Ultimate Nightmare Set

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Ultimate Nightmare Set Page 52

by Angel Ramon

  He stumbles upon the same door that the girl had run into, but no sign of the girl, not even footprints. He continues until he sees a set of stairs and heads down to the first floor. He arrives at a hallway where he thinks about his next move.

  “The second floor has been all covered except for the chief’s office, nothing I can do about that. Now time to search in the 1st floor. I just got to find a way out of here.” Angel thinks in his head.

  He heads to the door under the stairs where he finds a dark room, which is useless until he finds some film to develop. However, he does find an operation report indicating that the ammo in the station is stored in the basement weapon storage. He comes up with the plan of getting to the weapon storage and gathering enough ammo to assist him in escaping.

  Leaving the dark room he sees a metal door that he uses the key he obtained, which opens the locker room. Inside he finds a gang of zombies inside waiting to eat his guts out. So he grabs his trusty shotgun and blasts the heads of the zombies. Believing he’s in the clear he looks in the lockers for any supplies, but a couple of zombies drop from the top of the ladders onto him.

  One of them drops on his body knocking him down while the other drops to his feet. He’s unable to use his weapon, so he pushes the zombie on top of him away. Taking out his service pistol he shoots the zombie of the floor on its head killing it. As for the other zombie he shoots the breaker box numerous times until it blow and electrocutes the zombies that was on top of him.

  After that scare he looks in the lockers and finds some ammo for his pistol. He also finds some film as well. Going back to the dark room he gets the final product of the film which shows a group of officers fighting for their lives in Highland Park when the zombies began to invade. The picture is rather useless and only reminds him of the terror that has hit his home.

  Eventually the locker room leads to the mess hall where the party was supposed to take place. While there is much booze, snacks and food around, there are also many dead bodies in the room. There is one body that is still alive and that is the one of the sarge. Angel goes to check on the sarge.

  “Hey sarge, are you ok? I’ll get something to cover that wound.”

  “Angel… I’m sorry… but it seems that your party… has been canceled.” The sarge says weakly.

  “It’s fine as long as you’re ok, I’ll patch you up and cover that bite mark.” After patching up the sarge, he asks him what happened.

  “What happened here?” He asks the sarge.

  “It’s Hybird they made the “Broken Arrow” virus… They said that it wasn’t a virus, but a cure for cancer… However, it became suspicious when the Special Forces went in and found out what was really going on… They risked their lives to reveal the truth, but nobody believed them… Not long after that all this started to happen.” The sarge says and then screams in pain only to fall on the floor.

  “Look I’ll find something to cure you, just hold on…”

  Before he could move anywhere the sarge gets up to his shock. However, his skin turns into a bluish tone and he becomes hostile towards Angel.

  “Sarge! Please stand back! Stand back! I’m telling you to stop or I will shoot you. NO!!!” Angel says as he’s forced to shoot a bullet into the sarge’s head.

  He kneels down shedding a few tears losing the captain of this team to the “Broken Arrow” virus. He becomes concerned that could be the same fate of Bill and Maria. With nothing left to do in the room, he heads back to the main hallway and heads to the door close to the exit door. While it leads to the detective’s area, he’s going to explore the interrogation area to see if he finds any evidence, the other survivors or more importantly a way out.

  Heading into the room he heads to the waiting area where a gang of zombies await to ambush him. He blasts a few of them with his shotgun, but one is able to grab him. Angel uses the shotgun as a guard to prevent being bitten by the zombie, so the creature ends up biting the gun instead. He pushes it away and finishes it off. Angel then makes quick work of the remaining zombies.

  Instead of going through the door to the detective’s room, he takes the back way and heads for the hallway leading to the interrogation room. The hallway leading to the interrogation room is surprising empty of any creatures, using the key he opens the interrogation room. It’s strangely quiet in the room. He sees a rook chess piece on the table and takes it.

