Tempted at Midnight

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Tempted at Midnight Page 23

by Cheris Hodges

  “Erik, you know you messed up, right?” Olivia said as she reached into the cabinet for plates.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Olivia, mind your business,” Logan chided. “Whatever stupid thing my big brother did, he’s going to have to clean it up on his own.”

  Before Erik could reply, Sylvie walked into the kitchen looking fresh-faced and relaxed. “Good morning,” she said, seemingly looking past Erik. “What’s all of this?”

  “Breakfast,” Erik said as he crossed over to her. “Ma spent the night with us last night and woke up in a cooking mood this morning.”

  Finally, she looked at him and Erik noticed her eyes. Was he the cause of those tears? But why? Granted, pausing on telling a woman you loved her was enough to piss a woman off, but crying?

  “Are you all right?” he asked.

  “Yes. Thanks for bringing breakfast.”

  “If you look in that bag, you’ll see I brought something else too,” he said with a wink.

  Sylvie crossed over to the counter and reached into the bag. She pulled out a container of coffee beans. “Kona?” she asked with a half smile.

  He nodded. “I saw you had a coffee grinder, so I figured you’d want to grind them yourself.” He took another step closer to her. “Whatever I did, I’m sorry.”

  “Who said you did anything?”

  “This cold shoulder that you’re giving me says I must have done something.”

  She shrugged. “I’m just getting ready for this project in London. Sorry if I’m not giving you the attention you obviously need.”

  Everyone focused on Sylvie as she walked over to the coffeemaker. Looking over her shoulder as she placed the beans in the grinder, Sylvie shrugged. “What?”

  “Why don’t we give you two the room,” Olivia said as she picked up her plate and nodded for Logan to do the same.

  Once they were alone in the kitchen, Erik folded his arms and glared at Sylvie.

  “You want to tell me what’s going on with you?”

  She pressed the button on the coffee grinder again, then turned around and faced him. “Why would you think something is going on, Erik? You have things going on in your life and so do I. Maybe we just jumped into this thing too fast and—”

  “What are you saying?”

  She dumped the ground coffee in the filter basket. “We should just slow down, take a break.”

  “Is that what you want?”

  “It’s what we both need. Let’s be honest, your family needs you a lot more than I do right now.”

  Erik chewed his bottom lip and nodded. “All right.”

  She blinked and then turned back to the coffeemaker. “You want cream?”

  “Nah. I’m going to head back to the office. Enjoy breakfast.” Erik stalked out of the kitchen and ignored Logan as he called his name. He hopped into his car and banged his hand against the steering wheel. She did it again.

  Erik was the king of ending things before it got too serious or emotional. But he wanted all of that with Sylvie. He wanted to hold her when she cried, listen to her issues, whether they were rational or irrational, and tell her everything was going to be all right.

  That ain’t what she wants and I’m going to respect that. Erik sped out of the driveway and told himself that he’d never look back.

  * * *

  Sylvie cried as she listened to the door slam and Logan call after his brother. What had she done? Why had she told him that she thought they needed to take a break when it was the biggest lie she’d ever told?

  It didn’t take long for Olivia to come rushing into the kitchen. “What the hell, Sylvie?”

  Wiping her eyes, she turned around and faced her friend. “I don’t need this right now.”

  “Did you just break up with Erik?”

  “Leave me alone. I did what I needed to do and I don’t have to explain myself to you or anyone else.”

  Olivia shrugged her shoulders. “Fine, if that’s how you feel. But I saw a devastated man slam out of your house.”

  Sylvie folded her arms and gave Olivia an icy glare. “If he was so . . . I did what was best. I’ve never been to London. I need to focus on the trip, the project, and establishing my footprint in the industry. Tell me where a relationship is supposed to fit into this?”

  “You know what, Logan told me to mind my business and that’s what I’m going to do. But seriously, Sylvie, you’re on some self-sabotaging bullshit that I don’t understand at all.”

