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Page 7

by Jessika Klide

  I giggle. "Your phone says something else, you know."

  He rolls his eyes and laughs. "Have you played some trickery on my phone this morning?"

  I giggle again. "Yeppers."

  He chuckles. "Well, I changed your ringtone last night after our kiss."

  "Let me guess. Wild Thang."

  He laughs. "Affirmative."

  "Groovy!" I put my arms around him, hugging him. "I need a nap."

  Chapter Fifteen

  When he turns the water off, we discover there is only one towel within reach. He offers it to me. "My Lady."

  I smirk at the possessive title, then nod. "Thank you, Sir."

  I dry myself while he watches, taking playfully long over my tits and my butt cheeks, jiggling them for him as he grins. "Your turn. Spread 'em." He holds his arms out and spreads his legs, and I give him a pat down. "Tomorrow, I bathe you."

  "I like the way you think! Both the tomorrow and the bath."

  I pucker up and he gives me a butterfly peck then I hang the towel up to dry. "Seriously, I need a nap."

  "Sounds good."

  We fall on the bed together. I wiggle over to him. He draws my ass into his embrace to spoon. Pushing his arm under my pillow, he finds the gun. "Have you ever needed this?"

  I push the pillow away so I can lay my face on his bicep. "No, but Brutus insists." I wiggle back into him and he puts his arm around me. "I love this position."

  "It's nice."

  "Tomorrow, you can fuck me like this." He strokes my arm as I drift off to sleep. "I don't ever want to sleep alone again."

  I wake to find Aurei twirling a lock of my hair. "Time to wake up, Angel Thang. I didn't let you sleep alone, but I'm starving. What's for breakfast?"

  "There's fruit and yogurt in the fridge." I roll over to kiss him.

  He pecks my lips and slides off the bed. "Then it's off to my place." He walks into the bathroom and closes the door. I'm doing my stretches when he comes back in so he pauses in the door way to watch.

  "I hope you cook because I don't."

  "What? A southern girl who doesn't cook? Not even grits and eggs?"

  "That's right. Not even grits and eggs." I kiss my foot with a loud smack.

  "That's okay. As long as I get to watch this routine every morning, I'll cook breakfast for you."

  I crawl to the edge of the bed, put my palms on the floor and drag my legs off into a handstand and walk to the wall. I do 5 handstand pushups, pull one hand off the floor, balance myself and manage to do one on one. When I stand up, I pump the air! Yes! I'm feeling fucking fantastic!

  Aurei is leaning against the door frame, relaxed and smiling that beautiful smile at me. I hop over to him, throw my arms around his neck and bounce up to plant a wet kiss on his lips. "Damn! That was amazing!"

  I giggle. "Welcome to my world!"

  He slaps my ass as he bends over to get his white towel. Watching him wrap it around his waist, my mouth waters at how fucking hot he is just standing there. "Ham and cheese omelets at my place. Get dressed you can help."

  "I am starving."

  My phone rings and we stare at it.

  "Who's calling you?"

  "It's the office, probably Lucy calling to reschedule my appointment with Mrs. Smith."

  "Well, tell her you are spending the day with a needy friend and you'll be unavailable."

  I laugh walking over to the nightstand to answer. "Needy? I wouldn't call you needy."

  Aurei whips off his towel, holds it at both ends and twirls it into a tight spiral. The view of him standing there naked in all his golden glory distracts me and I stop to stare. "Don't answer it. Lucy can leave a message." He flicks one end of it at me like a whip. It makes a cracking sound and I squeal, turn then bounce across the bed out of reach of both his assault and the ringing phone. I face him like a cat ready to make my escape from the towel. He smiles a devilishly cute grin. My boobs are hanging down, swinging gently, playing tag. "I'm definitely going to be needy again later today." He smirks.

  When the voice mail tone dings, he cinches the towel around his waist, grabs his phone and heads for the door. He turns back and tells me. "Wear blue jeans and cowboy boots if you have some."

  I smile. "I might not cook, but I have cowboy boots." He opens the door, laughing. "Hey Moore, where are we going?"

  "To the farm."

  The door closes. Damn, he can be bossy! But it's such a turn on.

