facing them.

  All the best,

  Sue MacKay

  The GP’s Secret Baby Wish

  Sue MacKay

  Sue MacKay lives with her husband in New Zealand’s beautiful Marlborough Sounds, with the water on her doorstep and the birds and the trees at her back door. It is the perfect setting to indulge her passions of entertaining friends by cooking them sumptuous meals, drinking fabulous wine, going for hill walks or kayaking around the bay—and, of course, writing stories.

  Books by Sue MacKay

  Harlequin Medical Romance

  London Hospital Midwives

  A Fling to Steal Her Heart

  SOS Docs

  Redeeming Her Brooding Surgeon

  Baby Miracle in the ER

  Surprise Twins for the Surgeon

  ER Doc’s Forever Gift

  The Italian Surgeon’s Secret Baby

  Take a Chance on the Single Dad

  The Nurse’s Twin Surprise

  Reclaiming Her Army Doc Husband

  The Nurse’s Secret

  Visit the Author Profile page at for more titles.

  Dedicated to Lindsay, my rock.

  Praise for Sue MacKay

  “Overall, Ms. MacKay has delivered a really good read in this book where the chemistry between this couple was strong; the romance was delightful and had me loving how these two come together.”

  —Harlequin Junkie on The Italian Surgeon’s Secret Baby
















  RUN, LILY. NOW. Get away from Max Bryant. Now. Before it’s too late. Before your heart’s inextricably caught up in his charm...

  Her pulse was racing, while at the same time her body warmed to him, and confusion reigned in her head. Max was a playboy who thought women were there for one thing only, namely keeping him happy, and here she was in his bed. She’d used him for her own gain. Except now she wanted more of him. Friendship, sharing and caring. Maybe even a future? That wasn’t going to happen. He wasn’t the settle down kind of guy and she’d already experienced a relationship where her partner had broken all those promises.

  Lily shuddered. Just the idea of climbing out of Max’s bed for the last time felt as though chains were holding her back from escaping the growing sense that he was getting under her skin and waking her up in ways that wouldn’t, or couldn’t, work with him. Not long term, and that was the only way ahead for her.

  They’d had a spectacular few days, but she had to remember how he gave her grief about being wealthy, almost as though that was more important than anything else about her, like he didn’t see her for who she was, so she had to move away, move on. Anyway, it was too soon after Aaron had broken her heart by blatantly cheating.

  Short, rapid breaths escaped Lily’s mouth. Her throat hurt from trying not to yell her frustration at not just finding Max likable but that he’d shown her a softer side than he ever showed at work. This wasn’t meant to have happened. It was supposed to be a fling with no feelings involved, merely a way of boosting her ego and proving to herself that men did find her attractive. That Aaron was wrong to have called her uptight and dull—his excuse for having sex with other women in their bed. She’d needed to gain back some control over relationships, short or long, to fix her heart.

  * * *

  Max was sprawled beside her, legs spread wide and one hand behind his head and one on her thigh as he slept the sleep of the dead after the most amazing sex she’d ever experienced. Apart from the sex they’d shared over the previous two days, that was. ‘Shared’ being the remarkable feature. Full credit to the man. He gave as much as he took, which probably explained his popularity with the females from work he spent extracurricular time with. She hadn’t felt uptight with him, or dull if the sounds emitting from his generous, exciting mouth when she’d ridden him were an indicator.

  It would be too easy to roll on top of that muscular body and tease him awake. Lust was pulling at her, heating up fast. Lily began turning towards him. Stopped. No. She mustn’t. She wasn’t ready to trust another man.

  She didn’t usually go for casual sex, but with Aaron’s words ringing in her ears once too often she’d taken up Max’s invitation to join him in bed three days ago after a particularly hectic, adrenalin-fuelled night on duty in the emergency department, despite him being a lady’s man with a belt full of notches.

  Or was it because of that she’d done this? To show she was just as desirable as those other women? Not that Aaron would notice, and if he did, it was too late. She mightn’t be over his hurtful words or the image of what he’d been doing with that nurse in their shower, but she was over him.

  Lily began sliding towards the edge of the bed. She needed to get out of there while she had the strength to go. It was one thing to have beyond amazing sex with Max, quite another to think there’d be anything more. His reputation for loving and leaving went before him, and she didn’t intend to become a statistic. Better to exit, head high, in control, even if behind her ribs there was a rough pattering going on.

  You’re on the rebound.

  Relief assailed her. Yes, rebound love. No, don’t use the L word about this man. Rebound or not, it wasn’t love keeping her awake long after he’d rolled off her. Whatever the hell it was, she wasn’t waiting around to find out. She was done and dusted with their fling. They’d continue working together and forget all about these few days. It seemed easy, yet doubt fluttered through her mind.

