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Mage Throne Prophecy

Page 6

by James Haddock

  As we parted, I kissed Reggie’s hand. As everyone turned to leave, she quickly pecked me on the cheek, and hurried away.

  The plan was to leave in three days. There was a lot to do in three days. Not for me, I could be ready to travel in half an hour. The logistics for them was more involved. They had wagons, horses, and provisions for their troops. The ladies had their own wagons and equipment for traveling. This was already turning into a learning experience.

  The families ate separately after the ceremony, as was the custom. After breakfast father took me to the stables. “You’ll need a mount, chose anyone you want, even mine if you desire him.”

  “A parting gift. Thank you, father,” I bowed. He nodded. I walked through the stable, the Stable Master walked right with us to answer questions or help if needed.

  I approached this as I had with my sword and armor. I kept my Mage Sense open searching. Nothing in the stables spoke to me. I walked outside to the paddock. There were over a hundred horses out here. I walked among them. The Stable Master followed, the King did not. “If he does not find what he wants here Stable Master, take him to the market and see what they might have there. Buy whatever he chooses.”

  “Yes, Sire.”

  We wound up going to the open-air market, there was a livestock area, and they sold horses.

  We walked among the dealers, and horses.

  “What is it you seek M’lord?”

  “I’m not sure, this is an, I’ll know it, when I see it, thing.”

  He nodded his head.

  “Young Master,” a man called.

  I looked at him.

  “You seek a horse.”

  “How can you tell? Because we’re in a horse market?” I said smiling.

  “True, but you are not seeking just any horse, you are seeing a certain horse.”

  “Aren’t we all?”

  He shrugged his shoulders, “some more than others.”

  “And you would have a certain horse?”

  “I would, but who can say if it is your certain horse.”

  “Show me your certain horse.” he led us back to the stable area and in the back, we came to the horse. He was black with dark gray spots.

  “That is a Chorton Cavalry Horse, they don’t sell those.” The Stable Master said.

  “True, I found him wondering in the Outlands, he followed me. What was I to do?”

  I laughed, “he followed you? That’s the story you’re going with?”

  “Well, when you say it like that... He shrugged his shoulders. But I must warn you, he’s mean, he bites, he steals, and he does not like other horses.”

  “And he has a split hoof.” The Stable Master said.

  “He heals quickly.”

  “He’ll need too, that’s the second time that hoof has split. Sell him to the nackers, let them make sausage out of him.”

  “I could never do that; he is too good a horse.”

  “One time maybe, no more.”

  “How much would the nackers pay for him?” I asked.

  “six silvers, maybe.”

  “How long before his hoof heals?”

  “two months if he’s lucky.”

  “I’ll give you eight silvers; I can recoup most of my money if he fails me.”

  “Eight? he’s worth golds, not silvers.”

  “If he was whole, maybe. He is not.”

  “Eight silvers, going once...” I waited a moment. “Going twice... G,”

  “Wait... Eight silvers.”

  “Done.” I paid him and he was gone as soon as the silvers hit his hand.

  The Stable Master watched him fade away into the crowd. “You know he was probably a deserter.”

  I nodded, “Probably.”

  He turned back to look at the horse. “I suppose you have a plan?”

  “Maybe.” I said, the horse had been watching me the whole time, not looking anywhere else.

  I ran my hand down his leg looking at his hooves. I used my Mage Sense and could tell all his hooves were weak. I concentrated on the split one, healed and strengthen it. Then I strengthened the others so they would not split.

  I stood up, and the horse put his head in my chest. “Suck up.”

  The stable Master stared at me. I shrugged my shoulders. He shook his head. “I didn’t see anything.”

  On the way back to the castle, we bought a black saddle, tack and light cavalry armor to match my armor. I would inscribe runes on them later. I spent the rest of the afternoon taking care of “Gray”. I washed him, brushed him, had them put new shoes on him.