  Crawling off the bed, I open my closet. Cowboy boots and pants sounds like we might be going to ride horses! That's why he drives that big truck. I'll need a sports bra. Naw, I think I'll manage in a regular one, and I'll make it bright pink. Gonna keep him needy all day! For a split second, I think of looking for a matching pair of lace panties, but then wonder why. I rarely wear them and he liked my panty-less pussy. I look through the clothes in my closet for proper cowgirl attire, but I haven’t worn anything remotely country in years. I decide on silk and toss a royal blue semi sheer paisley shirt out to the bed. Then, I toss my favorite pair of Gucci jeans. Dropping down to my knees, I have to crawl to the back for the box that holds my treasured pair of Old Gringo boots. Glad not I rescued them from my closet at my Mom's house. I haven’t worn them in years, but I wanted to take them back with me to Vegas to ward off those blue days of depression and thought they may help. I sigh remembering all the good times with my grandparents on their farm. I crawl back out, dragging them with me, and place them by the bed then walk to the dresser. I don't own socks, so these will have to do. I pull out a pair of thigh high black stockings. I sit on the bed, pull them on, then look at my reflection in the mirror. Pink bra, bare ass, and black stockings. Sexy! I laugh. I put the silk shirt on and leave it unbuttoned. I tie it loosely at the waist, Daisy Duke style. The shirt is sheer enough you can see the bra where it touches but it hangs straight, showing my cleavage. Sweet! That'll keep him needy for sure. The jeans are not low riders. They are mid-rise waist so only an inch of my skin peeks out between the jeans and the shirt. Teasing. That works. I slip my boots on over the pants legs and adjust them so they are comfy. I survey my Cowgirl transformation in the mirror. I look like a sexy Cowgirl. Rosa would be proud and Mac's dick would be hard. I laugh, then sigh. I hope they aren't too upset I broke the house rules and left without fucking. I run my fingers through my wavy hair. It’s a mess. I need a hat. I wish I had a proper Cowboy hat, but … this will have to do. I reach for my trusty bad hair day Margaritaville Casino soft jeans ball cap, autographed by Jimmy Buffett himself. Pulling my hair through the hole in the back into a pony tail, I snug it down, then test it. I roll my head, swing my hair and cock my hips. Working it!

  Money. I lift the comforter and my black purse slides out. Grabbing the remaining cash, I stuff my pockets, then I pick up my phone on the way out the door. I'll check my message in the hall.

  I close the door behind me and sashay to Aurei's end of the floor. I hit voice mail and listen to Lucy tell me. "Good morning, Miss Wright. You have flowers! Too many flowers! You hab good time last night, yes? Good on you! But what do wit dim? Call me."

  I call Lucy back and thankfully it goes to voice mail. "Lucy, this is Siri. Have Raymond put the flowers in my apartment. I'm busy today too. I did have a good time last night. Thanks."

  Well, apparently the Swingers aren't upset. They are the only people who would be sending me flowers. I twirl around, swinging my pony tail as I approach the elevator then I have a mischievous idea. I love practical jokes and decide I’ll tease Aurei and tell him that it was the office and I have to go in. I have to call him now though, because my laughing eyes will surely give me away. I hold down the home button and the two tones for voice control sound. "Call My Fucking Golden GOD."

  "Calling My Fucking Golden God." Apple’s Siri confirms the command.

  A huge smile spreads instantly on my face hearing it out loud. Now THAT makes me happy! I put the call on speaker and twirl around like a ballerina. I stumble a little and remember how difficult a maneuver
that is in boots. The elevator dings as I pass it and the doors slide open.

  Aurei answers. "NO! I'm already needy." I start to giggle. "For THE girl of my…." But I don't hear the rest.

  I drop the phone as I reach up to grab my hair. Something has yanked my ponytail. "What the fuck?" I whirl around to find TD smiling at me.

  "Siri, you fucking bitch!" He yells in a high pitched excited voice.

  "Hey man, what are you doing here?" I say surprised to see him.

  "I came to see you bearing gifts." He swoops me into an unexpected bear hug, lifting me from my feet. "I know Rule #1 and all, but I need to give you a hug, girl! You're the greatest! What you did last night was fucking fantastic!"

