Tempted at Midnight

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Tempted at Midnight Page 22

by Cheris Hodges

  “Opened my mouth and inserted my foot.”

  Erik looked toward the kitchen, and just as he was about to follow Sylvie, his phone rang. Looking at the screen, he released a sigh of relief.

  “It’s Ma.”

  Logan slid Olivia off his shoulder and crossed over to his brother.

  “Where are you, Ma?” Erik asked, forgoing a hello.

  “I’m at the W. And I’m fine.”

  “No, you’re not. Why don’t you come home with me or Logan?”

  “Not going to bring my issues to either of your doorsteps. I always thought your father had been with that cow, but to have a child with her and . . .” Erik could hear his mother crying. “I just wish he’d die. I gave him so much and this is how I get repaid?”

  “This isn’t your fault and you can’t blame . . . I don’t think Ingrid knows that he’s her father.”

  “Oh, how do you know?”

  Erik’s mind drifted back to all the flirting that had gone on between them. There’s no way she would’ve done that knowing they were brother and sister. After all, this wasn’t a V. C. Andrews novel.

  “There’s no way she knows, Ma. We’ve all been left in the dark, here.”

  “Bullshit! Helen knew. What kind of mother does this?”

  Maybe one who used her child for a big payday. “Ma, you can’t change the past, and I don’t feel comfortable with you being alone tonight.”

  “And neither do I,” Logan exclaimed.

  “You boys are sweet, but I’m not going to crawl to either of my sons’ houses with my tail between my legs.”

  Erik didn’t want to say it out loud, but he wondered if his mother might consider hurting herself. The look that he and Logan exchanged told him that his brother was thinking the same thing.

  “Please, Ma,” Erik said. “Let me come pick you up and you can relax at my place.”

  Yvonne sighed. “I’m only doing this to make you feel better. I’d really like to be by myself tonight.”

  “Glad you’re taking my feelings into consideration right now.”

  “I’ll be at the bar.”

  After ending the call, Erik dashed into the kitchen and touched Sylvie on the shoulder while she set the coffee mugs and a carafe on a silver platter. “I found my mother.”

  “Great,” she said, offering him a genuine smile.

  “Yeah. She had me worried, so I hope—”

  She waved her hand, cutting him off. “Don’t even worry about it. Go to your mother.”

  He leaned in and kissed her. “Thank you for understanding. She’s going to stay with me tonight. I was just worried about her being alone.”

  Sylvie nodded. “You’re a good son.”

  He kissed her again. “I lo—thank you.”

  She waved to him as he headed for the front door. Standing on the porch, Erik chided himself for not telling her how he felt. He loved Sylvie and he should’ve told her. What the hell was stopping him?

  Chapter 22

  Sylvie walked into the den and tried to pretend she wasn’t smarting from Erik’s comments earlier or the fact that he stopped himself from saying he loved her. Maybe she was tripping. He could’ve been saying that he was leaving or he loved his mother. How could she assume that he was in love with her?

  Just because you love him, it doesn’t mean he loves you back. Wait? When did you fall in love with Erik Jordan?

  “Sylvie, you all right or you just like holding on to that tray?” Olivia asked.

  Sylvie rolled her eyes and set the tray in the middle of the table. “Sorry, I was just thinking about something.”

  “Erik?” Logan asked. “Where is he, anyway?”

  “He went to pick up your mother.”

  Logan pulled his phone out of his pocket and fired off a text to his brother. “Ooh,” Olivia said as she read Logan’s text to Erik. “That wasn’t nice.”

  “Neither was him leaving me. You mind if I take your car and head over to his place to make sure Ma gets settled in?”

  “Yeah. Go right ahead. But you’re going to come and get me when she’s settled?”

  “Yes. And don’t have another drink, all right?”

  Olivia blew him a kiss and waved goodbye to her man. Sylvie sat on the sofa beside Olivia and shook her head. “You are such a lightweight,” Sylvie said.