  I inscribed his armor with runes. It was all shielded now, and anything he carried only weighed a quarter of its real weight. While I was at it, I added the same weight saving runes to my armor, I also added a rune to my boots so they would make no sounds as I walked.

  I GOT BACK TO MY NORMAL routine with my workouts. I woke early and went to the training room. I had it to myself. I worked up a good sweat, the weight saving runes on my armor made a world of difference. When I finished, I returned to my room and got cleaned up, then went to breakfast. Again, I had it to myself. After I ate, I went back to my room and got out the jewels that were given to us at the announcement dinner.

  I laid everything out and looked the pieces over. Some were magical, some had sun stones in them, most were just ornamental, but it was all gold. I separated them into the three groups. Using magic, I separated the sun stones from the gold. I took the three largest sun stones and made an engagement ring of them. Then a wedding band with some smaller stones. I made a simple wedding band using the rest of the small stones for myself.

  The rings were basically batteries, but I added runes to them so that each ring would know where the other one was all the time and the condition of the wearer. Like a tracking device. I then made two sets of bracelets and two circlets, these I inscribed with runes to make shields and helmets. These would be gifts for Reggie’s mother and father.

  The jewelry work had been intricate and had taken longer than I realized. It was late afternoon when I finished. I put all the jewelry in my pouch and started packing for the trip. We would leave in the morning and I wanted to be ready no matter what time we left.

  I was up early and ate my last breakfast, at least for a while, with my family. It was sedate, no sentiment from this bunch. Amos was the only one put off but tried not to show it.

  A servant had taken my things and put them in my wagon. I didn’t know I would have a wagon, and I didn’t know what was on it. Apparently, a Prince was supposed to travel with a certain level of decorum. The King gave me a large pouch of gold. “Spend it wisely, use hers first.” He laughed at his joke.

  I just smiled, “Thank you, father.” I said putting it to my pouch.

  He nodded, “keep me apprised of events.”

  “Yes, father.” I bowed. “Not likely, or very little.”

  I mounted Gray and took my place with the Royals. I rode beside Reggie’s father. Reggie rode in the Royal coach with the Queen. Mother and father stood on the steps to see us off. With the clip-clop of horses’ hoofs and the creaking of wagon wheels we pulled out heading south along the King’s trade road. There was no fanfare as we left, we just left.

  WE MOVED SLOW TO START, checking wagons and animals. After a mile or so, we picked up the pace but not by much. The plan was to make five miles today and tomorrow then increase the pace trying to make ten miles per day.

  “Have you travelled the King’s trade road before, Aaron?”

  “No, Sire, I have not. Truth be told I have never left the city.”

  “It’s beautiful country between here and home. I believe you will enjoy it.’’

  “I’m looking forward to it.”

  “I noticed your father sent no retinue with you.”

  I smiled, “I’m sure he felt they were better used elsewhere. And I’m just as sure my bother, the Crown Prince, was behind it. He could not let me go without one last jab.”

  “You did no
t get along, then?”

  “Not really, he is a king in the making. I am an underling, along with the rest of humanity.” I laughed. “He actually did me a favor. Now I don’t have to figure out which one is a spy or just assume all of them would be. The next question is what kind of useless junk had them packed in my wagon.” The King looked at me thinking. “Of course, I’m not completely without blame. I did teleport a load of horse manure under his bed as we left.” I said smiling.

  The King burst out laughing. After a while, “so why keep your healing abilities a secret? Most would shout from the rooftops.”

  I nodded, thinking how to answer. “From what I’ve read, seen, and been taught there are important leadership traits. One of those traits is how you manage assets. Assets being people, food, equipment, money, etc. One type of leader will use his assets to his best advantage to accomplish a mission, to make the lives of himself, his people, and his kingdom better. The other will wring every drop of sweat, blood, and coin from them to further his own agenda, to prosper himself. I believe the old quote is, ‘They’ll ride a good horse to death.’ I didn’t want to wind up a dead horse.”

