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Mage Throne Prophecy

Page 8

by James Haddock

  I fixed the spell in my mind, then waved my hand at the pile of goods. Everything shrank and became a holding crystal, about the size of a child’s marble. I dropped it on my bag and continued my search. To save time, I cast a spell taking his dead body out of its clothes. I gave the items a cursory search, then cast the spell to put everything into a crystal, the crystal went in my bag. I’d search everything more thoroughly later.

  So far, every man had been wearing a cloak, runed armor, carrying runed weapons, and shield bracelets. It seemed the shield bracelets were someone’s calling card. Someone had paid a fortune to outfit these men. “He said they had paid him in advance. Seems it's expensive to hire a mercenary company to kill a King, Queen, Princess, and Prince. I guess he could afford to retire after this job.”

  There were three wagons and sixty some odd horses in camp. Two of the wagons held supplies. The food supplies were war rations. These men were moving fast, not in comfort with home cooking. The last one was a command coach with a side door entrance. I could sense magic on the inside.

  I opened the door and came face to face with the biggest dog I have ever seen. He stared at me. I stepped back, “Alright, out. Go do your business, I don’t have all night.” He kept staring at me. “Out.” I thumbed over my shoulder. He jumped down and trotted off. Presumably to take care of his business. “Thank God, he had to weigh 250 pounds.”

  I stepped up into the coach, there was a desk to the right. I sat down and started looking through it. There were a lot of notes. Our locations and destination, how many troops, and our descriptions. The coach shook as the huge dog came back in. I looked, he walked past me to the left and went through a curtain. I frowned; he came back out with his bowl in his mouth and dropped it by me. I looked at him; he woofed.

  “Yeah, Yeah, I get it. You got a name... No way. Your name’s not Armor by chance is it?” He woofed again, I laughed. “I said I’d take care of his Armor. No wonder he laughed.”

  I picked up his bowl and walked toward the curtain. I parted the curtain with my hand expecting a closet or something. What I found was another room. It must have been 20 feet square. “Pocket dimension” came to mind. I shrugged my shoulders, “Magic has its uses.” Armor pushed past me and headed to a corner where a large barrel sat. I went over and filled his bowl and sat it down. He began eating. “I guess we’re friends now.” I made sure he had water.

  I walked around looking. There was a bedroom area, with a real bed and clothes chests. A dining area with a table and chairs for eight. A sitting area, with a couch and chairs. An office area with a large desk, the desk out front must be for show. “Dude, you didn’t tell me you had an RV.” Armor cocked his head at me. I chuckled. It even had a bathroom with a type of commode, a tub and hot water. “Get out of town, I wish you hadn’t made me kill you. Of course, then I wouldn’t own this would I.” I shook my head, “I’ll take care of Armor.”

  It was now four AM; I didn’t have time to search everything right now it would take too long. I stepped back outside. I fixed in my mind what I wanted to do, and cast the spell. Bodies and weapons began arriving in the clearing. I laid them out in neat rows, dress-right-dress.

  I walked down the line casting the holding crystal spell, putting marbles in my pouch. With that done, I looked back over the dead. I had seen this kind of thing too many times. With a thought their remains sank into the earth. “Rest Brothers.” I walked away.

  With the horses hitched to each wagon, I climbed up onto the driver’s seat of my new coach. I left Armor in the back of the command wagon. I chucked again at his armor joke. I cast a spell for all the horses to follow. The sun would be up in an hour. I eased the team out onto the road and headed back to our camp.

  BY THE TIME I REACHED our camp it was light enough to see clearly, I reversed my fog spell, and it was gone. I came to a stop at the thorn barrier. Captain Motts came out to see me. “You sent word we were surrounded,” he said looking around carefully.

  “We were, I took care of them.”

  He looked down the road at the wagons and horses behind me, and back at me.

  “We’ll talk later.” I said.

  He nodded, turned back toward the camp, "Prepare to break camp." He shouted.

