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Her Dragon Destiny

Page 10

by Roxie Ray

  They loved to show up unannounced and without invitation. Yet another reason the school in California had seemed so attractive.

  Not that I minded my family being around. But maybe I didn’t feel like having company today. Maybe I was in the middle of a marathon lovemaking session on my living room floor and they let themselves in. They could’ve gotten one hell of an eyeful.

  When I walked out of the bathroom, sure enough, I spotted Rico and Jury through the bedroom doorway, sacked out on my couch with my PlayStation controllers in their hands. “Come on in,” I called.

  “Yeah, thanks.” Jury’s voice was full of laughter. “We appreciate the invite.”

  “Not that I’m not thrilled to have you both over, what are you doing here?” I yanked on underwear and toweled my hair as I waited on their reply. There was no point in shutting my bedroom door. If they wanted to talk to me, they would’ve just come on in anyway.

  “We want to know what’s going on with you,” Rico replied.

  “Yeah.” Jury cursed. “Dammit, Rico.” The chiming sound my TV made when it was turned off told me Rico beat Jury and it pissed him off. Typical Jury. “We’ve barely heard from you for over a week.”

  I opened my closet and took out a pair of my uniform pants. “I’ve been busy.”

  “Not working. I checked your schedule. What’ve you been doing?”

  The activities of the night before flashed through my mind. Artemis hummed.

  “Just hanging out.” I tried to evade their questions.

  Rico joined Jury in my doorway as I put on an undershirt and tucked it into my pants. “Do you two have to be here?” I asked with a sigh. “Is it totally necessary?”

  “Yes.” Jury raised his eyebrows. “So, Bethany?”

  I hung my head. “What about her?”

  “Have you finally admitted that she’s your mate?” Jury walked into the room and launched onto my bed, tucking his hands behind his head as he bounced. “Or are you still trying to deny Artemis?”

  “I admit she’s my mate,” I said reluctantly.

  “Ha!” Rico crowed. “I told you.”

  Jury shook his head. “I figured he’d hold out a while longer.”

  “Are you two in high school?” I asked. This was what I hated most. I hadn’t made up my mind yet. If I didn’t know how I felt about Bethany, how was I supposed to explain it to them? “You gossip more than all the women in the family put together.”

  “More than Hailey?” Jury covered his face with my pillow. “That’s harsh.” His muffled voice was light and teasing, however. He wasn’t mad.

  Neither was I, not really. More aggravated at the complete lack of privacy. If it wasn’t for Bethany—and now, also Tiffany—I would’ve already accepted the California law school.

  Not to mention, I’d never been one to kiss and tell. Jury and I had our fun with the girls in town and even a few towns over, but I didn’t like to compare stories like they were some sort of conquest or something.

  “Look.” I faced them and buttoned up my uniform shirt. “I like Bethany. I like her daughter. That’s all there is to say right now. We’re taking things one day at a time. Slowly.”

  Jury peeked out from under the pillow and his face was far too smug. “See? Things can happen super-fast. It wasn’t long ago you two hated each other, right? Just like a week ago?”

  Told you.

  Artemis and Jury were both far too self-satisfied about the whole situation. “You can both shove it.”

  Rico held up his hands. “Hey!” he exclaimed. “I’m concerned for you, cousin, but why the attitude?”

  “Not you,” I grumbled. “Jury and Artemis.”

  When they realized I meant Jury and my dragon, they both burst out laughing.

  “When are you going to tell her?” Rico asked when they stopped laughing.

  I paused in the middle of buckling my belt. “Fuck,” I whispered. “I hadn’t thought about it.”

  “How could you forget about something that important?” Rico and Jury exchanged a look. “That’s kinda big.”

  “I don’t know. When I’m around her, everything feels so natural. It just slipped my mind.” I sat on the bed and put on my socks, but my body reverberated with shock. How would I tell her? It could ruin everything. I’d heard stories of mates being torn apart because the female couldn’t handle the news.

  The whole situation made me melancholy.

