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Mage Throne Prophecy

Page 20

by James Haddock

  While I was resting, I looked around for some good-sized hills. We were outside the estate rings we had given and sold. I found what I was looking for a few miles further south. I made that the new home of my coal.

  I hired a mining company to mine my coal on a 60/40 split after expenses. With the warning if he cheated the Crown, I’d put them in chains and have them mine it for free. I put up 100 golds to start the operation. They accepted my offer and took the contract. I sent our worst, and violent criminals to the coal mines to work. We hired unemployed citizens to replace them on the road work crews.

  “DEAR.” REGGIE SAID at dinner. I looked up at her. I knew by now when a conversation started with “Dear”, something was about to happen.


  “I was looking over the treasury accounts today and noticed quite a few entries where you had made deposits.”

  There wasn’t a question in there, so I waited. She looked at me waiting.

  She blinked first. “Were the deposits taxes on something or someone?”

  I took a swallow of my tea thinking. “Kind of.”

  She stared at me, “kind of?” I nodded; she couldn’t stand it. My Grandmother, Mary, had been a bit nosey. When anyone started asking a lot of questions, we’d ask if their “Mary gene” was kicking in. “Where is the gold coming from?”

  “I’m stealing it, of course.” I held my face straight.

  She stared at me. “Is that one of your tactical misdirections?”

  I had to laugh, “I’m mining gold and silver from the land. I put half in the treasury and half in my personal vault.”

  “You have a personal vault?” her eyebrow raised.

  “Did I say my, I meant our personal vault.”

  “May I see, our, personal vault?”

  “Sure, when would you like to see it?”

  “Now would be good.”

  “As in right now?” I was yanking her chain.

  “I will punch you in the throat.” She said smiling.

  I laughed, “come on.” We got up from the table. I led her to our bedroom. I closed the door behind us. “Put your hand here on this stone.” She did, and the vault door opened. We walked inside and she looked around at the chests that lined the walls. She walked along opening them. She stopped after the first few.

  “They are all full of gold and silver?” I nodded. “No wonder our treasury is doing so well, I was worried we might run short and have to raise taxes.” She looked around the room, then back at me. “You are a good King, and husband.” She came to me hugging me. “Now I can go shopping,” she said laughing. I laughed with her.

  THE BLACKSMITH HAD finished the iron plow, and we tested it. It worked well, but he wanted to make one change. “Make your change, but I want ten more made. As soon as people see what this will do, they’ll be sold.”

  He nodded, “I believe it, I worked a farm, I wish we had had one of these.”

  Our “honey wagon” was the next thing we put into service. We fertilized our test field and let it set for a week then we turned the soil with our new iron plow. We’d have to wait and see what the harvest would like. I knew it would be good, all things being equal.

  My glassmaker was not satisfied with his efforts so far. He was having trouble getting the concave, and convex right in the lenses. But he was making progress.

  The tinker had my telescope ready. It looked nice and worked perfectly. He also had five fountain pens ready. I enchanted them and filled them with ink. “Take two to the best jeweler you know. Have them encase one in ornamental gold and one in silver.” I gave him two golds.

  “I know just the man. When his customers see these, we’ll have to hire more workers.”

  “Why wait I’ll fund 100 pens, let’s get started.”

  “I’ll hire them tomorrow.” I set a small purse of gold on his worktable, nodding.

  WINTER HAD BEEN QUIET, relatively speaking. There had been some cross-border run-ins with the north, but only a chase or two. No bloodshed. My inventions, though not technically mine, were doing well. The Blacksmith had sold all the iron plows he had, and they ordered 20 more. The glass maker had finally got his technique down and was producing lenses for my telescopes. The fountain pens were selling as fast as the tinker could make them, both the ordinary ones, and the fancy ones. It made me nervous that everything was going so well.

  I went to the General of our army. “I want you to draw up plans to counter an invasion. Think of where and how you would hit us, then counter it. I will do the same. Then we’ll compare notes and see if we have missed anything.”

  “Have you heard of an invasion?”

  “No, and that makes me wonder what they are doing. I’m sure they are doing something. Open this up to your officers. Make it a training exercise. Make them think tactics. We’ll talk in a week.”

  When we reconvened the next week, I was impressed. They had multiple maps detailing multiple strategies. There were deployment orders supply lines, and troop movements. They had already shifted some of their patrols to better cover areas of concern.

  After their briefing, “Well done gentlemen, very well done. Carry on.” I felt a little better after that, but I still made my own patrols flying under to areas that we might have missed.

  Prince Roman, and 50 troops arrived for a visit. They were all quartered at the castle. After dinner, “father wanted me to inform you we have had a visit from the Dunwich.”

  “Oh? And how did that go?”

  “The representative appeared surprised, shocked, and mad. Surprised his men had turned on us, shocked we had defeated them, and mad that we had done so with no survivors. Father threw him out of the Kingdom, with a message not to return.”

  “That won’t set well at home, but no matter.”

  “I would also like to discuss using your harbor for trade. We would like to bring in cargo and rent warehousing.”

  “Of course, we would welcome the business.”

  “I am also interested in buying the new iron plow your smiths are making. On the way here I saw some at work, they were impressive.”