  I got down from my coach and opened a wider path through the thorn bushes and awaited the inevitable. I didn’t have to wait long, here they come. I bowed as the King approached.

  “Sire.” He nodded looking down the road, then back at me.

  “The report I received was that we were surrounded, to pull into the center of camp and prepare to defend.”

  “That was correct Sire, that was the worst case. I was able to take advantage of a vulnerability and stop the attack.”

  He looked back at the horses. “Any survivors?”


  “Anyone talk?”

  “One tried to, but someone had but a death spell on him attached to their identity. He didn’t survive.”

  He nodded. “To the victor go the spoils.” He chin pointed at my caravan of wagons and horses.

  I bowed, he returned to the camp. As soon as he left Reggie walked up.

  “You are well?”

  “Yes, I’m fine.”

  I saw it coming but took it anyway. She punched me in the chest. “You went out in the dark woods, during a potential attack alone? Are you crazy?”

  “That has been suggested.” I smiled.

  “Oh, I see, you think this is funny.” Her hands on her hips, reminding me of a Tac-officer I had once. I expected to have to start doing push-ups any minute.

  “Not anymore.” I held my hands up. “look, I saw a chance to roll them up and took it. It was the easiest way for me to protect the camp, and you. I’m sorry if I worried you.’’

  She looked at me a moment longer. “How many were there?”


  “fifty-seven?! You took on fifty-seven enemy soldiers by yourself. You are crazy.”

  “In my defense, I didn’t know there were fifty-seven when it started.”

  She turned and stormed off. The Queen was next. “Are you ok Dear?”

  I bowed “Yes M’lady.”

  “Don’t be mad at her, she was so worried she’d lost you. We all were, and not because we would lose the alliance, but because we’d lose you.”

  “I’m sorry M’lady I’ll try not to do it again.”

  She smiled, “see that you don’t. You may not survive the next time. And I don’t mean from the enemy.”

  I smiled, “Most definitely M’lady.”

  Oaks showed up with Gray for me to ride. He drove the new coach; Moss drove my other wagon. Before we started to move, I let Armor out. He ignored everyone, running along, staying close to the wagon, or me.

  On one of our stops Armor walked to the side of the coach and pawed a board. A panel opened that held a food bowl and water bowl both were full. He drank his fill then put his head under the panel and lifted it closed. He lay under the wagon resting. I sat on the ground soaking up energy from the earth to recharge. I thought I’d be tired, but I wasn’t.

  Reggie rode up to my coach and stopped. She started to speak but stopped when she saw Armor.

  “He came with the coach,” I said. “I promised the previous owner I’d take care of him,”

  “You’ll go broke feeding him.”

  I smiled.

  “Father wants a briefing on last night’s events this evening before dinner.”

  “Of course.”

  She nodded, then rode on.

  I looked at Armor, “I’m glad I have my own place now, otherwise I’d be sleeping with you.” I tied Gray to the back of the command coach and went inside. I sat at the front working desk. I looked through all the drawers again, read through the notes, I learned nothing new.

  Oaks stuck his head in the door, “We’re about to pullout Captain.”

  I nodded, “I’m good in here for now, go ahead.” Once we were moving, I went to the curtain
to see if I could still use the back room. I could not, the curtain would not part and the wall behind was solid. I found a fold-down bunk along the side I had not noticed before.

  I went back to the desk and sat down. I took out one of the holding crystals and lay it on the floor. I reversed the spell, the equipment and clothes from the crystal appeared on the floor at my feet.

  The clothes, and equipment that was not runed was of good quality. This one had a few coins in his pockets, his armor, weapons and his cloak were well kept. Something in the cloak caught my eye, there was an inner pocket sown into back of the cloak. Inside was a one-foot square of folded canvas.

  I lay the canvas on the floor and started unfolded it. There were drawings on parchment on it. I recognized what it was and stopped. I would need more room to completely unfold it. It was a “Ground Sheet of Holding”. I folded it back up and put it back in its pocket in back of the cloak. I’d wait until we stopped to open it. I put it all back in the holding crystal, and back in my pouch.