  “Well, I never understood why you flew around the world to be with Logan when you had a thriving business right here.”

  Olivia’s mouth dropped open. “All of us aren’t afraid to live. Maybe you ought to stop wrapping your self-worth in your company and go after that man who obviously loves your crazy ass. I’m going to head home, otherwise we’re going to say things that we don’t mean and that will be another friend that you’ll lose today.”

  Sylvie rolled her eyes and threw her hands up. “All I’m saying is, I didn’t question your choice and I’d like the same respect.”

  Olivia shrugged. “You’re a grown-up and I’m always going to have your back.”

  Logan walked into the kitchen with their empty plates. “You guys good in here?”

  Sylvie smiled. “We’re fine, and since we’ve eaten and you brought Olivia’s car back, you guys can go.”

  “Ouch,” Logan said. “I came in here to wash the dishes, but that’s always been the one thing I hate to do, so we’re going to go.” He placed the dishes in the sink and crossed over to Olivia. “Let’s go before this gets really ugly.”

  Olivia gave Sylvie a tender look. “Tell me what London neighborhood Myra is going to put you in and I’ll make sure you’re in a good place.”

  Sylvie smiled at her friend, then walked over to her and gave her a sisterly hug. “I’m going to call you later. You and Logan need some alone time. And do me a favor, don’t spend any of your time together talking about me.”

  Logan and Olivia shared a knowing look, then left without saying a word. After Sylvie heard the door close, she pulled out her cell phone and called Myra.

  “Sylvie,” she said when the phone stopped ringing. “You’re going to live a long time. I was just about to call you.”

  “Glad I called you, then.”

  “We finally have the space for the London Sweet Spot, and it looks as if we can get started next week. I know you’re working on the project with Jordan Industries, but I’m really excited about going across the pond.”

  “I know you are. Do you have any pictures of the space, so that I can come up with some design ideas?”

  “Yes, I can send you some. But I was wondering if you could come to the UK a little early. I understand if you can’t. But I’d love to steal you away from Jordan Industries.”

  Sylvie closed her eyes and sighed. “That’s not going to be a problem. I’m going to leave the conclusion of that project in the capable hands of my assistant. I cannot wait to head to London.”

  “I’ll email you the photos, and let me know when I should book your flight.”

  “Will do. I’m excited about this.”

  “Me too.”

  After hanging up with Myra, Sylvie cleaned the kitchen, then headed to her office. Maybe she should get her car fixed before she headed to London. She could spend all the time she wanted today looking for all of the parts she needed to get the Jag running again.

  * * *

  Erik slammed into his office and paged his assistant. “I’m not taking any calls this morning.”

  “But sir.”

  “Was I clear or not?”

  “Erik, I’m coming into your office whether you like it or not,” Ingrid said. Seconds later, she walked through the door. “What’s going on with you today?”

  Erik looked at his sister and wondered if he should tell her everything about his mood. Who was he kidding? He was pissed off about Sylvie. He wanted to ask Ingrid if she’d had a conversation with her moth
er about Simon, and why her mother and Yvonne had gotten into a fight.

  “Ingrid, sit down. We need to talk.”

  She reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out an envelope. “I’m going to resign at the end of the month.”


  She smiled sardonically. “You know why. My mother always told me her name was Violet and that she was going to be a star using that name. I remember seeing her on a Jordan Industries promo back in the day. When I asked her about it, she was dismissive. Called it a chip in the yellow brick road. I never asked her about it again. Then she got into a fight with your mother for what seemed like no reason.”

  “What did she tell you?” Erik was curious to hear the other side of this twisted tale.

  “She said my father was a selfish bastard and though he took care of us financially, he didn’t want anything to do with me. Later, after she found my vodka and woke me up in the middle of the night, she told me the truth. She wanted him to leave Yvonne and move her into that big house. When he told her that the only person who would live in that house would be me, she balked. She said Simon wanted to cut her out of the picture altogether. Pass me off as Yvonne’s daughter and continue the Jordan family legacy.”

