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Page 5

by Jessika Klide

  There's that word again. "But you thought I was a whore."

  "What? NO! I don't care how many men you have… could have fucked before me, I only want to be your last." He studies my expression. "But…."

  "There's that damn word again! Fuck, Aurei, spit it out.… But what?"

  "You're a virgin! Damnit! You really are innocent and I am anything but innocent."

  My passion turns to anger instantly and I tense my body. Putting my hands on his chest and raising my knees, I push hard and try to buck him off. "Fuck you! You should be fucking honored!"

  "Whoa! Hang on, Wild Thang!" He maintains control, flattening me, pinning me down, while I fight him.

  "Get off me!"

  "Stop fighting. Be still."

  "GET OFF ASSHOLE!" I shout.

  His face gets deadly serious. "NO! You'll leave me in anger." He pins my arms down and pulls them tight over my head again, stretching them until my face is forced to be still. "Calm down!" He leans to kiss me.

  "I bite, motherfucker!"

  Chapter Eleven

  He stops, watching my raging expression. "Wild Thang, you make my heart sang. Why are you so angry?" He nibbles my neck and my pussy betrays me.

  "Because, Asshole, you act like I didn't know I was a fucking virgin. Like you're going to STEAL it from me because I'm too stupid and innocent to know what the fuck I want and who the fuck I want to finally fuck!"

  He stops nibbling, thinking about what I said then looks back into my wild eyes.

  "Aurei, I want you to take my virginity. I give it to you. I choose you. I know I won't regret it. No matter what happens in the future between us."

  "But, Siri."

  I growl at the word again, then shake my head between my arms, frustrated.

  He continues softly. "You don't know me."

  "I know enough. You see, in my line of work, I have learned to read people and I’m really good at it. I know that you're good and decent. I also know that you're smart, witty, funny, clever, and talented. You have good friends that think the world of you and you have a gay sister that you are unashamed of."

  I give him my 'I’m right and you know it' look.

  "Plus you're the most handsome, gorgeous man I have ever laid eyes on, who has turned my whole fucking world upside down in less than a fucking week! THAT has NEVER happened before!"

  He kisses my lips lightly and I let him. "I have secrets you should know about before you decide to give this to me. That’s all I’m saying."

  I look into his eyes and confess the truth. "It’s too late. Don’t you see that? Aurei, I have never chased a man before, but I chased you. Why? Because I knew you were the one the first time our eyes locked as the elevator doors closed Sunday morning." I smirk. "I knew I was going to fuck you!"

  He smiles and his eyes crinkle. "I knew then too."

  I grin. "My virginity is my call and I’m calling your name."

  "Listen, Siri, I want us to work, so this is our call. If you fucked for fun, this wouldn't be so important. Fucking would be one of those things that we did while we got to know each other, but you don't. It's valuable to you. You have protected it all this time. I respect that." He kisses my nose. "That blows my mind, Baby Thang." He kisses my eyes. "That's why I said 'but' because you should know everything about me before you give it to me. I have secrets and some say they are dark secrets." He hangs his head then rolls off onto his back, letting me go.

  I follow him, rolling on top; straddling his abs, I sit on him. "Aurei, are you listening to me?"

  He lays still and I know he’s thinking of how bad and dark his secrets are and how he has to protect me from myself.

  "Look at me." I command him. "This is important."

  He opens his eyes and I lean forward to look directly in them. "I've waited for someone like you all my life to take what is only mine to give. You hesitate because you don't know me. You don't know who I am. I am NOT innocent. Far from it. I have secrets too. Big ones! That's why you couldn't connect in Vegas. And a lot of people say my secrets are dark too. But that’s why we have secrets. To shield us, to protect us, from judgmental shits. The truth is that the dark is only dark until light shines on it. We are human. We are organic. We are who we are and there is nothing wrong with us." I peck his lips, then put my finger on them to keep him quiet. I sit back up. "Listen to me. Hear me. This is me speaking rationally, not emotionally." I smirk. "Many, many, MANY men, and a few women, have tried and failed to tame my tail. More than you could possibly know. But I have always said no. Why? Because I knew in my heart here." I tap my human heart at my breast. "And here." I tap my blue Lovers Heart at my pussy. "That there was … you." I tap his heart. "I knew I would find you. If you want me, take me. I'm yours."

