Ultimate Nightmare Set

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Ultimate Nightmare Set Page 53

by Angel Ramon

  Seeing there is little room to play with, he walks towards the back pushing the metal beds at him. Mr. Z takes the beds and throws them to the wall like it was candy. Angel takes a heavy metal plate and throws it at Mr. Z. However, Mr. Z punches the plate, grabs it and bends the plate like taffy.

  “Who in the hell are you? What do you want?” Angel nervously asks hoping to get into the head of the creature, but realizes that Mr. Z is not in the mood for talk.

  He leans on the wall where the dead bodies are stored and Mr. Z takes a jab at him. Angel dodges the punch and the punch hits the wall where some of the dead bodies come out. However, Mr. Z follows up with a left hook that does hit Angel.

  Angel gets up fast and begins to empty bullets to Mr. Z. He aims for the head slowing the creature’s movement, but the creature marches towards him grabbing him and throwing him into a bed like a ragdoll. The pale looking creature moves towards a downed Angel and lifts its foot getting ready to stomp his head.

  Angel out of desperation takes his shotgun and shoots Mr. Z in the groin injuring it. Then he gets up and finishes it off with it going down. Despite the victory he’s injured and his back is killing him, but he knows he can’t slow down or stop. He doesn’t bother using the door, opting to use the hole in the wall that was created by the menace.

  “Damn, it’s going to be a long night. I hope I find Maria, hopefully Leslie is finding her way around and I hope I can catch up with Bill. This bruised back isn’t going to help matter either, but I gotta persevere otherwise I’ll be a dead man. I don’t know what will happen when we do get out, but I know I can’t stay in Brooklyn after this is done. Damn you Hybrid, why?” Angel says to himself while licking his wounds.

  He heads for the weapon storage slowly trying not to aggravate his back too much. The problem is that limping around the place isn’t going to help him and Mr. Z could get up anytime. He enters the weapon storage room and gathers some handgun rounds along with shotgun shells. What he really need is something to ease the pain on his back, but no such luck as he finds nothing that will help him in that department.

  “Tonight is going to be a rough one, don’t know how I’ll survive but I wasn’t born a quitter. Even if it means the next day I wake up with a messed up back, I gotta get out of here somehow with everyone. As for you Mr. Z, I’ll find a weakness soon to kill your ugly self.” Angel says in his head still licking his wounds.

  He gathers the courage to head back upstairs, Mr. Z is no longer in the autopsy room. He heads upstairs and sees an unexplored room on the first floor as seen on the map of the station. In his mind it makes more sense to explore that room first as he’s nearby before he heads up to the chief’s room. Determined to make his way to the room, Angel fights through the back pain through the hallway where the integration rooms are located all the way to the back. He sees a green metal and enters.

  He finds himself in the interview office where the chief normally does his interviews. He walks around looking for anything useful until he finds a picture on the other end of a chariot. However one of the wheels has a gear on the insertion. He walks to it and studies the gear. He figures out that it is the gear of a clock, perhaps the clock of the police station.

  “This is becoming weirder by the moment, looks like this station has a whole lot of worms hiding. I got a feeling that I’ll have to keep an eye on the chief.” Angel says in his head.

  Angel grabs the clock gear out of the picture and before he could get out of the room, Mr. Z pops out of the wall into the room.

  “Hell no, I’m out of here!” Angel says as he runs out of the room towards the hallway hoping to get out of the area.

  However, before he could get out of the hallway Mr. Z pops out of the wall blocking his progress.

  “You gotta be kidding me, what the hell is this thing?” Angel stunned as he becomes convinced that Mr. Z is stalking him and wonders what exactly Mr. Z is.

  Angel fights through the pain and is able to take Mr. Z out easily as the hallway has plenty of room to backup and shoot. He falls to the ground after feeling extreme pain on his back, but it goes away slowly. He makes his way up slowly leaning on the wall. On the outside he might look defeated, but on the inside he can hear the cries of his girlfriend keeping him motivated.