  Erik listened in disbelief. At what point did Simon think his mother would’ve ever gone along with that shit?

  Ingrid shook her head. “I can’t work here knowing that this is all going to come out at some point and bring more issues to the company and cause another controversy. I have a list of people who can—”

  Erik shook his head. “You can’t leave a company that is just as much your legacy as it is mine.” He rose to his feet and crossed over to her. “We didn’t ask for or create this shit show. Why should you suffer and Logan and I get to reap the benefits?”

  Ingrid smirked. “We didn’t suffer. Mom made sure of that. I think it’s safe to say that the money Simon stole went to Los Angeles.”

  “You grew up in LA? No wonder you’re so good at spinning stories.”

  “Must be in my DNA. So, what are we going to do when this story breaks?”

  “I’m not worried about the story breaking. I think we need to talk to Simon. All of us deserve answers. And since he’s on house arrest, he can’t run away from us. Let’s go now.”

  They headed out of the office and down the stairs that led directly to the parking lot. Erik ushered her to his car and opened the passenger door for her. As she slid into the car, Erik saw Sylvie’s truck rolling into the parking lot. She was the last person he’d expected to see today. But when the door opened, he was disappointed to see a man hop out and wave at him. There was no sign of Sylvie.

  Erik slammed into the driver’s seat and peeled out of the parking lot. Part of him thought about calling her and telling her that she had a contract and he expected her to finish it, not one of her workers.

  But that was a power play out of Simon’s book, and he wasn’t going to do that. If she wanted a break, he’d give her one.

  “Do you always drive this fast?” Ingrid gripped her seat belt.

  “Sorry,” he said as he eased off the accelerator. “I’m going to call Logan and see if he can meet us over at the house.”

  “As long as you slow down before you do that.”

  Chapter 24

  Sylvie spent the rest of the day creating designs for the Sweet Spot UK. It wasn’t until her stomach started rumbling that she realized that she hadn’t eaten all day. Throwing out the breakfast Erik brought over hadn’t been the best idea. Now she had nothing in the house but coffee.

  “Good job,” she groaned. She rose from her desk and stretched her arms above her head. She started to order takeout, but decided that it was too beautiful a day to stay in the house. Part of her had hoped to hear from Erik, but she wasn’t going to call him. No. Way.

  If she wanted him to take this break seriously, then she couldn’t be calling and texting him as if they were on the best of terms. Reaching for her favorite sneakers, Sylvie heard the doorbell ring. Since she wasn’t expecting anyone, she ignored it. After she put her shoes on and her favorite black hat, she headed out the door and nearly tripped on a package. Picking it up, she was surprised to see that it was from a classic-auto-parts store. What is this? she thought as she opened the box. Tears welled up in her eyes when saw what was in the box. The part for her Jag that she’d been looking for.

  Erik did this, I know it. She wiped her eyes and took the box inside. It was time to stop acting foolish and tell this man she was wrong and how much he meant to her. Forget lunch, she was going to head over to his office. In her mind, she imagined a reunion and maybe Erik telling her that he’d come out to London with her for a week or so. They’d leave together and make love for the rest of the night. Maybe they’d have a midnight snack from the pizza shop around the corner and they’d definitely have Kona coffee in the morning.

  * * *

  By the time she pulled into the parking lot of Jordan Industries, Sylvie had made up an entire apology speech and a dance to go along with it. But when she reached the executive suite, all of her hopes of a reunion were dashed.

  “Hey, Sylvie,” Erik’s assistant said. “If you’re looking for the boss, you just missed him.”

  “Oh, do you know where he went?”

  “He and Ingrid left together, no idea where they went.”

  “Oh. Okay,” Sylvie said, her voice filled with disappointment.

  “Want me to tell him that you stopped by?”

  She shook her head. “I’ll call him tomorrow. Thanks.” As she turned to leave, Sylvie pulled out her phone and called Myra.

