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Mage Throne Prophecy

Page 17

by James Haddock

  “When you say everyone, do you mean men and women?”

  I nodded, “everyone, men and women, rich and poor, highborn and low born. Everyone.”

  She nodded thinking, “start with the hospitals, once they see the good, we’ll open schools. Then we’ll give them the bad news about military service.” She said smiling.

  I chuckled, “good idea.”

  “I’m not sure if we will have trouble with the healer’s guild or not.”

  “We won’t, if we have any, I will abolish the guild and put them in prison. If they think they are in charge, they’re confused, and I’II un-confuse them.”

  She chuckled, “You can’t kill anyone.”

  “I won’t have too, after the first few, everyone else will catch on that it’s not wise to test me.”

  “Some people are slow to change.”

  “Some people are greedy and don’t want to lose the power and wealth. I’ll show restraint if they let me.”

  THE SEAS HAD BEEN QUIET; we took no ships, and no one tried to take ours. Dov-ees had kept our ships going on cargo runs, so we were making money. There was a new ship in port, it didn’t seem to be a cargo ship. At least not only a cargo ship.

  My curiosity got the better of me and I teleported over to the wharf. It looked like a military ship but had no kingdom banners or flags. I hoped it was the mercenaries I was looking for.

  I went to the warehouse and checked with Dov-ees. He was talking to some people, when he saw me, he came out.

  “King Aaron, may I present Captain Roker. He’s the Mercenary’s Naval Training Officer.”

  “Captain.” I greeted him.

  He bowed, “Your Highness. I understand you wish to hire us to train some ship’s crews for your Navy.”

  “If you are of the quality I’m looking for yes, I have ship’s crews, what I need is a Navy. Trained officers, and men who can defend our ships and trade routes. I need an Officer Corps that will then be able to train more. This could be a long-term contract.”

  We discussed their experience and what they could do for us. I agreed to pay them to train one crew, then we would see if we both wanted to do more.

  I tuned to Dov-ees, “while they are training our Navy, outfit six more ships and get them working.”

  Dov-ees nodded, “Yes, Sire,”

  I WENT TO THE HEALING Guild house; it wasn’t large, but it was nice. I walked in and a clerk greeted me. “Good morning Your Highness, are you expected?”

  “No, I just dropped by to talk to the Master Healer.”

  “I’ll see if he is available to see you.”

  “Stop.” He stopped. “He is available to see his King right this second, if he is not, I’ll come visit him and you in my dungeon.”

  He bowed, “Of course Sire, please come this way.”

  “Thank you.” I followed him; he opened the door.

  “I’m not available this morning,” the Master Healer said.

  “His Majesty, King Aaron.” the clerk announced.

  The Master Healer stood, as did his two guests.

  “Master Healer, thank you for seeing me.”

  “Of course, Sire. How may we serve?”

  “The Crown has been making a lot of improvements to the city, and I thought we could help each other.”

  “How so Sire?”

  I’ll build you a new larger guild house, and in exchange you will see the sick and hurt of the city.

  “Who will pay us to see these people.”

  “The Crown will pay a set fee for seeing them. The rest will be your payment for the new complex.”

  “It will be very expensive to see everyone. You do not understand the complexities at the healing profession.”

  “Really? How many bones in the human body?”

  I don’t see what that has to do with anything.

  “206. How many internal organs in the human body, and what are their functions?”

  “I still don’t see what that has to do with how much we charge for our healing.”

  “Ok, how about this, what would you charge for seeing someone with a cold?”

  “Well, that’s difficult to say, there could be several reasons for the cold.”

  “That was not my question. No matter how they got it, they have it. What would you charge them and what would you give them?”

  “A silver, and a very complex salve.”

  I shook my head; “you mean crush eucalyptus leaves to open their sinuses. Tell them to drink water and eat watered soup. And in a week or ten days they’d be better. For that you’d charge a silver?”

  Once they saw I would not be baffled with bull, we came to an agreement. I wouldn’t put them in prison for fraud, I’d build them a building. And they would see all the sick and hurt at a set fair price. I would supply the accounting clerks. I raised a very nice hospital for them; they were at least happy about that.

  It took me a week to get the hospital, and healers working close to like I wanted. Next, I went to the church. In this time and place, the priests were the most educated. I’d have to tread a little lighter here.

  I went to the church and was met by the head priest. “Correct me if I’m wrong Father, but aren’t all priests tutors, and educators?”

  “No all, but most can fulfill that duty.”

  “Good, then I need your advice. I want to start a school. Not just for the well to do, but for everyone, I’ll build a schoolhouse, if you and your priests will teach them. The Crown will pay you to teach.”

  “What subjects would you want taught?”

  “I want a well-rounded education. The Bible of course, math, reading, and writing to start. If any show promise and an aptitude for learning further, then we’ll cross that bridge when we get there. One of my problem is, I don’t know how many people we are talking about, so I don’t know how big to build the school. We would also feed them breakfast and lunch.”

  He stared at me. “You’re serious?”


