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Say You Love Me : An Enemies to Lovers Romance

Page 16

by Sarah J. Brooks

God, how sad. There was always more to people than the image they projected, and Jeremy Wyatt was no different. And maybe I wanted to see that person underneath, to know him, to experience a Jeremy Wyatt that was wholly different, yet the same.

  My heart hurt for the boy he described. A kid who couldn’t watch TV and who hated his father.

  I took his hand in mine. “Well, prepare yourself, Wyatt, you’re about to have your mind blown.”

  For once he didn’t offer a flirty quip. The mood between us wouldn’t allow it.

  “Grab the bag of chips,” I instructed, and he picked up the BBQ chips I had purchased just that evening before heading home. “Now come on.”

  I led him into the living room, and we settled onto the couch. Jeremy took up a lot of room. He was all buff muscle and thick limbs but somehow it felt comfortable curled up beside him.

  “Any preferences as far as TV shows? Thrillers? Comedy?” I asked, picking up the remote.

  “As I said, I don’t watch TV. You pick something,” he said, grabbing a handful of chips.

  “Okay, it’s time to introduce you to the greatest television show of all time,” I declared as a familiar theme song filled the room.

  Jeremy watched with confusion for a few minutes. “Wait. So, she’s a cheerleader? And she fights vampires? What kind of crazy shit is this?”

  “Shh. Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a classic. Sit back and enjoy, my friend.” I settled into the crook of his arm, resting my head on his chest. After a beat, his arm curved around me, holding me tight.

  I may have shared my body with him, but this felt like something deeper than sex had been. I was pretty sure Jeremy felt it too. We shouldn’t be doing this. I should have asked him to leave. I should have reminded him this was only about fucking. That we didn’t do TV and snacks and laughter and dancing.

  But I didn’t.

  Instead, I stayed with him on the couch and shared my favorite show with him.

  And I loved every minute of it.


  “There’s something different about you. What gives? Are you using a new shampoo?” Hannah asked, reaching across the table to snag one of my fries.

  “Um, no,” I replied, pulling my plate out of her reach.

  Hannah turned to Jenna who was checking her phone for the thousandth time. “Doesn’t she look different, Jen? Take your face out of your phone for two seconds and look at our bestie,” Hannah snapped with annoyance.

  Jenna looked up, embarrassed at being called out. She quickly shoved her phone into her purse and crossed her arms on top of the table. “Sorry, what? What am I looking at?”

  Hannah let out a long, put on a sigh. “You’re both a pain in my ass.”

  I rolled my eyes. Han was a total drama queen. “What’s up with you, Jenna? I’ve never known you to check your phone so much.”

  Jenna grimaced. “I haven’t been checking it that much—”

  “It’s glued to your face, girlfriend,” Hannah interjected.

  “You have the diplomacy of a nuclear bomb, Hannah.” I shook my head. “But seriously, don’t keep secrets—”

  “Says the chick keeping secrets,” Hannah cut in.

  I ignored her. “We’re your best friends, Jen, what’s going on? And why do you look as if you’ve discovered chocolate doesn’t make you fat.”

  “Okay fine.” Jen pulled her phone back out and tapped at the screen. She held it up for Hannah and me to see. I leaned in close trying to get a look at the picture she was showing us.

  Hannah’s eyes widened. “You’re boning someone!” She clapped her hands in delight. “Oh my god, Jenna is tapping some ass!”

  Jenna made a noise of annoyance. “I am not tapping any ass. I’m just dating someone. His name is Chad—”

  “Ew, you’re dating a guy named Chad.” Hannah made a gagging motion.

  “Shut up, Han,” I told her before turning back to my other best friend. “Where did you meet him?”

  Jenna glanced at Hannah sideways. “I’m not sure I want to say.”

  Hannah frowned. “Why? Did you meet him at church or something?” Jenna stayed quiet causing Hannah to cackle loudly. “Shit, you did meet him at church!” She patted Jenna’s arm. “I take back my earlier statement. You’re definitely not tapping any ass then.”

  “You’re such a jerk,” Jenna shot back, shrugging her hand off. “I met Chad on this Christian dating site actually. So not at church.”

