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Mage Throne Prophecy

Page 4

by James Haddock

  The Old Armorer’s shop was not what I had pictured. An old rusty sword hung over the door. That was all the advertisement the shop had. The shutters on the street weren’t even open to show his inventory. We went inside.

  The Weapons Master was known and the Old Armorer himself came out to assist us. “Good Morning, Weapons Master. How may I serve?”

  “Good Morning, Arms Master, may I present Prince Aaron, The King’s Second Son.”

  He bowed, “an honor Highness.”

  I returned his bow, "mine as well, Arms Master."

  “We are here,” the Weapons Master continued, “at the direction of the King. He has sent us to buy Prince Aaron a weapon. He named you specifically.” The dickering had begun.

  “I am honored that the King remembered his humble servant.” They both stared at each other a moment, then burst into laughter. “Come my friend, let’s see what we shall see, for our Prince. What weapon does he favor?”

  “I will let you and he decide that.” The Arms Master nodded smiling. We walked through what I thought of as a showroom. He didn’t slow down but kept walking. We went down a back hall, and into what I guess was his private apartments. We passed through a large indoor, open-air courtyard, and into another show room. Here he stopped. Compared to these, that first show room was bargain basement stuff.

  Chapter 4

  “You may try anything you wish, look them over and see if anything speaks to you.”

  I walked among the weapons, swords, knives, spikes, weapons of all kinds. I looked at each one, all were impressive. But none spoke to me. I sensed there was more going on here. This was some kind of test. I reached out searching with; I guess I’d call it, my Mage Sense. There were more and far better weapons in another room. And some of those were runed weapons.

  I walked back toward them, “None of these speak to me. Perhaps one of those back there will.“ I pointed with my thumb over my shoulder.

  The Arms Master Smiled, “We shall see, hopefully one will.” He led us deeper into his apartment. He showed us into a smaller side room. There were fewer weapons here but of a higher quality. He stepped aside and allowed me to enter. I walked among the weapons looking at each one. Some I would have loved to handle, but I waited until I had seen everything.

  Once I had seen all, I stood in the middle of the room, closed my eyes. I listened, or felt, or maybe a combination of both. Nothing shouted out to me, but there was something. I turned back toward the far wall. I walked toward it looking at the swords on display there. But it was not anything on display.

  “What do you have inside this cabinet?” He frowned and walked toward me. He opened the cabinet and there was something rolled up in a black cloth laying on the shelf.

  “Ah, I have had this for many years. No one has ever taken a second glance at it.” He unrolled it on the countertop, drew the sword from its plain black scabbard and lay it down, stepping back. Laying there among the other swords it looked out of place. I could see why no one liked it. It was too different for this time and place.

  I looked like a straight Katana, but not as long as a standard Katana. The handle was longer than standard for that length of a sword, the blade was a deep dark gray with black patterns in the metal similar to a Damascus blade. The hand guard was a squared off “u” with the backside being a sword breaker type. It was not a “flashy” sword, but a warrior’s sword.

  This one spoke to me, “May I?”

  “Of course, please.”

  I grasp the handle it felt incredibly light, like nothing was there. There was magic at work removing much of the blade weight. It felt like an extension of my arm. “Training room?”

  He nodded and led us out and to the room. I stepped to the center of the room. Closing my eyes, I centered myself. I began slowly feeling its weight and its flow as I moved. Once I had the feel of her, I picked up the pace. It reminded me of dancing with Regina. She was smooth in my hands and held to me as I held to her. She was enjoying the dance as much as I was.

  I was making sweeping turns and cuts, then my lower hand twisted the lower part of the handle, the one sword became two. The second being a shorter sword breaker, the length of the handles remained the same. I never slowed, this felt so natural, I didn’t even have to think, we just danced. When the dance was closing, I slipped the second, shorter sword back together the two become one again. I stepped in the center of the room; myself centered again. Instead of being winded, I felt refreshed.

  The two men were staring at me. “Cut the straw man,” the Arms Master said pointing. I moved to the straw man, not hesitating I made a killing pass, the blade took off an arm, cut the man in half at the waist and took off its head before the body hit the floor. The blade was beyond sharp, it never slowed at any cut.

  “I have had that sword for over 20 years. It has sat in that cabinet for probably 15 of those 20 years. I have been doing this for most of my life, but I have never seen the like of what I witnessed today. That sword was made for you. It will cost you one gold. I will not keep it from, it’s owner.”

  I took a gold coin from my pouch handing it to him. I bowed deeply, “Thank you, you honor me.” He bowed in return, “Then we are both honored.”

  AS WE WALKED BACK TO the castle, a thought struck me. “Do you know of a leather worker shop that makes good armor?”

  “I do.” I felt my new sword pull me to the left.

  “Is it to the left by chance?”

  He nodded, “It is.”

  “Good, let’s go see what they have to offer.” I followed the Weapons Master, and my swords lead. It seemed everyone knew the Weapons Master. Of course, these people would, this was how they made a living.

  “How may we serve, Weapons Master?”

  “I would like to look around Master Armor.” I said.

  “Of course, M’lord, take your time.”