  He stared at me, thinking. “Wise young man.”

  I shrugged my shoulders, “just good teachers, who taught me to observe, and form my own opinions, and not to follow blindly.”

  We rode in silence after that, at the five-mile marker we stopped for the night. Wagons, and animals were checked, as camp was being set up.

  I had to smile when I found the King waiting at my wagon. “Couldn’t resist, huh?”

  He chucked, "nope."

  I untied the cover and flipped it back. The wagon was full of camping gear. Tent, cooking gear, sleeping mats ground sheets, food, and other supplies. Everything I would need. There was a letter laying on top with a wax seal. I recognized the imprint from a ring I had given Amos. I broke the seal and opened the letter.

  It read: “Brother, I’ve learned to teleport objects. Eldest filled your wagon with junk. I practiced my teleporting using Items from the wagon he and father take hunting. Don’t worry I won’t get in trouble, I left them a note thanking them, and signed your name. What are brothers for?”

  I laughed and handed the letter to the King. he read it and laughed, shaking his head. “What are brothers for, indeed.” Handing the letter back to me. I put it in my pouch.

  “Your driver will help you set up your tent. You will eat with us.”

  “Thank you, Sire.”

  My driver, Trooper Oaks, and I unloaded and set up my tent. I noticed his limp, and he favored his knee. I didn’t bother with most of the gear as I would eat with Reggie and family. “You’ll sleep with the wagon, Oaks?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Then use the ground sheets or sleep in the wagon whichever you prefer.”

  “Thank you, Sir. Ground sheet, and under the wagon will be fine Sir.”

  Before I went over to the Royal’s wagon, I used a spell that took all dirt, grime, and sweat away from me and my clothes. I felt as if I’d had a bath and smelled like it too. “Magic has its uses.”

  Rather than go straight to the Royals tent, I walked the camp’s perimeter, fixing in my mind how things were laid out. And that everyone was being fed, and they posted a guard force. Some habits you don’t get out of, and if you want to live, you never get out of them.

  As I approached the King’s Tent, He called to me. “Prince Aaron, please come and take a seat.’’

  They had a table and chairs, but they were camp table and chairs, set up under a canopy in front of their tent. I could see the King watching me to gauge my reactions. “Tonight, would be a test.”

  “Thank you, Sire.” and took the offered seat. He poured me a cup of diluted, or watered wine. Moments later, the ladies joined us.

  We stood, the Queen and Reggie were dressed in leather pants, silk blouses under leather vests. A long thin coat was over it making it appear dress like. They both looked very nice. I must have been staring.

  “Does our attire shock you Prince Aaron?” The Queen asked.

  “No M’lady, it’s wonderful. It not only looks good, it’s practical too.”

  “Practical?” she raised an eyebrow. I heard the King clear his throat. Reggie covered her smile with her hand.

  I nodded, “If we were attacked, and you were wearing that, you’d be better able to defend yourself. And as I said, you both look very nice.”

  “Nice recovery,” she said smiling.

  They took their seats, and they served dinner. Again, the King watched me. We were being served the same meal as the troopers were having. No special privileges. I wonder if this was their common practice or just a test for me. It was good; I ate without comment.

  We talked of small things. How long the trip would take, which turned out to be two to four weeks depending on the weather. They talked Kingdom business; I listened. They discussed trade, crops, cattle, sheep and many other topics, I found it interesting my mother and father never talked like this in front of us. Reggie was an intricate part of the discussion.

  “How is your father’s kingdom trade doing?” The King asked.

  “I have no idea, mother and father did not discuss business in front of us.”

  “How will you learn?”

  “we, now they, will not.”

  “Do you have an interest in learning?” the Queen asked.

  “Everything I can.” I said.

  The King nodded.