  “I apologize then. That’s so much better,” Hannah snorted. There was no point in telling her to put a sock in it. She was on a roll.

  This time Jenna pretended she didn’t hear her. “He’s wonderful. We’ve gone out twice and I think I really like him. He’s a fitness trainer and posts all these amazing healthy recipes on Instagram. He has over three thousand followers! He totally understands the importance of watching what you eat.”

  “That sounds great, Jen,” I said sincerely, but I was still concerned. Jenna’s issues with food were deep. The last thing she needed was to get hooked up with someone that shared her bordering on unhealthy obsession. “As long as he treats you well.”

  “She’s been on two dates. He won’t reveal he’s a serial killer quite yet,” Hannah intoned with faux solemnity.

  “And you wonder why I didn’t mention him sooner,” Jenna cried, losing her patience.

  Hannah, realizing she may have overstepped the mark, backed off. She gave Jenna a side hug. “I’m sorry. I’m being an asshole. I’m happy for you, J. Even if he’s a Christian health nut.”

  Jenna smiled, already having forgiven our outspoken friend.

  “Tell me about—” I started to say but Hannah cut me off.

  “Your turn now. Jenna’s played a show and tell, now you. What’s going on with you? Why haven’t you come out to Sweet Lila’s in almost two weeks? And why haven’t you been picking up when I’ve tried Face Timing you from the gym? Bobby Bicep was there in all his glory and I couldn’t share him,” she pouted.

  “I’ve been busy,” I excused, knowing there was no way she’d accept that. I should have prepared a better cover story. I should have thought of an ironclad alibi.

  Fuck it.

  I took a bite of my burger, taking my time chewing and swallowing.

  “I’m turning grey over here. Which means, there’s a juicy story you’re not telling us.” Hannah pointed at me accusingly before ordering another round of beers.

  Jenna cocked her head to the side, considering me. “You’re right, Han, there is something different about her.”

  “She’s glowing right?” Hannah exclaimed. “And there’s only one thing that makes a woman glow like that. A thick, meaty schlong,” Hannah stated with all the authority of a woman very familiar with thick, meaty schlongs.

  “Hannah, do you have to be so crude?” Jenna asked in disgust.

  I wiped my mouth and put my friends out of their misery. Was I really going to do this?

  “Okay, fine. I have a thick, meaty schlong glow. So, sue me!”

  Jenna and Hannah’s eyes widened before my mouthier friend whooped loudly. “I knew it! I’ve seen that I’m-getting-shagged-and-loving-it look on your face before.”

  “Garrett Russell,” the three of us said in unison, referring to my one-night stand with the studly bartender down the street from our junior year apartment. It had been the most glorious night of my life. The sex had been off the charts. I had been sure that no man on this earth could compete with the sex skills of Garrett Russell.

  And then I slept with Jeremy Wyatt. And let me tell you, he blew Garrett Russell out of the water.

  “Is this guy as good as Garrett?” Hannah whispered in awe.

  I leaned forward. “Better.”

  “No!” Hannah gasped, holding her hand to her chest in feigned shock.

  “Just thinking about him makes my toes curl,” I found myself admitting.

  Hannah raised an eyebrow. “You’ve got it bad.”

  “For his schlong,” I tried joki
ng but she wasn’t having it.

  “Uh-uh. This is more than the power of a righteous dick. Feelings are involved. And that’s not a bad thing as long as he treats you well,” Hannah said.

  I didn’t say anything. What could I say? I could argue that feelings weren’t involved, but would I be lying? I didn’t know. I didn’t want to think too much about it.

  “Who is it?” Jenna asked.

  “No one you know,” I answered quickly.

  “Liar. Who is it?” Hannah demanded.

  “I told you—”

  “Don’t feed us a load of bullshit. We’ve known you for the better part of six years. We know when you’re being a lying hoe bag. So why won’t you tell us who you’re knocking boots with? Are you embarrassed? It’s not that weird guy with the neck growth that works at Lila’s is it?” Hannah looked horrified at the possibility.

  “No, it’s not the guy with the neck growth,” I said tiredly. This wasn’t going to end any other way but with my confession.