  “They are making a difference in our production. We’d be happy to sell you some. I’m not sure how many are available, but we can make more.” I knew eventually other smiths elsewhere would make them. We might as well make money and friends at the same time.

  He seemed a little apprehensive. “Was there anything else you wanted to discuss?”

  He thought a moment, considering his words. “I do not wish to pry, but we’ve noticed a lot of small forts going up around your kingdom.”

  “The estates? We have opened lands to nobles as a reward or to be bought. So we may put more land under production. The estates, or small forts as you say, are incentives to get them to live on the land. It worked better than expected, and our crop production has increased substantially.”

  “And they willingly left the city?”

  “They paid through the nose to buy the land to leave the city. It became a status symbol. If you don’t own an estate, you are not an up-and-coming noble.”

  He laughed, “father will love this.”

  Prince Roman spent a week with us touring farms and estates. He ordered ten iron plows and paid in advance for them. I gifted him and his father with a telescope each, and a gold pen each. “That will cause our sales to go up.” I smiled.

  SOMETHING WAS NAGGING at my subconscious, and I couldn’t sleep. I got up and worked out until I was soaked with sweat. I took a hot bath and lay soaking for a while. A thought finally percolated up.

  “How would they get ashore?” My eyes popped open. If Dunwich was going to land another force here how they would get ashore. I had sowed reef all along our coast. They would have to go north. “I’m an idiot.” If anyone would bring in Dunwich it would be Cain, and/or my father. Pay them to fight keeping their troops fresh in reserve. That would cost a fortune, but he had emptied the Midwick’s treasury.

  I got out of the tub and got dressed,
at the map table, “show me the coastline north of Port City for 100 miles.” The map came up. “Mark locations where ships could beach to unload cargo or troops.” Nothing came up. Did that mean there were none or did the map not know? “Mark locations where long boats, could beach to unload cargo or troops.” It highlighted two locations.

  “Zoom in on the southern location.” Nothing there and although there was a beach, getting off the beach would be problematic with the cliffs. ”Show the northern location." This location had a beach, and easy access inland. That would be the place if there was a force coming in. I’d have to take a trip to find out.

  If they are there how is Cain pay for them, gold? If I were them, I’d want all or a good portion of the money up front. Which means war chests of gold, and if someone was to intercept that gold shipment, no gold, no army. Better yet no gold, mad army on your doorstep looking to be paid.

  Chapter 21

  It could be worse, there could be twenty-thousand troop here. But the ten thousand that were here was bad enough. Fortunately, they moved like pond water. The loading and unloading was taking time. Moving ten thousand troops and their supplies ashore in longboats, was frustratingly tiresome. Tempers were short and getting worse. I added to the frustration by breaking the keel of one longboat as it was beaching. That was one less boat to use in unloading.

  I moved around under the camp. Morale was low because of all the losses they had suffered in both ships and men. They had only been here a few days but the support that had been promised to them had not been forthcoming. There had been no fresh supplies, and the promised gold payment had not arrived.

  I cast a beguiling suggesting they stop unloading until the gold arrived. The commander must have liked the idea because he stopped operation on the spot. The few men my brother had here to coordinate left to take the news that the unloading had stopped until the promised gold payment arrived. I followed along to watch the show.

  Cain was in the stables when the messenger arrived. “Sire, they have stopped unloading the ships until their payment arrives. They said not one more troop will be landed until they are paid.” I thought Cain’s head would explode. But he had sense enough to get away from the horses before he started stomping and throwing fire around. “That man has anger issues.” I smiled.

  “I told them their payment was on the way and would be here sometime today. Bring me my horse, I’ll go and get things started again.” He mounted, and they rode out. I headed out the other direction looking for the payment wagon. Even though it was late in the day, it shouldn’t be too hard to find.

  I found the two treasury wagons at dusk. The wagons were slow moving because of their weight. I went forward to the next wooded area and called up 100 golem cavalry, like the ones I used at the border ruse; I levitated over the wagons with my bow ready. As soon as they were in the kill box, I sprung the ambush. I froze the wagon with the ground stopping it. We attacked; the golem hit from both sides. The troops fought the golem as hard as they could, but steel does nothing to dirt and rock. I started at the front putting arrows through troops as I came to them. As soon as my arrow made its kill, it appeared back on my bowstring.

  When the last troop fell, I had the golem form up around the wagons like an escort. I cast a spell on the horses and had them follow; I took the reins of the lead wagon, and the horses pulling the second wagon would follow mine. We moved out leaving the fallen troops where they lay. We took the first turnoff heading north to Klemstovel. Cain would strike first and think later. “Maybe I should leave them the gold for all the trouble I’m causing you... Nah...” I laughed.

  I pushed the horse teams pulling the wagons for a few hours, then changed them out with golem horses. Then we moved again. I was making better speed now; golem horses don’t get tired. We travelled all night until well before dawn. I sent all the live horses to graze out of sight in a field that had a stream. We moved on another mile, stopping in a wooded area. Opening the wagons, I put all their contents, and there was quite a bit, into crystals. I cut the golem horse teams loose and sent all the golem galloping toward the capital, but to go back to earth before sunrise. I sank into the earth and took a nap.