  “I read of a custom,” I said. “In some countries, that the man gives the woman he asks to marry him a ring, they call it an engagement or betrothal ring. During the wedding the exchange Wedding rings. I liked the idea.” I reached in my pouch and pulled out the engagement ring. I stood and walked around to Reggie. I took her hand and slid the ring on her finger. She jumped up and hugged me holding me tight for a moment then turned to show her mother the ring.

  The King shook his head, “Now every woman in the Kingdom will want one.” he said smiling. The Queen slapped him on the arm.

  “Another custom is to give gifts to the mother and father of the bride.” I took out the bracelets, and circlets. “These are enchanted, runed pieces that become Mage Armor when attacked. After our close call in the castle I felt we all needed a little extra protection. You wear these under your skin all the time, so you are never unprotected.” I looked at Reggie, she nodded, and showed them hers.

  Reggie and I helped them fit them. “Where did you get these?” The Queen asked.

  “The first one was donated by a Mage that was trying to kill me and my brother Amos. He didn’t need them anymore. Reggie is wearing that set. These I made.”

  They looked at me. “You made them? You inscribe runes?” the King asked. I nodded.

  “Is there anything you can’t do?” the Queen asked.

  “I don’t cook so well.” we all laughed.

  “When did you give Reggie hers? Before or after the betrothal announcement?” The Queen asked.

  “Before.” I said. “She told me how close the assassins came to her. She needed them more than I did.” Both ladies had tears in their eyes.

  “Do you wear a set?” The Queen asked

  I held up my arms, “In my bracers, I plan to make me a set to wear under my skin later.”

  “Do it sooner, rather than later.” Reggie said hugging me.

  WALKING BACK TO MY tent I picked up a twig that had a long sharp thorn on it. Looking at it I got an idea. I found the Captain of the Guard.

  “Good evening Prince,” he greeted me,

  “Good evening Captain, I have read where some armies surround their camp with thorn bushes,” I held up the twig. He almost rolled his eyes but not quite. Before he could say anything, I continued. “I realize it would take a lot of thorn bushes.” He nodded. “What If I could use magic to make a thorn bush perimeter fence, would you be interested in that?”

  He thought a moment. “Show me what you mean,”

  We walked out to the p
erimeter, “do you need an opening, or do you want a solid wall?”

  “A solid wall.”

  I concentrated on the twig and dropped it. It took root and grew four feet thick and six feet tall. I stopped it once it was Ten feet on its way to encircle us. The thorns were from two to four inches long, sharp, and hard as nails.

  He looked at it. “How will you get us out in the morning?” I waved my hand, and the bush went back to the single twig.

  He nodded. “Do it.” I dropped the twig, and it took off growing around our camp as fast as a man could run. We walked the perimeter. “Good idea, Thank you.”

  “Glad to help.” I continued to my tent. Trooper Oaks was sitting by a small fire outside my tent. As I approach, he started to raise. I waved him off.

  “How did you hurt your knee?”

  “Horse fell on it, then tried to get up. Twisted me leg almost off, he did. Doctor did what he could, but it was bad. I counted oneself lucky to keep me leg.”

  I looked at it with my Mage Sense. He was right it was bad. I used his other leg as a guide and repaired it. He flinched as it slid back to normal. “See how that feels, I fixed it a little, maybe it won’t bother you as much now.”

  He stood up flexing it, “it feels like it was never hurt. It feels better than the other one.” He was grinning from ear to ear.

  “The only thing is,” I said, his smile dropped. “When the Sergeant hears about this, he’ll want to put you back in the rotation.”

  He looked around, “Well now, we ain’t got to tell everybody, now do we.” We both laughed. “Thank you, Sir, this is truly a gift. Thank you.”

  “Glad to help Oaks. Good night.”

  “Good night, Sir.”

  “I now had a new loyal friend.”

  Chapter 7

  I was up early, well before sunrise. I wanted to stretch and get some exercise in before we got back on the road. After my workout I practiced my blade katas, and hand-to-hand.


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