  Are you ashamed of me?

  I’d never felt anything but uplifting emotions from Artemis. Sure, he got angry sometimes, but usually only if I was already angry. And he occasionally was irritated, usually at me for being a bonehead. But sadness wasn’t anything he’d ever expressed before.

  A wave of mourning washed over me, but the emotions weren’t of my making. Artemis was sad that he thought I wanted to hide him.

  “Just because I hadn’t thought about it doesn’t mean I’m not going to tell her,” I told both Artemis and my cousins. “It won’t be easy though. I’m a little worried she won’t understand.”

  I wouldn’t have chosen her if I didn’t think she would understand.

  Artemis was right.

  “She’ll understand,” Rico said. “The cases of the humans rejecting the dragon shifters? All those old lores? When have you heard of it happening in the last several hundred years? All the stories are old. I think they’re made up to make sure if a dragon finds his mate, he proceeds with caution to minimize complications.”

  He was probably right. “I haven’t ever known it to happen,” I admitted. “But I’d rather it not go bad before it gets better, either.”

  Rico and Jury nodded their agreements.

  “This older woman has been hitting on me and it’s kind of freaking me out,” Rico said.

  Before I could ask him who she was, my phone beeped my final warning. I liked to set reminders, so I got out the door on time. Otherwise, I always ended up procrastinating and got to my destination late. “We can catch up on you two later, okay?” I asked. “I gotta get to work.” They hauled their asses off my bed as I put my gun, pepper spray, and handcuffs on my belt.

  “Okay, but we’re going out. This weekend.” Jury pointed at me until I nodded.

  “Okay, fine. You got it.”

  Once they had my assurance, they finally left. I grabbed my wallet, phone, and keys, and followed them out a few minutes later.

  Since I lived so close, I liked to walk to work. My truck was back at the manor house in the barn, anyway, where I preferred to keep it. If I needed it fast, it was an easy walk to a path that led up through the woods to the manor. It would take a normal human a good half hour or more to walk it, but it only took me minutes if I let Artemis help me a bit.

  All week, every shift, I gave myself plenty of time and walked slowly to work. That way I could call Bethany and see how her day was going. Today was no different, and why I’d been so insistent on getting out the door on time.

  She picked up on the second ring. “Hey, Maddox.” Her smooth voice warmed me and lifted my spirits.

  “Hey, you.” I tucked the hand not holding my phone into my pocket. “How are you? How’s Tiffany feeling?” It had been several days since her dose of antibiotics, and my quick internet search had told me it should’ve at least begun to help.

  “Like a new kid,” Beth said happily. “She’s totally back to normal. Of course, we have to give her the full run of antibiotics, so the ear infection doesn’t take hold again, but she’s wonderful.”

  Knowing Tiffany felt better made me happier than I’d expected it to. “I’m so glad to hear that. I’ve been thinking about you both.”

  She giggled and the sound made me want to compose poetry. What the hell? I’d never been sentimental like that before. “You just saw us yesterday.”

  I scuffed my toe on the sidewalk as I worked my way slowly toward the station. “I know, but it was nice seeing you. You’ve been on my mind.”

  “Well, about that.” Some static came over
the line and Beth’s voice muffled. “Sure, honey. Get a yogurt cup. Yes, I bought the ones with the princesses on them.” The phone rustled again. “Sorry, I’m back. What I was going to say was that my mom asked if Tiffany can spend the night tomorrow night. As long as she still feels good, I’m happy to let her go.”

  “Okay,” I said. I thought I knew what she was getting at, but I needed her to spell it out for me. “That sounds nice.”

  “Yes, so if Tiffany isn’t here, would you like to maybe come to stay the night? Here?” She paused while I contained my excitement and tried not to jump for joy in the middle of Main Street. “With me?”

  “Sure,” I said, barely containing the joy in my voice. “I’d love to.” The thought of touching her again, her bare skin... Making her moan and orgasm. “I’ll be there after my shift.” The crack in my voice was purely coincidental. Not desire or anything at all. Nope.