  “Hey, girl. I was hoping to hear from you again today.”

  “Well, I wanted to call you and tell you the pictures that you sent me of the new space put me in such a creative mood. I’m ready to get started.”

  “Yes! I’m so excited.”

  “Well, check your email in about an hour. I have some ideas to show you.” She forced herself to sound excited, but inside she wanted to cry. Erik left with Ingrid? That was fast. Maybe he is the playboy the Internet says he is.

  Before she left, Sylvie headed down the hall to check on her crew. And just like she thought, they were doing an amazing job. After waving to her foreman, she slipped out of the building and went home.

  She’d gotten the answers she needed and now she was going to London without any regrets.

  * * *

  Erik and Ingrid sat in the driveway of the Jordan mansion waiting for Logan to arrive. She turned to Erik and smiled nervously. “This is weird, and I guess it is a good thing that we kept it professional.”

  “Yeah. This is a cluster.”

  “We’ve been lied to our whole lives.”

  Erik stroked her shoulder. “That’s why we’re going to get some answers.”

  Seconds later, Logan pulled in the driveway behind her. The three of them exited their cars and Logan crossed over to Ingrid. “Anybody else feel like they’re standing in the middle of a Greek tragedy?”

  “It could’ve been a lot worse,” Ingrid said as she extended her hand to Logan.

  He pulled her in for a hug. “We’re family, forget a handshake.”

  They walked up the steps and opened the door. Erik noticed that the house was quiet.

  “Where is everybody?” Logan questioned. “I can’t believe Dad is in here without the staff.”

  Ingrid looked around the house as they headed for the living room. She saw pictures of what looked like a happy family. Erik glanced at his sister. “Don’t be fooled by those pictures.”

  “Yeah, we were trained to always smile for a camera,” Logan said.

  They entered the living room and found Simon napping on a chaise lounge. Erik shook his head, knowing Yvonne would be livid if she saw him on her favorite ivory-colored piece of furniture. Part of him wanted to push the old man to the floor to wake him up. Instead, he just shook his foot.

  “Wha-what the hell?” Simon muttered as he open
ed his eyes and glanced up at his children. “Why are you all here?”

  “Because you owe us answers, especially Ingrid.” Logan rolled his eyes, not trying to hide his contempt for his father.

  “I don’t owe y’all a damned thing. I mean, all of you are grown. I made sure you had everything you needed and I regret nothing.” Simon hopped up and shook his head.

  “But I needed a father in my life,” Ingrid said, her voice barely above a whisper. “I should’ve known who my family was.”

  “Your gripe is with your mama, not me. She used you like a credit card to make me pay for her lifestyle because she was jealous of my wife.”

  “A wife you didn’t love, obviously,” Erik bellowed. “How could you do this to us?”

  Simon looked his oldest son up and down. “You’re going to stand there and act like you have some moral high ground, when you started all of this. Had you just gotten the board to sign off on the sale of the company, none of this would’ve happened. I was finally done with sending Helen money, we could’ve covered the losses and been just fine. But you.” He pointed his finger in Erik’s face. “You wanted to do what you thought was the right thing, and look at things now.”

  “I don’t even know why we deal with this son of a bitch!” Logan snapped. “You never take responsibility for anything you do. Have you ever wondered why I wanted to be far away from you and this company?”

  “I don’t give a damn, little boy. Your mama made you soft.”

  “And what did Grandma do to you to make you such a heartless bastard?” Logan asked. He turned to his brother and sister. “You two can stay here and try to make heads or tails about whatever lie he’s going to tell. But I’m out.”

  Simon laughed. “Just like your mama. Hear something you don’t like and you’re gone.”

  Logan started toward the door, then stopped and turned around. “I’d rather be just like my mother than to have anything like you in my soul. I hope you rot in prison and that the world knows this family-man image you’ve cultivated over the years has been nothing but a lie.” Looking at Ingrid, Logan smiled. “Consider yourself lucky that he was only a check and didn’t try to run your life.”


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