  I hear Aurei's door fly open. My mind shifts into high gear. Aurei still thinks TD left me on bad terms last night and I see his death face from this morning in the shower. I know in my gut he will rip TD apart.

  Our heads snap to the sound and we see Aurei storm into the hall. "Put me down, TD! NOW!" He drops me instantly and I shove him away as I spin to face Aurei who is about to charge us. Holding my hand up, I command him with a shout. "AUREI, STOP! STOP RIGHT THERE! DON'T COME ANY CLOSER!"

  He stops and watches, but his body doesn’t uncoil. The sight of him in only a pair of distressed, faded jeans, no shirt, no shoes, with his muscles tense and ready to attack is nothing short of majestic. He looks like he could be the fucking Son of Thor! Thunderous! Hot as hell!

  "Damn!" TD exclaims behind me. "Is that the same dude from last night?"

  "Yes, same dude." I tell him not taking my eyes off Aurei until I know he isn’t going to charge us.

  "He looks like he wants to kick my ass or worse, and, he looks like he could, so I'll make this short and sweet." I turn to face TD and he watches Aurei over my shoulder. "You are awesome! Your fucking fantasies were fucking awesome! We watched the recording this morning. Wow!" He takes a step back, and I turn to see Aurei with his hands on his hips, muscles flexed, still on high alert.

  Damn! He is hot when his testosterone is raging!

  TD continues. "The girls insisted on giving you flowers and since you were officially my date, I volunteered to bring them to you." He takes another step back and I know he is wondering now if that was a good idea with Aurei ready to beat his ass. "I left them downstairs at the office, but Mrs. Smith didn’t want to be responsible for delivering the envelopes" He hands them to me. "So she told me to bring them up myself." I look at him and he winks, making me smirk. "I charmed her."

  I look down at the envelopes. "TD, I don't know what to say. None of this is necessary, especially the checks. Y'all didn't hire me. I did it because I wanted to." I hand them back to him, but he doesn’t take them.

  "That's what Darren said you would say. He told me to call them donations. Siri, we did this too because we wanted to. It's the only way we can say thank you. You could have left, but you didn't. You could have played along, but you didn't. What you did was gave us all more than we could ever have imagined. You gave us a night we will never forget. Fucking Fantasies!" He glances over my shoulder.

  "Tell everyone I said thank you for their kindness, but I’m not accepting these!"

  "You have an honorary membership and are welcome anytime too."

  He looks at Aurei again. "I'm going. He looks like a thunderous bull about to charge." I stuff them in his shirt as he starts to walk backwards to the elevator, knowing he won’t risk an ass whooping and walk back. "And another thing, what you said last night about whores? I really appreciate that. I don't tell people this, but I'm a bastard child. I don't know who my father is because my mother was a prostitute back then trying to survive." He steps out of sight, then sticks his head out. "And for the record, I was only asking you how you charge for your services, because I'm throwing a bachelor party for a buddy of mine." He disappears as the doors close.

  When I turn around, the Thunderous Son of Thor hands me my phone. "What the fuck did the little shit-ass want?"

  "He came to apologize. We're cool."

  He nods at the elevator. "We’re not though."

  I slip my hand in his and cinch our fingers. "Come on. I'm starving! How long does it take to cook a ham and cheese omelet?"

  Chapter Sixteen

  In the kitchen, Aurei has all the ingredients lined up on the counter. He pulls a bowl out of the cabinet, and hands it to me along with a whisk. "Crack six eggs, add a little milk and whisk." I do as I'm told. He efficiently cuts the ham, a few cherry tomatoes, and some green onions into small pieces then he adds olive oil and butter to a frying pan. When the butter is melted, he takes the egg batter from me and pours a little in the pan, puts the ingredients in and tops it with cheese. "Simple."

  "It smells delicious!" I take a deep breath as I walk up behind him and put my arms around him. "You know, we need to talk. I want to face our secrets up front. Boldly. I don't want any devils showing up unexpected and coming between us."

  "Eat." He commands as he scoops the omelet onto a plate and hands it to me.

  My tummy growls and I sit on the same stool that I sat on when I had cookies with him. "OK, but I want you to hear my secrets from me."

  With his back to me, he tells me. "I know a little about you from your Facebook page."