  “Thank you.” I followed my sword’s leading around and down a back aisle. It stopped me in front of a dusty, dirty, sweat stained set of black, well mostly gray from sweat, armor. I moved the pile around with my foot. It was a full set of medium weight leathers, with metal plate backing. Chest and back pieces, bracers, greaves, and skirt.

  The Weapons Master looked down at the pile, then at me. “That?” I nodded. He shook his head; he was not impressed. “How much?” He asked the Arms Master.

  “As is, or do you want it cleaned?”

  “Oh, as is, I have a trainee who needs to learn how to take care of his own gear.” He said smiling. I laughed.

  LOOKING BACK, I SHOULDN’T have laughed. It took me a week to get the set inspection ready. While cleaning the armor I found runes written on the inside of all the pieces. It would take me a while to figure out what their capabilities were and maybe improve on them.

  The throwing knife and harness turned out to be another gift. I had likened the harness to an infinity sign, that turned out to be true... kinda.

  The knife which was incredibly sharp. Like the arrows from my bow, when the knife hit the target, it reappeared back in its sheath for me to throw again. I would never run out of throwing knives. It also, when I wanted, could hide under my skin, and I could still throw from there.

  Once my new armor had passed inspection, I started wearing it during training. The first day I trained alone. I needed to see how it moved with me and if there were any places that restricted my movement. There were none. Like my sword the armor was almost weightless and moved like a second skin.

  While training I learned about my armor. The greaves once attached merged with my shoes, or sandals, becoming boots. The bracers covered the back of my hands, wrist, and forearms to my elbows, and became magic shields when needed. How big they became depended on the need.

  The chest and back piece had high collars. The back collar raised like an accordion over my head becoming a helmet. The front collar raised becoming a throat guard and face shield. Magic made them all work together seamlessly.

  The skirt protected my upper thighs
and lower abdomen. I wore a type of pants or leggings under everything to prevent chaffing. I needed to add thigh shields to better cover my legs when mounted.

  The Weapons Master instructed me to go armed and armored all the time until every movement wearing them was second nature. The first family meal I showed up to armed and armored, the King looked at me and nodded his approval.

  “Expecting trouble?” Regina asked smiling.

  “Yes, some mothers are becoming quite insistent about me dancing with their daughters,” I answered.

  “Shameful,” she tsked, smiling at me. “Will you escort me on a walk through the garden after breakfast?”

  “It would be my pleasure.” Breakfast passed quickly and Regina and I walked down to the garden and strolled along under the trees. Her bodyguard stayed close, but out of conversational earshot.

  “Would you do something for me?” she asked

  “If I can, yes.”

  “When we are alone would you call me Reggie, like you used to when we were children?”

  I had forgotten about that. I smiled “I don’t know, Reggie, that seems awful forward of me.”

  She chuckled, “let’s risk it,” she said. “What news of intrigue?”

  “I’m not the one to ask. I don’t have time to snoop around and listen from behind doors.”

  “Yes, I’ve heard you train a lot, and that you are quite good.”

  “I guess I’m ok for my age. I’ve still a lot to learn.”

  She cut her eyes at me, saying nothing. I changed the subject. “What intrigue have you heard?”

  “You assume I have time to listen from behind doors?” Her hand covering her mouth in mock surprise. “lucky for you I do.” she laughed. “Negotiations continue, father thinks he is making progress, mother is talking to your mother about wedding plans. We are just a commodity to be bartered.”

  “Well watch father, he’s up to something, he had me training harder, as if preparing for something. It may be for show, but I don’t think so. He’ll try to get the most from the trade as he can. But he’s always got a second game running.”

  “Doesn’t everyone?”

  “I not sure everyone does.”

  “Do you?”

  “Mine are more of a tactical nature. What would I do if attacked, what are my enemy’s weaknesses, where is the closes defensive points? That kind of thing. Well, that and escape plans.”

  “Escape plans?” She asked frowning.

  “Oh yes, I’ve been stealing from the treasury at night, as soon as I have enough, I’m making a break for it.’’

  “How much do you have?”

  “26 coppers, I figure in another 20 years I should have enough to make my move.”

  She laughed, “What if you get a better offer?”

  “Better than 26 coppers?”

  She nodded.

  “Wow, I’d probably have to take it.” We laughed.

  I found it unusual that I, as a 27-year-old man, was having so much fun with this 15-year-old girl. Rather young woman. This body was 15 also, and to do otherwise would be way out of the norm. To their way of thinking I was already strange. My “I don’t remember,” answer was still holding though.

  “They made you take the serum didn’t they.” It was a statement not a question. I nodded, “What was it like?”

  “Bad.” I left it at that, she didn’t push. She took my hand, and we continued our walk in silence.

  When we arrived back at the terrace, “save a dance for me at the ball tomorrow night?” she asked.

  “You can have them all if you keep the crazed mothers and daughters away from me.”

  “Are you ignoring the fact that my Mother got you and I alone in the garden?”

  “Gullible men never have a chance, do we?”

  She turned walked away laughing.

  “¥Sometime that is a good thing,¥” The bodyguard said as he followed.