  “I really am, but that champagne was so good.” Olivia reached for a coffee mug. “So, what happened in the kitchen with you and Erik? You guys went in smiling and came out looking as if you’d gone fifteen rounds.”

  “I really don’t get what happened. Maybe I’m overreacting, but he was all nonchalant about me leaving. I mean, I’m going to another country and I thought we had something . . .”

  Olivia rubbed her friend’s shoulder. “Aww, you love him. But if he asked you to stay, would you?”


  “So, why are you upset that he didn’t beg you to stay or get upset that he didn’t burst into tears?”

  Sylvie folded her arms across her chest. “Because I need to know that he’s feeling the same thing I do.”

  Olivia smiled. “And what is it that you’re feeling?”

  Sylvie narrowed her eyes at her friend. “Shut up.”

  “You don’t have to lie to me, just admit to yourself that you are in love with Erik.”

  “You know what will go good with this coffee, some of those fritters from Brooklyn.” Sylvie rose to her feet and headed to the kitchen.

  “Eating sweets won’t cause you to love him less, I’m just saying.”

  “Shut up!”

  * * *

  Erik was over drunken women tonight. Now, he had to deal with his mother, who was holding court at the bar, talking to a group of businessmen about her recent woes. All Erik could do was hope that none of these white men worked in the cosmetics industry.

  He walked up behind his mother and placed his hand on her shoulder. “Ma.”

  Yvonne turned around and offered her son a runway-model smile. “Ah, my son. You know, he learned a lot of good things from his father. But when he put those qualities to use, you know what his father did?”

  “What?” one of the men asked.

  “Turned on him and tried to get me to fall in line. Because I blindly followed that man like he was the pied piper.” Yvonne reached for her glass, but Erik reached across her and pushed it out of the way.

  “Ma, it’s time to go, all right.”

  “Hey!” another man said. “The lady is just having a good time.”

  Yvonne pointed her finger at the man. “What you’re not going to do is speak to my son that way.” She attempted to stand up, but was a bit wobbly. Erik grasped her elbow to keep her steady.

  “Tell your little friends good night.”

  “Good night, boys, and remember, be nice to your wives. Women outlive men and y’all don’t seem as if you’re aging very well. Someone is going to have to change your diapers and your kids are probably not going to do it.”

  Erik hid his laughter and led his mother to the exit. “Remind me to lock my liquor cabinet.”

  “Oh, boy, shut up. You wanted me to come home with you, remember?”

  “That’s right. And I’m glad I got here when I did.” Erik led his mother to his car and helped her get inside. He hadn’t been driving for five minutes before Yvonne was sleeping. He glanced over at his beautiful mother and wondered what could’ve been, had she not given up her dreams for Simon. He remembered when she’d been offered roles in movies, on TV shows, and national stage plays. Simon always told her she could do it. Once the offers started drying up, that had been when Simon replaced her with Helen.

  Then she tried to open a modeling school, with Jordan Industries funding it. Simon dangled the carrot in her face for years, but it never happened. And he’d misjudged his mother for years, listening to his father talk about how Yvonne was a pampered housewife. It wasn’t until he’d gone off to college and started spending more alone time with his mother that he�
��d seen the real truth.

  Part of him always felt guilty that it took him so long to see his mother as a human and not just the character that his father had made her out to be.

  Did he have time left to show her that she was appreciated? Pulling into his driveway, Erik promised that he’d do whatever it took to keep his mother safe and happy. Erik wasn’t surprised to see Logan standing on the front porch pacing back and forth.

  “Wake up, Ma,” Erik said.

  Yvonne’s eyes fluttered open and she looked around for a minute as if she was trying to get her bearings. “Oh, was I sleeping that long?”

  “And I drove slowly. Have you been resting lately?”

  “No. I’ve been thinking about everything that’s been going on lately and what I should do about my health. Then your father drops this bomb.”

  “This isn’t about him. I need you to start taking your health seriously. I need more time with you. And I know it sounds selfish, but—”

  A knock at the window stopped him from finishing. Erik looked up at his brother’s angry scowl.