  "Ha! I checked you out too, but you don't give any info up. Only that you are, were, an instructor pilot. Kudos' to that though."

  He comes to sit beside me with his giant omelet. "It's because of some of my secrets. I can't afford to."

  "Me either." I take a bite of the delicious meal. "Wow! This is good!"

  "I'm going to fatten you up."

  "Oh, hell no! We're gonna burn these calories!" He grins and we eat in silence. When I finish, I chit chat, watching him. "You know, your face had the look of thunder on it when you charged out in the hall."

  He gives me a head nod. "I felt like thunder when I charged out in the hall. I was going to rip that fucking Son of a Bitch to shreds."

  "I know, and he knew." I look down at my empty plate and sigh. "That's what concerns me. Will you want to rip everyone to shreds? If I tell you all the details of what I do, will you be able handle it?" I look up at him and he’s stopped eating.

  "There's a difference between a professionally controlled environment and bastards outside in the real world that want to hurt you. I can distinguish between the two."

  "I hope so, because my professionally controlled environment can get pretty down and dirty."

  "I understand that. I’m cool with it. It’s lust. I don’t mind."

  My eyes narrow. "You don’t mind men lusting after me?"

  "I don't mind watching you dance and knowing that you are turning on every man in the house, but knowing they are lusting is one thing, sitting next to them and having them slapping me on the back about it, that something totally different. That? I do mind."

  Leaning back, I stare into his eyes. "I hope you can handle my secrets, Aurei."

  "I will, Wild Thang. There’s a big difference now too. We are committed. Forevermore." He closes in for a kiss. No seduction, just connection, and it’s the sweetest, most romantic kiss ever!

  Committed. Forevermore.

  When he pulls away, I shake my head. "You sure are different from other men."

  "Affirmative. I am." He states. "Humans lust for beautiful things. They look; they lust. I understand what you do is erotically charged entertainment."

  I stare at him, dumbfounded. "I don't know what to say to that. It's … dead on."

  He smiles, picks up his fork again, and scoops up a mouthful of omelet.

  "So you saw me dance last November?"

  "Yes, the weekend before Thanksgiving." He nods, then he looks up dreamy up to the right and smirks. "When you bounced out from behind the curtain, I almost fell out of my chair." I push him, playfully, and he laughs. "Then when you started to dance? Fuck! It was all over for me."

  I laugh with him. "How many times have you seen me perform?"

three." He smirks.

  My eyes widen. "Twenty-three?"

  "Yep." He says and chuckles at my shock.

  "Wow. That’s specific."

  "I’m a specific kinda guy."

  I shake my head while I calculate the numbers and process how well he really does know my performer side. "November to February. That’s every weekend." I look at him shocked. "You flew to Vegas every weekend to see me dance? That’s ….

  "Hardcore? Yeah. That’s who I am." He smirks, then slides his hand to me and I lay mine in it. He strokes me with his thumb and offers a simple explanation. "I fell for you." Then he grins, winks that killer wink and stands to take our plates to the sink. He talks while he washes the dishes. "The first time you were working over a birthday boy tied to a chair on stage. Damn." He looks at me and I see lust lingering there. "Those gold chains swaying when you bounced down the runway were hypnotic, but nothing compared to when you started spinning and they started unwinding…." He turns the water off and looks down at me. "I couldn’t get you out of my mind. That damn song and the vision of you giving him one helluva birthday lap dance kept playing over and over on loop." He shakes his head, then leans down and pecks my lips again. "You are so fucking contagious."

  I smile and hand him a towel to dry his hands. "I hate I didn't spot you in the crowd." I grin at him. "I would have flirted with you and teased you terribly."

  He wraps me up in a hug. "Good thing you didn’t then, 'cause I don’t know how much I could have taken without totally losing it. I was having a hard enough time fighting off the urge to drag you off the stage by your hair."

  I laugh out loud. "Good thing I didn’t then, 'cause that wouldn’t have gone over so well!"

  "After that, I paid to sit where no one was blocking my view or patting me on the back, and far enough away not to be too tempted by you."

  I laugh. "Smart man."

  "Affirmative. Smart enough to know one fuckup and I would have banned from the club."


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