  On our break they changed horses on the heavier wagons, since we had plenty of spares now. We made better time and could stop earlier in the day.

  WHEN WE GOT TO THE caravan clearing. I sank a well for our water and made a livestock pond for all our new horses. When I returned to my coach; Oaks was standing at the rear looking. The back of the coach had a canvas-covered area that reminded me of an old stagecoach.

  “Let’s see what we have.” I released the straps and the canvas unrolled onto the ground. It continued to unroll and then set itself up. It was an enclosed pavilion tent. Once it settled it turned the same color as its surroundings. Here, it was different shades of greens. I opened the front flaps, which were on the door side of the coach. Armor pushed passed and went inside. The outside of the tent looked to be about a twelve by twelve square, the inside was a lot bigger, and divided into multiple rooms. The front part had a table and chairs to seat eight, the back room was a sleeping area with a bed. These accommodations were not as nice as the ones inside the coach. Armor was lying on his bed by the front flap.

  “That saves us a lot of work,” Oaks said. I nodded. He left to set up the rest of our area. I looked at the table, in the woodgrain was a design like maps, and had the word “maps” by the design. Next to it was a design the looked like dinner ware and had the word “dining“ beside them.

  I shrugged and said, “maps.” A large map of the area covered the table. The chairs went under the table out of sight. The pavilion illuminated by Mage light, and there were no shadows in the room.

  I took the holding crystal I had out before and opened it on the table. I opened the cloak and took the groundsheet from the inside back pocket. I lay the groundsheet out and opened it. When it was completely unfolded, the parchments that had drawings on them became the objects depicted in the drawings. The drawing of a sleeping mat became a sleeping mat. Drawings of supplies, became supplies, etc.

  The groundsheet was six feet wide, eight feet long. It held a sleeping mat, three day's rations including water and personal care items. This was their field pack. Everything was clean, serviceable, and good quality. Someone had invested a lot of time, and even more money to outfit these men.

  I laid out the man’s armor, and weapons on the sleeping mat. I folded a corner of the groundsheet. Everything turned into parchment drawings and lay flat. Then the whole groundsheet folded flat, weighing next to nothing. I slid the groundsheet back into the cloak’s inside back pocket and set it aside.

  I stepped back to the map table. I said “table” and the maps went back into the wood, and the chairs came back out. I moved all my personal gear into my new pavilion bedroom. There was a pitcher of water and cup beside my bed, the pitcher was full of cold water. There was another pitcher and a washbasin on the other wall for me to wash-up. Which I did. I also cleaned myself and my clothes magically.

  I PUT ON THE SOLDIER’S cloak and went to the Royals area. When I got to their tent, two large chairs where set out like thrones. I stood outside the tent waiting. Before long Captain Motts showed up. We waited together in silence.

  Half an hour later the King and Queen came out. The Captain and I bowed until they took their seats.

  “Prince Aaron, give us your report on the events of last night, how did you discover the planned attack?”

  “I had a dream, that I was in an ambush. I woke up and felt the enemy’s presence.” I relayed the events of the fight and meeting the Captain of the enemy mercenary company.

  “And what did he say before he died?” The King asked.

  “He said, they’ll never stop coming after me. My enemies are from the South, North, and from the sea. But the one...” He started convulsing and his tongue burst into flames, his head melted like wax. Someone had put a spell on him to keep their secrets.

  “So, they are after you?”

  “So, he said, he said he was rich enough to retire, after he killed me. They had paid a lot of gold to hire his company to kill me.”

  “Did you find gold?” He sat up a little straighter.

  “I did not, I did however, find this.” I took off the cloak and took the ground sheet from the back pocket, I laid it out and opened it.

  “Every member of his company was equipment like this. Runed armor, ruined weapons, shielded bracelets, supplies, and magic groundsheet of holding. Someone spent a fortune hiring and equipping this company to attack and kill me. I got the impression that if you also died, it would not be a problem. But I was their primary target.”