  Pulling out his shotgun, he carefully moves his hands towards the rook piece and out of nowhere a flesher pops through the window to his shock. He shoots the flesher once, but it remains alive. The flesher jumps ready to do its deadly claw attack when Angel slips and falls with the claw missing him by the hair of his chiny chin chin. He grabs a metal chair that defends him from the flesher’s attack and with his other hand he blasts the creature dead.

  Looking through the broken glass there is another room with a shiny object, jumping over the broken glass he enters the secretary’s room where he sees another key. This key leads to the basement where the weapon storage is located. He’s one step close to escape, but he knows that Mr. Z is still alive and could still be lurking around ready to pounce at any moment. Come to think of it, where could Mr. Z be located? Angel knows one thing, he can’t get too comfortable, and Mr. Z might also be trying to target his girlfriend as well who he hasn’t found yet.

  Chapter 6

  Angel remembers a door by the detective’s area that he did not explore and he went down there one day for target practice. He heads back cautiously and approaches the door. Using the key he opens the door leading a hallway where the basement stairs are located.

  He heads down the stairs and upon approaching the landing he hears footprints that of a dog. Walking down the dark cement hallway the sounds get louder and multiply. When he reaches the T-Section a couple of rabid dogs jump in his direction and he ducks under the dogs.

  After the dogs land, he shoots them both with his service pistol killing them. He searches the rest of the hall and finds that it is clear. The hall is dark in nature, even during the day with the lack of windows using vents to pump in air from the outside. He finds the target practice room is beyond the state of repair with the ceiling caved in. It looks like perhaps Mr. Z was in the area looking for Angel or the others.

  He carefully looks around the hallway, but Mr. Z isn’t seen. He heads for the door to the garage, but it is electronically locked. It has no power being fed to it to release the maglock holding it closed. So he heads back to the power room and searches for the generator. The generator is located in the back and he turns all the switches up on the power supply.

  Upon doing that though the circuit breaker trips and the message reads, “Too much power to power supply, resetting power supply.”

  “Hmm… looks like too much power, there has to be a happy medium I guess… Wait a minute I think I see something.” Angel says as he spots something on the equipment itself.

  The instructions indicate that the power level has to be set at a wattage level of 80 watts to power the garage door and card reader for the weapon storage room. The five switches on the bottom have a 36 marked on top and 14 marked on the bottom. When Angel flips a switch up, it pumps up the wattage by 36 while flipping it down lowers the wattage by 14. He realizes that he has to flip the switches in a way where the wattage will equal 80 by the end.

  He flips the first two switches up to get 72. He flips the third one down to get 58. After that he flips the fourth one down to get 44 and finally he flips the fifth switch up to hit the magical number of 80. After that, the card reader turns on and the machine says the garage door is unlocked. Although the card reader for the weapon storage is on, Angel has no keycard.

  Before he could exit the power room a loud bang is heard from the wall. It’s Mr. Z once again and the force of his penetration is enough to knock Angel down.

  “Oh come on, not this guy again” He says disgusted.

  Mr. Z puts his hands together and prepares to do a double axe-handle punch. Ange
l is able to shoot Mr. Z in his face and get right back up. Instead of sticking around, he decides to make a run for it towards the garage.

  He enters the garage of the police station running as fast as he can. He walks slowly deeper into the garage, until he hears a bullet shot at him.

  He turns around and sees an attractive woman wearing a red jumpsuit with black flats holding a gun towards him.

  “Sorry about that when I saw the uniform I thought you were another zombie.” The woman responds calmly.

  “Who are you?” Angel asks concerned.


  “And what are you doing here?” Angel looks at her impressed with her outfit and body figure. He can’t help but to be attracted by her body.

  “I’m looking for a man named Bernard. He’s one of those reporter types always looking for a scoop. I wanted to ask to ask him some questions about Hybrid. You see I’m a private investigator.” Leslie answers.

  “Private Investigator?”