  “Perfect,” she whispered. “I’ll talk to you later.”

  I said goodbye with a lump in my throat. Suddenly, the day was brighter. Cheerier.

  Seconds after hanging up, my phone beeped the sound for a new email. I rarely got emails, since I opted out of everything imaginable. I glanced at the notification and the beautiful day got darker when I saw who it was.

  The law school in California. I opened it and read a canned form type letter about scheduling a tour of the campus and links for articles that were supposed to help a person choose a school. One of them was what to pack for dorm life.

  The email reminded me that there was a huge rock in my gut that I had to figure out. School here in Colorado, one county over? Or California, where I’d finally get a taste of real freedom?

  But I’d be leaving Bethany behind to do so.

  It was my turn for patrol, and I carefully avoided Bethany’s street. The words in the email form letter churned in my mind over and over.

  I had the later shift, so I didn’t want to call Bethany when I got off. I sent a text instead. Hope you had a good day. Looking forward to tomorrow.

  She didn’t respond, so I tossed and turned, going back and forth about the school, until finally, I fell into a restless sleep full of dreams I couldn’t remember once I woke.

  I had the early shift the next day, so I rushed around as soon as the alarm went off and hurried to the station without calling Bethany. A few minutes into my shift—desk duty this time—my phone beeped with a message from Bethany. Sorry, I was exhausted last night. I’m looking forward to it, too! See you tonight. XOXO

  Her message brightened my mood considerably, and as the day went on, I grew more excited. She surely meant that we’d take things further than we had the other night. She’d specifically asked me to spend the night. That didn’t mean watch a movie and cuddle.

  I cut out a little bit early and headed to the only barbershop in town to get a professional haircut and shave. Nothing made me feel more like a man than having a straight-razor shave. As soon as the barber was done, I went home and showered, fixed my newly cut hair, and gave myself a pep talk in the mirror.

  “Just because she invited you over for the night doesn’t mean you get to expect anything,” I told my reflection. “Take it slow. Take your cues from her. It’ll all work out. She’s your mate.”

  Artemis growled his agreement. Mate.

  Even though I’d had sex before, too many times to count, this time was the most special. The most significant. By the time I rang her doorbell and stood on her stoop with a single lily that I’d hastily plucked from my mom’s garden before coming to Bethany’s, my nerves were shot. What if I’d read it all wrong? What if she wasn’t ready for this?

  Everything fizzled to a stop the moment she opened the door. She wore nothing but thigh-high sheer black pantyhose, a black lace garter, and a red lace and silk teddy. “Hurry,” she hissed. “I don’t want my neighbors to see.”

  I rushed inside and she slammed the door. My gaze stayed glued to her body. “Holy shit, Bethany. You’re gorgeous.”

  Artemis purred and growled in succession. Mine. Mate.

  Bethany put her hands on my shoulders and stood on her tiptoes. “I’m glad you’re here,” she whispered in my ear.

  My instincts took over as I claimed her mouth. The lily lay on the floor, forgotten, as I scooped her up into my arms and walked across the living room toward her bedroom door.

  It was time to claim my mate, even if I couldn’t fully. Even if she didn’t it know yet, Bethany was mine.



  Excitement fizzed in my veins as Maddox strode through my apartment with me in his arms. I nestled against his chest, loving the safety and security I found there. His heart pounded under my ear, and a low rumble echoed briefly through him.

  “You hungry?”

  He shook his head. “Nope.”

  I giggled. “Well, your stomach is going crazy in here. All this grumbling and rumbling.”

  “My appetite today is only for one thing.” Without pausing in his stride, he shifted my weight and pressed a kiss to my hair.

  I shivered and melted closer to the heat of his body. “I like the sound of that.”

  He pushed through my bedroom door and stood for a moment as he looked around the room. Thankfully, I’d tidied the house, throwing errant pairs of panties in the hamper and straightening the covers on my bed. I was a neat and clean person by nature, so there hadn’t been a lot to do, but at least there would be no surprises.