  “Y’all just going to sit in the car all night?”

  “Both of y’all are here. This is so sweet.” Logan opened his mother’s door and helped her out of the car. Yvonne patted her son’s cheek. “You know, I want to meet these women in your lives. I can’t believe I’m going to have two daughters-in-law really soon.”

  Logan snorted. “Don’t bet on that. Somebody royally messed up tonight. What did you do to that girl?”

  Erik rolled his eyes. “I’ll deal with her later.”

  Yvonne sucked her teeth. “You better not wait too long. Good women are hard to find.”

  Logan led Yvonne up the stairs and shot Erik a don’t fuck this up look. He decided that after he got his mother settled into the guest room, he was going to go talk to Sylvie.

  If Erik thought his mother was going to crawl into bed once she got in the house, he was wrong. She and Logan had found his stash of Kona coffee and were sitting around the table sipping coffee and laughing.

  “So, you mean to tell me, she wrote a note on the mirror in red lipstick?” Yvonne giggled. “I like her already.”

  “Really,” Erik said as he looked at his brother. “This is how we’re doing things now?”

  Yvonne patted Erik’s hand as he passed her. “You know your brother always told me your business, right?”

  He shook his head as he reached for his favorite mug. “I’m not surprised.”

  Yvonne shrugged. “And you should’ve introduced us when I was in your office. The poor girl must think I’m some rude, stuck-up bitch.”

  “I’m sure she doesn’t.”

  “And your fiancée,” Yvonne said as she turned to Logan. “She must think we are the most dysfunctional family ever.”

  “She’s understanding, and I’d love for you two to meet. But not tonight. She and Sylvie were celebrating and they overdid it on the champagne.”

  “Sounds like my kind of girls.” Yvonne winked at Erik. “Boys, tonight showed me that it’s time for me to take my life back.”

  Erik wanted to break into his happy dance. “So, you’re going to get treatment?”

  “Among other things. It isn’t too late for me to do some of the things that I’ve always wanted to do. You know, when I was retired from being the spokesmodel at Jordan Industries, I had big plans, and now I think I should go through with those plans.”

  Logan nodded in agreement. “And since you have an in with the CEO, I’m sure whatever you want to do, he’ll support you.”

  “Anything you want, Ma.” Erik kissed her on the forehead.

  They stayed up for the rest of the night talking about the old days and laughing.

  * * *

  It was after eleven when Olivia and Sylvie figured out that they weren’t going to see their men anytime soon.

  “We need pizza,” Olivia said after they’d polished off the Sweet Spot treats. “Or at least I need pizza.”

  “You need a nap.” Sylvie brought her knees to her chest and rocked back and forth.

  “Seems like we’re having a sleepover. Now, tell me, when does this London job start?”

  “Guess I’ll find out tomorrow when I accept it. I think I’m going to let my crew finish things up at Jordan Industries. They have my plans and can follow directions without me.”

  “But why would you do that? Are you seriously running away from that man because of a misunderstanding?”

  “I’m not running from anything, but I’m focusing on my business.”

  “Which is code for I’m running away from emotions. Don’t do this with Erik. Make peace with whatever is going on between the two of you, then go to London and shine like the diamond you are. Then when you come home, you’ll have something to look forward to.”

  “And suppose I don’t?”

  “If you can see into the future like that, please tell me what the winning lottery numbers are. Sylvie, do you think you don’t deserve happiness? Your mom lost the love of her life and found love again. You let an asshole go and you act like—”

  “Not the same.”

  “Exactly. Erik could be the one who gives you all the love that your heart and soul need.”

  “Or he could break my heart,” she muttered, then unfurled her legs. “What kind of pizza are we eating?”

  “Depends on if you’re pretending to be a vegetarian today or not.”

  “No, I want sausage.”

  “Bet you do, but they can’t put Erik on the crust. Please call that new joint down the street. I keep hearing so many things about it.”