  "Oh, I want you!" He says and flips me over. "I've never wanted anyone as badly as I want you." He thrusts his tongue inside my mouth and possesses me.

  I suck it down deep into my throat and massage it, not wanting him to stop again.

  He moans but pulls away.

  I see the word again on his face. "But…."

  "But you're a virgin."

  I reach up and pull his head back down to my lips. "I'm not like other women. I’m different. I think for myself." I tell him, echoing his own words, hoping to reach him with them. "All that says about me is that I'm a disciplined person. My virginity is special to me. I haven't fucked any Tom, Dick, or Harry who wanted it. I love myself. I respect myself. I haven't betrayed myself. But I'm not innocent to sex. I love sex! Sex is a part of who I am. Sex is what I do! If you've seen me dance, you know that, but there is more you don't know. I have secrets too." I reach up to peck his lips.

  He looks away and frowns.

  "Aurei, I'm not afraid of your secrets."

  He smiles, then rolls to his side and I fall onto to the bed. He stretches his body full length against mine, rests his head on his elbow, and studies my face. "I believe you." He pushes my hair behind my ear, leans over and kisses me again, not on my mouth, but all over my face. Sweet butterfly kisses. "Courageous Thang. What a surprise you are. But my secrets are…."

  "Don’t say dark." I raise my eyebrows.

  He chuckles, then starts kissing my shoulder.

  Breathless, I ask. "But your secrets are … complicated?"

  "Mmmhmm." He continues to kiss me moving down my arm.

  "It's ok. I'm complicated too."

  "I'll say!" He chuckles softly.

  I roll my eyes. "You have NO idea!"

  He chuckles a little harder, then kisses my lips. When he stops, he leans back on his elbow and says serious again. "But I don’t have just dark secrets that are complicated. My whole situation is complicated. There is much more to me and you should know."

  I roll onto my side too, and face him. "I hear what you’re saying and I understand fully what you mean. There is much more to me too." I take his cock in my hand and start to stroke it casually. It grows instantly hard. "My whole life is one big complicated secret." I sigh. Then nod my head at his cock. "Look, you can't deny our chemistry either."

  "No, I can't. I tried too. I really did, but I've never felt this way about anyone before. No one has even come close." He touches my face and I look into his eyes. "You've changed everything for me."

  I touch his face too. "I appreciate your self-discipline too. I truly do. It means a lot to me that you don’t want just sex or that I’m not just a fuck. I appreciate that you choose to get this right, now that you understand what I’m giving you. But…."

  He grins. "But?"

  I laugh. "We have secrets. Our lives are complicated. But we are good together. Agreed?"


  "And we are both choosing rationally, not emotionally, right?"

  "Right." His eyes narrow and he knows I’m leading him to where I want him to go.

  I grin. "No secret is too complicated for two hearts that choose to be together, Aurei."

  "Hmm." He looks away, then smiles and hangs his head.

  Chapter Twelve

  "There is nothing complicated about our chemistry. There is nothing complicated about you right here." I tap his heart.

  "No." He agrees. "… I'm really a simple man."

  "Mmmhmm." I stroke his cock, slowly, while I hum the song, "Simple Man" by Lynyrd Skynyrd to him.

  He looks down on my face and the intensity of his expression makes my heart melt.

  I shake my head. "I’m trouble, I know, but you've found your woman. I promise you that."

  He closes his eyes.

  I kiss his chest all over, nipping it. "You can do this … just try. What does your heart say?"

  He opens his eyes, and I know. I can read it in them.

  "Come. Be satisfied, Simple Man. Find yourself in me. I am not afraid of you, or your dark secrets, or your complicated life. Nothing can keep apart two hearts that become one."