  “Yeah, I was hired by the mayor himself to investigate the Hybrid Corporation. Let’s just say they haven’t been on their best behavior and rumors are flying that they purposely experimented on healthy humans instead of the “cancer” patients.”

  “Why would they do that and act so sneaky?”

  “Isn’t it obvious? Their reputation would be ruined if the public found out if there was a leak in their research and the government would be on their asses like white on rice. Personally I want to see these guys taken down and I think Bernard, a former employee can help out. He’s in a cell for some unknown reason and I want to talk to him, but I can’t move this truck.” Leslie explains her actions and continues, “If we work together we can move, give me a hand will you?” She says in a sweet calming tone.

  Angel decides to help Leslie and between the two of them they are able to push the truck in. After pushing the truck a door reveals itself. The two head inside of the door. As soon as they enter they hear the noise of what seems to be Mr. Z screaming in pain loudly. Leslie in fear of the noise runs towards the jail cells.

  “Leslie wait!” Angel screams, but she keeps running.

  Angel goes after her towards the cells and when he reaches the end he spots her by a cell. Inside the cell is a man and Angel begins to question him despite the man being asleep.

  “You must be Bernard, get up now!” Angel yells.

  “What do you want? I’m trying to sleep here!” Bernard angrily says getting up in a Slavic accent.

  “Is this the guy?” Angel asks Leslie.

  “Bernard, you told the officials that as a former employee that you knew something about the Hybrid Corporation trying to cover their tracks. What did you did tell them?” Leslie asks Bernard.

  “And who the hell are you, bitch?”

  “Watch your mouth smart guy! I happen to be a private investigator looking into the Hybrid Corporation’s ‘suspicious’ activities. In my view there’s no way that this is all vanity, something must be causing these zombies to go crazy.”

  “I hate to break it to you sweetcakes, but I really don’t anything and even if I did, why would I wanna tell you?” Bernard answers Leslie.

  “Fine, I say we leave him in there. Does anybody know where the key to this cell is?” Angel asks.

  “I have it right here officer, but I’m not about to open this cell. Those zombies aren’t the only ones crawling around out there.” After Bernard finishes his sentence the sound of Mr. Z can be heard again.

  “Like I said, I’m not leaving this cell! Get out of here before you lead that monster right to me!”

  “Hey I’m not going anywhere I’m the only cop alive in this building.” Angel says to the shock of Bernard. “Look if you wanna live then you’re going to have to leave with me!” Angel responds to Bernard’s rant.

  “Do you even know how to get out of the city? Ah… look there’s a kennel just to the left of the cells. Inside the kennel there’s a manhole, go through and it’ll lead you to the sewers, but it won’t be easy.”

  “Well that’s a chance we’ll have to take, how about it Leslie?” Angel asks Leslie.

  “Alright I’m going.” Leslie goes ahead of Angel.

  Angel runs after her towards the kennel as the mysterious sound is even closer than before. He reaches the kennel and sees the same aggressive dogs like before. Unlike before they’re locked up in their cages, the manhole is open and he heads down into the manhole.

  Entering the manhole he meets the same giant poisonous spiders that he met in the first nightmare five years ago. He finds himself in the sewer disposal plant entrance, which is full of green disgusting dirty water. He shoot’s one of the spiders in its head killing it instantly while the other tries to grab him. When that fails the spider tries to spit poison missing Angel. The acid is so strong that it burns through the limestone blocks. The spider lands on the water and begins to charge towards Angel.

  He bides his time waiting for the spider to expose its weak spot and then blasts it with his shotgun. Then he watches in disgust as the spider begins to bleed out green blood. He’s able to avoid vomiting and work his way up to the front part of the sewage disposal plant. He enters the first door he sees in front of him.

  He crosses a bridge where he sees a door that is locked tightly with a panel to the right that looks like a chess board. He realizes that there are four holes are empty and he pulls out the chess pieces he got before. Then he inserts them to the panel, but there are still two holes left. Angel leaves the room back to the hallway disgruntled.