  Afterward he makes his way to the chief’s office still favoring his back, but refusing to slow down. He arrives at the chief’s office only to find that no one is there and only a diary is on his chair. He takes the chief’s diary and begins to read some of it.

  The chief’s room is surrounded by animal trophies, suggesting that the chief is into taxidermy. On top of the chief’s chair is a trophy of a moose’s head. Angel wonders why the chief has all the exotic stuff in the police station.

  While falling on the chair to rest his back and reading the diary, Angel finds out that the chief has indeed been involved with Hybrid. The chief is finally figuring out that the Hybrid Corporation is destroying his city. He also finds that the chief has become senile as he has written, “I will make sure that everybody dies in this forbidden city of hell!”

  Angel is horrified to find out that the chief was part of the destruction to his hometown of Brooklyn. The shock turns to anger as he wants to find the chief, but he’s nowhere to be found. His back gets a bit better, so he decides to get back up. He gets the idea that the chief might have either snapped, is a compulsive hoarder or a man trying to hide something. Either way he knows the chief is not an ally or even a man that can be trusted.

  He heads into a hallway with a stuffed tiger and then heads towards the end still favoring his back. He enters a room full of glass goods and porcelain statues. Investigating the area he heads to the back of the room where he finds a chest containing another chess piece, which is a knight piece and a piece of paper. It reads:

  “The gear is missing from that damn clock. It’s in the interview room on the 1st floor. I’ll get my secretary to get the gear and have her go to the clock located in the library. Better yet, I’ll go put the gear. I don’t want her knowing too much…”

  “What does that mean? Another secret I bet, if I find that man he’ll have a lot of explaining to do!” Angel says until he hears loud footsteps. “Crap that better not be who I think it is!”

  He sees a light switch and turns it off right away. He hides behind a cabinet and takes a peek, indeed it is Mr. Z. However, with the light off the mysterious but dangerous man is unable to see him in the dark. As a result it begins to turn the other way and heads towards the chief’s office. Perhaps the chief might have been killed by the hands of Mr. Z. There’s no time to think about that though. Angel only cares about the fact that he was able to dodge the view of Mr. Z.

  He walks carefully to make sure that the creature is out of the room. Mr. Z takes the door our and screams in anger, Angel is relieved. He catches his breath and walks slowly just to make sure he doesn’t make too much noise. Once he’s out of the chief’s office, there’s no noise to be heard and Angel is able to calm down, relatively speaking. His back is still killing him, but he’s trying to not think about the pain too much.

  He works his way through the hall and into the library. He sees a clock and opens the compartment where the gear belongs. After inserting the gear where it belongs the clock begins to move. The clock gongs and the clock moves to the right revealing a chess piece. It was a Queen piece and the strange events don’t stop there, a bookcase begins to move and revealing a secret chute.

  Angel has no idea where the chute leads, but he decides to get in anyway. After landing he finds himself in the police station basement by the cells and then he hears a loud scream.

  “No! Get away from me, argghhh!” A male voice screams.

  Angel heads towards the cells and sees Bernard is cut up. Also Bernard is bleeding badly to the point near death.

  “Bernard!” Angel says.

  “Haha! Bitter irony, chief and co-conspirator!” Bernard says while he hands Angel a set of papers containing incrimin
ating information that proves the chief was working with the Hybrid Corporation. However, Angel decides to read them later.

  “Get that scum, make him pay!” Bernard says angrily.

  “Hang on Bernard!”

  “Argghhh!” Bernard screams and falls to the ground bleeding to death. Only a pool of blood is left of him. After that, Leslie walks in to see the horrific scene.

  “Oh God what was that?” Leslie asks.

  “Looks like we got ourselves a dirty bastard, read this.” Angel says as he hands Leslie the papers that Bernard handed him. Leslie reads the papers carefully and comes up with her two cents.

  “Looks like you’re right. I don’t believe the chief of your precinct would align himself with Hybrid and try to cover it up. What he didn’t know was that Clark family would lose control of their experiments and this would all happen. I haven’t found the chief at all, but I don’t care anymore. I got my evidence and I think we should begin to find our escape route.” She gives her explanation.