  His emerald green gaze controls me as he rolls on top, bracing his upper body with his arms and straddling me. He kisses every part of me completely again and again, taking total possession. At my breasts, he drops onto his elbows, and cups them with his hands, pushing them up to his lips as he kisses them, caressing, loving them. He drives me crazy wild again. I arch my back and moan. He slides his mouth down to my tummy, nipping and biting. My hips arch to meet him. He slides his hands under my butt and squeezes them to the rhythm of his kisses as he continues to slide slowly down to my blue Lovers Heart. When he reaches it, he hovers over it, staring, thinking about everything. Then he begins to trace the outline.

  His voice is husky with passion when he asks. "Why is the heart blue?"

  My fingers play with his hair. "Because it represents the promise I made to myself."

  "To stay pure?"

  "No. It doesn’t have anything to do with virginity." I trace his ear and he shakes his head. Ah, a sensitive spot. "I paint it blue because blue means pure, honest love and that’s what I promise to give my soulmate."

  His eyes pierce mine. "You are more than I ever dreamed I would find." He puts his knees between my legs, parting them as he pushes up on his arms and moves into position again. He says very softly. "Siri, there's nothing complicated about what to do with a woman like you for a simple man like me."

  "Satisfy me." I whisper as I look into the face of this man I hardly know, but I know I can't live without. Secrets or no secrets. I want Moore!

  He places his lips over my heartbeat and says on my skin. "I want this to be mine too." He cups his lips and sucks hard, marking my heart as his.

  I gasp at the pain, but it hurts so good. I put my hands in his hair and pull him to my lips. I kiss him as he enters the zone.

  He slides his penis up and down in a fucking motion, caressing my clit until I almost cum from pleasure. I moan, sucking his tongue, making love to his mouth.

  He pulls away, leaning his weight on one arm, and with the other he saturates himself with my juices. "Siri, I want to be your one and only."

  "Aurei, take me! I am yours."

  "Umm." His throat moans and as he thrusts himself firmly past my virginity, he says. "Io sono tua."

  The resistance is minimal, and the pain nothing compared to the pleasure I feel as he fills me. I moan loud when he hits bottom. Oh my fucking Golden God! Then I gasp small breaths of blissful air as he slowly withdraws. You feel so good inside me!

  He stops, unsure, hesitating, listening.

  "Ah, don't stop, baby." I moan. I grab his ass with both hands and pull him into me. "Go!"

  He starts to move and his rhythm takes me up to heaven. He lays on me, covering my body completely with his. His skin sets me on fire. I bury my face in his neck. My hands feel him fucking me. He fucks slowly, deeply, with full thrusts that penetrate me perfectly to my core. His muscles constrict and flex and my body responds matching him, making me moan and cry out. He pauses then pulls out.

  "Don’t stop. Please don’t stop." Panting, I look at his face.

  His gorgeousness smiles then he places kisses on my face forming a heart. He starts on the left side of the bridge of my nose and ends sucking my bottom lip pulling it out. He repeats the pattern of kisses on the right side. When he sucks my bottom lip again, he whispers. "Your hearts belong to me?"

  "Both!" I reassure him.

  "But…" He breathes in my ear.

  I can barely breathe much less answer him, but I manage to ask. "But?"

  He kisses my neck, then starts down my chest to a nipple. "I want all of you." He licks and flicks.

  My body is on fire, and the blood is pounding so loud in my ears, I can hardly hear him. "All … of … me?" I manage to push out.

  "Mmmhmm." He nibbles my nipple sending me out of my mind. "I want your body too."

  I grasp his back and try to pull him in again. "Me too." I moan the words.

  He moves to the other nipple. "Your body belongs to me?"

  I squirm and claw at his back. "Yes!" I almost scream the word. My passion making me crazy.

  "And your mind?" He starts his way back up my chest to my face covering me with kisses. "Will your mind stay true to me?" He kisses my lips, caressing my face with his thumbs, then putting our noses together, he turns my eyes to his and I stare into his deep, emerald green pools. "I want all of you … forever." He whispers, holding my eyes as I breathe his breath. The depth of his gaze draws me in and I become aware more of him than of my own desire.