  “It looks like there are still unexplored rooms left to be explored in the police station.” Angel says to himself until he spots Leslie by a closed shaft. “Leslie! I don’t think I had a chance to introduce myself. I’m Angel and I’m with the NYPD.” Angel and Leslie see the closed shaft ahead and he says disappointed while shaking his head, “It’s a dead end”.

  “Wait there’s a shaft, give me a boost, and I’ll check it out.”

  Angel gives Leslie a boost up to the shaft. She gets to the other side of the shaft and spots a young girl. However, she only gets a look at the girl’s back and is unable to identify her.

  “Hmm… a girl, I should follow her she might be in trouble.” Leslie says to herself.

  When she opens the door she sees a group of zombies ahead hindering her from following the girl. She’s in the control area of the disposal plant where the control room is located. Leslie shoots the zombies ahead of her one by one, after killing the zombies she heads for an elevator ahead of her location. After the elevator ride she investigates the area only to find no evidence of the girl and only a pack of shotgun shells to show for her troubles.

  “Well at least these should be useful for Angel. Let me check the control room, hopefully the girl will show up later.” She says.

  She heads back down and heads for the control room. Upon entering the control room she sees a whole bunch of complex controls and tries to figure them out. However, she sees a big red button that opens a panel revealing a key to be used in the police station.

  “Hmm… strange. What’s a precinct key doing here? It’s strange indeed because this facility is owned by the Hybrid Corporation. Could it be that Hybrid and the NYPD are in cahoots with each other? Plus who is that girl? I come to find more questions rather than answers as I continue my investigation. I just hope that my suspicions are proven wrong and I can get out of here with that hunk, Angel. He’s so handsome and funny. Hopefully he feels the same as I do.”

  Leslie heads back to where she landed at first and she calls Angel.


  “Leslie did you find anything?”

  “Yes right here!” She throws the key through the shaft to Angel. “Think fast here’s one more.” She throws the shotgun shells. She then realizes that she can’t reach the hole anymore.

  “Hey, I can’t reach the hole anymore. I’m going to have to find another way around. I’ll catch up with you later.” Leslie goes back through
the door.

  “Wait Leslie, hey!” Angel screams.

  Afterwards he is paged on his radio by Bill, “Bill, how are you?”

  “Listen I found the girl that was missing, she’s a bit older than I thought. However that doesn’t matter, what does matter is that I cleared the debris that was blocking the chief’s office. There are still unexplored rooms in the police station.” Bill says.

  “Got it, I’ll catch to you soon.” Angel replies.

  “I think I better go back to the station and explore the extra rooms. They may contain what I need to get out of this hell hole, lest it be another dream.” He says to himself.

  With the extra key he can explore the hidden rooms that he couldn’t explore. While he doesn’t mind backtracking, there is one thing that continues to bother him. That is Mr. Z. The pale intimidating muscular man is still on the loose harassing Angel. What does Mr. Z want with Angel or is he just a programmed killing machine sent by Hybrid to cover their tracks?

  Chapter 7

  Angel makes his way back to the police station and makes it to the garage when he hears that same scream of Mr. Z.

  “Shit he’s still around! Gotta be on my guard, that bastard is waiting for me.” He says in his head.

  Entering the hallway it’s rather quiet. He decides to head for the autopsy room that was locked, but as he thought Mr. Z is waiting for him. Angel is rather prepared and takes him down, at least for now. He uses the set of keys to open the autopsy room. Entering the autopsy room strangely enough he sees no bodies around and then he hears the door clicking locked behind him.

  “Son of a bitch! I’m trapped in here, gotta be a way out of here.” Angel says as he tries to kick the door down with no success.

  He investigates the room and finds a keycard for the weapon storage. Now it’s the matter of finding a way out of the room and then to his disbelief he hears the walls crack. The unthinkable happens, Mr. Z breaks into the room scaring the living daylights out of Angel.


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