  “Maybe,” Nodding my head.

  THE REST OF MY DAY went as most days, training and studies. The families ate separately tonight. I guess everyone needed some “me” time.

  “You and Regina seem to get along nicely,” the Queen said.

  “Yes, I enjoy her company, she has a quick wit.”

  “She’s too much of a tom-boy. She works out with her bodyguard every day. She’s learning to fence, and hand-to-hand fighting. I think that’s very unladylike. But she dances well, I’ll give her that.” Celya said.

  “Interesting no wonder she moves so well.”

  “Her father has made inquiries as to a betrothal. He seeks an alliance.” The King said looking at me. “What are your thoughts on the matter?”

  I looked thoughtful for a moment. This was a test; he was fishing for something. “We could do worse, they have good farmland, their capital is a major port city. They have a fair-sized army if we needed support. Trade would increase and we’d get free access to their port. Regina and I get along well enough.” I made it all about “we” and “us”, I think he liked that.

  “You would have to move to their city become a Queen’s Consort.” the Queen said.

  “True, but I could do worse.” She nodded. Satisfied with my answers they let the subject drop.

  After dinner I went back to my room instead of the library. I wanted to look nice in my armor at the ball and wanted to try something to make it look more “fancy”. As it was, it was all black. “It needs some bling.” I felt it could change colors to match my field camo needs. Would It change to match “dress occasion” needs?

  I looked at myself in the polished metal mirror, which sucked as a mirror. I ran my hand over my armor, changing the black buckles to silver. I also changed the black eyelets to silver. I added silver inlay to the forearm bracers, and greaves-boots.

  I attached my cloak to the shoulder epaulets, and it matched the armor’s black and silver. I would still look less formal; everyone wore enchanted clothes like a bunch of peacocks. Still, I would not be embarrassed.

  My sword, “Dancer” as I now thought of her, got into the act. She matched the black and silver motif. I liked the look. I took Dancer from my belt and lay her on the bed. I turned back to the wardrobe to get undressed and put away my things.

  I froze, my combat senses came up, as did the hairs on the back of my neck. I reached back; Dancer had attached herself to my belt. Dancer and my armor changed colors to muted charcoal. I levitated up to the corner behind the door.

  My door exploded inward as a fireball tore through. The shields on my bracers flared to covered me. The room dropped into blackness. My night sight could not see through it. I changed to infrared sight as I would have on my night vision goggles.

  I instantly saw their heat signatures as they came through the door. Three came through fast. Soldiers. One held back, the Mage. I killed him first. My throwing knife went through the top of his skull, then reappeared back in its scabbard. I killed the three soldiers the same way. They were all dead before they realized they we in trouble.

  I sent my Mage Sense out to see if anymore were coming in. I saw down the hall to Amos’ door, another group was about to breach.

  I saw Amos sitting up in his bed as if listening. I teleported in, grabbed him and teleported into the passageway behind his room. I had my hand over his mouth, as he was struggling. “Amos, It’s Aaron,” I whispered. “Keep still assassins have breached the castle.” He stilled. We heard the muffled boom and felt the vibration when they breached.

  “I’ll be back, wait here.” I teleported up into the ceiling of the hall behind the Mage. His soldiers were already through the door. I dropped behind him and removed his head with my forearm daggers. Then I was among the three soldiers. They got into each other’s way and could not fight effectively. One took a dagger through his eye, the next a dagger up through his chin into his brain, the last took my blade through his heart. All were dead before they hit the floor.

  I teleported back to Amos. he was sitting calmly with a glowing ball of light
floating in front of him. “Dead?” He asked.

  I nodded “Dead.”

  “Thank you for saving me.”

  “What are brothers for?”

  “Cain would never have risked himself. You can do magic now?”

  I nodded, “let’s keep that between us.”


  I showed him where the latch for the door was to get into his room. “You wait here. I need to see how bad this is. I’ll be back.” He nodded and sat down.

  I levitated and moved swiftly through the passageway. The rest of our wing seemed secured. I headed for Regina’s wing. When I got to their wing, their guards held the hallway leading to their rooms. Roughly 20 invaders were about to make a push to get through.

  I put my helmet collars and face guard up, and I gathered my magic, I made myself into a big flash-bang gernade. I drew Dancer, split her, and teleported into the middle of them. As soon as I landed, I set the flash-bang off.

  They were all knocked to the floor, stunned, ears ringing. I killed them as quickly as I could. It was a meat grinder, cut, slash, stab, kick, and stomp. My shields took some hits covering me but nothing serious. When I was finished my armor was covered in blood. I lowered my helmet, looking around. None survived.

  I walked to the corner of the hall. “Reggie?”

  A moment later, “Aaron?” she called out.

  “Yeah, we’re all clear out here, are you ok?”

  She and her bodyguard came to the front of the barricade, “father is wounded.” She motioned me forward. I went to her.

  She took me back into her mother and father’s room. I knelt to look at his wounds. He had a nasty cut on his chest and a stab wound in the stomach. I lay my hand on him, using my healing magic I could tell he had a lot of internal bleeding.


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