  “My Lord above. I don’t know exactly how many would come, but free breakfast and lunch will get most of them. If you’ll give me a week, I’ll have a better idea of the numbers we are talking about.”

  I nodded, “Sounds good, I’ll see you in a week.”

  The numbers they came up with were between 200- 300 children. I decided to build a stadium style seating classroom to hold 300 each. I started with 2 classrooms but could add more. I built a mess hall style kitchen and lunchroom to feed everyone. Of course, we had to staff and supply everything.

  They announced a new school system in church, so everyone figured it must be a good thing. Beside the Crown would feed the children two meals a day. That sold the idea. By the end of the second month, we had over 200 students attending. It was all costing a lot. Being King was expensive.

  The rich were fussing about their high-born children being educated with “throw aways.” I told them they were welcome to build their own school, hire their own teachers and feed their own children. They decided it would be a good education after all.

  Reggie was dealing with the day-to-day government stuff, but we’d talk about things at night over dinner. She was happy with the way the school, and the hospital were progressing. To tell the truth, so was I.


  “Of course.”

  “What are your plans for today?”

  “I thought I would look at how our Navy’s training is progressing. We may need to hire more trainers, if we have enough recruits to man more ships. We may have to recruit more by offering a bonus to sign on.”

  “We need to talk about the treasury. More is going out than is coming in.”

  “Ok, tonight?”

  “Yes, it can wait that long.”

  I had my usual bacon, eggs and potatoes. The hot tea was good, but... “I wonder if I should start looking for coffee beans?”

  The Major-domo approached and bowed. “Excuse me, Your Highness. The Head Priest has req
uested and an audience. He insists it is of great importance."

  “Has he ever done this before?” I asked

  “No Sire, he has not.”

  “Then let’s go see what is so important.”

  Since it was a formal request, we went to the Throne Room, and took our seats on the Thrones. It was no big deal to me, but Reggie insisted it was important to maintain the dignity of the office.

  The Head Priest and his hooded entourage came in and bowed. “Good morning Father, what great import brings you to see us?” Reggie asked.

  He stepped aside and two people came forward from the back of the group. I used my Mage Sight to insure they were not armed.

  When they were beside the Head Priest, they removed their hoods.

  “Catherine?” Reggie asked

  Catherine, if that was her name knelt, “Yes cousin, I ask sanctuary for myself and my son Prince Roman.”

  The Young Prince had not knelt. He stepped forward toward me, his mother made a grab for him but missed, “Please.” she said and covered her mouth tears running down her face.

  Reggie waved her off, and she stopped.

  He stood before me unafraid. “King Aaron, my father says King’s speak plainly to one another.” He was very serious this boy of, maybe eight or ten years.

  I nodded, “They do, when both sides agree.”

  He nodded. “Then I would speak plainly to you King Aaron.”

  “Then we shall speak plainly Prince Roman.”

  “My Father, King William, has been betrayed and is now imprisoned in his own dungeon. The army he thought was his ally, has turned against him and seized the throne. My mother and I barely escaped with our lives. We seek sanctuary. And I also seek your help in freeing my father and retaking his throne.”

  I nodded, I looked at his mother. She was scared, I’m sure more for her son than for herself.

  “Were you aware that your father was allied with this army against me, and that small skirmishes had already taken place?”

  He frowned. “I was not. I was not aware of all the dealings with the Dunwich Army. Only that they had broken their agreement and turned on us.”

  “Yes, it seems when you are King someone is always trying to take what is yours.”

  “Was it you who was the aggressor, and my father defending his lands, or he the aggressor?” His mother sagged to the floor.

  “This young man is bold, I like him.”

  “As far as I know, neither of us openly went after the other. As sometimes happens, it may have been a misunderstanding. But in this case, I suspect we have a common enemy from the outside. One who would like to see us at war, weakening the both of us.”

  “So they may defeat us both.” He finished. His mind was running, looking at all the angles and implications.

  I nodded, “just so.”

  “If it was a misunderstanding, we must clarify. We, as far as I know, are not seeking to invade Port City.”

  “And we, were not seeking to invade Volwick. We have more than enough to do taking care of our people and keeping an eye on Dunwich.”

  “In that case we are at peace?”

  “We are until we are attacked.”

  “Then will you join us in fighting a common enemy, freeing my father, and reclaiming his throne?”

  “And when your father is free, will he honor our agreement?”

  He stood taller, “He will, I have given my word, He will honor it.”

  I nodded, “then we will join you, against our common enemy, freeing your father and reclaiming his throne.”

  “Will you accept my signing a peace treaty in my father’s stead?”

  “I need no paper to bind what you have given your word of honor on.” I stepped down and we clasp wrists as warriors do. “May our peace last down to our grandchildren.”

  He nodded, “and beyond.”

  Reggie came down and went to Queen Catherine.

  “Thank you, Father for bringing them to us,” I said.

  He bowed, “thank you Sire for the wisdom you have shown.”

  “Will you stay for breakfast?”