  “It’s Jeremy Wyatt,” I said right before shoving fries in my mouth.

  Jenna’s mouth dropped open and for the first time in the history of our acquaintance, Hannah was speechless.

  “Wait a goddamn minute, Jeremy the jackass? Your brother’s law partner, Jeremy? Your new boss, Jeremy?” Hannah wasn’t making me feel very good about telling her.

  “Yeah, that Jeremy.” I ducked my head to hide my shame. To steel myself against the inevitable onslaught of condemnation that was sure to come.

  “Fucking hell! It’s about time! This calls for shots!” Hannah stood up and waved down our waitress.

  I sat back in surprise. “What?”

  Hannah and Jenna shared a look that meant they had been talking about me. “You owe me twenty bucks, bitch.” Hannah held out her hand and Jenna slapped the money in her hand with a grumble.

  “You bet that I would sleep with Jeremy? Why?” I asked incredulously.

  Jenna laughed. “Because you’ve been lusting after him for years. And we both knew it was only a matter of time now that you were working together. I only thought you’d hold out for longer.”

  Hannah winked at me. “Thanks for slutting it up sooner rather than later, L. You just earned me my drinkin’ money.”

  “I have not been lusting after him for years! Who are you kidding? I’ve hated him!” I argued.

  Jenna and Hannah both laughed at me. “Hated my ass. That was your very prolonged foreplay. You’ve been wanting a slice of that hot man meat since you met him.”

  “He sleeps with everyone! Why would I lust after someone like that?” I protested, realizing how stupid I sounded.

  And of course, Hannah called me on it. “Yet you’re boinking him.”

  They were both looking at me. What did they want me to say?

  “Okay, yes, I’m boinking him. But it’s just sex. We both agreed.”

  “Sure, you did,” Hannah laughed, picking up her shot and knocking it back.

  “We did!”

  “Then why did you look so green when mentioning him sleeping around? Look at you! You’re going to break your teeth you’re clenching them so hard!” Hannah grabbed my chin and gave my face a squeeze.

  “So, I don’t like the idea of him being with other women. That’s normal—”

  “When you’ve got feelings for someone,” Jenna filled in.

  I glared at her. The Judas.

  “Enough. Clearly, our girl isn’t ready to admit she likes the jackass, so let her live awhile longer in her world of make-believe. Now I’m depressed because of the two of you are getting the real thing and I only have my battery-operated boyfriend. Let’s get drunk and find me some hot man meat!” Hannah shouted and we hooted along with her.

  I was glad to have finally told someone. I hated secrets. Even if kept for the right reasons.

  Besides, Hannah and Jenna were wrong. I didn’t like Jackass—I mean, Jeremy.

  That was crazy talk.


  Chapter 12


  Six weeks went by and I was officially burning the candle at both ends. My workload was bordering on the insane. Adam was piling more and more on my plate and being the team player that I was, I never complained.

  But I was reaching my limits.

  I knew being a first-year associate was tough, but I hadn’t accounted for how tough it would be.

  Top that with too many late nights boffing my other boss and I was dangerously close to collapse.

  Jeremy had come over late last night after meeting some friends at a bar in Pittsburg. I hadn’t expected him and had chosen an early bedtime instead of a Friday night out with friends. When my doorbell rang at one in the morning to reveal a very drunk Jeremy, I almost closed the door and went back to bed.

  But I was too far gone to do that.

  So of course, I let him in and spent the next four hours being naked with him.

  I was supposed to get up early on Saturday to meet my parents for brunch. I had been putting off seeing them for weeks and I knew Mom was at the point where she’d come over if I hadn’t agreed to meet them. My mother was more adept at finding out my secrets than I’d like her to be. We were super close, so it was hard to hide anything from her I hated doing so. But there was no way to tell her about Jeremy. She’d never understood that sex didn’t mean a relationship. And I could never ask her to keep it from Adam. I didn’t want to put her in that position. So instead I was avoiding her. It was easier than looking her in the eye and pretending nothing was going on.

  Because the more time I spent with Jeremy, spending the night with him, watching TV with him—he was now a Buffy addict—it felt like there was something to tell.