  The vibrations of galloping horses woke me. They pulled up, stopping at the wagons. Men checked the wagons, “Empty Sire.” The soldier called out.

  “Find them, I don’t care if we have to go to their Capital, find them!” They headed out chasing the golem tracks. Their horses were about done in. Cain must have brought every troop he had. Even at that, he only had about 400. This could turn ugly for him. Invading a neighboring Kingdom with only 400 men. They were already at odds. Not the smartest thing for him to do. “Bless his arrogant heart.” I smiled.

  “Well, I’ve come this far I might as well pour some gas on the fire.” I flew under, racing ahead to Klemstovel’s capital, some twenty miles ahead. I went up into the castle; the King was reclining in his bed. I cast the beguiling spell. “The Crown Prince from Midwick has invaded. If you capture him, you can ransom him for a fortune.”

  He jumped up and started shouting for his guards. I thought I had messed something up, until he started issuing orders for his army. That should keep them busy for a while. I fast travelled back to the beach where the Dunwich forces were landing. They hadn’t unloaded anymore troops. When their commander was alone, I cast the spell. “They have no gold; they have lied to get us here. Load our troops back on the ships and let’s go home. Let the King decide how to punish them.”


  “Yes Sir,” a man said coming to him.

  “Reload the ships, we are leaving, the quicker the better.”

  “Yes Sir.” He saluted and started issuing orders.

  I CHOKED ON MY HOT tea. Wiping my mouth and nose, “what did you say?”

  “Twins, sire, The Queen has given you twins. The first, a son. The second a daughter.” The midwife said smiling.

  “They are all ok?”

  She nodded, “Yes Sire, they are all fine. She is just tired. You may come in now.”

  I went in to see them. I used my Mage Sight to look at them. The babies were perfect and healthy, and I could see a Mage spark in them. Reggie looked tired but beautiful. I healed her and restored her strength.

  She smiled, “That’s better, thank you.” Now I know why first-time fathers act the way they do.

  Although Reggie had help with Briska, and Margaret, there was no full-time nanny. We would raise our children, not strangers. Reggie was a great mother, and the twins were calm always having each other as company. I’m sure that would change in the future. I stayed home for a time helping with the twins when the women would let me. They all wanted to hold them, and the babies loved the attention.

  I rescinded the Letters of Marque. We now had six ships in our navy, and eight ships in our merchant fleet. They could still take ships if attacked, we just didn’t actively hunt them anymore... Supposedly.

  Our Army Officer’s Corps, and our army was improving, and we had enacted a mandatory service for all citizens. I dialed it down; it was like the national guard. One weekend a month, Two weeks a year.

  Our farms were doing well, and honey wagons became the norm. Every farm owned an iron plow, and I had commissioned a wheeled cultivator. It was still in the testing phase.

  Our coal mine was now in full operation and was shipping coal to Port City and to Volwick. Our relations with the Volwick continued to improve. They were renting a warehouse and were doing a lot of business. They had even bought two ships of their own. Prince Roman came to visit every few months and stayed with us a week. He was always looking for new innovations.

  “May I ask about your magic?”

  “Sure,” I answered.

  “You use it quite a bit, more than others, I mean.”

  “I suppose.”

  “Is your magic getting stronger?”

  I nodded. “Magic is like a muscle, the more you exercise it the stronger it gets.’’

; “Did your father teach you?”

  “No, definitely not. He thought, that if he taught anyone, that one day they would take his throne.”

  “But isn’t that what’s supposed to happen, the King trains his son to replace him someday?”

  Yes, but I think it was the ‘someday’ he worried about. And in my family, it was a valid concern. No one trusts anyone. Which is why I’m glad I am here. We do things differently here. I want my heirs to be ready to take over when it’s time.”

  “If your father did not teach you, where did you learn all your magic?”

  “Books, trial and error mostly.” I side stepped the rest of the story.

  “May I read some of your books?”

  “Sure, come on I’ll take you to the library in the castle.” Not all my books were there, but it would get him started. After that I could usually find him in the library. That started me thinking about teaching magic. How did one go about it? I checked my notebook and as usual found what I was looking for. There were a few examples of how to teach magic. Of course, you had to be a “Mage” in the first place. I guess there is a “Mage Gene”. Anyway, the thing is there were ways to teach magic other than trial and error.

  It is common knowledge that if you teach a subject; you get better at that subject, or task. So, I started helping Roman with his magic. The first thing I taught him was to levitate. Then had him practice while meditating. Each time he visited I would either help him with something he was having trouble with or teach him something new.

  I also started teaching Reggie. She advanced faster because we were so close. I could do direct contact teaching. The thing was, you had to totally trust the other person because you opened yourself to them and were vulnerable. They were inside your defense’s. Reggie was always inside my defense’s, so I had no problem opening to her. Well, to some extent. Some things I kept shut off subconsciously.

  I looked in my notebook for references on how the notebook was made. It was simple but not easy. Fortunately, I also found a place where I could make a blank copy of mine without all the trouble of creating a completely new one. I made two copies. One for Reggie and one for Roman.


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