  The King and Captain looked through the equipment on the groundsheet, and the groundsheet itself. “We heard no fighting; how did you kill all those men?”

  “Quickly and quietly, Sire.” I bowed.

  He shook his head. “So, it would seem.” He returned to his chair. “You are dismissed for tonight; we will think on these things.”

  “Yes, Sire, with your permission I would like us to hold in this position tomorrow, so we may issue our men the equipment I took from the enemy. We may need every advantage we can get.”

  “You would give away your fortune to arm soldiers in my army?”

  “I can get more gold Sire; I cannot replace a man’s life. If what I have saves one life, it is money well spent.”

  The Queen smiled.

  The King nodded. “We shall rest here for the morrow, then move on the next day. Captain Motts, help Prince Aaron with the issuing of equipment.”

  “Yes, Sire.” we bowed and left the Royal tent.

  Once outside, “how do you want to do this?” Captain Motts asked.

  “I was thinking, one squad at a time at my wagons, after breakfast.”

  He nodded, “thank you for this. Few, if any, would give away a fortune to arm an army, even their own.”

  “If I don’t survive to spend it, what good is it?”

  “There is that,” he said smiling.

  We separated; he went to his area. I on a hunch, went to my captured supply wagons. I searched through the first one, it was all food and cooking supplies. In the second one I found what I had hoped to find. There were more groundsheets of holding, some of these were different colors. I put them all in a single crystal and put it in my pouch. The rest of the supplies in the wagon was for the horses.

  I went back to my coach, Oaks and Moss were there. “We are staying here tomorrow.” I took out two crystals and put them on the ground and opened them. “Everyone will get this equipment in the morning.” I showed them what it all was, and they put on their new runed armor, and the shield bracelets. Then I showed them the groundsheets of holding, that held all the other equipment.

  Moss looked astonished, “You’re giving us this?” he asked.

  “I’m issuing soldiers, soldier’s equipment. It does no one any good in my pocket.” They both nodded. “I’ll need you both to help in the morning. After breakfast, one squad at a time will come here to be issued the new equipment.”

  “Yes, Captain.” They saluted.

I went into my pavilion and took off my armor. I felt more comfortable doing so now that I had my bracelets and circlet. I took out the crystal that held the groundsheets from the supply wagon and lay it on the floor. I opened the crystal, then opened one of the green ground sheets. It was a standard issue type for a soldier; I folded it closed.

  I opened a blue color-coded groundsheet; these sheets were bigger than the green ones. This one held archer’s equipment. Twenty bows, twenty quivers, arrows, strings, and wax. I left the ground sheet open.

  I open the red color-coded groundsheet. It held runed spears. I picked one up to look at it and was surprised to find that it also magically extended into a Cavalry Lance. There was roughly a hundred of them on the groundsheet. I nodded, more equipment to be issued.

  I took two of the spear-lances out to Oaks and Moss. They were suitably impressed. Back inside I put the groundsheets in three separate crystal and put them in my pouch.

  Chapter 9

  “Dining table,” I said as I approached the table. I had not yet eaten, and I was hungry. The table became a dining table set for one. There was a pitcher of cold wine, and I poured myself a cup full. I sat down, and a plate of food appeared before me. It was a thick steak with home-fried potatoes, sautéed onions, and green vegetables. Just the way I liked it.

  Armor came over and lay-down beside my chair, I cut the bone out of my steak and gave it to him. He was happy. “Hot tea.” A cup of hot tea appeared. I had developed at taste for hot tea working with the Brits, and the Aussies.

  I sat enjoying my tea letting my mind rest. I took the crystal containing the Mercenary Captain’s equipment out and tossed it on the floor. I opened it and started looking through the gear. His armor was heavyweight, where mine was a medium weight. Basically, his armor had the same things mine had. I had added runes to mine to make them weigh less.

  I got my scribing tools out and went to work. I would trade up, but I needed to add some things, like groin area protection for my femoral artery. I would also make everything lighter. His bracers, greaves and boots were better than mine, having better shielding. I added my runes to improve them.


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