  Max’s hand tightened, loosened on her thigh.

  Squashing that doubt, she waited until his breathing returned to normal. If only her lungs would do the same. Impossible with the heat that hand caused to fill her empty heart. Why should she sneak away? She’d see him at work in five hours. She might as well be open and honest. Lily stood up and snatched up her clot
hes from the floor, started shoving herself into them.

  ‘Where’re you off to?’

  So much for thinking he was out for the count. ‘Home.’ The zip on her jeans caught in the fabric.

  ‘Come back to bed. We’ve got a few hours left before we have to be on duty.’

  ‘No, Max.’ The zip wouldn’t budge. Giving up, she tugged her jersey over her head and down below her waist.

  The sound of his body sliding up the bed told her he was wide awake. There was a wicked glint in his eyes, reminding her of all he promised her body, which didn’t help her determination to get out of there. ‘Sure I can’t tempt you?’

  He could do that, all right. Only he had to get out from under her skin. ‘Sorry, but I’m away now.’ Tying up the laces of her shoes, she said, ‘It’s been great, but I’m done.’

  His head jerked higher. ‘You think?’

  ‘I know.’ Slinging her bag over her shoulder, she headed to the door. ‘See you tonight. On duty,’ she added, to make sure he was understanding her intent.

  He was off the bed and standing between her and the door so quickly she gulped. ‘Not so fast.’

  It was hard to remember why she was in a hurry to leave when she took in the sight before her. Tall, lean, muscular without being too hard, every inch of his body was to die for. Her mouth dried. What was she doing, walking away?

  ‘Why, Lily? And don’t tell me you haven’t had a blast these past few days.’

  ‘I have. That’s what it was all about. Now it’s time to move on.’ She couldn’t look him in the eye. He might see her hesitancy, might recognise he disturbed her on a level she wasn’t prepared for, didn’t want.

  ‘Move on to what? Another fling?’

  Now she did fix her eyes on his face. ‘You have a problem with that? With your reputation?’ Did he have to be so good looking?

  ‘Yes, I do.’

  Got it. ‘You can’t handle the fact I’m leaving first. I’m supposed to cling to you and beg you to let me stay, not get out of bed and go.’

  ‘Get off your high horse, Lily. I’ve enjoyed the time we’ve had together here and thought there was more to come. Seems I was wrong. Should’ve known you’d exercise your control even over something like this.’

  ‘My control?’ she blustered. But he was right in one respect. She was trying to stay in control of herself, but not of him. He could go and do whatever he liked as long as she got him out from under her skin.

  ‘You have everything in hand, never face difficulties.’

  He hadn’t heard how the surgeon had treated her when the story had been rife on the hospital grapevine? Of course, it’d happened weeks before Max had started working in ED. It probably didn’t qualify as a difficulty to this man, who thought relationships were all about sex and not getting involved. ‘I’d have thought you’d be thankful I’m going and not hanging on for every look you might send my way.’ Another light-bulb moment struck. ‘You’re not used to being ditched.’

  The exaggerated eye roll he did told her she’d hit the nail on the head even before he drawled, ‘Naturally.’

  Damn, he was full of himself. But she’d known that and had still slept with him for her own needs. She’d had a great time, too. Too great, if that niggling sense of losing control was anything to go by. ‘Get over yourself, Max. I’ve seen the other women you’ve hurt but I will not be treated like something you’ve used and tossed aside. I came into this with my eyes wide and knowing it was going to be short-lived. I will not be going around with tears in my eyes and hoping that you’ll give me a second chance. Because I don’t feel that.’

  She swept his body with her gaze, taking in the sight one more time, pretending he was easy to walk away from, and that she hadn’t lied, ignoring the thumping of her heart. Stepping around him before she did something stupid like run her finger down his sternum, she muttered, ‘See you later.’ Hopefully it would be as manic as Thursday and Friday nights had always been so there’d been no time for small talk, or coffee, or drinking in the sight of Max’s tight butt in his blue scrubs whenever he bent over a bed to check out a patient.

  Tonight was the beginning of the rest of the time they worked together. She just had to remember she was desirable whenever he looked at her with that disbelief blinking at her now. If she wasn’t, the sex wouldn’t have been so intense and hot, and touching. Max hadn’t been making that up. She paused. ‘Thank you.’

  He turned his back on her.


  LILY SHRANK DEEPER into her warm jacket as the bus pulled away, and stared up the wide pathway leading to the massive building housing Auckland’s Remuera Medical Hub. ‘What am I doing?’