  “I agree, let’s get moving.” He agrees.

  The two of them begin to head to the door that has the panel board to the right as Angel has the last two chess pieces. When they get to the room with the locked door they see a mutated version of Anthony.

  Anthony’s face can be seen, but his body is mutated to the point where he is all swollen and has convert into a bio-weapon. He boasts his strength when he grabs a part of the railing and arms himself with the railing piece. He screams loudly in an attempt to intimidate the two.

  The two begin to empty their bullets towards Anthony and at first the bullets are effective in keeping him at bay. However, he begins to absorb the impact of the bullets and begins to charge towards Angel. Leslie takes it in her liberty to push Angel out of the way from the creature. Unfortunately for her she falls through the open railings and down to the pit.

  “Leslie, no!” Angel screams.

  Angel sees Leslie fall into the pit. Anthony prepares to smash Angel with the railing. However, Angel is able to roll out of the way out of pure instinct and the railing hits the ground hard. He sees an eye on the creature’s shoulders and he aims at the eye. As a result, Anthony leans back and falls into the pit. However he might have lost his only ally and he kneels down in despair.

  “Leslie!” He screams. “Damn you Hybrid, why? It looks like it’s only me and my bad back left. Why hasn’t Bill called me back?”

  A page comes in, “Angel it’s Bill, hey I found a way out of here towards the sewers on the other side. I’m getting out of here.”

  “Are you crazy Bill? There are zombies like crazy on that side of town!” Angel replies trying to fight the pain.

  “Look I’ll be fine, besides we gotta find a way out of here. This police station has become too dangerous!” Bill replies.

  “Perhaps you’re right. After all, there is something that’s been chasing me. Something big and it no matter how many times I try to take it out it keeps on coming back. I’ll catch up with you alright, thanks for the call.”

  “10-4, Angel.” Bill replies.

  Angel inserts the two chess pieces that are left and the door unlocks. He enters through the door weakly and begins to lose motivation. He’s just lost Leslie. Also, the only other person to be found is an unknown young girl and there’s still no sign of Maria. He begins to sense the worse has happened to her and he nearly passes out upon entering the entrance to the sewers. The only thing that he’s able to grab onto is the railing. He gathers himself for 5 minutes and heads down the stairs. Afterwards he looks behind him and…

  Chapter 8

  Looking behind he thinks he sees something, but realizes it’s just the water flowing towards the treatment plant. He heads towards the sewers and into the running water. After a few steps he finds a door leading into the sewage treatment plant.

  He steps inside and finds a control room for water control/treatment. Inside the control room he finds a bag on top of the table with a Desert Eagle .50AE pistol that could prove to be useful in case Mr. Z decides to show himself again. He also finds some shotgun shells inside the bag.

  After looking for more useful items he hears a scream of a female.

  “Maria! Is that you, I’m on my way!” Angel screams as he takes the lift down to a hallway.

  All of a sudden he sees to his shock, Leslie being chased by Mr. Z. She tries to shoot the creature with no luck.

  “Someone help me!” Leslie screams.

  “Leslie!” Angel screams.

  “Angel, get out of here! Go save yourself while you still can.” She says as Mr. Z is prepared to land a right hook on her.

  “No!” Angel screams as he pushes Leslie out of the way of the punch and deciding to take the punch himself. He gets up quickly even though he just took a heavy impact on the same spot where he was impacted. The two head to the lift leading to the medical office losing Mr. Z in the process. Once they get to the medical room, Angel falls down hard on his back favoring it.

  “Damn! This backache isn’t helping things at all. I’m surprised you survived the fall Leslie… How did…” Angel says weakly.

  “No worries about that hun, there’s a bed right there. I want you to lie down and I’ll find something to cure that backache. Don’t talk too much. I need to cure that back fast before you become paralyzed.” Leslie says.