  “You’ve probably eaten there already.”

  Olivia shrugged. “Logan and I are thinking about starting a family and I so don’t want to do this alone.”

  “Logan is going to be right there with you.”

  Olivia rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean. I need you to be there every step of the way with me. So you can’t mess things up with future baby Jordan’s uncle.”

  “What does this have to do with pizza?”

  “Nothing, but I just don’t want you to mess things up with Erik and you feel like you have to stay away.”

  Sylvie rolled her eyes. “Whatever. Maybe he shouldn’t mess it up with me.” She pulled her phone out and looked up the restaurant’s phone number. She crossed her fingers and prayed they delivered to her address. Olivia was right, she would’ve enjoyed a pizza with Erik as the delicious topping.

  Stop it. He’s clearly handling business with his family and you’re just another distraction.

  Chapter 23

  Sylvie woke up with a start, wondering why her eyes were puffy and her stomach aching. The pizza. The champagne, followed by the coffee and then the whisky and the sweets. That was too much. It was a good thing she’d already made the decision not to head into work today. She sent a quick text to her staff and told them to follow the diagrams and send her pictures if there were any questions.

  Sylvie was about to roll over and go back to sleep when Olivia bounded into her bedroom as if she’d spent the night drinking water and eating kale salads.

  “Wake up, sleepyhead. Have you called Myra yet?”

  “How is it that I have a hangover and heartburn, but you’re looking like you’re ready to take on the day?”

  “Because I drank water before bed and not Crown Royal? Y’all can call me a lightweight, but you won’t call me Hangover Hannah.”

  “Oh, my headache is making you cornier than ever.”

  Olivia took Sylvie’s phone from the nightstand and tossed it at her. “Call Myra. Get the details on your gig and let’s have some coffee and oatmeal.”

  “Umm, that would be nice. Except I only have coffee.”

  Olivia shook her head. “I need you to buy some groceries because you can’t live on takeout alone.”

  Sylvie shrugged. “You’re right. But for now, we’re drinking coffee and eating pizza for breakfast.”

  “About that pizza
. I may have woken up in the middle of the night and ate it.”

  She gave Olivia a slow once-over. “Are you sure that family hasn’t been started already, greedy?”

  “Shut up. You do realize that when I’m traveling all over the world with LJ, we eat some of the nastiest food in the name of gourmet. These past few weeks here have been so good. That’s why I’m eating everything.”

  Sylvie shook her head, then burst out laughing. “Well, when you explain it that way, I guess I can forgive you for eating my pizza.”

  “Thank you, because I’m not sorry that I ate it.” Olivia clasped her hands together. “Now, let’s get moving. Take a shower and put some clothes on. And maybe grab a big pair of shades. What’s with the puffy eyes?”

  Sylvie rubbed her hand across her face. “I guess I did one of those drunk cries last night. But let’s not even talk about it. Today is a—” The doorbell’s ringing interrupted her.

  “I’m going to get the door because you look like trash and no one should see you looking like this.”

  Sylvie tossed a pillow at Olivia’s retreating figure. Then she climbed out of bed and headed to the bathroom. After catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror, Sylvie realized that her friend was right. She looked like warmed-over death.


  * * *

  Erik walked into Sylvie’s place behind Logan. “Glad to see you’re up and about, babe,” Logan said, while Erik looked around for a Sylvie sighting. He knew she was still at home because the truck was still in the driveway. He knew her car wasn’t running and she was somewhere in the house.

  “Yeah, Sylvie and I were getting ready to get some breakfast, but look at y’all coming in with food.”

  Logan held up the two white bags. “Omelets and pancakes made by our mother.”

  She stroked Logan’s shoulder. “How is she?”

  “Better than she was last night.”

  “Where’s Sylvie?” Erik asked.

  Olivia pointed toward the bathroom. “In the shower. You probably shouldn’t go up there right now. The food is a good touch.” She led the Jordan brothers into the kitchen and helped unpack the food.


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