  Preparing to start her dream job was all very well, but working with Max Bryant again had her head banging with doubts. Could she make it work, or would they combust the moment they set eyes on each other and make life awkward at the very least? She shivered—but not from the cold. It was a risk but one she’d decided to take in order to have this job. Max had never quite left her, occasionally popping into her mind to remind her how she’d walked away from what might possibly have been something amazing. But she had, and had found love with another man, or so she’d thought. She’d got that wrong as well.

  Shouting broke through her hesitation and seemed to be coming from beyond the bus, which was moving on.

  ‘Lily Scott,’ a male called. ‘Lily, over here.’

  Her heart thumped once. Max? Yes. Her mouth dried. Of course it would be. Straight into the fire without time to breathe. She looked around, saw the man waving from further along the busy road. Another, harder, thump. So much for being prepared for this.

  Three years and lots of living had passed and amongst all that Max had occasionally sneaked under her skin, reminding her of what they’d shared briefly, of what she’d walked away from because she hadn’t trusted him not to hurt her when she’d been vulnerable. Because she hadn’t trusted her own strength to remain immune to him.

  ‘One of my patients has fallen. I might need a hand,’ he called.

  ‘Coming.’ Lily’s fingers tingled as she stared at Max while weaving through the rush-hour traffic. He’d caused her to think twice about accepting the position here. She’d thought twice and had taken it anyway because their history was exactly that. History. Yet just hearing his voice brought an image of him calling out to her from his bed, telling her to get under the sheets quick fast. He’d been funny and generous, unlike the ego she’d worked with.

  She did regret the awkward way they’d finished their fling. They could have found a way to get along comfortably if nothing else, but instead the barriers she’d raised between them once she’d understood how easily she lost control around him had turned him against her. For the next two long months they had continued working as junior doctors in the emergency department, barely communicating unless it had been about patients.

  Someone bumping into her sent her tripping a few steps before she straightened up and blindly pushed through the crowd to the kerb, taking elbows and knocks in her stride, concentrating on getting across the road.

  A young woman lay sprawled on the pavement, her left ankle at an odd angle and her hand gripping her left wrist. Kneeling beside her was Max.

  Lily gulped, looked at the woman then back at Max. His once straight black hair had become wavy with bright streaks of grey. Lines accentuated the forthright chin and sharpened once soft, come-hither eyes. He no longer looked quite like the man who’d had more notches than leather on his belt. The man she’d slept with three years ago between relationship disasters to boost her confidence. He’d aged. A lot more than to be expected in the time since she’d last seen him, surely? Had something terrible happened? She swallowed the urge to ask and squatted opposite him to focus on the woman cursing ferociously between them and not on him.

  ‘Michelle, what happened?’ Max aske
d, with barely a glance in Lily’s direction.

  ‘Some doped-up ass charged off the bus I was getting on,’ the woman ground out through the pain contorting her narrow face. ‘He shoved me so hard I landed on my wrist and leg on the concrete.’

  Lily sucked in a breath through clenched teeth. She couldn’t ignore him or he’d think nothing had changed with her. And it had. Another man walking out on her had taught her to be stronger than ever and look out for herself and her own needs, which included getting on-side with this man.

  ‘Hello, Max.’ Her tongue was in a knot, belying her resolve to be sensible about him, to work alongside him without rehashing the past. The sizzle that had led to three hot, unforgettable nights was taunting her. She’d walked away from those bewitching sensations with her head high, heart unsteady, and the sensible side of her brain telling her to get out while it was still possible. After all the years in between, Max had her in a pickle within moments? Her hand tightened convulsively.

  ‘Hi, Lily.’ His nod was brief, his glance even shorter. ‘Not a great way to start a new job, meeting your first patient out here in the cold.’

  ‘She’s going to be my patient?’

  ‘Yes, while I’m her sports doctor. Twenty minutes ago she bounced out of my office on her way to catch the bus to training.’ He was gently touching Michelle’s swollen ankle above her running shoe.

  ‘Yeah, and now look at me,’ the woman snapped.

  Lily focused on their patient, not on Max and how different he looked and sounded. He seemed more serious, with less ego on display. ‘Let me look at your wrist.’ Like her ankle, it was already swelling. ‘Can you bend it at all?’

  Michelle complied by trying to bend it up and down. ‘Afraid not.’ Neither could she move it sideways. ‘You going to take my shoe off, Max?’

  He shook his head. ‘No, it’s best to leave it on to hold everything in place. If there’s a fracture I don’t want the bones moving.’


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