  Taking my hands from his back, I push them between us to his face. I place my thumbs on the bridge of his nose and trace a heart over his face to his lips now. "Aurelius, my heart, my body, my mind, all of me is yours. It's irrational, I know. But it’s real. I know that too. As far as forever goes, I don't know if that's honestly possible."

  He closes his eyes, furrowing his brow, and taking a deep breath.

  "But I will guarantee I'll be yours as long as I need to breathe because you stole my breath and I cannot breathe without you."

  He opens his eyes and smiles his beautiful smile.

  "So hear me when I say, I’m not going to leave you no matter what your dark secrets are. Together we will work whatever it is out. I know that old saying, the devil is in the details, but there is no devil. There are only details and details aren’t dark. Don't torture yourself anymore." I reach up and suck his bottom lip. "I tell you what; let’s consciously commit to what we have found with each other and cherish every breath we take in the moment. The present is a gift. If you want, we will call it: Forever."

  He smiles. "You truly are an interesting find, Sweet Thang."

  I smile back. "Make me yours.

  He utters one word. "Forevermore."

  My soul smiles at the way he combined the words and Chris Brown’s "Forever" begins to play in my mind as Aurei slides himself back inside me.

  With every thrust, I arch myself to meet him. He quickens the rhythm, thrusting and thrusting, faster and faster, as together we climb the mountain of passion. At the peak, I stop moving my hips, arch my back, throwing my arms to the bed. Grabbing the covers, I strain as I call out his name through clenched teeth. "Aurei!"

  He pushes the weight of his body off mine, bracing his torso on his extended arms. He withdraws his full length, then drives himself deep, pounding me over and over again until I scream with exquisite release. "A..U..R..E..L..l..U..S..!" As the first wave of a mind shattering orgasm washes over me, my screaming his name sends him shooting for the stars and his semen nails my G-spot causing me to scream out again. "OH..! MY..! FUCKING..! GOD..!" As he hammers it over and over until we are both fully satisfied and finish together.

  He falls on me, spent and exhausted. I gasp for air, unable to move, truly amazed at what just happened. Breathing deep and hard together, I know he has given me all of himself.

  I stroke his hair, caressing his temples with my thumbs while he recovers. His head buried in my neck. After a minute or two, I feel him stir. He lifts his head and says in my ear. "You look so good, you smell so good, you taste so good, and you fuck so

  I chuckle. "Ditto. The D was good to me too!"

  Laughing, he rolls onto his back, and pulls a pillow to his head, then he pulls me to cuddle with him. I roll on my side and trace my finger down his golden torso, laying my head on his arm. It's the warmest, softest, firmest, best smelling pillow I've ever had! I give it a quick kiss, then we lay there recuperating. Each lost in our own thoughts.

  He chuckles. "Siri, I am not a God."

  I giggle. "Oh, I wouldn't be so sure about that. You are the God of my world."

  I curl up, smiling. As I drape an arm over his chest, hugging him, I close my eyes to drift off to sleep. I hear him say. "Ok. I am your Fucking God!"

  I smile and whisper. "Truly, Madly, Deeply." Then fall asleep satisfied, as One Direction sings to me in my dreams.

  Sometime later, I rouse from a deep sleep to feel Aurei pull me to spoon with him and I hear him whisper in my ear. "Forevermore, my Every Thang."

  Chapter Thirteen

  I wake the next morning to the sound of water running in the shower and the smell of fresh brewed coffee. I stretch, feeling only a slight soreness between my legs, and I smile.

  Not bad. Not bad at all.

  I pull the covers over my head and giggle. "He is truly my Fucking Golden God!"

  Pushing the covers down, I realize how bright the sun is. I grab my iPhone off the night stand.

  I wonder what time it is. Wow! It's 9 o'clock! I slept like a baby. Aurei's baby! Oh my GAWD! I can't believe it! Last night was incredible!

  I throw the covers back over my head, smiling so big my cheeks hurt.


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