  “Another time perhaps, I must get back to the school.”

  I nodded. He bowed and left.

  “Let’s go eat and plan our enemy’s demise.”

  QUEEN CATHERINE TOLD us what had happened, as much as she knew. The Dunwich troops had started out staying outside the walls. Then they started taking part in patrols, then guard duty, then castle watch. Then it was too late, they were inside the castle. The King stayed behind fighting, she and Prince Roman got away through the escape tunnels. We were the only place she could run to.

  I looked at them with my Mage Sight. I could not see any runes, or runed jewelry.

  “Were you able to escape with any weapons, armor?”

  “No. they attacked at night we only had time to grab our clothes.”

  “What is your talent?” I asked her.

  “Fire, and Roman has not manifested yet.”

  I took a set of shield bracelets out of my pouch and handed them to Reggie. She passed them to Catherine. “These are shield bracelets they are runed against weapons and magic. Once you put them on, they will protect you even when you don’t expect an attack.”

  Catherine put them on, and Reggie showed her how they worked. I gave Roman a set, and he put them on. I teleported two daggers up from my armory. I gave one to each of them.

  “You can never be too careful.”

  Roman nodded, sliding his behind his belt. Before he had time to think I tried to punch him in the chest. His shields flared and stopped my punch.

  “See, even when you aren’t ready your shields are.”

  He was smiling, “Thank you, these are wonderful.”

  Chapter 18

  “Sergeant Oaks.”


  “This is Prince Roman, while he is in uniform, he is Lieutenant Roman, take him to the Red Cloak Armory and have a kit issued to him, less the spear-lance.”

  “Yes Captain, this way Lieutenant.” Roman followed him.

  “Captain Motts, I’m going to recon the Volwick’s castle. I’ll be back in an hour. Assemble the Red Cloaks. We’ll be going for a visit after I get back.”

  “Yes, Sire.”

  I went under and fast travelled to the Volwick castle. I flew under the Dunwich camp. Most of the troops were still there. They had not occupied the city or the castle. They did however control the access points. The main gate was closed, which was good for me. I moved around the castle and the walls. There were no large troop concentrations. The house guards and troops were nowhere in the area.

  I circled back under the camp I was sure they had sent at least one Mage. I found him eating in a tent, not a pavilion. Just as he was about to put a spoon full of food in his mouth, I struck. I pulled him under and punched my hand into his brain and took his powers and knowledge. I searched his body, stripping him of everything.

  I now knew there were two more Mages with the army. They were in the city’s at a brothel. I’d have to go find them. “Why don’t any of the local Mages challenge these guys?” It took me a while, but I found them. I could tell right away that one was an Earth Mage. I’d hit him from above. It had worked before I hoped it worked again.

  Once he was alone, I went up above the building and dropped down with no magic. At the last moment I teleported in, punching into his brain, cast the spell and took him under. I held him tight as his body thrashed. This time was like before, runes from his body transferred to me along with his power, and knowledge. I found the last one and took him too. I stayed under for a while absorbing and assimilating what I had taken from the Mages. The earth restored my strength and helped me center myself. I stripped their bodies of everything.

  I went back to the Dunwich camp and found their commander. He was asleep; I put him under deeper and took his knowledge. I also took their war chests of gold, and gems. “Even a King has to make a living.” I smiled.

  I f
lew to the castle and went down to the dungeon and found King William. There was only one guard. I pulled him under and ended him quickly. The King had been wounded but not bad. I sealed off the dungeon to keep him safe. I sealed the castle proper and killed every Dunwich guard I found, leaving them laying where they fell. Once I cleared the castle. I sealed the main gate and personnel gates.

  I teleported back to my great room. The Red Cloaks where there and ready. Prince Roman was there kitted out in Red like the rest of us. I motioned for Oaks and Moss; they followed me to Prince Roman.

  “Lieutenant Roman, these are my guardsmen. Sergeant Oaks, and Corporal Moss, tonight they will be your guardsmen.” Oaks and Moss bowed.

  “Men.” Roman said.

  “They are old soldiers for a reason. I listen to their advice; it would be wise for you to do the same.”

  He nodded.

  I looked pointedly at Oaks and Moss. They nodded. I nodded in return. The young prince needed to be blooded, not dead.

  I turned to the Red Cloaks, “We will go into a secured throne room. Once there Lieutenant Roman will lead us to the dungeon and free his father their King, we’ll return him to the throne room. We’ll clear the castle from there. Slow and easy. No rush. Cover each other. Everyone comes home,”

  “Everyone comes home.” They repeated, even Prince Roman.

  I opened the portal. “First squad.” They moved through to ensure the room was secured. They gave us a thumbs-up. Then the Prince and I stepped through, I thought his mother would faint. Reggie was with her holding her hand. The rest of the Red Cloaks were through and I closed the portal.

  I unsealed the doors. “Fourth squad clear the floors above. Third squad clear the floor below. Don’t leave the castle proper. Once clear, fourth squad return here, third squad, hold at the main doors.”


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