  “Nice.” He nodded his head as I smoothed my palm over where his T-shirt covered his left pec.

  “The bed is very comfortable.” My purr was only faux-seductive, and he knew it because he met my gaze with amused eyes.

  “You mean you wouldn’t prefer a rug burn?” His eyes danced with merriment.

  I stuck my tongue out, and he leaned forward and kissed it.

  “Put me down. I want you naked.” I wriggled from his arms, gratified by the prominent bulge already in the front of his pants.

  He gripped the hem of his T-shirt and whipped it over his chest before balling it up and tossing it to the floor behind him.

  My mouth dried at the sight of his muscular chest and his chiseled abs, and I reached out to touch him.

  He backed away quickly and wagged a playful finger at me as he shook his head. “No touching.”

  “Oh.” I smirked at him. “Are we in that dangerous just one touch situation again?”

  His eyes widened briefly, and he shook his head. “No. In fact, I plan on fucking you all night long.”

  My legs wobbled at the conviction with which he spoke.

  “Sounds…painful.” But my voice came out too thin to carry off the joke.

  “Never painful,” he promised. “But I hope you have a fondness for orgasms.”

  Heat licked through me, and I nodded as he stepped toward me to cup one of my breasts through my negligee. He strummed against the nipple with his thumb, and it formed a hard peak through the fabric of my teddy. My breathing became more ragged, but I tried to maintain his gaze as desire lurked in the shadows in his eyes.

  His lips parted, and he slowly bent toward me, taking forever before his lips finally met mine. I stretched onto my tiptoes, one hand steadying myself on his shoulder as I deepened the kiss, taking the lead and sliding my tongue over his lips.

  He opened his mouth and kissed me almost lazily like he had all the time in the world, and he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him as his hand slipped from my breast, and he crushed me against his chest instead.

  “Can you feel how much I want you?”

  I nodded at his urgent whisper as his cock nudged against me through his pants.

  “I’m really wet,” I confessed, and he groaned at my admission.

  I rubbed my thighs together, seeking friction, and he dropped his hand to where my thighs met. Then he dipped his finger between them. “You certainly are,” he confirmed.

  When he claimed my mouth again, it was with more urgency, and I
would have melted into a pool of desire on the floor if he hadn’t been holding me up. I pressed my hands between us and worked the buttons on his jeans before pushing them roughly from his waist.

  He’d promised me more this time, and I was damn sure going to make sure he delivered.

  His hands roamed all over me—underneath the teddy, over it, setting every inch of me alight, and I smiled in satisfaction at the success of one small outfit change.

  “I’ll have to wear this more often if it gets this reaction from you,” I said between pants as he kissed the side of my neck.

  “Oh, yeah?” His words were a low growl.

  “Yeah. I’m thinking while cleaning the house, running errands, going to the store.” I paused and waited for his reaction, almost knowing it would be a territorial one.

  I didn’t have to wait long.

  “Mine.” The word was part growl, part roar as he lifted me off my feet and laid us both out on the bed in one fast movement. He stretched over me and pushed his jeans off the rest of the way.

  Excitement blazed through every part of me at the lust and possessiveness in his eyes, and I basked in being the one to incite it.

  “Mine,” he said again, but more gently this time.

  “What’s yours?” I teased.

  He tucked a lock of hair behind my ear and fluttered kisses over my face. “This,” he murmured. More kisses tracked down my neck. “And this.” He drew down my spaghetti straps and revealed the curve of each of my breasts before trailing his tongue along their curves. “Definitely these.”

  I shifted restlessly beneath him, desperate for his touch where I wanted it most. “Stop teasing me.”

  He drew away and looked at me, one eyebrow lifted in a way that made him look amused. “I’m just wondering how much more persuasion you needed not to wear this to the store.”

  “None.” I pressed against him again. “None.” I paused. “I’m yours.” At that moment, I meant it fully. I’d worry about later, well, later.


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