  “I’m happy you’re ok… I thought I lost you for a moment…”

  “I owe you one.” Leslie replies.

  “No you don’t…” Angel says passing out.

  “Don’t talk, I’ll be back.”

  Leslie sees a locked door that can be unlocked easily. She unlocks the door using her lockpick and heads down the ladder. Once she reaches downstairs she kills a few zombies with her Berretta pistol. As she heads to the back of the room, she finds some medical supplies. That includes serum, medical herbs and an ice patch. Leslie is an expert in medicine and takes all the supplies to create a cure for Angel’s back.

  She heads up the ladder to the room where Angel is and she prepares her cure for him. She injects him with some serum and takes the herbs to rub on his back. After all that she takes the ice patch and places it on his back. Angel begins to fall asleep quickly.

  “Sleep tight honey, you need to get some rest. I’ll find us a way out.” Leslie says to Angel while he nods.

  Leslie heads back to the hallway where she was attacked by Mr. Z. and takes the path that leads to a metal door. She ends up in the main sewer line and is surrounded by huge poisonous spiders. Heading to the left she finds a couple of dead sewer workers and one of them is holding a medal with an emblem of a wolf.

  “Hmm… what could this be for?” She says to herself while putting the medal in her pocket.

  She finds herself at a dead end. She turns around to see a couple of huge spiders walking around. As she continues down the sewer the spiders seem to be minding their business. That is as long as she keeps her distance from them, which is actually pretty easy so far for her. Leslie continues down the sewer until she sees a waterfall blocking a red metal door. Upon further examination the waterfall is man made and is blocking the metal door on purpose.

  To her right is a panel that asks for two medals. One is that of a wolf and the other is of a snake. She has one of the medals with the other one still out there. Looking behind her there is a platform with a metal door. Entering the metal door she’s in the treatment plant where the water gets treated.

  “It’s an underground treatment plant in East New York, what the heck? I wonder whose running this plant?” Leslie says as she’s marveled at the underground treatment plant while at the same time curious as she’s never seen a treatment plant in East New York, Brooklyn.

  She walks across the platform to the other side and enters a door. It leads to the hall where the water normally flows through to be treated. The path is linear and at the end there is a heavy door that she opens using the button to the right. After the door opens the dump can be seen where all the garbage th
rown into the sewer is collected.

  She sees a platform across the water. Deciding that she doesn’t mind getting dirty she goes into the putrid water to the platform. She climbs up the ladder to the upper levels of the plant where she is met by a woman.

  “Don’t move! You must be one of those spies!” The woman says pointing a pistol to Leslie.

  “Spy? You must be confused hun, I’m no spy.”

  “You sure, don’t lie to me.”

  “Listen the situation is very serious, I’m just trying to get out of town and I think we should work together.”

  “How do I know I can trust you?”

  “I don’t know how to answer that, but shooting me isn’t going to help matters out. There are many zombies out here and a couple of big bastards out there. That also includes a mutated Anthony who nearly killed me and my partner who’s recovering.” Leslie explains the situation.

  “No! Did you say you saw him? Oh dear no!” The woman says putting her gun down.

  “So you must be…”

  “Yes, I am Annette Clark, wife of Anthony. Look I’m sorry for what he’s done and I know the chief was in on this. I never knew my husband would be capable of all this destruction. It’s all my fault for not recognizing this earlier, I’m so sorry.”

  “Look there’s no time to be sorry we need to get out of here before we get killed in this hell hole!”

  “You don’t understand, ‘Broken Arrow’ is dangerous. Anthony will only continue to get stronger as the virus continues to spread. Not to mention that he will be capable of inserting embryos into other living things. He’s looking for me, once he finds me it will be over…” She says only to faint afterward.

  “Annette… Annette! What did she mean by spreading embryos? Looks like the man in the red trench isn’t the only thing we got to worry about. Damn Hybrid has really stepped over the line this time. At least I have a case, but all this destruction won’t make a difference.” She says to herself. “At this point survival is the only mission.” She says in her head.


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