  The alarm on my phone went off at 8:00 in the morning. I had only been asleep for three hours. I fumbled to turn it off. My brain felt fuzzy and the moment I sat up, my stomach rolled. I barely made it to the bathroom before I threw up.

  After I emptied my stomach, I brushed my teeth and stared at my reflection in the mirror. I looked like death. I was pale, with dark circles under my eyes. My hair was lank and there was a gross sheen to my skin. Jesus, I was a mess. My stomach lurched again, and I waited to see if it would pass. After a few minutes, things settled, so I figured it was safe to get in the shower.

  Maybe I was coming down with a stomach bug. Given how run down I was, my immune system had probably taken a hammering. It was no wonder I was getting sick. But I didn’t have time to be ill. I had too much going on. I needed to suck it up and plow through.

  I was just lathering my hair when there was a rush of air on my wet skin, followed by the feeling of fingers on my scalp.

  “Let me do that,” Jeremy murmured, kissing my shoulder. He closed the shower door, his large frame filling the small space. Of course, he went from washing my hair to soaping the rest of me. When he lifted me up and pressed me against the wall, I protested.

  “I have to meet my parents in forty minutes.”

  He kissed me, his tongue invading my mouth just as his cock filled me. “That’s more than enough time to do what I want to you,” he grinned as he had his way with my more than willing body.

  When we were finished—and washed—Jeremy gently toweled me dry. He cupped my face in his hands “Are you feeling okay? You’re really pale.” His concern for my wellbeing made me warm all over. Sometimes he could be so sweet. I was finding those times were starting to outweigh the times I was annoyed by him. In fact, I was finding just about everything about him endearing.

  Which was problematic.

  I pulled my face away and finished drying off. “I was feeling under the weather earlier, but I’m better now. I could probably use more than three hours of sleep.”

  Jeremy smirked. “That’s definitely my fault.”

  I raised an eyebrow in his direction. “Yes, it most certainly is.” I wrapped my body in a towel and walked into the bedroom. I sat down on the bed, feeling a little lightheaded. I really needed to start taking better
care of myself. But it was hard when I felt I was constantly going a million miles an hour.

  Jeremy came in and got dressed. He kissed the top of my head. “You get dressed and I’ll make you a cup of coffee.”

  I tilted my face up so he could kiss me properly. I patted his cheek. “You sure know how to treat a girl.”

  He wrapped his hand around the back of my neck and kissed me deeper this time. “I’m just trying to get in your pants,” he grinned.

  “That ship has sailed, Wyatt,” I teased.

  Once I was alone, I quickly got dressed in the knee-length wool skirt and green sweater combo I knew my mother liked. I brushed my hair and put on some makeup, trying to make myself look alive and not a member of the undead.

  Jeremy came back a few minutes later carrying a steaming mug. I accepted it gratefully and sipped the hot liquid, finally feeling somewhat normal again. The morning queasiness had passed, and I was more alert, even with the lack of sleep.

  “Okay, well I’ll get out of your hair. Sorry about the late-night booty call.” Jeremy picked up his keys from where he dropped them on my nightstand only hours before.

  “No, you’re not,” I retorted.

  His smile was so sexy it made me want to rip his clothes off all over again. “You’re right, I’m not.” He pulled me in close, sweeping my hair back. “You look beautiful.”

  I snorted. “I bet you say that to all the women.” My gut twisted because deep down I was afraid he did.

  He kissed the tip of my nose. “Only you, babe. Only you.”

  God, how I wanted to believe that.

  “Okay, well I need to get going or Mom is going to send out the cavalry.” I didn’t want to leave. I wanted to spend the day in bed with Jeremy. I wanted to kiss him and hold him and drink coffee with him.

  This was turning into such a mess.

  “You definitely can’t keep Marion waiting. Send her my love.” I gave him a look and he grimaced. “Right, can’t let your family know we’re spending so much time together. My god, what would the neighbors think?” He clutched his hand to his chest like an old blue-haired churchgoer.

  “Don’t pretend to be offended. We both know this is how you like it. No strings.” I waved away his comments dismissively, refusing to enter into any delusions that he was wanting something more.


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